How long has it been since it started raining?

The night sky was beautifully illuminated by the moons whole, long before they had slept. Yet now all he could see was the thickness of black clouds covering all that sought that cold yet comforting light during such hours. Rain sprinkled down from the heavens, pit pattering on the glass of the closed hotel windows. The heavy dabbling of water did not support his wishes to sleep, and so he watched on with an almost emotionless gaze of ocean blue.

Slowly, the former assassin's attention turned to that of his sleeping companion, happily snoozing away through the hours with nothing worrisome on his mind to keep him up just like his friend was. He envied Gon and his ability to so easily accomplish such feats without an ounce of trouble. Beside the black haired Hunter, Killua sighed without any sound and turned his head once more to the beating on the window that echoed through the entirety of their hotel room. He didn't bother to watch the time and how long he had been sitting there, watching everything pass by as if he were only there to observe. It had been approximately 32 hours since the last time Killua let his head hit a pillow and fall into a deep unconscious state of sleep, so what was stopping him now from feeling such luxuries?

Absolutely nothing, but at the same time everything.

It had dawned upon him that day just how impatiently tense he appeared to be getting by the approaching hour. Without so much as a word to his friend however, he kept this knowledge to himself in hopes he could deal with his own problems in silence; within the shadows where no one would think twice to look. Gon didn't need to worry about him. All he needed to focus on was finding his father he had started his journey for, with Killua by his side supporting him along the way.

A sudden flash of lightning and roar of thunder threw the young boy from his thoughts and he jolted on the bed he sat on, eyes wide as he had momentarily dropped his almost invincible guard. Is he so out of it that the weather is frightening him now?

"Get it together, idiot." Killua mumbled under his breath in a barely audible tone.

As he turned his head, the young assassin found himself with natural brown irises in front of him, staring as if asking what on earth he was doing awake while looking so shaken up on the spot. Gon didn't even need to open his mouth to speak before Killua did.

"Ah- The thunder was so loud it woke me."

"…Really?" Gon blinked with a straight face before sitting up and moving the blankets off his warm shoulders.

They both knew that lying wasn't considered something a friend should do, only in cases they needed to, but in Killua's case he had no choice. With a shrug and short scoff of laughter, he reached out with his index finger and lightly poked Gon's nose teasingly for him to lie back down and sleep. For now he simply had to play it cool, pretend nothing was wrong, and hope that these complications were but a pointless problem dwelling in his mind.

"I'm fine, really. So let's go back to sleep."

When both boys had comfortably relaxed into the cushioning of the bed, Killua restricted himself from closing his heavy lids. He had gone longer than this time without sleep before, so this would be no different. Gon had already managed to let leep claim him, softly breathing in and out in a calming rhythm that made Killua almost tempted to close his eyes and feel slumbers warm embrace around his body and straining subconscious. The longer he waited for the sun to rise, eternity passed and he found the rain become increasingly… agitating. Most found such sounds reassuring and by no doubt did he as well, but at this time it seemed to do just the opposite effect of its supposed intention.

Five minutes… Fifteen minutes… Half an hour… The Zoldyck son grit his teeth, eyes wide and twitching in seething anger until he couldn't help but sit up and silently move off the bed he and Gon occupied.

"Darn it, I can't handle this!" He tried to keep it barely above a whisper.

Letting out an impatient huff, Killua treaded to the bathroom, switching on the light and closing the door behind him. He didn't bother with the lock because it wasn't necessary. He turned on the tap, making sure the water was cold and cupped his hands below the surface, splashing his face whilst watching the stray droplets fall from his snow white hair. Exhaling, and taking in a new breath, Killua exited the bathroom and re-entered the bedroom to find Gon where he had left him, still soundlessly asleep.

Honestly, he envied that guy. He may have been the same age as him, he may have been fundamentally weaker than the assassin but his heart, his determination was the strongest thing out there that he had ever seen. Through thick and thin, Gon could still sleep like a child in the dead of the night like he was a normal human being. Not a professional hunter, not a nen-user, but a normal boy who had yet to feel the weight of burdens and lives disheartening matters. While Killua held so much on his shoulders he wouldn't share it with anyone else. He didn't have that same spark Gon held… but maybe that was for better or worse.

Snickering, the white haired boy shook his head. "If Gon knew what I was thinking he'd probably call me out for that thought."

Slipping back into bed, he decided to put at the very least half an hour into sleeping. However once that time was up he'd be back where he started in the night. Waiting for the rain to stop…

Actually… when did it start?

I'm just getting started on this!

However, I'd like to know what you think about this so far...