Here's the next chapter.
The redhead was still unconscious. Bandages were wrapped around his torso and arms from what he could see peeking from beneath the kimono covering his form and crimson stains meant the wounds needed to be cleaned and redressed. His chest rose and fell heavily, pained breath escaped passed his lips. In the corner of the room was a lone candle, waning with the last inch of its own life, the flame ready to diminish.
Saizo moved away from his position just behind the door, peering into the room from the shadows. It was the idiots fault for taunting him. He made his way down the empty halls with silent steps. Dawn was hours away and the only source of light was the large moon that was previously obscured by the heavy rain clouds. Once he stepped on the patio the shinobi gave one last glance around, and when no presence was detected, he stealthily crossed the yard and leapt over the castle walls.
His footfalls were well placed, hidden in the grass to conceal his tracks from the soggy landscape that was pelted by torrential rain not an hour before. He jumped into the trees branches for faster movement. While everyone had succumbed to a deep slumber he slipped through the walls of Sanada's manor. The last thing he wanted was to hear that old man give reasons to stay or for Ana to lecture him about is impending departure.
It was best to leave without notice. A ninja slips through the shadows, unseen by on-looking eyes. He could finally carry on with his life without being tied down to a single location. 'Tch!' Saizo thought, 'That sounds like I'm married.' Old man Yukimura was not his master, another reason to leave. 'I am my own master.'
The chill of the cool air bit at his face and ruffled through his dark locks with each hurried stride he took. He needed to create a distance between himself and those in Ueda. Naturally ninja are early risers, training their bodies to go with only a few hours of sleep. Even so, he was fortunate enough to get by the few shinobi patrolling the area during this hour. Saizo grinned to himself, 'Liked I'd let myself be known to some Koga mongrels.'
He cursed under his breath and scowled when he looked up, his dark green orbs landing on that damn monkey.
A cold expression came to Sasuke's face, of course, Saizo couldn't care less.
"Nothing I wouldn't expect from an Iga."
Said ninja tsked. "What about it?!"
"Running away when you don't like the outcome of events. This is your second attempt." Sasuke stated. The dark haired man's eyes narrowed dangerously. It seems Sasuke was aware of Kakei's report after his previous decision to part ways after Date Masamune kidnapped Isanami.
"I have no reason to stay."
"You had the ability to make her stay." The brave of grass replied forcefully. "But you did nothing."
"Tch, don't act like you know me, bastard." Metal scrapped as he unsheathed his mariblade from is sheath and jumped to silence his babbling nonsense. Sasuke prepared himself and parried his blow. They locked eyes.
"The signs are all there." Sasuke stated, pressing against his opponent and standing with some distance between them. "Your anger, the fight with Kamanosuke, everything. You hate that Isanami chose to leave. You're left with nothing."
"Shut up!" Saizo sprung forward. Steel clashed with each strike and parry. The dark haired man spun on his heels for a kick to the others face unsuccessfully. Sasuke grasped Saizo's ankle. He flipped back on his hands and swung his other leg around. The Koga disappeared in a flurry of leaves and just as suddenly struck the other ninja from behind. Both blades dug into soft flesh. In a puff of smoke the dark haired man replaced was replaced by a log.
Amber orbs narrow as he flipped back away from a folly of shuriken. Landing on his feet, Sasuke stared his opponent down. "You run away rather than face the problem head on."
"Don't preach to me you monkey!" Sasuke sheathed his weapons, surprising the Iga nin.
"There's no point in trying to make a masterless dog stay," he stated simply. "May you find what it is you've been searching for." Sasuke left him alone to himself.
"Tch!" after several long moments Saizo turned around and never looked back.
Isanami woke to a dim room. Golden eyes cracked open, heavy with sleep. Her cheeks felt stiff because of the dried tears she'd shed only hours ago and a headache revealed itself the moment she regained consciousness. She sighed, she would have to get over this. It was her decision to leave everyone in Ueda, to leave Saizo. There was nothing she could do about it now. She pulled herself up and wiped at her face, rubbing the sleep from her eyes when she spotted a familiar bag that she had yet to open. With slow movements she reached for it. The bag contained a few precious items. Isanami had never really had a gift or two save for the couple from monks and priestesses from her shrine, but those were rare since material possessions weren't teachings a priestess should learn. However, this was close to her heart and also served as memories from Ueda.
The young woman pulled out two silver tessen Saizo had gifted her with.
Saizo was escorting Isanami through the village market. As usual he was vigilantly scanning the area while his charge enthusiastically browsed through each stall.
"Oh wow!" she cried.
The Iga ninja glanced in her direction. He was amused with how the slightest things captured her. 'I suppose it's because she never got out of that shrine.' She'd been fawning over perfume, hair accessories, jewelry, but now, apparently, a pair of silver tessen caught her interest.
The vender was a middle-aged man who smiled at the young woman fascinated at all of the weapons on display. "Good day, miss! You seem to like those tessen. There are beautiful and graceful weapons in the hands of female ninja."
Isanami pulled her eyes away from them to the man, a small frown taking place on her face. "But I'm a priestess."
"They'd make great souvenirs or fans for a dancing priestess," he suggested, hoping to cheer her up and possibly have a sale.
The woman beamed, "They would. Unfortunately I'm only browsing today." She bowed to apologize and moved onto the next stall.
Her dark haired companion watched her briefly before his gaze fell onto the tessen she found. He thought for a moment. Just before he and Isanami left the castle Yukimura pulled him aside and handed him some money. "Isanami may find something she likes. If so, this should be enough. Tell her is a gift from everyone so choose it wisely."
'That old man,' he almost sighed, 'I have no idea what he's up to.'
"Young man? Can I help you?" the vender asked, breaking Saizo from his thoughts. After a quick glance at his charge his gaze fell to the tessen. He reached or one and spread it to inspect it further and he did the same with its partner. The man watched him quietly.
Dark green eyes met his, "I'll take both of them."
Once Saizo paid for the pair of tessen he tucked them under his caplet and was momentarily at Isanami's side. She didn't even notice is delay. He followed her patiently and finally when she passed by every stall she was finished.
They walked back to the castle when from the corner of his eye he caught her expression.
As usual she was smiling with her wide golden eyes shining. A bounce was in her step. This was an everyday occurrence, but for some reason the ninja thought there was something different about it.
He looked forward, "What are you so happy about?"
She tilted her head in his direction, his dark orbs glanced at her. Her smile returned. "Because I'm with you."
Her answer shouldn't surprise him, but it still did. How can one person make him feel that his existence has meaning? There was one other person who had, but that changed the day he died. He want to stomp out the feeling to prevent a repeat of those events.
The young woman stopped walking when she noticed her guardian stopped. "Saizo?"
"Why?" he asked, staring at her.
She smiled at him reassuringly, "Because you're my light. I was in a dark place and you saved me from that darkness more than once. You're precious to me Saizo. I want to be with you forever. Got it?"
Emotions were swirling within him. She watched as he reached into his capelet and pulled out two objects. They were the same tessen she was fascinated by in the village market. The nnja held them out to her, she blinked. "Take them." He stated monotonously. "You have skills dancing with fans. There may be a time when I'm not directly with you. Use them until I or one of the other Braves arrive."
He pushed them closer. "You may not have a choice. Survival instincts will come naturally. They did before you and I met." A concept she never really thought about. "But hopefully you'll never have to use them, but just in case…They're also a gift from the old man and everyone else."
The priestess looked at the beautifully crafted war fans and grasped them. They were a little heavier than the traditional dancing fans but not too much so.
"They cut through flesh and other soft things. Keep them with you at all times."
"Thank you Saizo!" she smiled brightly.
He jumped, and turned his face away, embarrassed. "Ah…"
When they got home Isanami danced with her newly acquired tessen in the yard, trying to get a feel for the weight. Saizo sat back and watched.
"Oh is that what you got her?" Yukimura asked when he, Rokuro and Ana came out to enjoy the evening.
"Ah, it can't hurt for her to have something to protect herself until someone arrives." Saizo answered.
"Ah, multiple uses, I see." Rokuro set down the tray of hot tea and ashtray for his master, who began to prep his pipe.
Ana went out to the blue haired woman and moments later was inspecting Isanami's new mean of defense. The blonde danced with them, her movements graceful and poised for deadly strikes. When she stopped she smiled and handed them back to the priestess. "These will serve you well. Just keep practicing."
The priestess smiled and continued on with her training. All previous thoughts of not being able to fight was diminished with the gift everyone had been kind enough to provide for her.
She danced in the large space of her own quarters. Izanagi had yet to arrive and she wanted to keep up with her self-proclaimed training. Of course, there was no need to continue if she was no longer in Ueda being sought after for her power but she wanted to keep the memory alive of when she was with everyone. She would not waste her efforts to better herself. 'I will be strong,' she worked herself until she began to sweat. As a priestess she never had to do strenuous exercise but this was her choice. 'One day I will return to Ueda to see everyone.'
"What are you doing?" Izanagi asked. Isanami was so into her training she didn't notice him. She stopped, her face red and sweating from the time she had spent exerting herself.
"So I can be strong to go back to Ueda," her gaze was determined. She missed the glaze in Izanagi's eyes.
"I've brought breakfast. Once you finish I'll show you around your home. Hopefully it will jog some memories to your life before…" he placed her meal of rice fish and drink on a small table.
It didn't take Isanami long to finish her meal, though she didn't eat as much as she usually would. Izanagi lead her down halls similar to her chambers. The air became fouler and a fog-like mist covered the ground, her ankles disappearing. When she and Izanagi entered a large open space with a massive stone throne and several stone tables scattered about. The atmosphere became thick and she felt a pulse within her chest. Isanami collapsed upon her knees. "Wh-what's going on?!"
"Your other side is coming out." Izanagi stated. "Let it come…"
The pulsing increased. "These are my halls," the darker feminine voice echoed through the room.
"No!" the priestess grasped her head.
"This is where you belong, Izanami." The male deity said. "Be one with who you are."
"Will I forget about Saizo?!" she cried. "I don't want to forget!" Izanagi frowned.
"I will allow those memories to remain, but I will be released and in control of this body."
Moments later, the Goddess of Death and Destruction rose to her feet, garbed in a short kimono and her head veiled with cloth and beads holding it in place. Her legs from the knees down turned into bone.
Isanami watched the underworld from eyes she was no longer in control of.
I hope this next chapter is believable.
Also, you should check out Awsaya's SaiIsa fic "Wayward Paths Converge" she's a brilliant author and you would love her work.
Also, I'm taking over a fic some of you may be familiar with. It's a SaizoIsanami fic that the author took down and gave me to finish if I want. It's called "The Missing Brave" which was brilliant but life caught up to her so she deleted the story and I noticed immediately and PMed her about it and gave me permission to continue it. I'm gonna post it soon. Hopefully.
Please review!