Another restless night, it seemed, for Feliciano as he lay on his bed. Scattered papers covered the small area, and his mind felt like it was bursting as he suffered through the pain. The pleasure. All of the mixed emotions. He'd avoided doing this for as long as he could, but everything finally caught up to him.

Sadly, nothing ever lasted, as he was a country, nothing he could do to himself hurt him. So, the cuts simply healed almost immediately after they were made, leaving only the faint white of a mark, which would also disappear. He sighed, when had he gotten this low? He was ready to just ask Ivan to completely invade him at this point. Feliciano finally felt tired of being a country.

Although, there was always his friends to cheer him up. But ever since he finally understood his feelings about Ludwig, he just couldn't act the same around him. Every time Ludwing pulled his curl, not knowing what it did to Feliciano, he would immediately picture Ludwig doing dirty things to him. It made him so frustrated, and Kiku had caught on, though he hadn't told Ludwig(thankfully).

He threw the dulling knife off to the side and began to pick through the mass of papers, carefully examining each of his pieces. All of them the same man,with different angles. Different techniques, some making his cheek bones more prominent, others making those blue eyes shine like an ocean. Feliciano carefully placed them off to the side of his bed and curled up, hoping he could finally catch some sleep and be ridden of this sickening feeling.

Of course, that wasn't the case here. His mind was still wide awake, images of Ludwig splayed across his eye-lids. Ludwig laughing, drinking, blushing, sleeping, simply breathing. They all made Feliciano's hardened heart burst and he felt joyous for a moment, like he could do anything. All of those emotios soon faded, as he remembered how angry and flustered Ludwig would get if Feliciano tried touching him or sleeping near him. He could never actually be with Ludwig, he knew that of course. Oh, but how he hoped one day things would change.

It was then that he heard his brother enter their home, probably slightly drunk, as he was out with Antonio for the night doing who knows what. There were loud banging noises as he stumbled his way up the stairs and managed to open the door to their shared room without completely toppling over. With that, he flopped onto the bed, completely out of it.

There was a meeting tomorrow, oh how that would go over. The Northern part of Italy pretending to be all happy and stupid, all the while feeling empty inside, and the Southern part with an awful hang over that Francis would most likely try to somehow take advantage of. Feliciano rolled over in his bed, hoping to catch some sleep.

That night, his dreams were filled with soft tufts of blonde hair and pale skin, flushed at the face, like always. In that moment, he was happy, content. All of the cares drifted away from his mind as Feliciano drifted slowly into a hazy sleep.

Hello, thanks for reading, this is short simply because I just want to see if people actually like it. Reviews are definitely welcome, and I'm open to anyideas.