The narrow tunnel before him was dark, only a faint blue glow lighting the way from somewhere further down the path. Turbo moved toward the source of light at a slow pace, cautious of what it could be and what might lay ahead. He had no idea where he was, why he was there, or how he had come to be there. The answers didn't seem important at the moment though. All that mattered was following the glow.
He couldn't tell how much time had passed when he finally reached the light. Extremely thin lines of code embedded in the walls were responsible for the blue glow. It was a shock to see code drawn so thin. Each strand seemed fragile enough to break if it was so much as looked at for too long. Turbo certainly didn't want to touch any of it with his claws.
Was he in a code room? If so, what game was he in? Most definitely not Sugar Rush, that was for sure.
Turbo frowned and continued on down the path of code, noting that the blue lines grew a little thicker the further he traveled. The tunnel suddenly took a sharp turn where some of the code doubled in size gradually and the ex-racer turned down the passage to follow along. It was there that the tunnel opened up into a large empty room- if the code forming the walls was any indication. All around the code suddenly began to go from a faint glow to a bright shine, illuminating the room and revealing that it wasn't quite as empty as Turbo had thought.
The cybrid's eyes went wide and he stumbled back in a sudden rush of fear. The tunnel behind him had sealed itself, however, so there was no escaping the form in front of him. All he could do was press his back against the code wall and stare.
"Turbo! I'm so glad you could make it!" the smaller figure chirped in obvious delight. "We've been waiting for quite a while to see you! Oh we have such news to tell you!" A string of bubbly giggles proceeded to flow from the figure's mouth as Turbo continued to stare.
After a long pause the figure frowned in an almost worried way. The gesture made Turbo's stomach flip.
"Y-You…" he began in a shaky voice. "But… But you a-aren't real…"
"Oh? Then how am I standing here before you, hmm?"
Turbo gulped and shook his head, clawed hands raising to cradle around his helmet as he shrunk down around himself. "It must be a dream… Yeah, that's it. It's all a dream!" Suddenly he raised up, towering over the other, and let loose a barking laughter. "It's so obviously a dream! Because you can't be real!"
"And why not?"
"Because I made you!"
King Candy gave a little nod of his head and clasped his hands in front of him, his expression becoming thoughtful for a moment before that same sugary sweet smile took over again. "True, you did create my avatar. But I'm as real as you, Turbo."
"No! You were only a cover avatar for me! I was in control the whole time! And the reset destroyed you anyway!" Turbo argued loudly.
But King Candy merely giggled again. "That's what you think anyway. About the reset? If that was truly the case do you think you would be stuck in that form?" He paused to gesture at the cybrid and gave his words time to sink in. "We simply got pushed to the back of your code where we can't cause you any trouble. As for myself, once you give a name and personality to an avatar it's just as real as anything. Is that not what you did? You created my avatar, gave me a name and a personality, and strengthened my character over the years. My life only truly began after the reset pushed my character away from yours, but these past few weeks have been so much fun! Even with so little company."
Turbo frowned at the giggling avatar and looked all around slowly. "What company? I don't see anyone else. It's just you and me in here."
"Ah, but that's where you're wrong again. Bugsy! Come out and say hello!"
For a long time nothing happened. Turbo opened his mouth to say something to his old avatar, but then a strange and familiar buzzing sound caught his attention. From seemingly nowhere the cybug appeared. It skittered across the coded floor and settled beside King Candy, towering over the racing avatar and pointing its glowing green eyes at Turbo.
Turbo panicked at the sight and curled in on himself again. He didn't want to be anywhere near that creature, but with nowhere to go he couldn't escape. No one made a move for a few minutes. It was King Candy who finally broke the pause with a step toward the cowering cybrid.
"Listen, Turbo. Time is running short and we have things we need to tell you." He explained. "It concerns your future so you may want to really pay attention. In only a few days-"
"No! Just shut up!" Turbo suddenly roared. "I don't want to hear anything you have to say! You or that horrible thing!"
"Really now!" King Candy huffed. "Bugsy is not horrible! She's nothing but a big gummy bear! Wouldn't harm a peep! Isn't that right, Bugsy?" He suddenly turned toward the candy coated cybug and threw his arms around what he could reach of the side of its shell, receiving an odd rumbling almost purr from the creature. Then his attention went right back to Turbo.
"Look here, mister! If you want to run off without warning and get yourself a Game Over then be our guest! But we're trying to help you believe it or not. If I were you I would listen and listen good."
Turbo frowned down on the smaller avatar. The sudden urge to smash the ex-monarch under his claws came to mind, but he didn't act on the thought since the cybug seemed attached. He didn't want an angry cybug attacking him. Again.
"I don't need to listen to you." He finally huffed. "You're not real. This is all just a dream. I'm going to wake up soon and you'll be just a bad memory."
Suddenly the code around them began to dim and half of the room became dark. King Candy frowned and let out a small defeated sigh. The cybug beside him made a soft noise of distress and bumped its body against its companion. The action caused the king to stumble slightly, but a tiny smile worked its way through his frown as he reached up to pat the sugary shell. His eyes turned toward Turbo, disappointment etched in them, and he sighed again.
"Alright." He murmured. "I suppose you'll be going in alone without our warning then. I wish you the best, Turbo."
As if his words had been a trigger for the glowing code, the room slowly dimmed further without stop. Just before losing the image of the king and his insect companion, Turbo began to see a few new lights dully glowing behind them. These weren't blue like the code, but all different colors. The ex-racer squinted and tried to focus on the strange lights, but just like the blue code of the room those lights soon faded as well. Silence returned with the darkness and Turbo had a feeling that he had been left alone.