Natasha's POV
She was in a glass box. It was pitch black in the room she had been kept for two days.
No one had come in; the only sound was her ragged breathing and the ticking of a clock. All of a sudden, just like every time she had this nightmare, water started filling the box. Slowly, she sank into a sitting position, hugging her knees. Water, everywhere. It rose above her ankles, then her knees, she stood up, desperately trying to break the glass. Natasha pounded on the glass and screamed until her scream became a rasp. Natasha gasped for air as the water covered her waist, then her chest, then her neck.
Natasha sat up, her eyes wide, gasping for air. She untangled herself from her sweat soaked sheets and glanced at her clock. 3:30; half an hour longer than the previous night. Natasha got out of bed, knowing she wouldn't be able to sleep any more. Throwing on some clothes, Natasha headed for the gym. The avengers tower had everything, a workout gym, shooting range, an avengers lounge; practically any room named would be in the 100-floor tower.
Natasha stayed at the gym until 7:30. She headed back to her room and took a shower. None of the avengers knew about this morning routine occurring almost every day. Natasha made sure of that, she took a shower every morning and made it look as if she had just waken up. Red room training kept Natasha from showing no physical appearance that in the last three days she had gotten 8 hours of sleep. Natasha was always the first one up, not counting Tony who, much to everyone's chagrin occasionally went days without sleeping. Steve or Clint would usually be the second person up. Today it was Steve. Steve and Natasha had a sort of brother sister relationship.
"Early morning?" asked Steve.
" Yeah, I was just at the gym," replied Natasha, pouring herself some coffee.
"That's where I'm headed out now." Steve said as he walked towards the gym. Natasha sipped her coffee relishing the tranquil silence. Just then, a certain billionaire walked out of the elevator.
"Stark," Natasha greeted." You're up early."
" What did you do before you worked for S.H.I.E.L.D?" Tony blurted.
" What?" said Natasha suddenly icy.
" Well I know the Bruce, Steve, Clint, and Thor's history, you're the only one I don't know anything about. I checked your S.H.I.E.L.D. file but-" Tony was cut short.
" Stark, I swear to god if you finish that sentence I will embed this knife in your skull." Natasha growled, a knife appearing in her hand. Tony shut up. Of all the residence occupying his tower, Natasha scared him the most. Sighing, Natasha started back to her room, but ran into none other than Clint.
"Hey Tash," yawned Clint. "What'd Tony do to you this time?"
"Leave me alone," snapped Natasha as she pushed her way through Clint and toward her room. Upon arriving in her room Natasha slammed the door behind her letting it automatically lock behind her. Natasha sat on her bed, engulfed in the memories that plagued her dreams. A few minutes later, the doorknob rattled, like someone was trying to turn it. After a few rattles, it grew silent again. Lying on her back, Natasha closed her eyes and was immediately assaulted by the images of her victims. She remembered each one of them. All of a sudden, her air vent cover rattled, and fell off.
"Godd*mn it Clint, what the h*ll are you doing up there, again?" Natasha called. The air vent cover came off silently and out dropped Clint.
"Natasha," Clint asked," Have you been sleeping?" Natasha shrugged in response.
" How many hours of sleep did you get last night?"
"2 and a half," whispered Natasha.
"Nightmares?" asked Clint. Natasha nodded her head in confirmation.
"Hamburg." Natasha confessed, her eyes looking haunted. Clint put a comforting arm around Natasha, pulling her into a hug. Clint's presence always seemed to calm Natasha down, her nightmares weren't as bad when Clint was around. Their presence each other was mutual; their nightmares weren't as bad when they were together. After years in the red room, Natasha didn't trust anyone for years. It took Clint almost two years to gain her trust. of all the people at S.H.I.E.L.D, Natasha only trusted Clint, Coulson, and Fury. Natasha had worked at S.H.I.E.L.D. for 7 years.
" Every time I try to sleep, I can't stop thinking of Hamburg," Natasha said.
Later that night was dinner, Pepper had gotten a reservation at an incredibly fancy restaurant, so naturally,everyone had to attend. Everyone meaning Tony, Steve, Bruce, Thor, Natasha, Clint, Pepper, and Jane. Natasha dreaded dinner; she would have to face Tony, who she had been avoiding all day.
"Why hello Natasha," Tony greeted as soon as Natasha and Clint arrived." I haven't seen you all day," Dinner was miserable for Natasha; Tony constantly pestering her with questions. With each question Tony asked, Natasha thought of all the people she had ruthlessly killed.
When dinner was finally over, Natasha changed out of her fancy dress and into her pajamas. She had promised Clint that she would at least try to sleep that night. Natasha slipped into her bed and closed her eyes.
I got the idea of the glass box with water from Divergent, do you like it? Reviews are appreciated!