Inheriting a New Prophecy Book 4 - The Battle of the Labyrinth

By Stargatesg1fan1

Disclaimer: I own nothing of any recognized characters or universes within.

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Harry's current lovers:

Annabeth Chase played by Alexandra Daddario

Choria played by Sienna Guillory

Furusia played by Liv Tyler

Aphrodite is played by Sarah Chalke

Thalia is played by Jaimie Alexander

Zoe Nightshade is played by Clemence Poesy

Artemis is played by Julie McNiven

Rachel Elizabeth Dare is played by Emma Watson

Calypso is played by Charisma Carpenter

End AN

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Chapter 5

The foursome traversed the Labyrinth for some time until they came to a cavern composed of moist white rock.

"Wait a moment, ladies," the animagus commanded as he stopped and sniffed the air.

"What do you smell?" A somewhat shaken Annabeth questioned.

Even though the grey eyed beauty had known for some time that Kronos was gradually possessing Luke…it was a completely different concept to see the Titan Lord in control of her old friend.

"Grover," replied the reality traveler. "And I can smell Tyson and Nico too. Also…I can smell the wild. Pan is near."

"Lead the way, handsome," Rachel suggested, knowing her partner was perfectly capable of tracking the missing trio better than any bloodhound.

The quartet took off with their only male member in the lead. The tunnel narrowed and became treacherous but with Calypso and Harry's help nothing befell Annabeth and Rachel. Soon the foursome reached another chamber, this one possessing massive columns in the form of stalagmites. In the center of the chamber near a large underground river crouched Tyson and Nico, looking at an unconscious Grover.

"Hello guys," the stealthy warlock spoke up, causing Nico to jump and turn.

"Percy," Tyson declared happily.

Nico ran over and hugged the much larger male whom he considered something of a brother.

"How have you guys been faring?" The green eyed wizard questioned.

"Much better than we would have if we hadn't had your magical tent," Nico answered. "We've been hunted by hell hounds, Kronos' minions, and even a giant snake. Each time we retreated into that tent you gave Grover and the protections took care of our pursuers. I'm really glad you made it capable of setting itself up in like a second."

"I suspected you were having a bit of trouble. I sensed the wards flaring each time they were put to the test," Harry informed his companions. "Did Grover collapse when he reached that river?"

"Yes, but how did you know that?" Nico asked in confusion.

"Because, that river is where Pan's power really starts to make itself known to those sensitive to such things. Grover's mind was overwhelmed by the feeling," the sorcerer explained as he crouched next to the satyr. "Welcome back to the land of the living my friend," spoke the enchanter after he touched the satyr's shoulder and channeled an enervate into the nature lover.

"When did you arrive, Percy?" The recovering goat hybrid queried as he climbed to his hooves. "Hello Annabeth and Rachel," the satyr added to the pair of once more visible females.

"Just now," Annabeth answered.

"Now let's go meet Pan," suggested the ageless Potter as he pointed towards the crystal lined entrance to another cave across the river.

Crossing the river proved to be easy thanks to the abilities of the water wizard. The group all got to experience what it was like to walk on water.

"This might be Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico," Annabeth suggested.

"That would explain what you told me of your travels in this area last winter," Rachel concurred.

Harry closed his eyes and concentrated on the body of water nearby, using his water based senses to locate his current position.

"Yep, you're right Annabeth. We're in the caverns," confirmed the warlock.

"I can feel myself growing stronger," Rachel announced.

"It is the power of Pan," Calypso informed her family mentally.

"It smells like trees and flowers," Nico added.

The group grew silent as they stepped into the large cavern lined with multicolored crystals that seemed to glow. Plants of all colors and shapes filled the cave with beauty. The center of the cave held a bed of Roman style. The bed was surrounded by supposedly extinct animals; a dodo bird, some mixture of a wolf and a tiger, the ancestor to guinea pigs, and a wooly mammoth. An ancient blue eyed being that took the form of a satyr lay on the bed watching the new arrivals. The fur and hair on the ancient male's body was gray and white. Pan's horns were curved and spiraled, much larger than any satyr's. A set of reed pipes was hung around Pan's neck.

"Lord Pan," an amazed Grover called as he dropped to his knees.

"My dear Grover, bravest of Satyrs," Pan spoke with a sad smile. "I have waited a very great amount of time for you to come."

Just then the god's form shimmered for just a moment.

"You're fading," the observant mage announced.

"Yes Percy Jackson…I am fading," the deity confirmed.

"No…you can't fade," Grover cried in anguish.

"I'm afraid I can Grover. This place you see here is one of the last pockets of the wild left. I guided you here so that you might carry a message to the outside world," Pan began to explain before having to pause as his form shifted to smoke momentarily which caused his animal companions to emit terrified noises. "As you can see I don't have much energy left."

Harry stepped up next to the satyr shaped God of the Wild and placed a hand on the elder immortal's shoulder. The skilled enchanter channeled some of his own energy into Pan. The god let out a sigh of relief and seemed to focus more on his guests.

"Thank you Percy…you're stronger than you at first appear," the wild god declared after sighing in relief. "I have slept throughout these last few eons, periodically waking from my dark dreams. Two thousand years ago I tried to tell the Earth that I was gone through a satyr named Lysas from Ephesos but no one would believe him. Satyrs never believed it, you sweet stubborn creatures. Satyr kind has only prolonged my painful passing but it must end. I can't go on like this. You Grover must accept the truth," Pan asserted.

"But you can't fade…you simply can't," Grover protested.

"Everything I represented has faded and I have lingered. The wild can't be saved. You must convey a message to all the creatures of nature. Tell them the great god Pan is dead. They must not hold out hope that I can save them because I cannot. The only salvation to be had is by your own doing," Pan informed his listeners. "Dede…are you singing Kumbaya again?" The deity questioned the humming dodo bird. All the immortal got from the bird was an innocent look. "Even my animals are cynics. Grover I need you to release me and carry my spirit as all beings of this world must. My essence can no longer be carried by a god." Pan looked intently at the son of Poseidon during the explanation.

"Percy Jackson…you are the greatest mystery the gods have been faced with in millennia, perhaps ever. I have no doubt you will prevail in the coming conflict but with a result no one save your closest allies will be expecting," the wild god told the phoenix animagus. "Annabeth Chase, you still play an important role in this war. Your strength aids your loved ones in ways you can't imagine. Grover…will you carry my message out into the world?"

Harry put his hand on his goat hybrid friend's shoulder and gave the nature lover a reassuring squeeze.

After squaring his shoulder at the show of support Grover declared, "I can do this. I release you my Lord."

"Thank you all…my final blessing," Pan spoke while dissolving into Mist.

As the mist split up with a portion going into Grover and the rest Harry quickly reached out with his power and caught the greatest portion of Pan's essence. The sorcerer poured his power into the divine essence, causing the true makeup of a god to grow. Calypso put her hand on her man's shoulder and fed her own power into him. The warlock could sense his other divine mates sharing their power. Artemis and Aphrodite bolstered their lover's ability until he was practically blinding in his glow.

Harry concentrated on his two mortal mates capable of surviving what he intended. Annabeth and Thalia both began to glow until none around them could look at the two beauties. The two demigoddess' inner being shifted. The ties to the pairs' mortal lives snapped away as they became something beyond human, beyond half blood. The two young women felt the power flowing through their beings until they passed out.

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Several minutes later…

"What happened?" Annabeth questioned as she sat up from the floor of the crystal cavern.

"That's what I'd like to know," Thalia added her sentiments.

"I took advantage of an opportunity," the Potter male announced.

"He made you into something new…something somewhat like himself," Calypso spoke up. "You are neither fully goddess nor fully Titan…but something in between."

"You used Pan's essence," Annabeth deduced as she felt a new connection with nature coursing through her, and a connection with the sister of her heart.

"I can sense you," Thalia told Annabeth as she gazed over at her best female friend.

"Same here," Annabeth agreed.

"Artemis, Aphrodite, Calypso, and I used our powers to remake your essences. You had the ability to survive the process because you were half goddess already," explained Harry.

"Thank you," Thalia said.

"Ditto," Annabeth added.

"Well you should be grateful…he drained his energy reserves to accomplish the task…something he hasn't done since arriving in this universe," Calypso pointed out.

"You don't look wiped out," Thalia observed.

"I jumped back in time far enough to fully recover my reserves after knocking the others out," answered the magician. "We'd best wake them up now. We'll work on getting a handle on your powers later."

The sorcerer waved his hand over the others while Thalia vanished back to Camp via her portkey. The daughter of Zeus had been pulled to her man's location by his power during the upgrade process.

"I feel like I got hit by a truck," Nico moaned out.

"That'll pass…you were overwhelmed by Pan's remaining power," the phoenix animagus announced.

"Where did the animals go?" Grover queried.

"They faded with Pan," replied the warlock. "Now let's head back to New York."

It didn't take Rachel, who had even sharper senses now, long to lead the travelers out of the Labyrinth into the Marriott basement. It was a short walk to the building Harry owned where his mother was living. In the garage the group found many vehicles, including a full size van. The friends all piled into the vehicle with the sorcerer taking the driver's seat. Grover, Tyson, and Nico didn't comment on Rachel's presence because the son of Poseidon had gotten a mortal (his mother) through the Camp wards before.

"Won't this van be too slow Percy," Nico suggested.

"Nah…I've made some improvements," replied the enchanter with a grin as he pulled towards the exit ramp leading out of the garage.

Instead of merging into traffic the enchanted vehicle shot into the air, obscured from mundane sight by Notice-Me-Not charms. The airborne transport stayed low in the air so as to not upset Zeus' sensibilities if the deity could even detect the heavily protected craft.

"Yeah…this will definitely get us there soon enough," Nico declared as the van zoomed through Manhattan and quickly left the city.

As soon as the group touched down near the Big House they were met by Chiron and quickly caught the ancient centaur up to date on the happenings outside the Camp's borders.

"This is as I feared. We must join our defenders Thalia has set in place," Chiron prompted.

"Hold on just one moment…what about Pan? You are three weeks beyond the deadline we set you Underwood. Your searcher's license is revoked," the old satyr Silenus announced.

"Shove your searcher's license up where the sun doesn't shine. Pan is dead," growled Grover while marching towards war with his friends, no longer caring about protocol given the threat the Camp faced.

The curses and shouts of the satyr elder were ignored as the group headed towards the woods. The entire Camp population was present to defend their home. The Hephaestus cabin had arrayed many traps for any invaders around Zeus' fist. Those were just the obvious defenses. Thalia had been busy tapping into her mate's powers and laying many magical protections around the Labyrinth entrance. The Athena cabin was taking care of organizing the troops.

"This won't be enough to stop Kronos…but perhaps you might be Percy. I'm glad you made it back in time," Chiron told his student.

"I doubt Kronos will show at this battle given I destroyed his first weapon. I think he'll wait until his minions complete another," pointed out the mage. "But if he comes…he'll regret it."

"I think you're right my boy," Chiron agreed just before the ground shook.

In the next second the Titan army exploded from the Labyrinth entrance. The first charge of the enemy was heralded by the sight of a dozen Laistrygonian giants. One of the giants used a spiked club to smash the Ares cabin aside. Annabeth tapped into her new powers to cause a net of vines to sprout between some shrubs with thick moss beneath to catch the airborne campers. The daughter of Athena's mate used his telekinesis to aid in softening the landing. None of the Ares children were seriously injured due to their shields taking the brunt of the blow. Beckendorf responded by signaling his siblings to fire a volley of boulders from catapults at the enemy. Several giants went down but the rest kept charging. That was when Harry stepped in.

The phoenix animagus' enchanted sword appeared in his hand. With a mighty leap into the air the warrior wizard flipped over two giants. The mage's weapon was a blur as it decapitated the two giants which exploded into a golden dust cloud. The other giants concentrated on their deadliest opponent as he cut a swath through their ranks and decimated their numbers. At the same time about fifty dracaenae wearing battle armor surged out of the Labyrinth. As the Dracaenae began encountering the lethal defenses laid by the Hephaestus cabin and Thalia, the daughter of Zeus herself surged forth and summoned down lightning on her foes. Ten of the serpent women shrieked in agony before bursting into dust as a line of electrons arced between them. The recovered Ares campers joined the fight and hacked away at the two tailed females.

The other campers battled the large number of opponents pouring out of the tunnel entrance. Some monsters were disintegrated by the Camp wards whenever one of the fighting magicians got the chance to focus their attention for a few moments but quite a few enemy creatures got through. When a hellhound leapt from the maze and shot towards the Satyrs the Potter male leapt through the air and landed on the beast's back, sinking his blade through the black dog's spine.

Calypso, Artemis, and Aphrodite were helping out under their phase cloaks. The immortals were moving at speeds no aging being could achieve as they raced about attending to the injured campers. Whenever a camper fell a portkey pearl appeared on their chest, whisking them away to the infirmary where the wards on the highly enchanted building kept the occupants in stasis until Harry could attend to them later. When a contingent of the serpent women made to escape to wreak havoc upon the Camp Nico met his enemy.

With a wave of his hand the son of Hades caused a field of green energy to descend over the serpent women. All dozen or so females dropped dead before the demigod's feet. Nico staggered as the energy drained somewhat from his divine core. The black eyed youth had been training with his powers extensively so had developed quite a reserve of energy as a result. The killing curse like field had been taught to Nico by his adoptive older brother.

All the Greek fire being thrown about at the Titan army had started a forest fire but luckily Thalia had expected this. Flame freezing charms had been layered into the wards so the fires did no damage. Thalia and her mate combined their energy and summoned a storm that began to pour water onto the blaze. The son of the sea god felt invigorated by the rain.

In the next few moments a horrible shriek sounded from the Labyrinth before the monster Kampe flew from the Labyrinth. The menacing beast landed on Zeus' fist and deposited Ariadne's string in a lion's mouth that formed at her waist. Several campers fell back as the hideous monster drew her twin green swords.

"Hold the line…this bitch is mine," shouted Harry so all could hear.

Kampe sneered at the water wizard before launching herself towards him. Before Kampe could reach the immortal mage a black shape slammed into her side, knocking her off course. The experienced warrior warlock didn't even blink at the sudden arrival of Mrs. O'Leary, having sensed her approach as soon as she emerged from the Labyrinth along with Daedalus' appearance. The quick phoenix animagus used his flight powers to position himself on Kampe's back as Mrs. O'Leary jumped back. Kampe sensed her vulnerability and began to twist around to strike but it was already too late. The enchanted Sword of Gryffindor speared through the monster's skull and impaled her brain. Kampe burst into acidic dust which caused the campers to cheer and rally.

"Enough of this," Harry growled as he reached deeply into his water power core and called to the water nearby.

An underground river network now ran throughout the Camp grounds, dug by the immortal wizard while making heavy use of his time travel technology over the past several months. The salt water source suddenly burst from the ground in a massive arm of liquid that lashed out at the invaders at the magician's command. High pressure water cut through the enemy followed by cyclones of force and bolts of lightning courtesy of Thalia and her mate. The Titan Lord's soldiers trampled each other in their bid to retreat into the Labyrinth but there would be no escape. The water followed the escapees into the maze and drowned any who dared to attack Camp Half Blood.

"I can see now that I was truly wrong about your chances against the Titan Lord's forces Percy Jackson," Daedalus spoke up as the walking wounded made their way towards the infirmary.

All of the critically injured were already in stasis. The battlefield was quickly clearing out which afforded Harry and his mates a measure of solitude to talk to Daedalus.

"I'm glad you have finally realized that. And we managed to defend Camp without any loss of life on our side," pointed out the sorcerer.

"Surely some of those critically injured I noticed must have died. Come to think of it…how did they vanish?" The inventor queried.

"With a little assistance from my father's teachings," replied the water magician. "And those campers are currently in temporal stasis. I'll fix them up soon enough. Right now I'd like to talk to you about a job."

"Oh…what kind of job did you have in mind?" The curious son of Athena inquired.

"Well I run a school. I suspect in the coming years we'll be getting an influx of students. Your knowledge could be passed onto future generations," proposed Harry.

In truth many of the unclaimed half bloods were not yet found. It was obvious the gods were not yet ready to admit to these hidden offspring. In the coming years the Potter male planned on locating these part gods and bringing them into the fold.

"I have heard tales of this school. I would be interested in seeing it and then I will make a decision regarding your offer. But what about the Labyrinth entrance here? As long as it exists it's a threat to your Camp," pointed out the inventor.

"I have been working on a special ward which blocks the variation of wormhole travel the Labyrinth uses. While perusing some of the inventions in your workshop I had a breakthrough on how to make the design work. It'll be up and working within a few hours," declared the genius warlock.

"Astounding…I think we'll get along just fine," the automaton immortal suggested.

"Indeed…now if you'll excuse me…I've got some half bloods to heal," Harry announced before heading towards the infirmary to help the injured fighters with his abilities.

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Thanks to the efforts of the two Olympian Council goddesses, one Titaness, and the water wizard no campers died that day the army of Kronos invaded Camp Half Blood. The sorcerer used his powers to heal all of the wounded campers. The next day the Council of Cloven Elders called an emergency meeting to discuss the situation with Pan and Grover. Dozens upon dozens of tree spirits clogged the clearing where the Council met to hear the verdict.

"We should exile that blasphemer," Silenus declared right away.

"I don't think you'll be doing any such thing Silenus," spoke up the reality traveler as he stepped forward.

"And why is that Jackson?" Silenus demanded with a sneer.

"Because Grover found Pan and the wild god has faded. Behold our evidence," the Potter wizard spoke while summoning a projective pensieve from his trunk and setting the device down in the center of the clearing.

A vision of the events in Pans' crystal cave showed as a hologram for all in the clearing to see clearly up until the moment Pan faded. The image disappeared to leave all within the clearing stunned. Many of the dryads broke out into tears.

"It's a trick," Silenus argued.

"Do you accuse me of being a liar satyr?" The phoenix animagus questioned with a dangerous tone to his voice.

"No…but Pan can't be dead," a pale Silenus argued.

"I'm afraid he can be Silenus," the voice of Artemis suddenly broke through the sounds of the nature spirits.

"My Lady," one of the other council members greeted with a bow.

"Percy and Grover speak the truth…Pan has faded," the red haired deity informed everyone around. "Now more than ever you must heed Pan's last words. Stand together and strengthen your own domain. We will need your help in the coming war. The minor gods have all turned to the other side and are fighting for Kronos."

The muttering grew louder at Artemis' news.

"I still say we should exile Underwood," Silenus muttered.

"You will not exile Grover for his message. He should be honored as the one Pan chose to bear such an important message. I find your faith in the message unsettling Silenus," Artemis chastised.

"What do we do now?" One satyr questioned.

"I'd suggest listening to Grover," Artemis answered.

That was good enough for every satyr there except for Silenus. The satyrs in general were enamored with the moon goddess and would do whatever she said. Grover broke satyrs and other nature spirits into groups to help set up defensive forces to protect the wild places. Harry was determined to do his part to help. The budget the satyrs and other nature spirits were restricted by would suddenly get a massive increase. A whole new class of green technologies would be flooding the mortal market in the years to come thanks to the Potter male and his new employee Daedalus. The old inventor had quickly accepted the sea mage's offer after touring the Academy.

Normal Camp activities like dinner and sing alongs resumed that evening. Harry picked up on Nico's silence and wondered what was bothering the son of Hades. The phoenix animagus drew his adoptive little brother aside towards the edge of the woods and willed a wall of silence around them.

"What's bothering you Nico?" The magician probed.

"I've just been wondering more about my mother…I don't really know anything about her," explained Nico. "I've discussed it with Bianca and she is mildly curious herself but can't get away from her Hunter duties."

"I'll help you find the answers Nico. We'll discover where you come from together," the son of Poseidon assured the son of Hades. "Now let's go back and join the others. I think I saw that Aphrodite girl giving you the look."

"What look?" Nico questioned confusedly.

"The look that says she wants to kiss your mouth off," teased the immortal.

"Percy," Nico whined as the older male ruffled his hair.

Late that night Dionysus returned to Camp. The god of wine took the time to cure Chris Rodriguez of madness much to Clarisse's pleasure. Dionysus was an expert on insanity. The rest of the summer at Camp was relatively unremarkable compared to the events of the last few years. One exception was when Hera decided to pay a visit to the recent Quest goers. The goddess appeared outside of the Poseidon cabin as Harry and his mates and friends prepared to leave for the short break between Camp and the Academy.

"I had faith your Quest would bring you the answers you sought," Hera announced with a smile. "Although I'm still a little unsure what happened with the Labyrinth entrance," the Queen muttered. "The Labyrinth is still there but the entrance at Camp disappeared."

"So can I assume you're the one who paid for our safe passage through the Ranch except for Nico," the astute daughter of Athena probed.

"He's the son of Hades…nobody desires to have him around," Hera suggested.

Harry was quite angry but kept a cool expression on his features thanks to his occlumency abilities.

"I would welcome a sacrifice for my many efforts to aid you throughout your Quest," the deity declared.

It was Annabeth who answered Hera with, "Dream on cow woman. You're worse than Hades. At least he doesn't pretend to be righteous and good."

Hera's eyes flashed as she started glowing.

The goddess declared, "You've made a very grave mistake Annabeth Chase."

Before Hera assumed her truly divine form the goddess went flying fifty feet into the air from a blow delivered to the back of her head.

"What just happened?" Nico inquired as an unconscious Hera disappeared via the portkey Harry had charmed one of her bracelets into.

"I'm not sure Nico but I think a certain bitch of a goddess just learned she isn't top dog," Thalia suggested while those in the know threw amused glances at a satisfied looking Calypso.

"I never liked that woman," the incredibly strong daughter of Atlas informed her lover and sister mates mentally.

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Several days later Harry's mother insisted on holding his birthday party even though she knew her son was immortal and a different age after training under time dilation. Sally Jackson had been told the same story the gods got but knew about more of the abilities her son wielded than the majority of the Olympians. Someday Sally might be told the whole truth.

The guests included all of Harry's lovers (including the immortal ones in disguised form for the benefit of those not in the know), Nico, Bianca de Angelo, Tyson, Grover, Juniper, Silena Beauregard, Charles Beckendorf, Chiron, and several other half blood friends from Camp and the Academy. The only deity that showed up in usual form was Poseidon. Judging from his mother's lack of surprise at his father's appearance the perceptive sorcerer surmised this wasn't the first time Sally Jackson had reunited with the god of the sea in recent years. Sally looked better than ever after eating one of the golden apples from her son's orchards on mars. The no longer mortal Sally Jackson stayed close to Poseidon the entire night as the party went on.

At one point Poseidon pulled his son aside into one of the back rooms of the large penthouse which took up an entire floor of the building Harry owned.

"I know this isn't your real birthday but I have a couple of gifts to give you. These are also from your lovely women. I honestly couldn't have created your gifts without some of the magics you brought with you from your original universe that they can now wield through you," Poseidon began. "Son, I'd like to present to you The Naiad," the god declared after relocating his offspring via the mist based travel ability he utilized to a bridge overlooking the nearby ocean.

In the water below the two immortals sat a ship composed entirely of incredibly dense coral which shimmered with a rainbow of colors. The vessel was the size of a modern day aircraft carrier.

"She's called The Naiad," explained Poseidon. "I think you can see why," the sea ruler pointed out while indicating the hundreds of Naiads clad in little more than thong string bikinis assembled on the deck. "The competition among the ocean spirits to crew your vessel was very fierce. They are all well trained warriors. The ship fires artillery shells filled with Greek fire. Your partner Annabeth designed her. That coral is harder than diamond thanks to the enchantments used in the growth process. The ship is flight capable and can go out of phase. Battle status," the god's voice boomed out to the crew below.

Immediately glowing armor which resembled fish scales covered most of the female flesh on display onboard The Naiad. Each female warrior wielded a trident that looked deadly. Dense coral armor grew over any weak spots in the ship's defenses and small holes opened up all around the ship's circumference through which weapons could be fired. The mage could sense the wards snapping into place. Choria and Furusia were down there their man could tell. The two sister Naiads were at the command of the hundreds of their kind below.

"Of course you need a trident as well," Poseidon suggested as he summoned forth a glowing weapon that thrummed with power. "This is as close to my own that Hephaestus could make. The Telekhines may have been a bunch of evil bastards but they were amazing weapons forgers. Of course now that I think about it that might have been partly due to their use of black magics."

Harry grasped his new weapon and felt the power in the trident's form.

"Thank you father," replied the grateful magician as he banished the trident to his trunk dimension with his sword.

"One last thing," Poseidon added as he summoned forth a ring from his own personal trunk dimension (a gift from his wizard son). "This ring will tell all who gaze upon it that you are my heir." As the sorcerer slipped the ring on the sea god suggested, "Now let's get back to your party son."

When the pair of immortals returned to the party the mood became rather festive. Despite the dark events going on in the world at large the party attendees were happy to just let their worries slip away for a time. And the concerns of the powerful beings were certainly worthy of being worried about. Through his sparring sessions with his father the warlock knew the war was heating up. Oceanus and other old ocean powerhouses were waging war against Poseidon and the sea ruler's realm. Typhon was expected to wake within the year due to the continued eruptions of Mount St. Helens.

"Come away from deep thoughts my love and come into your bedroom for the first part of your birthday present from your mates," Calypso enticed her man so only the telepath could hear.

The wizard did as requested, following the beautiful immortal into his bedroom.

Smut Scene Redacted (See hpfanficarchive or ficsite for erotic version)

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"Someone certainly looks like he had an exceptionally fun night," Sally Jackson teased her son when he walked into the kitchen the next morning looking for nourishment.

"I would not appear to be the only one, mother," Harry quickly pointed out while he nodded in greeting to his father who was sitting at the table next to Sally.

Poseidon had been experiencing quite a lot of trouble with Amphitrite since Triton's defection. The goddess shared many of her son's viewpoints. The ruler of the sea wasn't yet sure if his wife was working with Kronos' faction but he was withdrawn of late from their relationship. He did not feel it wise to invest even more of himself in her if he wasn't even sure he could trust her. Poseidon felt that was the best policy until he figured her motives out. The god of the sea had filled his son in on this information during their sparring sessions which was why the wizard wasn't surprised about his parents spending more time together.

"Where are the girls?" Poseidon queried before taking a bite of his cereal.

Harry had to stifle a smile at the surreal sight of the Olympian god eating fruit loops. Sally saw the mirth in her son's eyes and flashed him a quick grin. This byplay was missed by Poseidon. In retrospect Harry shouldn't have been surprised. Everyone had to eat.

"I kind of wore them out," Harry replied sheepishly while he blushed a little bit.

"All of them?" The earth shaker asked with one raised eyebrow. When his son nodded in the affirmative the god declared with a grin, "That's my boy. By the way…this cereal is fantastic."

"I'm glad you find them so tasty," Sally mused.

Just then the two supreme entities in the room sensed a powerful being trying to enter through the wards without invitation. Harry redirected the uninvited being to a seat across the table between himself and his dad. Sally sat to Poseidon's left across from her son. The new arrival was positioned to Harry's right across from Poseidon. The father and son powerhouses were ready to strike down the guest if the new arrival proved hostile. A moment later, the goddess Athena appeared.

"Interesting…most interesting," Athena announced as she analyzed her surroundings.

"What brings you here this morning, Athena?" Poseidon inquired casually before taking a drink of his coffee spiked with nectar.

Athena actually blushed at the question from her uncle.

Reluctantly the goddess of wisdom admitted, "I came to see if I could discover what makes Percy so special. He is unlike any demigod I have ever encountered. And I have encountered a lot of demigods."

Poseidon interpreted his niece's response correctly and clarified, "You were going to spy on my son and your daughter invisibly."

In truth Poseidon was rather amused at Athena's antics. Her curiosity was legendary. But one could not become the goddess of wisdom without a healthy dose of curiosity.

"Spy is such an ugly word. I was going to observe those two as well as Artemis. I now know why my little sister has suddenly become so proactive in defending Percy in the Council meetings," the goddess explained, probing for further information.

"What makes you think Artemis would be here?" Harry replied with a tone that gave nothing away.

"I have my ways. You show me yours and I will show you mine," Athena answered with a small smirk, immensely curious about the enigmatic young Mr. Jackson.

Athena always loved a good puzzle and what drew her daughter and several other females to the son of Poseidon was definitely a good puzzle to be riddled out.

"Well if yours is anything like your daughter's then I will look forward to the day that takes place. But for now my lady," began the enchanter as he took the blonde beauty's hand and kissed it. "A guy has to keep some of his secrets to maintain his attracting mystery."

With an amused smile on oh so kissable lips Athena disappeared via the portkey the wizard had just turned one of her rings into.

Poseidon cleared his throat. Harry saw the amused smile on his father's features.

Just when it appeared the Olympian was about to speak Sally spoke up with, "That's our boy!"

The family of three began to laugh at their unusual and never boring lives.

IaNP – The Battle of the Labyrinth – IaNP – The Battle of the Labyrinth – IaNP

Edited Version Rev 0

Posted 6/14/2014

Author's Note 2:

Well here is the fifth and final chapter of book 4. Next up is book 5 in the series. To discuss my stories and other fanfiction topics check out my Facebook group Stargatesg1fan1's Fanfiction Works and Favorites (the title on my ff . net profile is hyperlinked to the group). Another great group is Fiction Group.
