Please review! This is supposed to be a one-shot but if enough people want it to have more I'll be more than happy to add on!

"Nico.." Jason whispers. "Come out come out wherever you are."

"This is so not fair! He's like the king of hiding." Leo whines. "We should of known not to play hide and seek with him!"

"He'll come out eventually." Piper says. "I could try using charmspeak." She whispers.

"Let's save that for later." Jason says. "Maybe we should try finding Percy and Annabeth first."

"Where to look.." Leo says. A lightbulb goes off in his head. "The stalls! We haven't checked there yet." Jason smiles.

"Maybe we can find Hazel and Frank on the way." Jason adds. He sees a rat scurry at their feet.

"Frank, is that you?" Piper asks. The rat looks up.

"No." The rat says. Piper smirks.

"Rats don't talk." She says. The rat sighs and it turns back to Frank.

"I thought I would scare you away!" Frank exclaims.

"You thought wrong." She teases.

"Gosh darnit!" Frank whines.

"Woah there! No need for the harsh language." Leo jokes. Frank covers his mouth.

"Do you know where Hazel's hiding?" Jason asks.

"Maybe..." Frank says.

"Tell us.. it's not like she'll be it." Jason says. Frank bites his lip.

"She's under the table behind you." Frank says. Jason turns around.

"Did we really not see her under a table?" Jason asks. Piper nods.

"We we're distracted with Ratman." Leo says.

"Hey!" Frank whines. Hazel sighs and crawls out from under the table.

"Who's left?" She asks.

"Percy, Annabeth, and Nico." Piper says. "Who should really come out right now!" She says, using her charmspeak. The group sees a black head pop out and then a whisper. Jason thinks it said something along the lines of You moron! or Seaweed brain! Piper smirks and looks around the corner.

"We know your back there." She says. No answer. "Oh and Percy, sheets don't move."

"Darn it!" Percy whines. They both come out from under the dirty sheets.

"Nice going! Sometimes I wonder about you." Annabeth teases. "I was sure they wouldn't check the dirty laundry."

"You guys know where Nico is?" Jason asks. They both shrug.

"We'll have to lure him out somehow." Annabeth says. The group of demi-gods all turn to Percy and smile.

"What!" Percy asks. Annabeth sighs.

"I think even a light pole could figure this one out." She says. Percy thinks for a second.

"Oh... Nico if you come out right now I'll kiss you!" Percy says. They wait for a moment.

"I don't think he heard." Piper says.

"Oh I heard." Nico says. The group whips around to face him.

"Were where you!?" Jason asks.

"In the shadows, where else would I go?" Nico says.

"I think we are officially the worst hide and seek players in the history of ever." Jason says with a slight smirk.

"Someone owes me a kiss." Nico says. The whole group turns to Percy and smirk.

"Pucker up!" Leo teases. Percy blushes slightly and gives Nico a quick kiss.

"What is he your grandma?" Annabeth teases. Percy and Nico glare at her.

"Shut it wise girl." Percy says, slightly embarrased.

"That's not what you said last night." She teases. Hazel starts to fan herself. Frank almost gags.

"I think we're scarred for life." Leo says. "Was it good?" He whispers to Percy. If looks could kill, Leo would dead.