I'm already saying this beforehand, I absolutely loved this chapter xD writing it and the outcome, written all in one sitting. With someone who has a writer's block, it's not bad, and it's to make up for all the mediocre chapters I gave you.

Thank you for the reviews by ben4kevin and Churroko :) I appreciate them a lot, and I hope you like this chapter too.

Disclaimer: I do not own KnB, if I do... well, everyone's wish is my wish -_-"


"The thing is... Kuroko-san, please go out on a date with me!"

If a string of apologies along with certain "accidents" was considered a date, then this one would definitely be called a 'date'. Contradictory to what dates really were, realistically, it was something a pair of people with feelings for each other (or at times one-sided) went to for the sake of getting to know each other better, at times feelings would bud deeper in the process.

Kuroko didn't know what to expect from Sakurai, after all he was supposedly a "substitute" for Aomine, or so he claimed, he would always seem to take the blame, whatever happened. How Aomine wasn't there, how he pretty much didn't know where to go, he didn't know anything about dates most of all.

Let's not forget a certain jealous ganguro, shall we?


"You said damn two times."

"And who cares?"

"It's Dai-chan's fault, falling for a trap like that." Momoi teased as if trying to imply something, like how his perverted desires got the better of him anyway, not like she dared say so, for she could certainly sense jealousy of all things in her childhood friend, and she enjoyed the sight of it, frankly. The rest did too, and such a bunch was gathered outside the restaurant the two just entered to get lunch, payment was all on Imayoshi.

"Hey, we're hungry too, you evil beast." Wakamatsu complained. Imayoshi smirked, getting something from his bag and offering it to Wakamatsu, which he immediately took. What else could it be but... food?

"I have some for everyone, let's enjoy the show shall we?"

They all took bites on the humble sandwiches satisfying their palate, except Aomine had gobbled his and demanded for more, only for Imayoshi to finally voice out what he was thinking for a while now.

"If you want to prove yourself useful, I have a job for you."


Imayoshi handed out a tiny thing to Aomine, no bigger than his pinkie finger, he contemplated it before asking what it was. Imayoshi found the question wise and amusing, so he answered.

"It's a device that lets us hear what they're saying, I have devices that connect to it enough for the remaining people, only someone in there as our representative... as a customer or waiter, whatever you like. Oh you agree, well ain't that amusing?"

"Hey wait, who said I would agree to-"

Momoi cut him off, "Unless you want to dress as a sexy lady waiter, then I think it is best for you to agree to Imayoshi-san."

"Then why don't you go in there?" Aomine suggested, his hand doing something as if making way for Momoi. Momoi pouted, and someone argued how he just wanted to see Momoi in an outfit like that, which he denied – not to mention he brought up the question where in the world they would get an identical costume.

"I have one ordered online."

"They sell that-?!" Aomine exclaimed, shocked, "And wait, you're into that, Susa-senpai?"

"No, my sister is."

"Don't you want to look at your ex-shadow close up?" Wakamatsu tried, Aomine winced. Momoi grimaced, "Ex." she repeated, making it sound rather sweet and slick at the same time.

"Shut up." Aomine muttered defeatedly, "Fine, I'll do it, but you'd better give me some flashy suit, that's a high class restaurant I'm telling you!"

"You could go in as a beggar." Wakamatsu mused.

"What you're wearing is fine, I already told the waiters you would be coming." Imayoshi said, as if explaining things.

"You own this restaurant?"

"No, my family does, these branches – but more importantly, unless you want your ex to fall in love with Sakurai-kun, then I suggest you get in now."

"There's no way-" he paused for a moment, not welcoming the possibility, "Fine... wish me luck."

"Hope you trip on the way."

He merely scowled and muttered something about rich psychic people (Imayoshi to be specific) and entered shortly after, taking a seat as near as possible, looking a bit too obvious for comfort, which they all sensed, but they didn't care. After all, it was interesting.

"You just want him to suffer, don't you?" Susa questioned before long, rhetorically.

"How observant of you, was it that obvious?"

They all nodded before they wore the devices in their ears, listening intently to the conversations exchanged between the dating pair.

"Umm... shall we order something?"

"Y-Yeah, right..." Sakurai stuttered.

Overall, the restaurant gave a comfortable feeling, if not slightly suffocating with the fact that the people dining in seemed rich, Kuroko's eyes widened at the price sometimes, and at times he even wondered whether Sakurai knew what kind of ground he just entered, but nevertheless he trusted him in a way. It provided special service, for seniors, and for... lovers.

And if anything, they didn't look like lovers.

Sakurai still recalled what Imayoshi told him... he seemed to know quite a lot about the restaurant, and told them they provided such services, "Tell them you're lovers, or else... we'll know." How? He questioned at that time, and Imayoshi simply answered him that he had a way with how people think, which Sakurai was familiar with, so he had no choice but to comply.

No matter how he looked at it, it was too sudden.

"May I take your order, sir and uh...?" he eyed the empty chair for a moment, only to make out another boy, Oh, he thought, too bad he's not a girl, he looks cute.

He felt a killer glare from somewhere, he couldn't pinpoint the exact location (Aomine *cough*), but he got back to his job. It was like the, "Don't hit on my _ (whatever relationship Kuroko and Aomine had)!" kind of look,he immediately backed off.

"Excuse me once again, may I take your orders?"

"I-I'm sorry!" The brunette suddenly apologized, "W-we're lovers, I – I am sorry!" he blurted out boldly, continuously apologizing, much to the other customers shock. Some thought he was imagining things and he was alone, and some who saw Kuroko could merely want to consider it a misunderstanding. A glass cup shattered from the desk behind them, a waitress immediately accommodated the customer (Aomine again) and asked if he alright. "Boy, I sure am." was the sarcastic response she got.

Kuroko had a bad feeling about this.

"O-Oh, pardon me sir, I stared too much for a moment." The stricken waiter said momentarily, "May I finally have your order?" he snapped.

"A fillet mignon for me and..." Kuroko momentarily looked at Sakurai who looked like he wouldn't recover by any time soon, "He'll order later."


Kuroko smiled slightly, "A vanilla shake for me and for now, he would need some water."

"Would you like the special lovey-dovey chocolate sachertorte?"

"Umm..." Kuroko pondered for a moment, slightly uncomfortable, "Yes please."

The waiter repeated the order before leaving with a bow, secretly glad to be out there. He heaved a breath, when his fellow workmates asked him what he was all about. "It's complicated." he answered, ending the topic, before getting to work again, unexpectedly recovering, quickly at that.

As for a certain dark blue-haired boy who was gripping the poor silk fabric which served as tablecloth, close to tearing when thankfully someone asked for his order (also charging the glass).


Imayoshi didn't give him money for food did he?

"U-Uh... I'll have a cup of coffee, make it strong." To calm the nerves, he told himself. Damn it, that beast is going to pay when I'm done with this!

"As you wish sir, one cup of coffee coming right up."

"Aomine, how's it doing?"was what came out from the device which turned out to be a voice receiver (which came with a transmitter actually, to track their location).

"I hate you." Aomine growled.

"Now, don't get frustrated." Imayoshi said with ease. Oh, you are so dead.

"You just told me to die, didn't you?" he could feel Imayoshi smirking in victory from inside.

He sighed, about to get up and try to get some fresh air whether they would allow it or not, when he heard two words. "Vanilla shake", or that was what caught his attention at least. Tetsu, was the name that first crossed his mind.

Aomine watched as Kuroko thanked the waiter, then sipping, not bothering to reserve himself from anything, his lips quirked into an all-out honest smile, a slight sparkle visible in his eyes, so bright Aomine could faint.

"I love you." he murmured.

"What was that?"Imayoshi's voice suddenly spoke out.

"Not you, idiot." he almost immediately replied, ceasing Imayoshi of whatever thoughts he had.

"Of course not."

"Sakurai-kun, it's okay, really, I don't really mind."

Well, he did actually, but he didn't take it that badly like Sakurai thought him to be, with his hectic life with certain rainbow heads and reckless stalkers (you could call them that) and all.

"R-Really?" Sakurai stuttered, a habit of his which developed somewhere along his way of puberty, and his equally messed up daily life.

"I'm sure you didn't mean to do so."

He just hoped Sakurai didn't.

He wanted to treat it as an accident.

Sakurai nodded, and he was about to console him more when there was a cough in the background, coming from the water who honestly thought they were being a bit too sweet he was melting, placing the dishes carefully.

"Fillet mignon and beef steak, medium-well." The waiter stated, asking if they needed anything more.

"No, we'll be fine, thank you." Kuroko said, Sakurai muttered a nervous thank you before he started eating, not sparing Kuroko a look.

"Heh... so Sakurai-kun likes steak... that was slightly surprising..."

Sakurai blushed slightly, not knowing why he was even more nervous than usual, his fingers habitually playing with eating utensils as he chewed.

"I – I can eat a lot when I'm sad!" he said with an apology.


Kuroko stood up and decided to sit by Sakurai's side, much to the brunette's surprise. He started shaking when he felt Kuroko hold his hand.

"I'm sorry if I was silent for the whole time, leaving you to do everything, I may not be good company-"

"No, it's not like that!" Sakurai exclaimed, interrupting Kuroko, "It's just... I don't like making mistakes but... but..."

But it wasn't a mistake, his mind said,It was you who did so, you wanted to do it.


"It's alright, I understand." he said with an understanding tone, almost making Sakurai relieved as he sat still, brown eyes locking on to blue ones. He stared for a moment, and he felt – he saw kindness, sincere forgiveness.

"All people make mistakes, and you can't blame yourself for being imperfect... or you'll lose your way."


"It's nothing." Kuroko whispered, "We should eat," he suggested, "The food would get cold if we continue doing this."


Sakurai shifted, then fingering a certain notebook he had been holding for the whole time. Kuroko didn't know what it was, but he had no intentions to pry, for Sakurai had his right to keep whatever secrets he had that were meant to be kept.

And it turned out to be...

" Ways to make a girl/guy fall in love with you through one date, by Imayoshi Shoichi, and co-authoress Momoi Satsuki "

Sakurai gulped, Imayoshi had told him beforehand that it would perfectly be fine if he did this.

It was divided to several scenarios and was rather detailed, so Sakurai thought to where they were now. There was a section labelled "restaurant", he flipped the page to where it was marked and started reading.

Step 1: It doesn't matter what kind of food you're eating or what meal of the day you're scrutinizing while you read this, what matters is you know when's the right timing to spoonfeed your partner. It counts as an indirect kiss, see how he reacts, this notebook goes with a set of tissues in case of massive nosebleed.

Sakurai took out the tissue box, and started grabbing his spoon, but the thought of an indirect kiss scared him, a lot.


Note: Naturally, if you're the dominant one (that's why you're reading this, for advice to know what to do with your destined person), you'll be the one spoonfeeding and taking the responsibility, so at times, partners are born to be your opposite, like you know, naturally open their mouth to let you spoonfeed them, like they're asking for it. Start it with a "say ah".

"S-Say ah..."

And much to his shock, Kuroko did exactly what the notebook said.

He gently stuffed the small piece of steak into Kuroko's mouth, momentarily looking at those innocent lips which seemed to be asking for more (like the notebook said actually).

Step 2: People all have different tastes, so if he or she doesn't like it, well that's your problem, but don't give up. Move to step three if this happens, if not, go to step 4, yes, you can skip apologizing which is step three.

"Is it good?"

Kuroko blinked. "Yes, it is." he said,touching his his cover blown?! Sakurai panicked, but then he noticed Kuroko wiped his lip of sauce after tidily, oh thank god.

"Thank you."

Now that thank you was of the gods itself, it held so much power.

No nosebleed yet, thankfully.

He jumped to step 4.

Step 4: Even if someone is a tidy eater, it doesn't mean there would be absolutely no sign of a stain. If you're lucky, you can say so and remove it, then eat it (you get a taste of it too~!), or if you're bold enough to lick, feel free to do so. If not, well pretend there's some for the sake of some development.

Well, there was no way to say he was lucky or unlucky, for indeed, Kuroko had a grain of rice which rested by the corner of his lips, much to Sakurai's relief and agitation.

"U-Umm... you have a grain of rice here." he said, pointing to the corner of his own lips, Kuroko was about to remove it when he got to action, so speedily that it only lasted for a second, Kuroko thanked him timidly, wondering if something was wrong with Sakurai.

Note: Do it slowly, remember to savour the moment.

Oh god, he did it wrong, what should he do?

"I'm sorry!"

"...Is there something wrong?" Kuroko questioned worriedly.

"I – I made a move on you too quickly!"

And then the world stilled, he did it wrong! He said it wrong, and it was too late!

"I'm sorry, I was too caught in the moment." Kuroko said, "Sakurai-kun, tell me, why are you apologizing?"


"It's nothing... I just... I killed a cow."

"Sakurai, you're messing up quite naturally."

He stood up, shocked to hear Imayoshi's voice, already mentally apologizing, expecting to see his former captain in this restaurant at any moment.

"Outside, and no, don't look here, you'll give us away."

He heard squealing from the background, hearing a momentary "bump" before he heard another voice.

"Sakurai-kun! How's our manual?" was the cheery question, which he recognized as Momoi's voice. "It's great, isn't it?"

"Y-Yes it is..." He sat down, trying to agree, it was helpful yes... but troublesome, yet he knew he couldn't make his own decisions without it, so he decided to let it be.

"Sakurai-kun? Who are you talking to?

"Oh, nobody. I'm talking to myself – I mean, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Step 5: If it's time to pay the bill, be sure you're the one to pay, you don't wanna trouble your new girlfriend or boyfriend with the expenses, or you're going to regret it.

Note: Works better when you're an average looking guy who's pitiable

Step 6: Get out of the restaurant holding hands, it works, looking sweet to the people, you might even get a discount and some words to come again.

"Should I pay?" Kuroko brought up, Sakurai shook his head.

"N-No, I brought Kuroko-san here, it is only natural for me to pay." he said, handing over the needed money to the waiter who just brought it with the dessert, which they finished up quite slowly considering they were full, and Sakurai had to finish most of it since Kuroko had the appetite of a vegetarian (exclude the eats only vegetables part).

They pushed their chairs and Sakurai, noticing they were a bit too far from each other, huddled closer – reluctantly of course.

"C-Can I hold your hand?" he asked awkwardly, Kuroko felt curious about the sudden question, but he wondered if Sakurai did it out of fear of whatever he feared, so he nodded shakily. Sakurai looked relieved, then entwining their hands.

"Please do come again!"

After they left, a certain person was on the rampage after finishing his cup of coffee.

"Damn it! Why can't I be lovey-dovey with Tetsu for once?!"

"Because it's your job not to."

Akashi's words of "wisdom" resonated in his mind, he needed to keep calm. Keep calm and stop being such a complaining machine.




"I'm still jealous, damn it." he cursed, not bothering to wait for the change before exiting with intentions to chase after the two, not waiting for his fellow Touou school mates.

"Please come again~!"

"Sure, next time I'm coming, I'm ordering a lot, thank you very much."

He stormed out of the restaurant.

"Wasn't that man sort of grumpy ever since he came into the restaurant?" the waitress who stood by the entrance asked, sparking up a conversation.

"I sense a love triangle." a waitress – the one who served Aomine piped up.

"And I like it." another waitress breathed demurely.

"Back to work girls." their boss ordered.

"Yes sir."

Kuroko and Sakurai decided to go to the movie theatre next, for those were Aomine and Kuroko's original plans. They were for a horror movie actually, which Kuroko purposefully chose to trigger his own amusement, originally the whole purpose of it was to scare Aomine to wits end.

He wanted to be a bit naughty once in a while – courtesy to Aomine refusing to buy him vanilla shakes and dragging him to random places.

Now though, he felt unsure, after all, he knew not much about Sakurai.

But they did anyway.

They managed to find a good seat, by the middle, a lot seemed to be watching, but little did they know, among them was a certain lively bunch.

Touou's regulars – Aomine included.

They kept their distance, two rows behind the pair – which wasn't far really, but that was the point, to not catch their attention. To their suspicion, though, Aomine looked like a wailing baby... except he wasn't wailing, no tears came, but his expression said otherwise.

He was scared.

"Dai-chan's scared of ghosts~!"

"Sh-shut up." Aomine muttered, crossing his arms, brow creasing. an unpleasant expression worn in his face.

"Too bad man, we're gonna laugh at you the whole movie. We're looking forward to it." Wakamatsu said, not making him any better.

"Oh look, it's starting."

They didn't pay much attention to the movie, but on the pair – partly refusing to scream and whimper like an idiot, and partly interested in whatever development or revelation may reveal itself – like Kuroko unexpectedly scared or what, but nothing came. Kuroko didn't scream, if anything it was Sakurai who was tightly holding to Kuroko's hand.

Aomine did not shout, but his mind screamed and reeked with jealousy.

"Uh... Aomine?"

"Don't. Talk. To. Me."

"Wow, so scary." Wakamatsu sarcastically commented, Imayoshi hushed him.

Then suddenly, before the girl in the movie started screaming, a ringtone rang from Aomine's phone, bring a scream to the bluenette's throat, begging to be let out.

And it did.

"Was that Aomine-kun's voice?"




"Probably not." Kuroko said, considering Sakurai said he was "sick", he couldn't possibly be here, he went back to watching the movie, with Sakurai who seemed to enjoy it very much for a person who seemed to have many fears, and horror movies was definitely not one of them.

Moving back to Aomine...

"Sorry, I have to go to the restroom, important call."

"Are you wimping out?" Wakamatsu tested.

"I bet he is." Susa muttered.

"Shut up, I'm more afraid of him to kill me."

"...Who is it Dai-chan?" Momoi asked, curious as to who Aomine was actually afraid of, and she didn't need to think through her list of people Aomine took notice of, which was a considerable few.

"It's a call from Akashi."

And so he ran out of the cinema, arousing suspicion from his teammates and the guard.

"What is it, Akashi?"

He looked at his state in the mirror, shaking his head. He never acted this way before, as if his fears had been realized. All he needed was a bee to appear out of nowhere –

"Daiki, I trust you remember the task I entrusted you with?"

It sent chills down his spine, but he muttered a silent "yes", remembering the conversation they had days ago.


"If you don't do it well, I can always have someone else take action, do you want that?"

"No!" he immediately answered, he heard a chuckle on the other side of the line, an amused one.

"Sounding desperate are we?"

He sighed, admitting it, he was desperate – desperate to bring that heart back to him. He admitted it, he regretted making that choice of leaving him years ago, he was blind – he was driven by talent, by... by the changing time, and that was wrong – for he had lost what he wanted back.

Was this a chance?

"What is this farce I hear from Momoi? That you fell for a trap and Sakurai Ryo," the name sounded like poison, the way Akashi said it, like a threat, "Has to date Tetsuya as your substitute?"

"I, u-uh..."

"This isn't a joke, Daiki. We can't be so sure how Tetsuya feels about this, he'll need someone, though he can take care of himself – we can never be too sure, after what Shintarou told me about concerning what happened back at the summer house."

Oh, that.

"We can't let just anyone approach him, he can make his decisions his own, true, but there's almost no way in telling it can turn into something bad until we get there."

"Yes, captain."

"We can't let others do what we did to him, Daiki."

There was a moment of silence before Akashi spoke again.

"Let him feel emotions, fine, but limit them... to prevent him from getting hurt."

"Got it."

"And you better not do anything dirty behind my back, I have my own spies."

He sighed, he had a lot to do, from now on.

For now, anyway.


Yes, Aomine, admit it, you want Kuroko back. /shot/

Okay, in case anyone noticed, that thing about a person being too perfect, Kuroko was sort of sad because that's how Akashi is. *hardcore AkaKuro shipper here*


*ahem* forgive me for that.

Drop a review if you'd like, please~ Pretty please with a cherry on top?
