I don't own the characters

Again Boyd was another character in the pack that I barely saw. Occasionally, I saw him sure but even in those moment he barely spoke. He was known for being quiet but well spoken in the times that he did. Part of me believes that is why Derek decided that he'd be perfect for his merry band of misfits. Please don't tell him I called them that, he has demanded we don't. So we do it in secret instead, well except for Stiles but that's Stiles.

Boyd isn't a solitary character like many think as I've said he's quiet but he longs for company and companionship. Furthering why he actually joined. He was offered a bound group of friends in Derek, Erica and Isaac. Erica becoming the closest to him in the end. They tried to run when everything got dangerous and out of hand concerning the Alpha Pack. They didn't manage to escape the area, not even the town. I think deep down everyone wishes that they'd managed. Sure we'd have missed them but then a least they'd have been safe. Boyd, since his attempt and that causing the loss of Erica, no longer has any sort of desire to be afar from the pack.

It's security in numbers at its best. The loss of a loved one causing him to worry and fret over the others. You could tell he was over compensating, wanting to destroy every threat before it could become one. I heard the story about what happened when everyone believed Derek to be dead. It still pains me but at least I know now that they are all safe and sound. I had been on edge for a couple of weeks after before I fully believed that none of them would do it again.

And before you say anything. Yes I know about what happened to Scott when he was affected. But I agreed not to say anything about knowing, I might have bullied Isaac into telling me. He takes desserts very seriously.

Back to Boyd, who was currently taking residence at my house. Scott had begged me to take him in for about three nights because he didn't trust himself around his family at the moment. I wasn't going to turn him away even if Scott didn't beg. I was vastly becoming outnumbered by the amount of boys lately. With Scott, Isaac and Boyd all staying under my roof.

The main reason behind why Boyd needed to stay here was because his shifting wasn't controlled. Derek couldn't have him round due to complications of some kind so Boyd was forced to ask Scott. Not that Scott would mind.

Dinner was filled with chatting and laughing from all four of us. It took Isaac to get Boyd involved in the conversations but overall everyone was involved and having an altogether good time. Then after that I sent all three boys off to bed. Boyd was staying in Isaac's room. I decided to watch TV, I never usually manage to stay awake during the entire thing. I have to try and get as much sleep whenever I can with my job, especially when I'm on call.

So when I manage to stay awake through the entire thing you would expect me to be pleased. But I wasn't because I didn't watch the show, what I did instead was comfort a emotionally upset teenager. I wasn't mad at him for it of course, I'm glad that he seeked comfort in me.

When I was watching, I had heard footsteps coming down. Hesitant footsteps. These usually signaled the approach of Isaac after another nightmare or if something worried him. So I didn't look to see who it was. I just signaled them over to the couch to sit next to me.

To say I got a shock was an understatement because when I looked over to start talking to who I thought was Isaac I was mistaken. He cleared his voice awkwardly at the way I acted; shifting uneasily thinking I wanted him to leave by the looks of it.

So I smiled in an attempt to mend ground, "So...I thought you were asleep in Isaac's room."

Boyd nodded, "Couldn't sleep."

Keep friendly, don't want to push him off. "Does Isaac snore?"

He smirked, "No...it's not that. Just memories."



We both nodded solemnly, she was a nice girl under that defensive exterior. She'd been dealt an unfair hand and paid for it in embarrassment. The way people treated her was unkind but she did find people who cared for her in the end. Although it was for a small amount of time.

"She loved you," I offered.

"Leaning back and closing his eyes, he whispered, "I know. I planned on doing something but that's too late now. She's gone."

A single tear fell; then another; then another and before long tears were streaming freely down his face. He made no attempt to hide them, no attempt at keeping it in. Because he felt like he didn't have to hide his feeling from me maybe, I don't know. However, I'm glad he didn't.

I attempted to comfort him with words, to engage him in discussion but he stayed silent. Eyes closing for long periods of time. Tears not ending.

I patted him on the shoulder, "Come on let's get you to bed."

He nodded and when we were outside of his room he spoke to me. The first time in a good ten minutes, "Sorry about that. I should have spoke to you but...I just needed to know someone was near by."

"You don't need to apologize. I'm always here for everyone, including you. Now get to bed, Boyd. School's tomorrow and I'm not letting you sleep in."

He smiled at me and gave me a quick hug before quietly going into Isaac and his room.