Heyyyyy guys~ It's Mari here :) I spontaneously had this idea for a fic after a few movie marathons and blasting The Dandy Warhols' "Bohemian Like You" so there might be some slight similarities *giggles* I really wanted to try my hand at a AU fic because well...AU is cool lol.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Fairy Tail is owned by Hiro Mashima who is my all time favorite mangaka and I aspire to be him. *bows*

23 year old Natsu Dragneel groaned in his hammock. He was currently face down in the thing, attempting to sleep. Why the fuck was he so tired? He groaned once more.


Natsu screamed in pain as the icy daggers hit his skin, he turned to culprit. "Fuck is wrong with you, you stupid stripper?!"

The raven-haired boy smirked as he threw a shirt to Natsu who swiftly caught the article of clothing. "C'mon hot head! Mira hates it when we're late! Get dressed!"

Natsu pulled himself off of the hammock and scoffed, "You're one to talk stripper."

The boy stared down to see that he was only in his boxer shorts, "Shit."

Natsu yawned as he ran a hand through his rose-colored hair. He did not want to be doing this but it was inevitable. He and Gray were amongst some of the people in Fiore who held magical abilities. Sure, it was cool and all but man did it come with a lot of responsibilities. Everyone who had these powers had to join things known as guilds, however, Natsu knew that this was just a poor excuse to keep everyone's magic in check.

Fucking system.

At least that's what Gray would always say. Gray was the douche that he had for a roommate. Sure, some might say that they were best friends but Natsu preferred 'frenemies'. It was Gray who managed to get them into this stupid thing anyway. He had some old friend, Wanda or something...maybe it started with C.

Not like it mattered. She was some kind of drunk or something, her and Gray went way back. She suggested that the two of them join the guild that she was in, 'Fairy Tail'. Natsu had to admit, the people in Fairy Tail were pretty cool. It had been almost a year since they had joined and he couldn't lie, it was a lot of a fun. Sometimes people would even request their assistance in jobs and they'd get paid.

Being in Fairy Tail was pretty sweet.

Except for waking up at seven in the morning to go.

"Let's go fire face!"

"Shut the fuck up ice princess!"

The two exited the apartment they shared as they headed outside. They walked in silence until Gray spoke, "You wanna go get some coffee?"

Natsu rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms, "Why? Missing your girlfriend?"

"She's not my girlfriend, asshole!"

"Whatever. Fine."

The two males headed towards the local coffee shop, it wasn't too far from Fairy Tail anyway. One of the girls who worked there...Juvia, she had a huge crush on Gray. Over time, the guys had bonded with the staff there, Juvia and that other girl. Natsu couldn't remember her name but she had blonde hair and these amazing brown eyes.

As the two pushed through the shop doors, they were greeted with a loud feminine voice "GRAY-SAMA!"

Natsu snickered as he elbowed his friend, "Well if it isn't the future Mrs. Fullbuster..."

"Shut it Dragneel."

Gray nervously laughed as the girl embraced him, she looked up at him with tear-filled eyes. "Juvia was so worried that Gray-sama would never come in here again! Juvia was scared that she'd never see her beloved once more!"

Natsu couldn't hide the amusement on his face as he cleared his throat. "Heeeeyyy Juvia, you don't have to worry about that. Gray was JUST THINKING ABOUT YOU!"

Gray winced as the blue-haired girl hugged him tighter, he narrowed his eyes at the other boy as he silently mouthed 'you bastard'. Natsu could help but chuckle as he took a seat at the counter, his eyes lit up as a blonde haired barista came and stood in front of him. "Hey!"

"Hey yourself. You want anything?"

"I guess the regular...ha...isn't it funny how I come here so often that I have a regular?"

"Eh? Not really. It's not like I want to see your messy pink hair everyday."

"Oi! It's salmon!"

"I thought you called it 'rose' yesterday..."

"SHUT UP STRIPPER! It's whatever I say it is..."

The blonde giggled as she ran a hand through his hair, "I'm just playing. As obnoxious as you two are...you guys are really the highlight of my day."


The girl nodded. "Not too much excitement on my end."

"You need to get out more."

"Shut it." She replied as she handed him is drink, "Y'know...I never even asked you what you and Gray even do."


The girl groaned as she shoved the boy onto the ground, "So, tell me!"

"Fine. But you have to keep it a secret."

The blonde swiftly nodded.

"We're..." The boy took a deep breath, "...international men of mystery..."

"Oh shut the fuck up."

Natsu burst out in a fit of laughter. He didn't know why but this girl made his day.

"Lucy-san, get Gray-sama a scone!"

The blonde grumbled as she grabbed a scone from the container and handed it to the other girl.

Lucy. Right, that was her name. Natsu cocked his head at her and smiled, "You really want to know what I do?'

"I don't know. You could end up being an axe murderer..."

"Oh I wish."

"Fine. Tell me."

"I...actually don't feel like telling you anymore. Later."

Lucy watched as the guy got up and pulled Gray from Juvia's embrace, "Ugh you're such a tease!"

Natsu chuckled to himself as he pulled the ice mage, Gray waving his goodbye to the girls.


Lucy rolled her eyes as her co-worker laid on the floor crying out for Gray. She had no idea how she actually had come to know those guys, they had come in one day and Juvia had instantly fell in love with Gray. Natsu, on the other hand decided to take the opportunity to chat her up but unlike every other guy who did that, he was sincere. He didn't make crude sexual jokes about her, or used lame pick-up lines on her...he just liked to talk.

She stared out the window and bit her lip as the sky turned dark and rain started to pour. "Shit. Juvia stop crying dammit! You're going to fucking flood Magnolia!" She sighed as she touched the ring of keys attached to her belt.

So yeah, this fic eventually ends NaLu and Gruvia because those pairings are cool and I really felt the need to write some Gruvia too. It's kinda loosely based on the movie "That Awkward Moment" and the song "Bohemian Like You" as I mentioned before lol.

School and stuff might harbor updates but I WILL update when I can *determined face* So as always, I hope you guys enjoy and feel free to leave a review!

~Arigato, Mari :)