After so long, it finally resurfaced in England's ancient attic. Covered in layers of dust so thick it put a milkshake to shame. The little replica of the World Conference building…

England was so bored. He had finished his book series, it was too early for lunch and he had already eaten breakfast, none of the decent company keeping countries were available, and on top of that; England had no technology (beside his CD player) to entertain himself with! Plus, he was feeling too tired to cast some random magic spells to bother people with.

With absolutely nothing else he could think of to do, England heads up to go through the stuff in his attic. It had to have been… about 50 years before America became his little brother since he last even opened the door to his attic. 'Wonder what on Earth is up there. Probably a few spiders, old books, uniforms, and a couple of other assorted things.' England wondered as he wrapped his hand around the door knob of the attic. After a few deep breaths, he holds his breath, and swings the door open.

He his immediately greeted by a ginormous cloud of dust! He turns and runs down half the flight of stairs behind him, glad he had held his breath. He waited for the dust to settle, before he walked back up. He coughed a couple times, "Bloody Hell. I know it's been a long time, but that was a LOT of dust!" He carefully walks through the doorway and looks around.

His suspicions had been correct. Piles and piles of old books and photo albums, incredibly old uniforms (including one from the Revolutionary War, sadly), and a couple spiders crawled upon cobwebs and wooden beams. England was delighted to find a large plethora of candles about, seeing as how his attic had no electricity.

It took him quite a while, but he finally got everything lit and could now see much better. He spent a few minutes searching a trunk, and when he finished, he heaved it out of the way to continue looking. Nothing had really been in the trunk. A bunch of old suits and papers he no longer needed. But what was behind the trunk, truly caught his eye.

Behind the trunk, resided the old replica of the World Conference building. "Dear God! I remember this. Gosh, it's been so long." He carefully picked it up and rested it on a table. "The layers of dust on this old thing are so thick it puts a milkshake to shame." Glad that he found something decent to do instead of digging around and getting dirty, England blew out the candles and carried the building replica downstairs.

After about 30 minutes of cleaning himself up and the hallways he walked in to get rid of all the dust and grime, and also setting up some cleaning supplies to clean the replica building; England was now sitting down to begin cleaning said replica.

As he cleaned it, England thought about how long it took to make it. It had taken him 7 months of his free time to carve the replica, then as a finishing touch, he enchanted it! He enchanted it so that, as time passed, the replica would change as the World Conference building changed; and so the tiny little replicas of the countries that reside inside, would change as well (or add new ones as time goes on, such as America). But for some reason, after the replica people were made with a magic spell in a very old language [possibly Latin], they looked a bit… strange.

The little people had random looks about them that were changed from what the original looked like. England never understood why they looked so odd, but no matter! He scrubbed and rinsed, and brushed and washed, and finally; after a couple hours of cleaning, the little replica was nicely and properly cleaned.

"Ah, there we go. All nice and clean."

"HEY BRITAIN! Whacha doing?" England jumped about a foot in the air when America yelled from right behind him.

"YOU BLOODY WANKER! Why are you in my house?" Alfred had his usual confident smile as Arthur glared daggers at him.

"I came to see what you were up to. Besides, we have a World Conference in, like, and hour, dude." Upon hearing it, Arthur finally remembered about the World Conference.

"Well, since you asked, I was cleaning up an old replica of the World Conference building that I carved about 50 years before you were discovered." As he spoke, Arthur moved to show Alfred the little replica.

"Wow. That's really old, but really well made. Geez, where has it been all this time."

"I found it in my attic this morning, the layers of dust on it were so thick it took me forever to clean." And with that being said he put on his jacket and shoes, and carefully picked up the model. "I'm going to take it with us and show everyone."

"That sounds cool. Whatever you wanna do with it, dude. Come on, let's go!" America and England got into America's car and drove to the World Conference building. And much to England's displeasure, France met them in the lobby.

"Well hello Britain, hello Al." Francis, as usual, was dressed as flashy as physically possible and gave a small wave of his mini-cloak as he approached.

"'Sup French dude? Hey, check out the little model of the building that Arthur carved over six centuries ago!" France looked down at the model in England's hand and smiled.

"I remember that old thing, you spent lots of time on it, oui?"

"Yes, I did spend a lot of time on it. I happy with how it turned out."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip Because I can~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

The meeting had been, mostly uneventful. Just a couple of fist fights, some yelling matches, and Germany managing to get everyone to sit down. Nothing out of the ordinary. Until…

"Hey everyone! Before we leave I wanted to show you something!" England held up the World Conference building model and smiled, "I carved this about 50 years before France, Finland, and I found America. I just recently found it in my attic, I completely forgot about it until now."

Everyone looked at it and seemed rather impressed by the craftsmanship of it. England explained how he had enchanted it to change with time, and Russia spoke up,

"Question. If you made this so long ago, and the little replicas of us are only there because of magic, that could have created a completely other world in the little replica, da?"

Everyone went silent, and England mulled it over in his head. "You know Russia… I think you might be on to something. The tiny us's have always looked different then the real us's, but… maybe that's why."

"Zat vould be incredibly strange." Ludwig piped up from next to Feli.

"I think it-a would be-a fun!" Feli said next.

"We should probabry see if the worrd is in troubre. If it's there anyway." Kiku made a rational point in that. Who knows what could be happening in there.

For the next couple hours they talked about it, until a fist fight between England and France started up. Again…

"You bloody frog! That's a terrible idea!"

"No it is not!" This continued for a while, and everyone watched, waiting for them to get worn out. But then, France pushes England, sending him flying into the table. Where the model is.

The model splinters as England lands on it and bright light flashes, filling up the room. Startled, everyone runs out the door and slams it shut.

"What is happening?" America asks a bruised Arthur.

"The magic is collapsing. After the model was destroyed, the magic was relea…" Arthur didn't finish his sentence when a thunderous crack came from inside the conference room. They waited. And waited. And waited some more.

Finally after a while, they heard something. Voices. The countries' eyes went wide, and they listened closely. They could just barely make out the words,

"Where the fuck are we?" Unknown voice #1 asked. His voice sounded American.

"How the Hell should I know?" This voice sounded strangely French with another accent mixed in. Canadian perhaps?

"Boys! Stop cursing! You know it bothers me!" This accent was obviously British, but it was also very childish sounding.

Greece then spoke making everyone jump. "They sound similar to the countries we know. But their personalities seem to be completely opposite." This made a lot of sense, and explained why the mini versions of them looked a little off.

"So the mini us's are in our world now?" Canada asked.

"Seems that way. But if their personalities are our opposites, then… What are they actually like?"

They all considered it, and thought the best idea was to walk in and make friends. If possible. America put his hand on the doorknob, and turned it. It had gotten quiet in the room when they had started talking, so Alfred cautiously pushed the door open. But regretted it when it creaked.

A gun sounded, and a hole appeared in the door next to America. He gave a gasp of surprise and fell inside the conference room. And was greeted with a very, strange surprise…