His Butler; Exposed

Um this was posted onto a new account because I was an idiot and I forgot the password to my old email, since it said something about it being hacked by an American. So I changed it and now I can't recall it. So I'm moving all my stories onto this account. All of the previous chapters have been edited and details have been smoothed over. I also had exams so I didn't have time to update. Also if you don't log out you stay logged into

A single lie destroys a whole reputation of integrity.
Baltasar Gracian

"I can understand how you're still a Phantomhive but I don't get how Sebastian is still a Michaelis considering that your namesake's butler fell off the map right after you died." Luna said with narrowed eyes.

"I can explain! Um sort of, can we have this conversation later or in private?" Ciel said face pale and eyes panicked.

With a growl of frustration Luna dragged Ciel to the sitting room and said "Talk."

"Well how much do you know about reincarnation?" Ciel asked nervously

"When a soul has unfinished business it returns to the Earth's plane either to wander as a spirit or to repeat its past life to an extent. Or you restart your life with no past memories period." Luna replied

"Do you remember back in our previous cycle how I went missing for a few months?" Ciel asked

"Yes, you came back with a butler, one that looks exactly like the one in the other room." Luna hissed

"Well, um I was kidnapped." Ciel said not knowing how he would explain this disaster

"I knew that much, but you came back with an eye patch! After your death we found you lying in a pool of your own blood, blood drawn out into a pentagram!" Luna shouted grabbing the front of Ciel's jacket

"I was going to die, they were trying to summoning a demon, and they were successful." Ciel said treading cautiously

"You idiot! I can't believe you! You made a contract didn't you! A contract to a Demon. A demon who's posing as your butler! Why Ciel? Why did you sell your soul, do you value it that little, does revenge mean that much to you?" Luna cried eyes full of tears

"I was going to die! They killed my parents, I had to get revenge, don't you get it, they were going to kill me, and I'd never be able to see you, Aunt Angelina, Tanaka, Aunt Francis, or anyone else." Ciel said voice cracking

"You're lucky I'll always love you, no matter what. No matter how stupid you get sometimes." Luna said letting go of Ciel's jacket. "You bloody idiot." Luna sobbed burying her face into Ciel's chest


"The things I do." Ciel grumbled as Luna dragged him through London, muggle and magical.

"You promised Ciel, and besides this is fun. We can go to a play, and shopping. You're getting us strange looks dressed like you're from the nineteenth century." Luna said cheerfully

"Technically we are from the nineteenth century Eliza-Luna. We're just reincarnated." Ciel said with an eye roll

"If you'd prefer it you can call me Lizzie, it is my middle name." Luna said with a smile

"I'm surprised you haven't worn any of your old dresses, Elizabeth." Ciel said

"Unlike you I don't have an immortal butler that can preserve my clothing." Luna replied

"I'm sure some of your dresses were preserved after all, all of the clothing worn by the servants are still preserved so the old dresses you left should still be intact." Ciel said as Luna dragged them towards a muggle bookstore.

"You sound like you miss the past."

"I do at times, everything was so much simpler." Ciel huffed

"Simpler to cover up?" Luna asked with a grin

"Yes." Ciel sighed.

"Ciel look that girl looks like Meirin!" Luna said suddenly, dragging the Earl over to said girl.

"Elizabeth, she's busy, it would be impolite to suddenly storm over." Ciel huffed.

"Oh no it's alright, I was just leaving." The girl said

That voice was familiar, wait a minute "Hermione!? I thought you were a brunette?" Ciel asked in shock

"That obvious?" Hermione asked weakly

"It's the voice, but what's with the glasses and hair? You had brown hair and no glasses when I last saw you." Ciel said

"Um well when I was in elementary I was made fun of because my eyes were different, and then they started mocking me for my hair color as well. You know that phrase redheads have no soul? Well the teasing got bad enough that I begged my parents to transfer me and for thick glasses, fake mind you and hair dye. I wear coloured contacts at school." Hermione said softly

"Honestly that's ridiculous, so what? You're another person, of course you look different. What do you need to be ashamed for?" Ciel asked with a snort

"He's right you know, you'll only hinder your magical ability if you don't have full confidence in yourself. You wouldn't need to study as much as you probably do now to accomplish simple spells." Luna said

"But you're not in any of my classes, how do you know all this?" Hermione asked confused

"You're colours are dull, magic is linked to your confidence." Luna replied

"Elizabeth has the sight, it's a rare ability that can only be achieved through a dark ritual, an extremely rare potion that can only be brewed when there's a lunar eclipse, or being born a chime child." Ciel said in explanation

"Oh I've never come across that before." Hermione said eyes wide

"It is rather occult, even for wizards. It's either seen as madness or dark magic." Luna said airily

"And you're alright with people calling you mad?" Hermione asked incredulously

"I don't quite care for others opinions, the only person whose opinion matters to me is Ciel and he understands what my ability truly is. He's quite clever, don't you think?" Luna asked a smile adorning her face

"How do you two know each other anyways?" Hermione asked

"We're betrothed of course. It's a pureblood tradition that even the Potters follow. In order to retain a high social standing you must marry another pureblood witch or wizard. Should you fail to do so, your family will be ostracised and dubbed blood traitor. Before you know it you'll be as poor as the Weasley's." Ciel said primly

"Doesn't that become incestuous though?" Hermione asked

"No, once a muggleborn has a grandchild they're considered pure enough to breed with other pureblood's, not the rich ones though. Also the magic in our blood causes all chances of birth defects to be lower than a muggle child born of two different races." Luna replied

"They can still occur it just depends on how incestuous and how many generations have done so." Ciel added

"For example the Phantomhive's and Midford's have a contract where around every third generation marries each other. Or how the Malfoy's have a marriage contract arranged for Draco to marry their youngest daughter Astoria. For example the Prince line was quite rich and prosperous but Eileen Prince married a muggle man named Tobias Snape, this caused the bloodline to become inferior as it was diluted magic." Luna explained

"That's extremely old fashioned, what happened to marrying for love?" Hermione asked eyes narrowed but not daring to yell as they were in public.

"Then you become like the Weasley's and Prince's, as poor as a common muggle and in the Weasley's case even poorer." Ciel replied

"You must be joking, they can't be that harsh can they?" Hermione gasped

"Well you have the odd family, but they're rare and if anything extremely light, as in they don't have access to family magicks anymore, meaning that the children are weaker in magical power. Dark magic isn't evil, and light magic isn't always good. You can kill someone with a Wingardium Leviosa, levitating them off a cliff, dropping a large heavy object on them." Luna said softly

"Anyways Ciel and I are going shopping for new clothes, would you like to come with us?"

"Oh no I couldn't." Hermione said

"You wouldn't be imposing, Luna loves having more people to dress up." Ciel said with a sigh

"You must be dressed up a lot." Hermione said with a wry smile


"Ciel, we have to get you some greens and blues. Your eyes still have a blue undertone, even if they do look green, and you do look wonderful in those colors, oh but red compliments your hair and eyes too." Luna said with a smile.

"You want a new pink dress don't you?" Ciel sighed

"Tch no I already bought those already, I want a blue one. Oh and Hermione would look absolutely lovely in a dark blue or green, with that lovely hair." Luna said

"Oh um I hear my parents calling for me, I'll have to take a rain check, bye!" Hermione said dashing out of the bookshop

"I think you scared her off, and oh look its 2 O'clock let's go get some ice cream!" Ciel said with an amused look in his eyes.

"We just went to an ice cream parlor, we're going shopping whether you like it or not." Luna said with an eye roll as she dragged the boy to their next destination.

So the next discovered soul is Hermione, who did not touch the rememberall, so this arc's wrapping up in a few chapters, but I wanted more interaction with Luna. My updates are not going to be regular, they'll be close to maybe once or twice a month, and I have a life outside of fanfiction.