A/N: This is it lads. The end of The Art of Team Bonding. And it's in Percy's POV! I've missed him. I hope you enjoy! Important A/N at the bottom.

Disclaimer: I'm too lazy to own all this stuff. That's a lot of work.

The Little Demigod That Could Goes Home

It was a perfectly normal day in the tower when I moved out.

I know what you're thinking. How could you ever move out, Percy? What if you need to help the Avengers again? Or, most importantly, won't you miss them too much?

My answer to you: I've already thought of it all. Probably twice.

It was a hard decision to move out, but it needed to be done. Camp Half-Blood was being swamped with new kids that needed to be trained. Besides, I was one of the leaders of the camp. I had to help organize things and be a leader figure. No matter how much I liked staying here, and how close I'd gotten to the team, I needed to go back eventually. I couldn't stay here forever, not when I had to be with people who needed me more.

I wished that there was some way to split my time evenly between the two things, but things just didn't work out that way. The team understood what it meant to have duties and responsibilities that kept you from the things you wanted to do better than most people. We'd all accepted that I was going to leave, on this very day, whether we liked it or not.

Sometimes, having responsibilities sucked. Bad.

Now, that wasn't to say that I didn't want to move back to camp. I loved camp. And I loved it here. I missed my friends at camp, and I missed camp, but I knew I'd miss the tower and everything else a lot, too. I'd grown used to the team, and not waking up to something very—ah, unique—was going to be strange.

I was going to miss the breakfasts that had, once or five times, ended up in a ridiculous food fight. I was going to miss the movie nights where we splurged on huge tubs of ice cream and got a little sick from it. I was going to miss the spars with the team, and the funny pictures we took (hanging my room in the tower now), and the few prank wars, and the teasing jokes that left us all breathless and aching with laughter, and the warm smiles and the warmer hugs that strung you back together just when you thought you were going to fall apart again.

And most of all, I was going to miss them.

I was in the foyer of the tower with the Avengers. I had a few bags with me, including my armor and most of my clothes I had brought here when I first moved in—and a few of the team's clothes that I stole, although they don't know about that yet (give them some time, I'm sure I'll be hearing about it). I had left some of my clothes here for visits since Tony said I would always have a home here. I'll admit, some dust must have gotten in my eye when he said that, because my eyes got a little irritated and watery.

Gods, it had seemed so long ago that I had moved here. I had been so different, barely held together, and now I was moving out, more or less whole again.

I sighed and dropped my bags on the floor.

"So I guess this is it, kid," Tony said, breaking the silence. "The little demigod that could goes home."

"I guess so," I said. I fidgeted with my hands, not looking up. This wasn't really goodbye, I was still going to come back whenever I wanted, but it sure felt like it. "I—uh. Thank you." I looked up. "Really. Thank you. For everything you've done. It's been a privilege to stay here."

Bruce sniffed once, blinking and taking off his glasses to rub at some unseen dust particle. "We were glad to have you, Percy. You're a good kid, and you make a good addition to the family."

"Don't be a stranger, okay?" Steve said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

Thor nodded enthusiastically. "Indeed, Percy, you are our friend. You must come visit."

"You've always got a home here," Clint added.

"And you're always welcome," Natasha finished.

I tried to swallow past the lump in my throat. "Of course I'll come and visit. Once a month at the least." I sniffed. "You'll be bored without me. You'll need me to interrupt your mundane lives. And you're getting old. I'll have to come and check to see you haven't broken a hip yet."

"How will we ever make it without you," Natasha deadpanned. She gave a small smile after that slightly ruined the effect. "Annabeth will be here soon."

"I know. I've got everything." I hesitated. "I'm really going to miss you guys." I was only slightly horrified to realize I had teared up. The slightly being because the team was tearing up, too, especially Bruce. I knew he was a softy.

"We're going to miss you, too, you big baby," Tony said kind of thickly, pulling me into a hug and wiping his nose with his sleeve. "Group hug, everybody. Don't leave me hanging."

It was really warm, and there were some awkward limbs here and there, but it was typical. My face was pressed into someone's chest and I sighed. "You know," I said, and if my voice was a little thick, too, no one said anything. "You know, technically, I'm not a kid. I'm eighteen. I'm legally an adult."

The arms seemed to constrict in a little bit—it was probably Thor. "Don't argue with us, kid," Clint said. "You are definitely not an adult."

I stepped back when they finally let go. I heard car doors shut outside the tower. "Will I ever be an adult?" I asked cheekily.

Well, needless to say, the answer was a resounding no. And, surprisingly enough, I wouldn't have it any other way.

A/N: So it feels kind of like I'm watching my child go off to explore the world without me. I'm sad to see this story end. It was fun, and I couldn't have done it without you guys' support! And all of your lovely prompts, by the way. You all rock.

Okay now you all know I'm going to do a short multi-chap story before I start the sequel for the "Art of" verse. But, I might also do a small one-shot before all three. This is the prompt for the one-shot I got: "Percy gets tricked by Tony into lifting Thor's hammer without Percy knowing about the whole 'only the worthy can pick it up' thing." Your choice: one-shot then multi-chap story, or multi-chap story then one-shot. It's whatever you choose! And if you want more info on the multi-chap story, check out my profile. Thank you guys so much!