Chapter Three: Forgiveness

A/N: This is my tweaked version of events, still closely following the Return of the Jedi plotline.

How am I supposed to tell Leia? Luke asked as he watched her sitting contentedly beside Han Solo in the Ewok hut. I can't wait to tell her that we are brother and sister, but the she will realize that we also share a certain father.

"Wonderful!" C3PO said cheerily. "We are now a part of the tribe!"

Ewoks all around erupted into loud cheering, jubilant singing and music playing. Luke took advantage of the massing throng to slip out the door. He walked a few paces away, and came to a perch on the walkway railing.

He felt Leia approach and smiled slightly.

Always so perceptive. He thought warmly, remembering how she had heard him calling out to her from beneath Cloud City.

"Luke, what's wrong?" She asked from behind him.

Luke turned. "Leia, do you remember ou… I mean, your mother?"

She gave him an odd look. "Back to parenting advice again, are we?"

He shrugged. "I told you I wasn't ready to talk about it before, but now…" He looked deep into her lovely brown eyes. "Please tell me about your birth mother, if you remember her."

Leia opened her mouth to speak, and then shut it again. "Luke, why are you so interested in my birth mother…" Luke saw something dawn on her. "And how did you know I was adopted?"

"Please, just tell me." Luke insisted earnestly.

Leia sighed, and sat beside him. "I only remember her face, and just barely. She was kind, beautiful, but… sad."

Luke closed his eyes as he tried to picture the image his sister had just produced. It was vague, but he now had something more than the emptiness he'd always had.


He focused back on her, and only then realized she had asked him a question.

"Why are you asking me about my birth mother?" Leia repeated. "Does this have anything to do with what happened in that cargo-hold?"

Luke nodded. "Yes. Leia, I…"

He paused, not sure how to tell her. Finally he took her hands in his, and looked her in the eye.

"Leia, I have to face Vader."

"Why?" She asked in fear.

"Because… he's my father."

Leia was so shocked that she jerked back. "Your father is… is that…?" She sputtered, turning pale.

"I know." Luke said patiently. "Believe me; my initial reaction was about the same. But there's more… good news this time."

She waited silently.

"The Force is strong in my family. My father has it… I have it… and, my sister has it." Luke looked up to see her reaction.

She didn't disappoint. Her eyes lit with a comprehension he recognized, and he saw her smile shyly.

"I know… somehow. I guess I always have." She said quietly before she frowned.

"But Luke! How could…" Leia stopped, looked him in the eye, and knew. "That was why you asked me about the child becoming the parent. You're afraid of becoming him."

Luke nodded solemnly. "I am. But I am also sure that he is not completely evil."

Leia was slack-jawed. "How do you come to that conclusion?" She asked icily. And then her face went white again. "Wait… Vader is your father… we are siblings…"

Luke stood, and put his arms around her as she wobbled in disbelief. "I know, I know." He murmured to her.

"Luke, how can you say Vader is good?" Leia whispered. "After all the evil things he has done?"

"I have felt the good in him. And… he spared my life on Bespin. I didn't see it then, but I came to after a while." Luke replied. "Leia, I have to try."

Brother and sister held onto each other for a long time before Luke gently pulled away and kissed her cheek.

"I love you, sister." Luke whispered, and then turned away.


"Father, please help me!" Luke cried through the blinding pain.

He writhed on the floor as Palpatine spewed a never-ending stream of Force-lightning into his already weakened body. He felt every cell in him cry out from the abuse, and he was powerless to stop it.

And just when Luke felt that he could hold on no longer, the assault abruptly ended. Luke had just enough strength to look up. He felt his eyes go wide at the sight of Darth Vader holding a screaming Emperor Palpatine over his head, lightning coursing though both men. Finally, with a huge burst of effort, Vader hurled the Emperor over the edge of the walkway.

Luke watched in rising horror as Vader almost followed. Luke used the Force to strengthen his body so he could reach his father and pull him away from the abyss. He fell back, holding onto his father.

They sat for a moment; the only sound that of the rebreather on Vader's armor.

No, not Vader anymore: Anakin.

"Luke, are you alright?" Anakin wheezed.

"Yes, Father." Luke responded, sitting up. "But what about you?"

Anakin waved a dismissive hand. "I am far better off, Son. Thank you."

"No, thank you, Father. You saved my life." Luke answered.

"Luke…" Anakin began tentatively. "I don't have much time. Please forgive me for what I have done… to you, and… and to your sister."

Luke hugged his Father gently, a tear escaping his eye.

"I forgive you Father."


In the darkness of Endor's night, and far away from all festivities, a lone figure stood watching a burning funeral pyre.

Luke allowed his tears to flow freely, watching as both the armor of Darth Vader and the body of Anakin Skywalker turned to ash, and then to nothing at all. The fire on the pyre reflected the pain he felt inside.

Luke had fought so hard, first to find his father, then to save him… only to lose him again in the end.

Luke was, once again, an orphan.

"At least I got to say good bye to you, Father." Luke said as the fire died out. "Which is more than I got with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru."

Luke closed his eyes.

"I will miss you, Father."

He made his way to the Ewok village where Leia, Han and the rest of his new family awaited, the one he'd built around him. Luke took to heart that he wasn't completely alone after all.

He wound his way up the trails and walkways until he spotted Han and Leia on the main village square. Leia spotted him coming and ran to meet him, throwing herself happily into his arms. Luke held her tightly, feeling their love flow.

He greeted Han warmly too, and then some of his other Alliance friends.

Finally Luke wandered to a quiet corner to take a quick breather, and spotted two glowing forms. He smiled at Yoda and Ben Kenobi, and they returned his affection in kind. Then, to Luke's delight, Anakin Skywalker appeared on Yoda's right.

Luke felt a loving caress from his father, and finally felt at peace.