Part 2
The cruciatus curse woke Bellatrix up. It was the only thing which could wake her; but she didn't scream. She hurt much more inside and no amount of screaming could comfort her.
The handsome face of Lord Voldemort was towering over her. She was on her knees, in the middle of the hall, the same one she killed Rosier in.
"Bellatrix…" He hissed, "Narcissa tells me you have not spoken in 2 months," His eyes held mirth as he spoke to her.
Nodding thoughtlessly, she hunched over the floor.
"Answer me!" He flicked his wand and she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder as she was thrown back, lying flat on her back.
Letting out a breath, she scrambled to her knees, tears in her eyes, "My Lord, she's my daughter…"
She felt the sting of a slap, sending her back to the floor, her chin smashing against the marble.
"Bella," She heard Narcissa breathe out by the side.
"Weak, Bellatrix," He leaned over her, sneering, "your daughter made you weak. And a flesh made with the Auror, nonetheless, who believes mudbloods are the same as we are. She's better dead,"
There was laughter.
"You killed Rosier," He continued and Bellatrix nodded numbly, vaguely remembering it happening, "when he is merely killing her on my orders. Insolence, Bellatrix, I never thought it'll be you," She glimpsed the tip of his wand, trained at her, "you are useless to me, like this,"
"My Lord," Narcissa spoke, her voice calm, "Give Bella some time, I beg you,"
"Time, Narcissa?" He snarled, flicking his wand at Narcissa and she sank to her knees, her head bowed, "I don't have time. The purification of blood shouldn't be delayed because of Bellatrix needed time to grief," He mocked and the hall burst into laughter, "stand up," He hissed. Numbly, Bellatrix did, "Alastor Moody was unable to protect her. And she wouldn't have to die, if it wasn't for the Mudbloods, Muggles and filthy halfbreeds, now would she?"
Bellatrix looked up, in slight realization, "No, My Lord,"
"Good," He leaned in, watching her unblinkingly, "your daughter was caught in the middle of the war and there needn't be a war, if Muggles didn't exist,"
Bellatrix blinked, the Dark Lord's words seeping into her clouded mind and his alluring voice captivating her, "Yes, My Lord…"
"Kill them, Bellatrix."
Her wand hand was shaking, but this time, out of sheer fury, "Yes,"
Everything was burning, like they were supposed to be, "Bella! This isn't you!" Narcissa snapped, her hands on Bella's shoulders firmly.
"Don't touch me!" Bellatrix snarled, shrugged away her sister's hold, "they deserve to die!" She screeched and cackled over the screams of frantic Muggles, burning alive in their house.
"You're not killing them, you're torturing them!" Narcissa screamed over her sister's cackling.
"They deserve whatever they got. They deserve worse than that!" With that, a stream of fiendfire streamed out of her wand, engulfing the entire neighbourhood.
"Good, good!" Lord Voldemort laughed, clapping, "Come Bellatrix, my talented student, I've never seen someone take to Dark Arts as you have!" Bellatrix leaned forward, her eyes wide as she drank in his praise eagerly, "I have another difficult task for you," Beside her, sat her new husband, Rodolphus Lestrange. It was a match the Dark Lord proposed out of the blue and it happened.
By that time, Bellatrix would do anything the Dark Lord told her to and she did. She took Rodolphus, as a husband but apart from their wedding night, she hardly saw him. She didn't care for Rodolphus.
"My Lord, you only have to name it," Bellatrix watched him intently.
"Alastor Moody will be a problem. Kill him, won't you, Bellatrix?" He watched her intently as he told her.
A beat of silence, "With pleasure, My Lord,"
The house looked the same and somewhere, she felt a sting in her chest but she steeled herself against it, hate bubbling to the surface.
"Moody!" She screeched, "Come on out, Alastor! Bella's home!"
The ghost of the man she called lumbered out the house. She froze. His hair was uncombed and looked unwashed. There was a hole where his eye was and the other eye was sunken and dark from the lack of sleep. His nose had a chunk missing. There were frown lines on his face and his lips were pulled permanently down. In numerous places on his face, there were scars, too many of them.
"Bella?" His voice, she didn't recognise either. As opposed to his smooth, confident and strong deep voice, his voice was raspy, deep and guttural, almost a growl. He struggled to get his words out of his damaged voice box. His bitter laugh made her jump from her observations, "Mrs. Lestrange now I suppose,"
She was speechless.
Deep inside, she felt an ache as she looked at him but on the outside, she knocked him down easily enough with a single hex. Bellatrix clenched her fists and willed herself forward to stand over him.
"You look well, Bellatrix Lestrange," He looked up at her, squinting against the sun behind her as she raised her wand at him, "I'm glad…" He muttered and she stiffened, "I suppose you're going to kill me,"
"Aren't you going to fight?" Bellatrix hissed.
"He has broken you, Bell," Alastor's voice might not be familiar but his tone, her old nickname, her words and the soft look in his eye stabbed at her heart, "you're broken, like I am," He made no move to stand from the ground.
"Shut up. This is your fault, all of it," She snarled but it sounded pathetic, like she was grasping at the straws, "if you have protected her-" Bellatrix choked over her words.
Alastor laughed a bitter laugh, "yes! If I had… If only I knew…If I did… I just didn't do any of those and she's dead!"
Bellatrix blanched, her hand trembling.
"Lyra loves you, she told me the night she died. She barely remember you but she loved you. She's only a child…I failed her," He sat up with difficulty, getting to his feet unsteadily, "Be done with it," His one brown eye was lifeless as he looked down, standing at the end of her wand, "Kill me, Bell, I deserve it,"
She was stunned and she couldn't seem to say the words. Bellatrix Lestrange had never felt this way; her chest ached sharply as she looked at the man. She felt her lower lip trembling and she clenched her teeth against it. She loved the Dark Lord…only the Dark Lord…not this man, not Alastor Moody; the man who she chased relentlessly for a year, the man who could make her feel like a woman and yet squeal like a girl from time to time, the man who taught her what love is.
"Bell," His voice was harsh but soft and thin. He looked up and she saw the pain in his eyes that she learnt to cloud with hatred.
Both of them jumped as a pop was heard behind her.
"Alastor!" A man in maroon Auror robes called conversationally as he walked to the house. She didn't recognise him but his eyes widened as he noticed her and he scrambled for his wand.
Bellatrix panicked. She was supposed to kill him and now she couldn't without risking her own life. Hastily, she threw a hex at him before apparating. Bellatrix felt something warm splatter all over her face and body. She heard a gut wrenching scream and saw him sink to the ground, his dismembered leg falling beside him. Steeling her dead heart, she left him in a growing pool of his own blood.
"Don't touch me," She hissed in a dangerous tone as she felt his hands caressing her arm. Rodolphus drew back, sighing. Bellatrix scowled. He always disgusted her. Rodolphus felt wrong. His arms weren't strong enough, his hands were too soft, his shoulders too narrow, his body too slim, his hair too…dark… and when they made love, just that once on their wedding night, he was rough but with an abandon that hurt her. Everything about him was wrong.
"Don't call me that!" She stood and pushed him back as he tried to hold her, "and don't talk to me,"
With that, she stomped out of the room. When she flung open the door, she ran headlong into Narcissa. She glared at her sister momentarily before running down the stairs.
"Bella," Narcissa followed, "you'll never love anyone again, would you?" She asked in a soft tone.
Bellatrix stiffened, "I've never loved anyone, only the Dark Lord," Narcissa regarded her sister with pinched lips, obviously in doubt before sighing with resignation.
"Andy…" Narcissa began again, tentatively and Bellatrix drew a breath. Their second sister was a sensitive topic to both of them, having betrayed their blood by marrying a Mudblood, Ted Tonks. Bellatrix hated her; not only for the obvious but also because she could run away. Andromeda succeeded in something Bellatrix failed; holding onto the man she loved and she could spend the rest of her life with him even if the entire family hated her.
If Bellatrix were to be honest, she understood Andromeda; the determination to throw her family away for that one man because his love made up for the cold love their parents gave them. But if anything, envy drove her to hate Andromeda even more.
"She…sent us a picture…" Narcissa made to reach for her robe pocket, eyeing her sister warily, "she had a baby," Bellatrix froze, "Nymphadora, she's called. And she's 6 now…" Carefully, Narcissa pulled out a moving photo.
Bellatrix took one glance at it and stopped breathing. That child was sprawled on the floor, grinning at the camera happily. Her hair was black but it changed to pink after a while. In that moment, Bellatrix could only think of her own daughter, who didn't even have the chance to turn 6.
"She…she looks like you," Narcissa commented hesitantly. She looks like my baby…With that thought, Bellatrix shot a glare at Narcissa before wandlessly setting the photo aflame. Startled, Narcissa let go of the flaming photograph. Bellatrix glared as it blackened and burnt, shriveling up, "Bella…" She heard Narcissa say as she took off.
Nymphadora Tonks…Bellatrix seethed, slamming the door shut to the family room, she looked like Lyra, she acted like Lyra…But she's not. How dare she…
He sat down on the couch heavily. Cursing that heavy thing, he removed his wooden leg and slammed it on the table.
Alastor kept his wand in his hand as he stared into thin air, his magical eye still as well, as he thought.
He could've sworn he saw her. It was her. In the ministry. She was alive and she was throwing a tantrum about ice creams. She still loved having her hair pink.
At the slightest sound of a pop of apparition, Alastor Moody snatched up his staff and limped to the door, abandoning his wooden leg for it took too long to put back on. He stood by the door, his magical eye seeing Albus Dumbledore walking to his house. As he heard the knock, Alastor Moody opened it, his wand out the crack of the door at Dumbledore.
"What was the last thing Albus Dumbledore said to me?" He growled.
"Take care, Alastor," Albus replied calmly and Moody grunted his approval before nudging the door open wider.
"Albus," He greeted mildly before sitting down at the couch. When Dumbledore had taken his seat, Moody couldn't help himself as he leant forward, "Andromeda Tonks' daughter,"
Albus seemed confused momentarily before realization filled his eyes, "Ah, yes. Nymphadora Tonks...She-"
"Lyra, she's Lyra," Alastor interrupted.
"No, Alastor, she isn't. If you recall, Andromeda is the sister of Bellatrix, their daughters will share resemblances, especially with extremely strong Black genes in the mix," Albus reasoned.
Alastor was only half listening. He nodded distractedly.
"She wants to be an Auror, I heard from Sirius," Albus added, an amused twinkle in his eyes.
Alastor shot up before seeming to remember to contain his own emotions. He snorted instead, "as if it were easy. If she had a good set of brains on her, she might just make it,"
"She'll be attending Hogwarts in a few years if I remember correctly,"
Alastor nodded absently but his ears took everything in.
"And she is a metamorphagus, an extraordinary gift," Albus studied Alastor as he told him. The Auror nodded as if ignoring him but Albus knew better. He chuckled, "My old friend, there are times when a little emotions aren't a weakness,"
"What?" Alastor looked up, demanding roughly.
"I haven't seen you this responsive to conversation in 5 years, Alastor," Alastor kept silent, knowing Albus was right, "well, just wait and you might have the opportunity to mentor her to be an Auror yourself,"
With that thought, Alastor fought. He worked hard and apprehended more death eaters than any other Auror in history, not without a cost. His body was filled with so many scars such that he hardly recognise himself in old photos. But he didn't stop. He was focussed, his single minded aim to end this war drove him forward.
He knew he had to do it and not just that, he had to survive.
Eventually, the war ended. Lord Voldemort fell.
In November 1981, Alastor Moody, leading a group of Aurors, apprehended Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Rabastan Lestrange and Barty Crouch Junior. He couldn't bear to look at her as the other Aurors grab her roughly by her shoulder, shoving her towards the apparition point. In his hand, he held the wand which he disarmed her of.
"Albus," Alastor growled, accepting a mild pat on the shoulder from the headmaster.
"Sit," Albus gestured opposite him.
Alastor stared at him, "I'd rather stand,"
"Snacks?" He offered but was met with a deadpanned stare. Albus chuckled, well mannered, shaking his head, "Good of you to visit," Alastor turned away, surveying the office, "Although, as an old friend, I know your true purpose." The mirth evident in his tone.
"Isn't it lunch time yet?" Alastor grunted, lumbering around the office, looking up at Fawkes.
"For the students," Albus replied with a twinkle in his eyes.
"So…?" Alastor demanded roughly before barreling out the door and down the steps. Albus smiled before following him down to the Great Hall.
Alastor spent the hour at Hogwarts that afternoon. His plate remained empty and his cutlery untouched. He took one or two swigs from his hipflask, his eyes unmoving from a First Year, a pink headed Hufflepuff. He watched as she stuffed food into her mouth with vigour. Once or twice, she paused to reply the red headed Gryffindor beside her. When she laughed, it was loud and boisterous and Alastor tensed.
"Would you like to meet her?" Albus asked gently.
"No," Alastor growled with finality.
September 1990
When the list of accepted students that would be allowed to engage in training to be Aurors came in, Alastor all but barreled into Scrimgeour's office, demanding mentorship of one, Nymphadora Andromeda Tonks.
The Head of Auror Office was puzzled but consented, having great respect for Alastor Moody and furthermore, he was more than certified to take an Auror trainee with his impressive performance.
The first day he saw her, she was waiting for him outside his office, wringing her fingers nervously. She wore her hair pink that day. He would smile, if only he still remembered how.
He watched her turn bolder with him and started giving him backtalk for the first time. He watched her parry his spell away for the first time. He watched her defeat him for the first time, and the last; his pride made sure of it. He watched her learn from every wound he gave her to be vigilant, fast and sharp. He watched her fall and learn to get back up. He watched her give it her all.
As he lectured her for the thousandth time while healing her cuts and bruises, she rolled her eyes at his back, which he saw. He turned and rapped her on her head with his wand, hard. She yelped and ran, poking her tongue out at him from the other end of the room, as if he couldn't get her there. Alastor just looked at her.
He ended the war for Lyra and for her, so that she could live without fear.
He fought so he would be the best when she learned from him.
He survived so he could watch her trip down the lane to receive her Auror badge from the Minister of Magic. And when she did, she could turn to him and wave her badge with a grin on her face.
The war was long and hard for Alastor Moody but as Nymphadora squealed and hugged him for the first time, her Auror badge clutched firmly in her hand, all was worth it.
A/N: The scene briefly mentioned here (where he met Nymphadora at the Ministry where she wanted ice cream) is portrayed in detail in Chapter 35. Hopefully you enjoyed this story!
Do leave me a review about it!