Hawkeye strolled down the deserted street, kicking pieces of rubble that blocked the archer's way with his foot. New York city loomed above him as the wind whistled and shattered glass fell to the floor every so often. Loki's army had done a toll to the city- buildings destroyed, sidewalks collapsed. It was eerily silent without the bustle of the morning rush hour and a loud, familiar engine noise droaned above him and echoed through the desolated buildings.
He shifted his bow to the side and put on his sunglasses as a certain iron man flew down to meet him.
"Hey Barton! What are you doing here all by yourself?"
Hawkeye rolled his eyes, as Tony Stark landed besides him with a loud thump.
"I don't want to go to your stupid party, Stark. Besides, half the city is destroyed and this is the only time I'm going to get a break from missions."
Tony lightly punched Hawkeye's arm and laughed at the SHEILD agent. "Jeeze, cool it Katniss. Seriously, it wouldn't hurt to take a day off, once in a while."
Hawkeye took out a knife and started sharpening it. He spun the knife back into it's holster before dignifying Tony with an answer. "Unlike you, I am have a job...sort of. And yes, working as a secret agent does count." Hawkeye added before Tony could speak. " Also, what's with the nicknames, scrap metal?"
"What, Katniss? Have I hit a nerve? What about featherbrain? Or how about arrow as-"
A blue light flashed in the air in front of them, and out popped...a kid.
THe kid felt to the ground with a thump and lay there motionless. Hawkeye drew an arrow and notched it on his bow, aiming at the mysterious person. Hawkeye nudged a suprised Tony, who was staring with an open mouth. "Yo, Stark. Have any ideas?"
Iron man flipped down his helmat, covering his face annd activated his - cannons. "I'm having Jarvis contact the tower right now. Judging from the readings I'm getting here, the kid has several broken ribs, a mild concussion, a shattered left arm, and some unknown substance in his body." Tony stared in diblief as more red messages popped up on the screen. "The kid's really been through the mill. I mean, there are several burns, a long cut along his leg, etc, etc. All that fun stuff. There are more internal injuries...but I'm not getting a clear signal. It looks like he was in a big fight...or he was, um...tortured.
Hawkeye cocked his eyes at the figure. The boy didn't look too menacing, but looks could always be deceiving...just ask Romanoff. "What makes you think that, Stark?"
"Well, he's got several gashes on his wrists, two cuts across on both arms, same length, same spot...and his body has received, some sorta of electrical shock to it."
Hawkeye decided to observe the kid in more detail.
The kid had black pants and a navy blue shirt underneath a bone white vest. He also wore sandles and bandages wrapped around his ankles and thighs, with sveral pouches attached to them.
Armor arm plates gleamed in the dim light and the mysterious boy's astonishing silver hair shone like a becon against the dull background. The weirdest part was that he was wearing a mask that covered three-fourths of his face.
Hawkeye sniffed the air and the coppery tones of blood slowly filled the air. Eyeing the still figure Hawkeye took out his phone and directed it to Fury. The commender of SHIELD, would definitly be interested in this. Barton wondered if the boy had some kind of power...maybe teleportation?
"This better be good, Agent Barton."
Hawkeye rolled his eyes as the director of SHIELD came online. "Nothing is ever good to you, old man-"
"Barton! Cut the crap and report!"
"Right, right... so we found this kid, he appeared from no where, I suspect some sort of teleportation, and he needs immediate medical attention."
Hawkeye heard Fury grumble under his breath about aliens and crazy Norse gods, before speaking. "I'm sending the closest squad to you right now."
The transmission was cut and a black minivan with the SHIELD emblem drove up. Several medics put the boy on a stretcher and a brown haired woman in a blue jumpsuit walked over to Hawkeye and Iron Man.
"We've put the boy on medical support and the team has started on the worst of his wounds." We also need you and Romanoff to get back to HQ ASAP. There's a hell of a lot missions that keep on piling up." Agent Hill said and walked off, leaving the archer in the middle of the street.
Hawkeye groaned as Tony's eyes widened. "Man, you weren't kidding about being busy."
Forgive me for any mistakes. The story came out of no where. Maybe I will fix it later?