Warnings: Fem!Furihata Kind!Akashi OOC

Teikōmon! Spinoff Chapter – AkaFuri: Newborn Love

16 year-old Furihata Kouki scrapped a hand through her flyaway light-brown hair and took in a deep breath as she followed the vice principal on a tour of the famous Teikō High School. The decision to transfer in the last term of the year had been difficult, but her parent's work had relocated and they were unwilling to leave her behind by herself to finish the term. She had never transferred before, but she didn't need the experience to know that it wasn't going to be easy. Friendships had already been formed; cliques composed; it was anyone's guess how a meek countryside girl as her was going to fit into a metropolitan school.

"You're quite tall Furihata-san, have you thought about doing sports? Teikō has a very extensive sports programme." The vice principal, a middle-aged lady with a kind smile, spoke, breaking Furihata out of her reverie.

"Ah… Yes, I played basketball back home," Furihata replied.

"Oh good, our girls' basketball team regularly places high in the national tournaments. Actually, right now the third years of the boys' basketball team are having a match with the second years before they officially retire. Would you like to have a look? We're just a couple of minutes away from the stadium. Our boys' team has won every national tournament in the last three years you know," the vice principal said with pride.

Furihata swallowed, of course she knew. The Teikō Academic Group was an institution nationally-renowned for giving rise to four of the most prodigious basketball players in recent history. Akashi Seijurou, Aomine Daiki, Kise Ryouta, and Midorima Shintarou had been staple features of Basketball Monthly ever since they first stole the nation's hearts with their incredible plays in Teikō Middle School. And now, they were third-years and retiring from the high-school basketball scene having never been beaten at a single game.

"Yes, thank you." Furihata reservedly took the offer. Despite herself, she had always wondered if she would ever see with her own eyes those miraculous athletes she had seen line the pages of sport magazines so many times.

However, when Furihata finally stepped into the stadium, she was immediately caught unawares by the sheer difference in ability between the basketball she played back in the countryside, and the basketball that was playing before her. Although the sound of sneakers against the court and the straining of muscles weren't unfamiliar to her, the intensity on the court itself was deafening. The third years were retiring, but there was no question that they still absolutely dominated the game. It was the third quarter and the third-years had their juniors pinned at 109 to 14.

"Very good, the second years managed to score double digits." The vice principal said with an approving smile.

Furihata gave a rueful laugh at the vice principal's words. Such a score seemed to be an everyday occurrence at Teikō judging by everyone's reaction.

"I need to return to the office. Would you like to stay and watch the remainder of the match?"

"Yes, umm thank you for showing me around." Furihata bowed as the vice principal made her exit before returning to the match.

"Is this your first time watching them play in person?"

Furihata reeled back with a little squeak at the dismembered dialogue that came out of nowhere.

"Huh? Who said that?" Furihata asked, head swinging in all directions, unsure of where to look.

"Uhm, excuse me, I'm right here."

Furihata looked to her left and jumped a whole step back. She could've sworn there hadn't been anyone there before, but there she was, a pretty girl about her height with baby-blue eyes and hair.

"Please don't sneak up on me like that!" Furihata begged. She could still feel her heart pounding from the shock.

"Uhm, but I've been here since the beginning," she revealed.

Furihata frowned, wishing she hadn't raised her voice. The girl didn't' seem to have any ill intentions, just an incredibly weak presence.

"Uhh… Okay, sorry, but just- just don't do that again alright?" Furihata said.

"I can't make any guarantees," she admitted, but then extended an open hand. "I'm Kuroko Tetsuna. Are you new here?"

Furihata paused, eyeing that pale, elegant hand with hesitation before finally taking it. "Yeah, I'm Furihata Kouki."

"Nice to meet you, Furihata-san," Kuroko smiled.

"Nice to meet you too, Kuroko-san," Furihata smiled in return. And just like that, the two teenagers fell into a conversation about basketball. Suddenly, everything seemed that much brighter for Furihata. She had just made her first friend at Teikō and she was just as much into basketball as herself. Things were really looking up for her.

But then, Furihata felt it; that prickle at the back of her neck. When she turned around, her vision instantly fell onto a face she only knew too well. The look in Akashi Seijurou's cerise eyes as he stared straight into Furihata Kouki's own hazel eyes made her blood run cold.

Furihata felt her cheeks burn as she tore her eyes away. She didn't know how much time had passed before their locked gaze finally broke, but she couldn't've been more grateful when it did. Looking right into the eyes of a stranger, even if it was from the opposite side of the court, was a dizzying experience.

"Ahh, I just remembered I have to get my transfer sorted," Furihata lied. She felt so embarrassed. She just wanted to get away. "I'll see you around school?"

"Yes, don't worry. We'll be in the same class." Kuroko waved goodbye as Furihata left the stadium.

Furihata had no idea back then, but the only reason she was somehow placed in the same classroom as Kuroko was because the blue-haired girl had connections – powerful connections. As it turned out, Furihata's first week at Teikō was full of surprising revelations.

Furihata had never been the boldest human being out there, but when Kuroko had introduced her to all of her cousins, she swore she would've bolted if the lower half of her body hadn't frozen under Akashi Seijurou's infamous stare. She would've never believed Kuroko to be related to all four of the basketball prodigies of Teikō High School, or the fact that the boys themselves were all related to each other. Beyond their strong personalities, their love of basketball, and their protectiveness of Kuroko, they had barely anything else in common. There wasn't any resemblance. Every single one of them was distinct.

But, none stood out more that Akashi Seijurou. He wasn't that much taller than Furihata herself, but he possessed an almost superhuman aspect to his person. He hadn't just been the captain of the Teikō High School Basketball Team; he had also been the captain of the Shougi Club, the concertmaster of the Teikō Symphonic Orchestra, and the President of the Teikō Student Council. And that last title came with a certain amount of pull in the school's administration.

Furihata found Akashi fascinating. If there was ever a person who fit the description of an intimidating overachiever to a tee, it would be Akashi Seijurou. She idolised him to an extent, but it was also true that she found him incredibly daunting and nerve-wracking to be around. Sometimes, she wondered if his impressive repertoire of hidden skills included mind-reading. Every time a particularly embarrassing thought popped up in her thoughts, Akashi would look at her with amused eyes and smiling lips. Maybe he was secretly an X-man in disguise, or maybe she just needed to stop showing her every emotion on her face.

As time went on and graduation day arrived, Furihata still couldn't make up her mind if Akashi was kind or cruel. He seemed genuinely kind and respectful most of the time, but there were moments, fleeting moments where Furihata had seen a Machiavellian glint behind that unreadable smirk. Even now, as he stood up on stage dressed in full regalia and delivering his Valedictorian speech, Furihata felt a somewhat teasing quality to his voice when his gaze fell on her.

Furihata squirmed in her seat. For whatever reason she couldn't comprehend, it appeared that Akashi found her amusing. It was enough to drive her up the wall.

When the ceremony was over, Furihata exited the hall with Kuroko. But, by the time she was at the compound, she had lost Kuroko in the sea of happy students and proud parents.

"Kuroko-kun?" Furihata braced herself as she searched around. It wasn't strange for her, or anyone in fact, to lose sight of the phantom-like girl. But, when Kuroko returned, she always returned with a dose of shock for those around her.

"Kouki," Furihata turned, saw Akashi, and let out a small eek. Kuroko Tetsuna was bad enough, but the day Akashi Seijurou decides to take on Kuroko's tendency to pop out of nowhere was the day Furihata was sure her heart would give out.

"Akashi-sama?!" Stiff as a board, Furihata felt her face heat up to the nth degree when she realised the suffix she had unintentionally added to Akashi's name.

Akashi's lips pressed into a thin line. Despite his thoroughly convincing effort at maintaining the serious façade, Furihata knew that it was just his way of saving her from any embarrassment.

"The University Campus is far from here, I won't be able to come back here to watch over you and Tetsuna. I suspect the same goes for Aomine, Ryouta, and Shintarou."

Furihata followed Akashi's line of sight and the mystery of Kuroko's sudden disappearance was solved. Off by the cherry blossom tree, Kuroko was being squeezed to death by a tearful Kise while Aomine was doing his best to save her from suffocation. Midorima, as always, stood beside them with a disapproving look on his face and a lucky item in his hand. Today, it was a neon-pink coat hanger.

"Tetsuna is a good girl, but as you know, she does get a bit gloomy at times," said Akashi.

"Yes," Furihata agreed, smiling at the scene unfolding beneath the cherry blossom tree. "Tetsuna's special. Don't worry; I'll protect her in your place."

In the short time Furihata had known Kuroko; they had come to regard each other as close friends. Yet, even with that said, she didn't know where that sudden spark of courage came from. Realistically speaking, Kuroko was far stronger in mind compared to Furihata. But, it looked as if Akashi was impressed with her determination, as weak as it may be.

"Thank you, Kouki." And then, Akashi leant towards her, pecked her on the cheek, and walked away. All before Furihata's stalled brain cells could finish processing the information.

By the time, her body came back under her control it was trembling like a leaf. She couldn't believe what had just transpired. Her legs felt like jelly, and her arms didn't fare any better.


Somewhere in the back of Furihata's mind, she registered Kuroko's voice calling her name and decided to turn around before her body was ready, causing her to trip on her own foot and gracelessly face-plant into the ground.


Furihata Kouki broke her nose that day. Yet, worse than that, that day was the day she received the moniker Chihuahua that would stay with her well into her adult life.

*10 years later*

Furihata Kouki gently rocked 5 week-old Murasakibara Amandine in her arms as she sat on the carpet of the Murasakibara's living room. Her long-time best friend Kuroko-now-Murasakibara Tetsuna and her husband, Murasakibara Atsushi had procured her baby-sitting abilities for their anniversary night. Furihata didn't mind. After all, she genuinely loved her two little god-daughters to bits.

"Furihata-kun, we'll be heading out soon, but we'll only be out for a couple of hours, and Akashi-kun will be here to. Just so you know." Tetsuna informed as she put her coat on.

It took a second, but when Furihata digested the information, she looked from Amandine with her eyes wide in horror. "W-Wh-What?" She stammered. She still hadn't fully recovered from what the red-head had said last week.

"Furihata-kun, please don't enter Chihuahua mode when you're holding Amandine," Kuroko spoke in her usual calm tone.

"Why didn't you tell me Tetsuna-chan!" Despite Tetsuna's warning, Furihata was already beginning to tremble.

"He called just before you arrived. Something about a business dinner being cancelled and how he didn't spend enough time with his god children."

"Tetsuna-chan…" There were practically dog ears sticking up from her head at that point.

"Furihata-kun, Akashi-kun likes you. He practically asked you to have his babies last week," Tetsuna reminded Furihata, much to the latter's dismay.

When the doorbell rang, Furihata paled. She heard Atsushi open the door and Murasakibara Éclair's happy greeting, "Akaswhee-chwan!"

"Good evening, Éclair." Furihata could practically hear Akashi's princely smile.

Moments later, the man who had been the source of sleep deprivation in the past week walked into the living room with two year-old Éclair holding his right hand. After a few brief words, the married couple left on their date, leaving their two precious daughters in the hands of two people who fell into an immediate silence before the front door even clicked close.

The two of them stood there in the living room; him holding Éclair's hand, completely relaxed; her holding Amandine close to herself, like the baby was her only protection against him.

"Akaswhee-chwan," Éclair tugged on Akashi's hand and pointed to her stack of colour markers and craft paper on the coffee table. "Draaw… Draaw…"

"Yes, mam," Akashi gladly obliged and picked up Éclair before sitting himself down on the carpet at the coffee table with Éclair happily nestled in his lap. "What would you like to draw?"

"Hwands!" Éclair brought both her hands up, knocking them into Akashi's chin before she began choosing one of the colour markers.

Furihata's tongue went dry. She worried for Éclair. Sure, she was a barely a pre-schooler, but it was Akashi Seijurou she had just given a double baby uppercut!

But, to her surprise, Akashi Seijurou simply turned towards her and smiled, like he was so caught off guard by Éclair that he didn't know how to react except execute a full-blown smile deep enough to show the faintest shadow of dimples on his cheeks. Furihata couldn't drag her eyes away from Akashi. She had never seen him smile like that. She never even knew he had dimples!

"Akaswhee-chwan," Éclair grabbed Akashi's left hand, laid it flat on a piece of paper, and placed her own tiny hand next to his. "Koki-chwan… hwand!"

"Eh? But…" Furihata looked down at the baby in her hand. Amandine was sleeping peacefully.

"Hwand!" Éclair repeated, "Koki-chan… Hwand!"

Worried Éclair was going to wake Amandine, Furihata relented, putting Amandine in her baby hammock before she sat down on the carpet again. The small piece of paper didn't leave much room for her hand, but she placed her right hand on it anyway.

However, Éclair clearly wasn't happy at Furihata's choice of placement for the small child pulled Furihata's hand closer to hers and Akashi's before she diligently went to work tracing out their hands on the paper with a black marker.

Akashi and Furihata's fingers were so close to each other they brushed every time either one of them breathed. Furihata's heartbeat raced and her entire faced flushed up to her ears. She turned away, but she didn't need to look to know that Akashi was enjoying her reaction.

When Éclair finished, Furihata immediately took back her hand.

"Ywai!" Éclair cheered, thrusting her little arms back up again. This time, however, Akashi was prepared and got out of the way before the two year-old could punch him in the chin again.

Furihata tried her best to supress her laugh. The great Akashi Seijurou ducking a small child's lethal fists. It was the funniest thing she had seen in a while, but the last person she wanted to potentially insult was him.

"This is the first time I've had to use my Emperor Eye on a baby…" Akashi chuckled, and that was it for Furihata. She could no longer hold back her laughter. Her laugh was short, melodic, yet cautious as she studied the expression on Akashi's face.

"Finally," Akashi began as Furihata instinctively placed her hand in front of her mouth in an attempt to stop the last vestiges of her laughter, her cheeks blushing. "You've finally laughed in front of me."

Akashi's words took Furihata by surprise. Had she never laughed in front of him before? No, it wouldn't be strange if she never had, she usually trembled in his presence, like she did ever since they first met at the stadium all those years ago. But something had changed.

She wasn't trembling now.

In fact, she was steady as a rock. Maybe she had finally gotten comfortable enough to be around him. Well, it had been 10 years after all.

Furihata looked down on the table. Éclair was colouring-in their hands on the paper. A big hand, smaller hand, and a tiny hand. In that instance, Furihata open her eyes wide at the thought which crossed her mind. She looked up and hazel eyes once again drowned in cerise eyes. Staring into his eyes made her dizzy, just like it did back then. But, they were no longer strangers, and Furihata could now see the warmth so evidently burning behind that stare.

Furihata opened her mouth to respond to Akashi, but before she could, Amandine started crying, drawing her attention away from him in a split second.

"Shh… Shhh… It's okay. It's okay…" Furihata cooed as she picked Amandine from the baby hammock, trying to soothe her. Tetsuna had fed Amandine before she left and her diaper was also fresh. Furihata's brow creased. She didn't know what was wrong or what to do.

"Let me," Akashi said as he got up from the carpet, leaving Éclair to colour on her own. "Babies read faces so if you look worried Amandine's just going to cry harder. Smile, and she will calm down."

Akashi took Amandine from Furihata and almost immediately the baby's cries died down. Her little eyes peeked open. Akashi took her little hand in his and kissed it gently.

Furihata's heart was pierced with that final blow.

"Akaswhee-chwan… Koki-chwan… happee?"

Both of them looked down at the source of the quip and Furihata gasped at the state Éclair was in. In the minute she and Akashi had taken their eyes off of her she had doodled all over her hand and legs with black marker.

"Oh dear god!" Furihata crouched down to Éclair's level and examined the damage. "I can't hand Tetsuna's baby back to her in this condition!"

"Calm down, Kouki. The marks will come off with some baby oil and a proper bath." Akashi placed Amandine back into the hammock.

"Right," Furihata was clearly not calm. "I'll get the baby oil. You ready the bath. And you," Furihata placed her hands on her sides in a sorry attempt to appear intimidating. "You are going in the bath until you're a clean baby again!"

Éclair simply laughed and hugged Furihata's legs.

*2 years later*

"Remember to support his neck and head, and make sure you don't use too much soa-"

"Seijurou, I know how to bathe my own baby," Furihata-now-Akashi Kouki clucked.

Parenthood was a strange thing. The moment the red headed baby boy came into their lives, it was like the married couple had switched personalities. Kouki was the level-headed mother while Seijurou became the anxious father. At least, they did when they were around their newborn baby.

I'm very sorry guys, seeing baby Kuroko at the ending of KnB III gave me the urge to write this for some reason.