New story again! Are you guys feeling happy? Special? Guess what, I've decided to post another one-shot in the same week! Very short, but I hope its sweet. Around 500 words only ^.^

Disclaimer: I don't own Penguins of Madagascar.


Someone visits Skipper and warns him that he should come clean with his team. GEN (NO ROMANCE), NO VIOLENCE AND NO SUGGESTIVE CONTENT.

"We meet again Skipper…"

Skipper blinked. Who was that? Where was he? Why was he stuck here in a- What is this place?!

"Who's there?" Skipper called out in a loud authoritative voice.

"You mean you don't remember? I thought you had such good memory Skipper…" The deep voice chuckled.

Now that he put his finger (flipper) on it, the voice seemed suspiciously familiar. Skipper was frowning. His arms were tense, in a defence stance.

"Why don't you show yourself coward?"

"Nevermind about who I am Skipper, what's important here is that I'm here to talk about business."

"Uh-huh. Where exactly is this 'here'?"

"You'll find out on your own, be patient."

"So I've no idea who you are, where you are from, where we are and you just expect me to listen to what you are going to say?"

"Yes, it is that simple. You stand and listen, I talk and you absorb."

Skipper seemed unconvinced and suspicious.

"So… I'll get to the point. I know you've been cheating yourself."


"You assume a whole new persona whenever you get a new team. You create multiple personalities for yourself."

"And so?"

"No one knows about all of your sides, your innocent side, your fearsome side, your quiet side, your obedient side, your rebellient side - no one knows about all of them except you. Not even your teammates. "

"Whatever." Skipper rolled his eyes and started walking in a random direction to find exits, but failed to do so.

"You'll be trapped here for a while, so I suggest you make good use of this time to listen carefully."

". . ."

"The real message I want to give you is this - You can't hide your good and not-so-good and your soft sides."

He paused dramatically, enjoying watching Skipper halt in his tracts and inhale a large breath.

"There will come a time when everyone finds out how much you've been hiding from them."

Skipper assumed a brave expression and replied, "I already anticipated that since the day I started keeping secrets."

"I thought you would have. I'm just gonna warn ya that its not going to be pretty when they all find out things about you from someone other than you. They're going to assume that you don't trust them enough to divuldge information about your personal life. Also, you should better watch out. Secrets will be revealed in the most unexpected ways possible."

Skipper started to let some of his anxiety appear on his face.

"Have a good day Captain."


I woke up and sat straight in my bunk, careful not to hit the ceiling. It was just my imagination that made this dream up. Phew! I thought something really bad was going to take place. Wait a minute… why am I getting warnings in my sleep? Something doesn't feel right. I've stopped getting dreams and nightmares about my secrets years ago. Why resurface now?

I think it might be time to tell the boys about some soon-to-be declassified personal information, don't you agree? Maybe I should save my energy and think about this over the next few days.

Perhaps, its best to come clean with them.

A/N Unique for a PoM one-shot? Or is it too short? Feeling sleepy right now .

Good day/night to all of you!