The chateau is quiet.

Night has given this place an eerie hush as I make my final sweep around. Each door and window of this palatial chateau is checked to ensure no one can get in and if they do, they certainly won't be able to get out. I'm sure there's no threat here; however, I tend not to rest on my laurels.

Finally feeling satisfied, I head down the hall towards the wing especially left for Ciel. It was one of his requests before arrival; he wanted to have an entire wing to himself. No one is really sure why he needs all this space, but I suspect the request came in the hopes it could never be adhered to. Unfortunately for Ciel, Grell was more than willing to accommodate him.

Passing Ciel's room, I press my ear against the cold wooden door. It seems silent, he must have finally managed to get some sleep, especially as he tends to thrash about, calling for someone but it's never me. I want to ask, to press him on who is this person he cries out for but I never know how to breach the subject. It's best just left alone. One day, I'm sure he'll feel comfortable enough to tell me on his own.

Arriving at my room, the door closes behind me and I waste no time in shedding my jacket and peeling off my waistcoat, draping both over the back of the chair by my desk. A finger hooks into the knot of my tie to tug it loose and I go over to the bed, pulling the tie over my head and tossing it down. Hitching up my trouser legs, I take a seat on the edge of the bed, before exhaling to give my chest some room to bend over so I can unlace my shoes. Taking them off, I roll down my socks and stick them inside.

Sitting upright I start to completely undress, starting with my belt, sliding from around my waist. Next, my shirt, I start to unbutton it from the top but by the time I get towards the middle my hands drops to my sides, too worn out to finish the task.

It's been a long day.

I collapse backwards onto the bed whilst my mind whirls with all of the things we have done and seen today. This is a strange level of exhaustion for someone so young but I feel as though this job is starting to age me. Although, however tired I may be, I'm unable to switch my mind off and relax, especially as there's one thought that haunts me. Closing my eyes to let my mind focus and reflect, a wry smile fights its way onto my lips.

My little tryst with Ciel in the alleyway lingers and my thoughts drift back to that moment. I can hear his melodic moans in the silence of the night, feel his hips pushing into me with a need to be closer. Above all else, I can still taste him in my mouth. Licking my lips to savor him further, his flavor remains on my tongue. I'll admit it, I'm an addict. My whole body aches to touch him again, desperately needing another hit.

My hand trails itself along my stomach as I replay his request over again in my head. He's given me permission to break him. He wants me to. The thrill of his ask excites and entices me but just how should I go about it? I wonder, letting my hand rest on the top of my waistband.

Fingers slip themselves underneath the elastic waistband of my boxers and it doesn't take much, I'm instantly hard as I think about my hands on his soft skin, pawing him and digging my nails into his flesh.

By the time my fingers reach the middle, there is a soft knock on the door. It opens slightly before I even have the chance to call out and Ciel pokes his head through.

"Sebastian?" He whispers just before entering and then shutting the door behind him with a soft click.

Jumping to my feet with my shirt falling open, Ciel eyes me in this state of slight undress and his lips curl into a small smile.

"Young master, what are you doing here, it's late."

"I'm aware of what time it is," he snorts, moving away from the door.

"Did you have a nightmare?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "No."

Walking into the middle of the room, he looks around and heads over toward the bed.

"Is there anything I can get you?" I offer, watching him.

"No," he replies, going to the opposite side of the bed, running his fingers over the sheets.

"Then what can I assist you with?"



"I am going to sleep here tonight," he states, throwing the sheets back and crawling into my bed nestling in. My jaw clenches, fighting not to drop in protest.

"What about your family? You don't want them to see you here, do you?" I reason.

"Who will see me here?" He yawns, a little smirk playing on his lips. "Besides, I know you, you'll have me back in my own bed by morning."

He beckons me to join him with a slow bat of his eyes. He's good, knowing exactly what to do to lure me. A shiver runs through me with a twitch of my body, it's trying to overrule my logic but I can't let it win. I know better than this and it's not a good idea for him to be here.

"Young master, please, I don't think you should be here tonight." I object, albeit, halfheartedly.

"What's the matter, Sebastian? I would have thought you'd want me in your bed?" His tone is low as he pulls back the sheets on the opposite side of him.

"Of course I want you in my bed," I smile, enjoying his forwardness.

"Well then, come here." He coos, running his hand over the vacant space.

Ciel will be the end of me; I can feel it so strongly in my bones. He is my temptation, my sin; even though I know he shouldn't be here, I'm glad he's come.

Sighing, I start to move the sheets back further but I stop as he furrows his brow.

"What's the matter?"

"Um, you're still dressed," he mumbles.

"Yes I am, is that a problem?"

Lowering his eyes he looks away. I can't see it fully in the darkness but I'm sure he must be blushing.

"I want you to take off your clothes," he requests.

"My clothes?"

"Yes, take off your trousers and your shirt."

"Is this an order?" I jest with an arch in my brow. His eyes flick up to me as he smirks.

"Yes, Sebastian, this is an order. Take off your clothes."

"Very well," I bow my head. Ciel's gaze is firm on me from the moment I start to undress. Sliding my shirt from my shoulders and letting it fall to the floor, my eyes travel over to him. "See anything of interest, young master?" I tease with a cheeky grin. His face scrunches up in a scowl and he snorts.

"Shut up and get undressed," he orders.

"Of course," I nod, slipping my trousers down to my ankles and stepping out of the legs. Standing in front of him I await his next order.

Regarding me; Ciel's eyes narrow and trail across my body. His lips twitch fighting a pleased smile. He must approve.

"Come to bed," he requests again with an enticing voice so velvet soft, how can I say no?

Obliging him I sit down on the edge and with a sigh; I fall onto my back with my arms above my head. Scooting himself closer, Ciel drapes his arm over my chest and I slip mine under him, holding him flush against my side. Saying nothing we let the still of the night fill the air.

It's quiet, if you strained your ears you can hear the low rumble of waves from the beach in the distance but at this moment, it's his steady breath which creates a soothing lull in the room.

After a while, Ciel props his chin up on my chest, dragging his fingers along the contours of my muscles.

"You know I'm a little disappointed in you," he mutters, walking his fingers along my skin.

"Disappointed in me?" I repeat. "What did I do?"

"It's what you didn't do."

"You're being cryptic young master," I simper.

"Maybe I am," he acknowledges with a low hum. My head rolls to the side to let my eyes watch him in curiosity. Ciel lays the palm of his hand flat on my chest feeling the rhythmic beat of my heart and the rise and fall of my chest. "I gave you permission to break me," he continues.

"You did," I respond in agreement.

"When will you?"

"What do you mean?" I ask and his eyes roll to mine.

"When will you break me?" His soft voice is whispered but I hear him clearly.

He is so beautiful like this, so white and chaste but I know there is no hint of innocence here, no angelic purity. However, I am easily fooled. Especially with the way his large eyes flicker in the moonlight, wide and bright. You would never guess he is as dark and as tainted as me.

"I'm waiting," I reply with a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"What are you waiting for?"

"For you to be ready," I answer.

He goes quiet and his eyes drift to the side as he thinks about something.


"Yes young master?"

"Do you ever wish I was older?"

"Yes," I answer unequivocally.

"Oh," he breathes out, his tone is disappointed but not surprised. "Is that what you mean by ready?"

"Not necessarily," I stop, observing the dejected look on his face. "What's the matter?"

"What is it about me?"

"I don't understand," I reply.

"What is it about me you crave?"

"I've told you before," I smirk.

"Tell me again."

"What makes me crave you isn't your age but your maturity, you are older than your years and you carry yourself well. I crave your deviousness, your intelligence and how you use it." I begin. "You are manipulative but rational, deliciously cruel but kind." I slide my hand under his chin lifting it up. His eyes stay open as he looks at me expectantly. My thumb runs over his bottom lip as they part. "What I want from you is nothing I can get from anyone else," I purr, keeping my voice at a low rumble. I feel his whole body tremble in my arms and he presses himself closer.

"Are you happy with me?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"I know you would much rather be doing something other than being a butler. You must miss it?"

"Miss what, young master?" I wonder.

"Your old life, how you used to be."

"What has brought this on?" I frown.

"Before you met me, before we made our contract, you were free to do what you wished, you were a demon."

"Black Cat," I correct him.

"Well whatever," he frowns. "You could have easily gone with that woman at the bookstore, nothing would have stopped you."

"Perhaps," I agree.

"Then are you happy with me?" he asks again.

"Very much so," I hold him closer.

"And the life you now lead? Wouldn't you prefer to be an unfettered demon?"

An unfettered demon? My lips curl into a wry smile as I reflect on those words.

Who I was then and who I am now are two separate beings, I'm not even sure I recognize my current self. I am a user; I manipulate and play everyone to my advantage to get what I want, just like you do. At first, it was all I was doing, indulging your foolhardy need for revenge to pass the time for a while. However, the more I've gotten to know you, the more I see you. I know there is no other place I would rather be, nothing else I would rather be doing than to be here by your side.

I have had many jobs before, many contracts, but this one is different. I'm in my element and it makes me feel so alive. I want Ciel to exact his revenge; I want him to feel what that's like, the power and the thrill of it. I have never wished for someone to get exactly what they wanted more than with him and I will see this through to the end.

More than anything, I have grown attached to him. No, attached is the wrong word. Ciel has become a part of me.

Even after all this time, he surprises me. Ciel confounds me, excites me and occasionally infuriates me but more than anything, he ignites me.

Would I prefer to be an unfettered demon?

Twisting around to maneuver him on to his back, I plant my hands on either side of head and hover above his chest. Staring down at his exquisite face full of confusion and surprise, I dip my face down to be closer to him. Hot breath breezes across my cheeks from wet parted lips.

"Ah, my master, I think you're misunderstanding something," I smile, causing him to frown. "What do I not understand?" he pouts.

"What I find most entertaining now," I begin, inching closer to his lips, "is playing the role of butler in my game with you."

Ciel's eyes narrow, staring at me. A wry smile finds its way onto delicious wet lips and he shifts, adjusting himself underneath me to meet me head on.

"Tell me what you want from me, Sebastian?" He smirks.

"Everything," I can't help but growl.

"Then take it, it's yours." He whispers.

Not wasting a single second, I pounce, pressing my lips against his. Letting out a little yip of surprise, his mouth opens wider to invite me in as he nestles into my chest. He feels good against me, the way his hips rise to meet mine and how his arms wrap themselves across my back. Nails dig into my skin, dragging down my shoulder blades and spine. Ciel releases a soft whimper and I eat it up, bedding him into the mattress.

I need him, it's not just the feel of him against me but a depraved desire to devour him. However, right now, I can't. Not with the family just down the hall, the risk is far too great.

A low moan resonates in my chest causing him to arch his back but I break away. Panting to catch his breath, Ciel looks up at me with a hazy gaze.

"You know we have to stop," I whisper with a smile.

"I know," he agrees. "Will you let me stay with you until I fall asleep?"

"Of course," I nod, moving off of him and onto my side.

Ciel curls up next to me, making his back flat into my chest. Drawing the sheets up to cover us, I feel his breathing start to become deeper as his body gets heavier.

My master enjoys games but the one we're currently playing is a dangerous one. He strategically uses and maneuvers those around him like pawns but in this, I wonder what moves he has in store for me? If he makes the wrong one, it can end everything. It can destroy his reputation, his future and then there's me.

What is it you want from me Ciel? How long do you wish for me to stay?

Am I so foolhardy, so delusional that I am willing to ignore the damage that can be done? Do I even care? I want him more than anything. I need him more than anything but it doesn't make it right. Perhaps we have a shared delusion that everything will come right in the end.

I suppose it doesn't matter. Nothing actually matters to me but you.

Funny, I never would have thought about it before but you've given me something, something I never thought I would have. You've given me something to lose.

Since the night of the party at Chamber's estate, I said this was more than a job to me. I didn't fully understand my words until now. This feeling is muddled with my confusion and inability to rationalize my thoughts and feelings. Is this what it's like to care for someone? I really wouldn't know. What I do know is you have become important to me and it's not out of obligation to our contract.

Frowning, I realize my thoughts are something I cannot recognize. This isn't me, however, I can't seem to remember who I used to be. Only snippets of my past come to me in fleeting moments, when the manor is quiet and I'm alone with my thoughts. I have been called a demon but now I find myself feeling more human and it's starting to undo me. This is an act, I am not a butler, and I am certainly not Sebastian Michaelis. When this is all over, what then? It could never last. With me comes destruction, a need to burn everything to the ground and salt the earth, but he seems to embrace this without any hesitation or fear.

I wait until he falls into a deep sleep before scooping him up and carrying him back into his own bed. Drawing the blankets over his shoulder I monitor him to make sure he doesn't wake. Humming lowly, I bend over and smooth the fringe across his forehead as my eyes linger on his beautiful face. He's cute when he sleeps, no hint of animosity or annoyance, just calm.

Getting to the door and throwing a quick glance over my shoulder, my eyes linger on the sleeping figure in the bed. As I turn the handle and make my way out of the room, I realize how this will end between us. We will destroy each other; it is our fate.


The following morning came, the house staff gave me nothing to do as breakfast was already prepared before I had a chance to step foot in the kitchen. This level of efficiency is quite disconcerting especially with the useless trio back at the manor.

The table is elegantly laid out with crisp white linen and red lycoris dotted in between large carafes of various freshly squeezed juices. There are also selections of pastries from the local patisserie as well as scones and jams. It's strange to not be needed as the staff flit about the room serving the family, pouring tea and placing napkins on their laps.

I can only stand at the back, observing the family chatter and laugh, thinking aloud and discussing their plans for the day. Ciel is curiously communicative as he smiles and nods along with Lizzie and Edward who seems to have thawed slightly toward him.

"I know, the weather is supposed to be glorious, why don't we all go to the beach?" Grell suggests and Anne clasps her hands together gleefully.

"What an excellent idea darling, we can even have a picnic on the beach," she smiles.

"I'll have the chef prepare something for us," Grell adds.

"That sounds just fine," Alexis agrees as Francis nods.

"Sebastian?" Anne turns to me, waving me over to her. Taking a step forward I place my hand to my chest bowing slightly.

"Yes, Madam?"

"Since we're all going to the beach, why don't you have a few hours off?"

"Pardon?" I almost splutter out.

"Unless you want to stand around in the sun for a couple of hours, I don't see a reason for you to hang about."

"Wait a minute, Aunt Anne," Ciel interjects. "Shouldn't I have a say in this? He is my butler after all."

"Oh nonsense, Ciel," she dismisses her nephew. "Surely you can see how ridiculous it would be for him to be standing around."


"Let him have some time off, we're only talking about a few hours."

Ciel's eye darts over to me, then back to Anne. Folding his arms across his chest he leans back, sighing. His mind works to come up with a reason for me not to but deciding it isn't worth the hassle, he shrugs.

"Fine, whatever. I suppose it'll be all right," he concedes in a tone which isn't particularly enthusiastic.

"Oh I know just the place too, you can rent a folding parasol and deck chair and just lounge." Grell titters.

Ciel glares at me with a deep knitted brown. His arms are still folded and his body is completely stiff. I'm not sure why, but I feel as though I will be punished for this at a later date.

Later on in the afternoon, with the family packed and out the door, we to head to the beach armed with baskets of treats prepared by the kitchen staff. After finding a spot everyone could agree one, blankets are laid down and umbrellas are put up. Choosing not to have any electronic devices, preferring the feel of paper on his fingers and the smell of ink on the page, I place the small selection of books Ciel had requested next to him. Sitting down, he reclines back against the teal deck chair, dropping his hand down to collect a book from the top of the stack and placing it on his lap.

His eye narrows on me, watching with interest as I finish tidying up and laying out a beach towel for him, should he choose to go into the water, although I know he most likely will not.

"What are you going to do?" he asks, his gaze never deviating from me.

I shrug, smoothing down the creases on the towel. "I'm not sure, young master. Perhaps look around some of the shops."

"Not any bookstores, I hope," he snorts, drumming his fingers on the body of the book.

"My dear Sir, are you jealous?"

"Of course not," he hisses, picking the book up and leafing through the pages. "Just because I'm allowing you a few hours off doesn't mean you no longer represent me."

"I understand," I nod with a smile.

"Don't forget who you belong to, Sebastian," he smirks.

"Never, young master."

"Then that will be all. See you in a few hours," Ciel dismisses me, waving me off as he returns to his book. "Oh, Sebastian?" he stops me, keeping his eye on the page.

"Yes, young master?"

"Try not to follow any women into bookstores," he snipes with a grin.

Saying nothing, I reply with a slight bow.

Leaving the family to enjoy the afternoon in the summer sun, I head into town.

It doesn't take me long to get from the beach to the promenade and onto the main street, which leads me into the town. There are a lot of little shops, mostly selling clothing or liquor. Having no need for clothing as I spend my time in uniform, I avoid those and as for the liquor, tempting as it is to taste the perfectly aged Calvados this region is famed for, I am back to work in a few hours so, perhaps not.

Instead, I simply walk down the crowded street and take in my surroundings. Deauville is beautiful, quaint and quiet, despite the tourists. There's an age to this town and yet when I look around, I see people as young as I am laughing and having a good time in the small restaurants and cafes. Everyone is as elegant as their surroundings, one can almost forget they are at a little seaside town.

The cobbled streets lead to toward a town center. My eyes wander up and down but are at a complete loss as to where to settle. There's so much to take in but nothing to do, especially if you're not one to waste time shopping. Dipping into my pocket and pulling out my watch to check the time, it's only been twenty minutes. My shoulders slump with a disappointed exhale, I thought more time had passed.

I meander a bit further down the road but stop. A soft melodic trill sounds out in the distance and I'm not the only one who hears it as people start to follow the sound. Curious, I trail behind a group of tourists, we all stop when we reach a road with a large circle in the middle.

In the center of the circle stood several long poles with bells at the tips. The tune chiming out is pleasant and familiar but I can't quite place it. People gather around me listening to the song as it's played and taking pictures of them. Laughter and chatter surround me as we all take it in.

A man accidentally knocks into me, dropping his map from his hands and onto my feet. Bending over to collect it, I hand it back to him, he smiles and nods turning to make his way back over to his family. My eyes trail back from him toward the bells but they catch on something. A pair of sad dark green eyes stare straight at me through a gap in the crowd. I'm dumbstruck, I recognize her instantly as the girl from the ferry but she's more familiar to me than that.

I'm sure I know this girl but from where?

She's young, younger than Ciel and she isn't all that tall either. Letting a weary yet playful smile cross her lips, she tosses her long dark brown hair to the side, seemingly signaling me to follow after her as she turns and hastily darts through the crowd. Letting my curiosity get the better of me, I trail right behind her, pushing my way through the group of tourists gathered around, keeping my eyes locked on her so I don't lose her.

Unusually tiny feet are surprisingly fast as she sprints swiftly down the packed side streets. With a glance over her shoulder, she checks to see if I'm still behind her just before leading me through another narrow street. A group of students spill out of a café right before we get to the square and I lose her. I don't know how, but she's completely vanished.

Stopping next to a large wooden column, I look around, scouring the area for a glimpse of her but she is nowhere to be seen.

Who is that girl and most importantly, did she know me?

Walking along the wooden columns and underneath the shaded canopy, I spot a small café. Taking out my pocket watch, I check the time; I still have an hour until I have to go back to the family. Grabbing a table by the door, I take a seat. A waiter comes out from behind me and hands me a menu but I shake my head, knowing what I want already.

"I would like a cappuccino, please," I order in my very best French.

"Yes, of course," he nods, disappearing into the café.

As I wait I watch as the bustling town of Deauville goes past me. I monitor each person going past, looking for the girl in case she happens cross me again but I see no sight of her. The waiter returns with my drink, placing it down in front of me.

"Thank you," I accept it, sliding it towards me.

My eyes drop down at it, I absentmindedly stare at the thick head of foam filling the cup to the brim. Everything about her was vaguely familiar but where from? Maybe she just recognized me from the ferry, I do stand out dressed in a three piece suit in the middle of summer. Perhaps it's nothing more than what it is.

"'Scuse me mate, you're the bloke from the bookstore from the other day, ain't cha?" Someone asks, drawing my eyes up from the foam to him.

A man stands in front of the table with a familiar cheeky grin on his face. He's not very stylish like the other patrons here. Faded black denim jeans, untucked white shirt with a casual jacket. Nothing seems to fit his frame but he appears comfortable enough in his appearance.

"Yes, I am," I answer with a half smile, seeing no point in being rude to the man. Grinning, he pulls out the chair in front and takes a seat.

"Sorry mate, do you mind? My French ain't all that good and you look like a friendly enough gent."

"No, go ahead."

"Ta very much," he smiles. "Hey, where ya from?"

"London, you?"

"London, same as you, well, born within the sound of the Bow bells." He chuckles.

"So you're a true Cockney lad?" I smile.

"I am indeed," he nods with a wink.

"So what brings you here? I mean, are you on holiday?"

He shakes his head. "'fraid not, I'm here for work."

"Ah well, so I am I in a way," I smile. There is something about this man I find quite charming. I'm really not one to care for idle chit chat but his perpetual smile and very easy going nature is hard to dislike.

"What's your name mate? Here I am just sittin' at your table and we haven't even acquainted ourselves."

I hold out my hand. "My name is Sebastian," he takes it with his left to give it a firm shake.

"They call me Joker."

"Joker? That's interesting."

"It's cause I'm funny I 'spose," he pauses for a moment. "Oh, well will you look at that?" I look around but Joker leans forward, reaching behind my ear and pulling out a 50p coin. He holds it in between his prosthetic fingertips with a smile.

"Very good," I chuckle.

Joker shrugs. "Well, you're a little older than my typical audience," he admits. "I normally perform for children."

"I bet something like that would go down well."

"Ah, that it does! They especially like it when I juggle, it goes down a treat."

"Well, who doesn't like juggling?"

"Exactly!" He enthuses. "Oh mate, you and I are on the same level. I reckon you could juggle too, you seem like you have a bit of the performer in ya."

"I don't know about that," I dismiss with a shake of my head.

"I'm sure you could."

Smiling, I nod, choosing not to refute him. My eyes can't help but lower, looking at his hand. I'm curious in how it functions and how he moves it.

"Joker, if you don't mind me asking, how can you juggle with that kind of a prosthetic?"

"Ah, this?" He smiles as he raises his hand. It flexes and flattens as though independent of itself. "It were made specifically for me, commissioned by my boss."

"And you wanted it to look like that?" I ask and his brow furrows. "Apologies, I didn't mean-"

"It's no reason in particular," he holds it flat out and then flexes the fingers. "I just like the look is all."

"Do you mind?" I request, motioning to bring his hand closer.

"Sure," he holds it toward me and I take it, giving it careful inspection.

It certainly is interesting like something one would find in an anatomy course. Running my thumbs over the bone-like surface to feel it, my eyes scan the detail and intricate skeletal joins. Turning it over, I look at the wrist, there's a hallmark on the underside and I note the shapes and markings. Joker's gaze follows each move my eyes make and I glance up at him, smiling.

"Thank you," I release his hand and he takes it back, holding it in front of his face.

"Impressive, eh?" He grins.


"So," he leans back in his chair, "what brings you here for work?"

"The master I serve is here on holiday."

"The master you serve?" He arches his brow.

"Yes, I am a butler."

"Well there's a surprise! Here I was thinking you 'ere a City Boy." He jokes for a moment. "Well now, judging by the look of ya, I bet ya work for landed gentry, lemme guess, a Duke or some Lord?"

I shake my head, "I'm afraid to disappoint you, but no."

Joker's eyes widen as he leans forward, resting on his forearm.

"Is he famous?" he whispers.

"In some circles, he's legendary." I chuckle.

"What's his name? I bet I know it."

"Well, I wouldn't want to betray my master's confidence, you understand?"

"Of course, of course. I shouldn't 'ave asked." He smiles. "What's it like bein' a butler? I reckon it's easy work, just lookin' 'afta someone."

"I'm afraid not as the master I serve is very disagreeable and quite arrogant." Well, he did ask.

"Ah well that's a shame," he shrugs, crossing his arms and leaning back, all the while staring at me hard. "And where is your master?" he asks, his tone low and cool.

The fine hairs on the back of my neck rise and I sit up. There is something about the question that makes me hesitant.

"What does it matter?" I ask casually, trying to brush off this uneasy feeling.

"Well, ain't that a part of the job of a butler? To always be with 'em?"

"I suppose it is," I agree, pulling the pocket watch from my side pocket. Using my thumb, I flick it open and check the time. "Speaking of which, I must be getting back to him now." I excuse myself as I start to stand. Joker holds out his left hand and I take it, giving it a firm shake.

"It were nice to meet you, Sebastian," he grins.

"Yes, it was very nice to meet you too, Joker." I smile politely as I take my hand back and push in my chair. Placing a few euros on the table, I turn to leave.

"Maybe see you around? This town is quite small," Joker calls after me.

"Perhaps," I nod over my shoulder.

He waves me off as I start to walk back down the street towards the bells.

I don't look back, instead, my feet work faster than my legs can manage as I retrace my steps back to the beach. This whole day has set me on edge, from the girl on the ferry to Joker, something seems more than off. I need to get back to the family, most importantly, I need to get back to Ciel.

Getting to the promenade, my eyes scour the area to see where I'd left them but I can't seem to see anyone. There are a lot more people than when I left, my ears ring loudly from the rush of blood coursing through my head. Finally, I spot a glimmer of red to the left of me and I hurry over to it.

"Ah butler, give me a hand with this will you?" Frances greets me, tying her hair up in a tight bun. She pulls me over to a parasol and motions for me collapse it.

"Am I late?" I ask in a slight pant, a little winded from my jog over. Releasing the latch from underneath the parasol, it folds and shuts against the pole.

"You're early," she answers, wrapping the loose bit of fabric around the middle of the pole to keep it in place.

"My apologies, madam, but I don't understand."

"We've got to go home and change," Lizzie interjects from behind.

Turning, I see both Lizzie and Ciel standing with towels bundled up in their arms.

"What is wrong with your face?" Ciel chides, rolling his eye as he passes me. He goes over to a nearby rucksack and shoves the towels inside with little care.

"Yes butler, what on Earth has happened to your appearance? Your face is shiny and red," Frances snips from the side.

Standing upright to smooth out my waistcoat, I run my hands though my hair in a feeble attempt to neaten up my look. Judging by the disapproving tsk from Frances, I failed.

"I apologize for my appearance, I hurried back thinking I was going to be late."

"You are twenty minutes early, have you forgotten how to tell time?"

"No madam, I simply believe that to be early is to be on time and to be on time is to be late," I reply.

"What if you're late?" Lizzie wonders.

"To be late is unacceptable," I warn with a wink. Frances studies me with a frown firmly knitted in her brow.

"I don't care for your boldness, butler," she retorts.

"It has been noted, madam," I smile. "I take it everyone had a good time this afternoon?"

"Oh yes, it was lovely!" Lizzie chirps. "But you'll never believe what happened. An acrobat troupe came by and did a little performance for us," she continues with childlike enthusiasm.

"It was dull," Ciel added, coming over to me with a towel to fold.

"You didn't think it was dull at the time, even Edward saw you laughing."

"It was a pity laugh; I didn't want them to feel bad."

Lizzie arches her brow and her hands land on her hips.

"Fine, say what you'd like now but you enjoyed it. Anyway, afterwards, they gave us tickets for the show tonight and mum says we can go."

"Go to what?" I ask, finishing with the towel.

"The circus…!" she exclaims.