OKAY GUYS, I'm really sorry about the... I have no idea what happened earlier. But let's hope it works this time! :D (And again, I've started running out of ideas. Sorry guys! Lot of weird scenes! I was challenging myself with crackships. Anyway, read on!)
Long time no see, everyone!
I am so, so, so, so sorry for my rushed crappy ending in the last chapter.
(Let's just say that Zeus was sparing Percy because of the stuff he's done in the past and mentally told the other gods not to kill him, m'kay? X3)
SUPER-LONG-TIME-NO-SEE. I've had study and stuff, so sorry for the very slow updates. Very.
Anyway, read on!
Disclaimer: I don't own Superman either.
POV: Third Person
Chapter Three: Noodles the Cat
"Gods, Jason! Why'd you remind him?!" Piper yelled.
Jason shrugged sheepishly. "Sorry…"
Leo just grinned. "Well, since Mr. Grace over here has kindly reminded me about our weekly game of Truth or Dare, and since we all happen to be in Percy's surprisingly-clean-cabin, let's start the game!"
Reyna shot Leo a look.
"Okay then, Repair Boy. Truth or dare?"
"Dare! As always!"
"Make out with Annabeth until you enjoy it."
Silence. Nothing else could describe this scene, besides the fact that you could also add that everyone's mouths were agape, besides Reyna, who had a grimacing smile placed on her face towards Leo.
Piper was the first to react. "Reyna. What. Are. You. Thinking."
Percy the second to come out of the trance; he didn't speak, his face just burnt with redness, along with Annabeth and Leo.
Thalia clapped her hands together. "You know what? I wanna see this. Do it."
Nico raised an eyebrow. "Really, Thalia?"
"Well, it's like one of those disgusting TV shows. You hate it, it looks so weird… you can't look away."
Nico slowly started nodding.
Percy was breathing slowly so no-one could hear him. Piper was doing the same.
Leo and Annabeth, due to the current coincidental circumstances, were coincidently sitting next to each other. They looked at each other.
"**** it." Leo exclaimed.
With a yelp from her, he pulled Annabeth in.
Annabeth's immediate thought was to spring out. Her brain reminded her, Just a dare Annabeth. We'll kill Reyna later. But, as she was beginning to realise that she had never been kissed by a guy other than Percy, she responded back to Leo.
As Annabeth focused, she realised; damn, Leo was a good kisser.
Leo broke apart after a few seconds, and then pointed at Thalia.
"Come outside."
Nico and Thalia raised an eyebrow, but Thalia went outside with Leo.
Meanwhile, Annabeth was trying to recover. She didn't realise it, but Reyna and Jason were laughing silently.
She turned to Percy. She opened her mouth. "I-" Percy cut her off.
"It's fine. Just a dare. I'll kill Reyna later."
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In between silent laughter, Reyna looked up. "Suuuure you will, Jackson."
Leo and Thalia stepped outside. It was evening, so not much campers were up.
"Thalia Grace. Truth or dare?"
Thalia was confused. Why was this so important that we had to step outside?
"Also, what's Rachel's last name?"
Thalia looked confused. "Uh, our Oracle?"
Leo nodded innocently. Weird.
"Dare. Why d-"
Leo started grinning. "Dare, huh? Okay. Well, I dare you to go into the cabin, drag Nico out of it, and bring him to the Hades cabin. After that, find a knife and bring it out to him. Then, as you bring it to his neck, start kissing him violently for, uh, about a minute! Oh, and you have to come back within two." He finished cheerfully.
Thalia looked startled. "But… I didn't…"
"You said dare! Also, I will know if you do this or not! So go ahead!" Leo exclaimed, pushing her to the Poseidon Cabin…
"Also." He whispered into her ear seriously before she pushed her in.
"What?" Thalia replied.
"You want to, right?"
He said this seriously.
Thalia was holding in a blush, but it literally started burning her cheeks.
Leo smiled. "Go for it." And pushed her in.
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"Stupid… Leo… Good… Leo…"
Thalia kept mumbling to herself as she dragged a terrified Nico di Angelo to his own cabin. "Uh, the doors are locke-"
Thalia opened the doors to the Hades cabin.
"Oh." Nico squeaked.
Thalia pushed Nico to the wall of the dark cabin. She brought out a knife.
Slowly, Thalia started moving the knife to Nico's neck.
"Thalia… is this a part of the dare… help…" Nico kept whispering.
At the last second, Thalia hesitated as she dropped the knife.
Thalia then, as Leo asked her to, started kissing Nico violently.
Nico tried to push the "girl of his dreams" away instantly. He forgot all about the dare. What the heck is happening?
Thalia became slower. Nico realised what the heck was happening; the girl of his dreams was kissing him.
They started, as most people would say, "make out". After a while, Thalia's eyes widened.
"Whaaa?" Nico replied groggily.
"We were meant to be back after a minute."
Nico looked confused.
Then his eyes widened. "Oh. It was a dare."
Nico sighed, as his blush quickly faded. Thalia stared at him, her blush still thriving since when Leo told her the dare.
"Uh… Nico?"
She hesitated.
"Let's just get outta here."
They walked back to the Poseidon cabin.
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"Hey, it was around three minutes!" Leo exclaimed when they walked in.
"Whatever, Valdez." Thalia replied, Nico giving him a death glare.
"Well, let's play on!" Leo replied happily. "Your turn, Thalia?"
Thalia stared at Leo. Then she turned to Jason.
"Truth or dare, little bro?"
"Well, technically I'm ol-"
"Just shut up and choose."
Jason smiled feebly. "Dare."
"Wear a Superman suit and save a mortal's cat from a tree."
"Uh, one, we're in Camp Half-Blood. That's ages away from any mortal anywhere. Two; how the heck would a cat get into a tree? Isn't that, like, a fireman show myth?"
Thalia smiled. "That's when Leo comes in, and he better do what I ask."
Leo shivered.
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"Hey, Rachel! What up, girl? Got some good prophecies going?"
Finding Rachel painting the cave wall outside her cave, Leo walked up to here.
Leo was one of the boys that Rachel didn't mind, at all actually, but she had to admit his behavior started of strange.
"Uh, do you need something?"
"How would you like to adopt… Noodles the cat!" Leo brought out a fluffy white cat from behind him. It wasn't a young cat – it was an older one. Thalia decided to find an older one because you never know what a young cat could be like. A young cat could go psycho on them. Plus, older cats are more loyal.
"Ooh, it's so cute!" Rachel squealed. She then put on a serious face. "Uh, I mean, why the Hades would you give me a cat? For free?"
"Because, why not?" Leo replied cheerfully.
"Uh, okay?" Rachel questioned herself, taking the cat.
"Okay! Great!" Leo smiled, then quickly tossed her a piece of paper.
Noodles the cat flew into the air, and landed onto a nearby tree.
"What the f-"
"Read the paper out loud." Leo whispered.
Rachel read the paper as if she were reading to kindergarteners;
"Oh no. My cat is in the tree. What will I do?"
A voice shouted from behind a bush, "This sounds like a job for… SUPERMAN!"
Leo and Rachel doubled over in laughter, as more laughter was heard from behind the bush.
Jason Grace, in full Superman outfit, flew in the sky, onto the tree, and gracefully picked up Noodles the cat. Any campers in eye-sight pointed and laughed.
He plopped the cat into Rachel. "There you go, kind citizen! Justice AWAITS!" He exclaimed, as he flew off into the… bush.
Rachel smiled, and whispered to Leo, "I'll keep the cat."
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"You did great, Superman!"
"Justice awaits! Was that a freestyle line?"
"Okay, shut up, shut up, everyone." Jason came out of the Poseidon cabin's toilet in normal clothes.
"Who knew you kept kittens as pets Leo?" Leo's face had a fire-y tinge to it. "I get lonely."
Jason shrugged. "My turn, yes? Tru-"
"THAT'S IT!" A voice boomed. "Oh, hello Mr. D! How you doing?" Leo smiled.
"I have heard of your little squaffles with kissing and kittens. Footage of Thalia and Nico kissing from Mr. Stoll and Mr. Stoll? No kissing in the camp!"
Thalia and Nico looked mortified. Percy had a 'light bulb' moment on his face. "Mr. D, how about a little wager?" Dionysus raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"
"You take a dare from us. If you do it, we'll stop playing Truth or Dare. In this state. In this room. Whatever." Annabeth looked at Percy. "Wha-"
"If you don't do it, we'll just continue playing? Deal?"
Mr. D smiled. "Deal."
Percy started grinning. Everyone looked confused. Mr. D looked smug.
"Okay, I dare you to repeat after me the following sentence."
Thalia nearly hit Percy. Annabeth whispered sharply "What are you thinking?!"
Mr. D laughed. "Okay. Go."
"I swear…" Percy started.
"I swear…" Mr. D repeated.
"the River Styx…"
Mr. D frowned. "the River Styx…"
"I will be nice…"
"I will be nice…"
"to all…"
"to all…"
"and not affect them…"
"and not affect them…"
"while they're in their own bodies, own houses, own camp, own whatever."
"while they're in their own bodies, own houses, own camp, own whatever."
Mr. D looked smug. Then his eyes widened.
"Wait. Wait. Wait."
Thunder boomed.
Travis and Connor Stoll burst into the cabin.
Mr. D looked horrified. "No… I can't be nice…"
Everyone picked up Percy Jackson and cheered for him around camp, as Mr. D sat down, kneeling, eyes widened in disbelief.
And there you have it! Very long update… took a while! Sorry for lack of stuff! Hope you guys enjoy! :D
EDIT: I just found out all of documents on the site are dead.
Huh. Weird. Lucky I have them all saved on my computer. ;D