Hello, my wonderful Readers! Hope you had an awesome Halloween! I had a blast! I'm actually passed the age where I should be trick-or-treating, but I ended up being dragged along with some friends dressed as Batman and had the BEST time. Plus I ended up with so much candy. xD I ended up sharing a bunch with my neighbor and my co-workers and I still have a good-size bag full. lol.
I wanted to get an update out for "Nightmare Undone", but thanks to work and the chapter giving me issues it's been pushed back a bit. I also wanted to thank those who have recently added a few of my titles to their favs. It's a humbling feeling that I'll never take for granite.
Anyway, I won't keep you too long. It's currently after 2 am and I've got a busy day tomorrow. lol. The holidays are officially upon us and I am so not ready. xD This chapter is the final filler, well not really a filler. It's the last chapter before the final hurtle. we're officially entering the last leg of the story, but a few things need to be cleared up first between our heroes. If anyone is curious. This story is loosely tied to canon, yet it also follows a slight AU, considering (as I've mentioned before) this whole story was inspired from a dream. Having said that, if you look closely in this chapter you may catch a hint that connects to Birth By Sleep. I'll just say this, remember whose heart Sora is currently sheltering. ;)
This chapter was inspired by the song "Starlight" by Starset. It's a really good song and I can't stop listening to it! :D Anyways, I hope you all had a great Halloween and as always
A glowing road opened up just outside of Mysterious Tower as Fenrir came into view. As the motorcycle's tires transferred from energy road to the grassy yard the path vanished. The motor shut off and Sora dismounted the bike first.
"That's definitely one of the best ways to travel," he commented, unable to hide his smile.
Cloud merely smirked as he headed for the stairs. "You coming," he asked over his shoulder.
Sora hurried to catch up, but stopped short at the base of the steps. Was he really ready to face everyone? True, he said he was done running, but was he really ready?
Sensing Sora's nerves beginning to waver, Cloud headed back down the steps and placed a hand on the teen's shoulder. "Come on."
Comforted in knowing that the blonde has his back, Sora took a deep breath and entered the tower.
Once inside, he noticed the base of the stairs were empty, Sora was a bit relieved he wasn't bombarded as soon as he walked in, though he knew he'd probably run into someone before making it to the top of the stairs. Cloud took the lead and Sora followed close behind, he felt more like a shy little kid at that moment, instead of a keyblade wielder. Cloud didn't seem to mind that Sora stuck so close to him, if he did he didn't show otherwise.
They were about half-way up the tower when Sora heard a collection of voices from further up. His nerves failed him and he bolted to the closest door, flung it open and dashed inside.
Cloud sighed in tired frustration and followed. When he entered the room he saw Sora taking a few slow, deep breaths. "I'm okay, I just need a minute."
The warrior didn't want to bring it up, since Sora was already stressing out enough it seemed, but it needed to be addressed before he was put in charge of leading a massive army against the forces of evil.
"Sora, about what you said at Beast's castle, what happened to Kairi. Why did you blame yourself?"
The teen looked over at him and the optimistic mood he did have began to fade. "Because I hurt her. I struck Kairi. I know it was the witch's doing, but it doesn't change the fact that I struck her with my own weapon. What kind of friend does that?"
Cloud saw the unshed tears form in the boy's eyes as he tried to fight them back. Sora turned so he was facing away from the warrior as he sniffed and wiped his eyes with his forearm. "Why'd it have to happen like this? If I could take that day back, I never would have rushed in like that."
"Maleficent would have found another way," Cloud replied. "Evil doesn't give the hero a chance to get back on his feet. If they can kick you when you're down then they will and they'll enjoy every minute you suffer."
Sora turned and looked at the warrior then, with a curious expression. "You sound like you've learned that first-hand."
Reluctantly, Cloud nodded. "A friend died protecting me once. I thought he had just simply been lost to the darkness when the heartless attacked. I found out recently it had been worse than I thought. That incident was the reason I had lost my light. I figured if I was just a danger to my friends then maybe it was best if I stayed away, alone."
He huffed before glancing over at Sora and smirked. "That's when I met you. You showed me a different way to look at things, and After you had saved the worlds the first time I went back to reconnect with my friends. Like you, I was nervous, but they didn't even hesitate to welcome me back. Though, Aerith still won't stop teasing me."
His small smirk vanished though and he gave Sora a look of pure gratitude. "When the master first gave me the task of bringing you back, I wondered why me of all people. I realized why when I ended up back in the Coliseum. I was sent to help you, but it was also to help myself. The master was trying to heal my own wounded heart. You remember that wing I developed, right?"
Sora nodded.
"I was slowly turning into a heartless, but it was short-lived. I had begun to heal, but this mission was the final step and after finding my friend I finally feel whole."
It clicked for Sora then. "That's why you thanked Sephiroth! Because if he hadn't destroyed the cornerstone of light and set all this in motion you might not have found your friend!"
Cloud nodded. "He was there the whole time and I never knew, but when I was fighting in the Underdrome he proved being dead hadn't changed him when he came to my rescue." Cloud huffed at the irony of it before returning to the seriousness of the issue at hand. "Sora, you can't let what happened change who you are. No one will ever say it wasn't bad and it'll always haunt the back of your mind, but you have to fight past it and remember you still have so many friends. After all that's happened you have to remember one thing when you face that crowd. They all are here because of you. You met them, you brought them together and it's you who will lead them to fight that witch and prove to her what makes you more powerful."
Sora listened to every word and absorbed them carefully. He believed Cloud, but he was still nervous to do it alone. "You'll stick around and fight with me, right?"
Cloud smirked at the teen, "Count on it."
From outside the room, footsteps echoed as Zack made his way down the steps. "Man, that bunch has a lot of energy, and they're so rowdy! I don't know how much longer we can wait to put that plan into motion." He stopped when he noticed one of the side doors was open and peered inside. A big smile appeared on his face when he saw his best friend standing in there.
"You're back!"
Sora's heart froze, assuming that statement was directed at him. Turning, he saw the strangest thing. A man with spiky black hair giving Cloud a noogie.
"Cut it out, Zack," Cloud said, trying to get out of his friend's headlock, but the man refused and kept going.
"No way! I gotta make up for lost time!"
He stopped when he heard laughter. Sora couldn't help it. Seeing the 'ever so serious' Cloud Strife getting a noogie was too much to hold back.
Cloud took this chance to break free of his friend's grip. Zack however stared in awe at the kid. "This is the guy you had to find?"
"Yeah," answered the blonde.
Zack approached Sora to get a closer look. Sora didn't know what to expect. After a second or two of studying the boy, Zack ruffled his hair.
"You're like a younger Cloud, except with brown hair." he said with a smile. "What's your name?"
Cloud resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Him too? does everyone think the kid looks like a younger me?"
"Sora," the teen answered as Zack took a step back.
"Well, Sora. I'd say you're pretty lucky havin' this guy lookin' out for you," he said, looking back in Cloud's direction.
Cloud raised an eye brow. "Weren't you the one who was always looking out for me?"
Zack waved a hand, "Minor details. So Sora, you ready to help us fight these heartless guys?"
Sora looked back and forth between the two of them before nodding. "Yeah."
Zack turned to face the door, allowing Sora to see who's standing in the door frame. He couldn't believe his eyes!
He rushed past the others and huged his best friend. Zack watched the two friends and couldn't help but see a younger version of him and Cloud.
Riku pulled Sora back enough to get a good look at his friend. He smiled when he looked at Sora's eyes. "Much better."
"Huh?" asked Sora.
Riku thought back to the last time he had seen his friend. Being dragged away by the heartless deep within the prison cells of Maleficent's new castle. Sora's eyes had lost that 'spark', but now it was back and seemed stronger than ever.
"Never mind," Riku shaked his head. "Wait until everyone see's you're back. They've all been worried about you."
"But, wait. Riku. How'd you escape?" Sora didn't remember exactly how he had been freed, since he had been so out of it when it happened, but he knew that his friend was also in bad shape and couldn't have gotten out on his own.
Sora looked over to Cloud. The blonde simply shrugged.
Riku smiled calmly, as if it was nothing big. "I was saved by S.O.R.A."
Riku chuckled as he headed for the door, "Come on."
He led Sora up the stairs towards the door where the collection of voices were still going strong. It was obvious they were really into an active discussion.
"Wait here," Riku told him as he walked in the door, but didn't close it all the way.
Merlin was the first to see the silverette return. "There you are, Riku. We were wondering where you had disappeared to."
"Sorry, I thought I'd go and greet our newest member. He wanted to know if it wasn't too late to join."
"Well of course!" said Merlin in a friendly tone.
"Everyone's welcomed here, let him in," added Tifa.
Riku smirked as he opened the door wide and allowed the 'newbie' to enter. Sora couldn't believe how fast this was all happening, but one look behind him helped ease his nerves when he saw Cloud and now Zack standing behind him. Sora couldn't put his finger on it, but the dark-haired warrior made him feel like he had reunited with a long lost friend. With his courage gathered and the reminder that he was in the company of friends who missed him, he stepped through the door and into the light of the room.
The group let out a collective gasp as they instantly recognized their newest member.
Sora looked around the room and scratched the back of his head. "Heh, hey guys," He said sheepishly.
He was suddenly rushed by the group as they all gathered around him. He soon became overwhelmed by several pats on the back and hugs from various friends. He soon was unable to hold back any longer and busted into laughter with a smile plain on his face.
Tifa casually walked over to stand by Cloud. "I knew you'd find him."
Cloud smirked, "I think he found himself."
When the reunion had calmed down enough for Sora to catch his breath he looked around the room. "Where's Donald and Goofy?"
"They have gone to help the king."
Zack, who was standing in the doorway moved to the side to allow Yen Sid to enter. Seeing the retired keyblade master, Sora stood a bit straighter.
Yen Sid smiled. "Sora, it does my heart good to see you returned safely." He glanced over at Cloud who looked in another direction, feeling a bit embarrassed. Zack smirked and rested his arm on Cloud's shoulder only increasing Cloud's embarrassment.
Sora looked down at the floor as he slightly bowed his head. "I'm sorry that I-" he stopped when Yen Sid held up a hand to silence him.
"It is alright, there is no need to apologize. We all understand that you had your reasons. What matters now is that you have returned, however one question still remains..."
Sora looked at the master for a moment before he realized what he meant. Holding out his hand, Sora closed his eyes and the Keyblade appeared.
"I'm ready to fight."
The room erupted into cheers and applause at this news. They finally had their cheerful hero back, complete with his greatest weapon.
Riku approached the master and turned towards the group. "Okay, we have our mascot, now it's time to plan our attack."
"Mascot?" asked Sora.
"That's right," replied Tifa, "the resistance has a proper name. We are S.O.R.A."
"It was Sparrow's idea," added Aladdin.
"What's it stand for," asked Zack, who had missed that part of the planning.
"Sensational-Optimistic-Radiant-Avengers: S.O.R.A!" replied Jack Skellington.
"We chose words that best described Sora and they all seem to fit," added Mulan.
Sora instantly blushed with embarrassment. "I-I'm not that great,"
Cloud smirked, "Says the kid who stood up to Sephiroth."
Zack's mouth droped open. "Are you serious?!"
He, Riku and Tifa glanced over at Sora who frowned at Cloud. "That's not true! I wouldn't even be here if you hadn't saved me!"
Cloud sternly glanced at Sora, "And you saved me, which makes us even."
Zack walked over to Sora and ruffled his spiky hair, "Guys, guys, it doesn't matter who saved who. You're both here so let's put our heads together and form a battle plan."
Yen Sid nodded. "Zack is correct. The time has come to free the worlds of Maleficent's evil rule once and for all."