Author's Note: First non Pokemon Fanfic, I am so proud. Warning this is full of adult themes and gore. Use discretion. All characters, except Gaston, is mine. Just a warning. This is what would happen if Beauty and the Beast was written for modern adults. Rated M.

A burly man of twenty seven pushed open the false saloon doors of his favorite strip club. His dark auburn hair was pulled into a ponytail, showing his rugged face. His dark coal eyes peered around the room, looking at all the beautiful women doing their jobs, dressed in rip away old saloon dresses. He eyed each girl like they were a piece of candy, his mouth salivated just at the sight of their nearly exposed breasts. That was just the girls serving beer and other drinks. He walked past one such woman, lightly tapping her rump. She looked back and giggled lightly, not minding it at all. "Hey Gaston, the usual tonight?"

Gaston grinned a devilish smile and winked at her. "You know it doll. Is Stella working tonight?"

The young woman nodded as she pushed her hair off her shoulder. "Yea. I am amazed you aren't tired of her yet. Why don't you give me a chance, handsome?"

The man ran his hand lightly under her chin. "Maybe some other time, but she is the only one who knows what I like."

He walked past the girl that felt weak in the knees. Her eyes trailed after him, nearly spilling the beer into a customer's lap instead of his mug. The man headed straight for the stage, walking like he owned the joint. Many of the women sighed and watched him with craving eyes. As he sat down in his reserved seat in the front, a woman of twenty five with long sun kissed hair seductively walked up to the middle pole. Her saloon gown was golden and her eyes were a piercing hazel color. Everyone in the place knew her only as Stella.

Gaston grabbed a mug from a passing dame, slapped her ass, and leaned back in his chair. He took a deep chug of his favorite brew as Stella grabbed the pole that was in the middle of the stage. She pulled herself around it, before lifting herself up. She twirled her legs around the metal object, hugging it as she let her torso drop. Her long hair hung down as she hung upside down.

The assistant coach leaned back in his seat and better adjusted himself, getting comfortable to watch the show. He didn't throw a single dollar at this girl, like the rest of the men that drooled at Stella. He watched her just as hungrily, but hid it well. After a while of watching her, he leaned forward with a wad of cash in his hands. His voice showed his hunger as he ordered. "A private dance."

Stella smiled seductively as she sauted off the stage, after she grabbed all her money. She tucked it into her dress, into the hidden pockets. She grabbed the man's hand, trying to act like he was just a familiar customer. He was a regular in the place after all. But that wasn't why she was trying to act like he wasn't anything special, because in her life he was. Gaston was her real life boyfriend, not that he would know that. After all eveyone knew her as Stella, a blonde stripper. During the day she was Belladonna, a college student and librarian aid. She led the older gentleman to a private room.

"The usual, Gaston?" She asked as she undid the top of her dress, ripping it from the bottom skirt. She pushed him into his chair and proceded to do the lap dance he always got. He was so predictable as he shoved all his money into the top of her skirt, not able to put it in her bra. Unlike most of the strippers there, she went down to her pasties. It always gave him full view of her breasts. While they were not extremely large, they were quite beautiful.

Gaston often wished that Belladonna was free like this wonderful woman. Instead every night she was at the library studying for another class or working overtime there. Even though they have been dating for a year, he had never got her in his bed. She would say something about being too tired. She wore baggy clothes to bed, a large shirt that was once her father's and a pair of capri sweat pants. Her glasses hid what would be a beautiful face and her dark red hair was pulled into a messy bun. He wished that she would just let her hair down, just once.

Hours have passed since Gaston's private dance. Stella was finally getting off of work. She had made a lot of money for both college and rent. She went back to the dressing room and removed the blonde wig, showing her orange locks. She looked into the mirror to remove the hazel colored contacts, revealing dark brown eyes. She scrubbed her make-up off her face, going back to her average self. She sighed as she dressed in a black tee shirt and a pair of jean overalls. She wore black flats and grabbed her backpack, easily becoming Belladonna.

She adjusted her thin framed glasses and pulled her hair into a bun. She was about to head out when a bouncer walked up to her. She waved him off, not wanting to bother him. Too many of the beautiful girls were heading home, they needed the protection more than she did. She also didn't live too far from her work, another reason why Gaston liked going to this club. It took her five minutes to convince the man that she would be fine, like normal. She gripped the strap of her backpack and pushed the back door open. She had no clue that she was being watched.

In the shadows of the dark night, stood a tall brooding figure. The figure was out hunting once more, looking for a delicious meal. He closed his eyes and took a strong whiff of the cool night air. A scent had pulled him towards a strip joint, the scent of a pure heart. It was odd to the being. A stripper bar did not often have pure hearts, but this one did. It made him drool just thinking about it. He followed the scent into a dark alleyway. He sneaked up behind the woman, pulling her tightly to his body, covering her mouth and nose. She struggled until she passed out into his arms.