Wyatt let out a yell, pushing out his hand, sending Chris flying across the room into a table which collapsed beneath his weight, sending plumes of dust into the air.
"You promised you wouldn't hurt him!" yelled Bianca angrily, her fury overtaking her fear of the witch.
"And you promised you'd turn him. Just like I turned you, or at least I thought I had." retorted Wyatt, never taking his eyes off of his frustrating little brother. Bianca ran to the groaning Chris' side, determined to clean up her mess.
"Chris." She whispered, tears now falling down the usually emotionless girl's face. "Please, I didn't bring you here to die." Of course she didn't want Chris to turn to Wyatt's side- but it was too late, and more than anything, she didn't want to lose the boy she loved
"Don't worry I know what I'm doing" Replied Chris breathlessly. He wasn't looking at Bianca, but rather had his eyes focused on the floor just below his brother's feet. "I think." He added, but his determination was set when he heard the familiar creak of the floorboard.
Without waiting for a second thought, he let out a sudden yell and ran straight at a very surprised Wyatt, who easily threw him aside, sending him crashing into another table.
"Have you lost your mind?" He asked, looking down at the pathetic boy. He had finally lost his patients with Chris' stubbornness, and had decided it may be best to simply remove the obstacle altogether. "I don't need you." He hissed menacingly. He curled his fist into a ball, telekinetically gripping Chris by the neck before lifting him off the ground and conjuring an energy ball.
Bianca, seeing what was happening made a split second decision. She leapt forward; pushing her hand into Wyatt's back, fighting against all his magical shields to keep his powers at bay. Wyatt let out a groan and the energy ball disappeared. At the same time, Chris dropped from the air and lay gasping on the ground for a few seconds before turning to Bianca.
"Whatever you're going to do, do it fast." she ordered. "I can't hold him for long."
Chris leapt into action, quickly scrambling across the floor to the creaky floor board, hoping beyond hope that his family had understood his clue. To his relief, he found a small piece of folded paper, now covered in dust and cobwebs, on which had the very familiar handwriting of his aunt Paige.
Before he could read it, however, Wyatt gave another yell, and this time he was powerful enough to throw Bianca off him, and with a kick, he sent her flying straight onto the pile of debris from the table Wyatt had thrown him on. Chris watched in despair as she was impaled on one of the sharp pieces of wood.
"No!" He screamed, but he was too late to do anything. Wyatt tore the paper from his hands before he could read it and all he could do was run to his dying fiancé's side. Her breathing was short and uneven and there were tears in her eyes as she looked up at Chris. "Bianca! Bianca...no...No!" moaned Chris, surveying her broken body.
"You see Christopher." stated Wyatt unsympathetically from behind him. "This is what happens if you stand in my way." Chris shook his head, stroking Bianca's hair gently as he willed himself to heal her wound with a power he had never possessed.
"Save her." He begged, not turning around.
"What?" sneered Wyatt in disbelief. "And why would I do that."
"I'll join you." He replied quietly, ignoring Bianca's desperate shaking of her head. "Please, I swear I'll do whatever you ask, just save her!"
"You promise to never cross me again?" Questioned Wyatt, unable to restrain a small smile as he realised his brother was returning to him.
"Yes!" exclaimed Chris angrily, just wanting Wyatt to heal her.
"You will be completely loyal to me, and never question me again?"
"And you understand that if you betray me, or do anything like what you have done again, that I will first kill Bianca and then you." Chris just nodded his head- he had been defeated and he knew there was nothing more he could do without his powers- all he could do was save her. "Very well then." replied Wyatt after what seemed like an eternity. He telekinetically lifted Bianca off the splintered table leg, and with his other hand, he healed her gaping wound before gently laying her on the ground.
Chris made to run to her, but Wyatt stopped him and before Chris could resist, two burly demons shimmered into the attic, grabbed Bianca by each arm and took her away.
"Where are you taking her?" asked Chris desperately.
"She will be perfectly fine." Wyatt assured him, "Just as long as you stick to your promise." Chris' shoulders sank as he realised he was now truly trapped.