Here's the final chapter! I will be starting some new stories soon, check out my profile to see what I'll be working on in the future. I'm going to try my best to do more than one-shots and have longer stories. Until then, I hope you enjoyed my stories and feel free to check out my other one-shots :) reviews are encouraged, it's been a pleasure writing this!

The first time Elsa met Jack, he crash landed onto the balcony of her ice castle. At first Elsa was annoyed at the white-haired boy who had accidentally broken one of her ice sculptures that she had been working on outside; however, she quickly forgave him when he told her that he was distracted by her beauty and lost concentration on his flight. He came to visit her after that and to Elsa's surprise, she found herself looking forward to seeing him again. They didn't always see eye to eye and fought over the silliest things: he constantly challenged her and oddly enough, Elsa loved it. She grew accustomed to Jack's strange antics and didn't mind how childish and playful he was. When he suggested that Elsa meet the other guardians, she said yes in hopes that it would allow her to know more about Jack.

Elsa immediately grew comfortable around the other guardians and enjoyed their company as they drank in the study room. She listened in amusement as North and Bunnymund continued to argue over whose holiday was more important. Elsa looked around the room in hopes that Jack might join their conversation; to her disappointment, he was nowhere to be found.

"Elsaaaaaa, aren't you going to drink some more? You've barely had a glass!"

"Someone has to be the responsible one here. Besides, you know I don't mix well with alcohol."

"That's not fun!"

"Did someone say fun?" Elsa's heart skipped a beat when she saw Jack standing by the doorway, "The guardian of fun at your service!"

Elsa giggled as he gave her a salute, "Why hello there Jack, it seems like someone has been drinking. May I ask how much you've had to drink?"

"Mmm two or three—"



Elsa watched her sister and Jack argue and groaned inwardly when he said that he had consumed all of the bottles in the kitchen. She rubbed her temples, "How am I supposed to explain this to the head chef tomorrow?"

Jack slung his arms around Elsa's shoulder. "Don't you worry your pretty little head over this; I will take care of it, snowflake." She would never admit it to him, but she liked it when he called her snowflake. But she wasn't about to let him to know that and punched him hard in the arm.

"Kiss it and make it feel better?"

"In your dreams," butterflies erupted in Elsa's stomach when he said this and she tried her best to calm them down.

"How'd you know that was what I dream about?"

"All right, I'm cutting you off, no more drinks for you." Elsa tried to grab the bottle from Jack's hand but was unsuccessful. She kept jumping up and down until she noticed him looking at her. He grinned and wrapped his arms around her.


"Elsa, did you know you smell like peppermint?" he swung her around in a circle. "I like the smell of peppermint."

"L-let me go!"

"No." She felt him hug her even tighter; Elsa felt her face burning up.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Anna said, taking Elsa from Jack. "No touching!"

"Aww c'mon, she likes it, don't you Elsie?"

Elsa, still red in the face, narrowed her eyes at him, "Jack Frost, I am warning you. Call me another one of those nicknames again, and I swear it won't just be your arm that will be hurting. "

"Is that a threat or a promise?"

"Will you stop flirting with my sister?"

"And what are you going to do about it?" Elsa watched Jack form a snowball in his hand and aimed it at her sister's face; however, his coordination had been impaired due to the alcohol. When the snowball left his hand, it all happened in slow motion. Elsa felt the snow make contact with her face and slide down, landing with a loud plop.

"You are in so much trouble."

Surprisingly enough, Elsa wasn't angry or annoyed with Jack; she had come to accept this side of him a long time ago. This wasn't the first time that he threw a snowball at her face; they've had countless snowball fights in the past few months. He brought the child out of her and so to get back at him, she put him in a corner and froze him there as her own personal revenge. Elsa laughed silently to herself as she took a seat next to Bunnymund.

"Sorry about Jack, he really is a trouble maker, that one."

"Oh that's quite all right, I've gotten use to him by now; he can be charming when he wants to be."

"What do you see in him?" Bunnymund asked her. "Surely you can do heaps better than Jack Frost."

"There's just something about him. He's all fun and snowballs, and that's something I need in my life," Elsa said warmly, she meant every word.

"Well as much as I hate to say this, and I will deny it if you repeat it, he's not that bad of a fella."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"That's not to say he isn't a handful!"

"Especially tonight, I don't know what I am going to do with him," Elsa knew inside she really was enjoying all of this.

"A good smack in the head every now and then will do him some good," he said, Elsa laughed. Bunnymund ears' twitched and he mouthed to Elsa that Jack was heading towards them.

"This conversation stays between us right?" she whispered.

"Your secret is safe with me, mum's the word," Bunnymund promised.

"What were you guys talking about?"

Elsa decided to pretend to still be mad at him, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Jack nudged her shoulder and gave her a pout that she found ridiculously adorable, "aww don't be like that Elsa!"

"I'm sorry, who was the one who got pelted with a snowball?" She turned around satisfied with the guilty look on Jack's face until she felt him tap her shoulder and say one word that made her heart stop.


"Don't even think about it." To be honest, she wouldn't mind if Jack kissed her. Elsa couldn't help but wonder if he really would do it. She admitted that she spent a few afternoons wondering what it would like to kiss him.

"C'mon queenie it's a rule that you have to kiss under mistletoes. And besides, who wouldn't want to kiss me? I am THE Jack Frost, and I'll have you know that I am an excellent kisser."

"Jack, don't make me put you back in that corner," but he didn't listen to her. Jack leaned forward and Elsa could feel her heart rate quickening. As he got closer, Elsa suddenly panicked and ducked so that he ended up giving Bunnymund a kiss on the nose.

"I guess you got your kiss under the mistletoe," she laughed and quickly grabbed Bunnymund from punching Jack in the face. "Whoa there, I think it's time you two go to sleep. Jack, room. Now."

"But Elsa—"

"I mean it mister."

"Okay," his shoulder slumped as he headed off to his bedroom.

Elsa's thoughts of last night were interrupted when she heard a knock on the door. Right on cue, she thought to herself. She knew that he was outside of the kitchen door during her conversation with the head chef and made sure to mention loudly that she would be in the library, just in case Jack came looking for her.

"Come in."

"Hey there Elsa," he said as he entered the room; Elsa could feel the awkward tension between them.

"How's it going Jack?"

"Things are just great; fantastic even!" Elsa gave him a look, not convinced by his words. "Actually they're not. Can you please tell me what happened last night? Did something happen between us?"

"You really don't remember, do you? This guy, you'd think he would by now. All right sit yourself down Frost, here's what happened."


"Jack, you're in the wrong room," he had followed Elsa into her room.

"This isn't my room?" Jack looked around confused. "Oh well, can I stay here?"

"Ha ha nice try, off you go," she tried to shove him out of the door when he suddenly pinned her against the wall. "W-what are you doing?"

"Elsa," he whispered. Elsa was trapped between Jack's arms; he lifted her chin so that she was staring into his blue eyes.

"Jack," she whispered back breathlessly. He was watching her so intensely and the only thing that she could hear was her rapid breathing. Jack started to lean in closer and closer until their faces were only a few centimeters apart. He's actually going to kiss me this time; Elsa closed her eyes in anticipation.

But the kiss never came; instead, he pressed his forehead against hers and twirled her braid in between his fingers, "No, not like this." Elsa's mind was still spinning over what had almost happened as she watched him move over to her bed and lie down. She felt slightly disappointed and mentally scolded herself for almost letting him kiss her.

"Hey Elsa?"


"I want our first kiss to be special," he gave her one last smile and went to sleep. Elsa blushed furiously and left her room, deciding to let him sleep in her bed. Did he really mean that? Elsa buried her face in her hand, happy that Jack felt this way towards her. She had hoped that her romantic feelings for him would be reciprocated. There were times Elsa wasn't sure how the winter spirit felt about her, but after tonight all her doubts disappeared. Tomorrow, she decided, she would tell Jack how she felt about him. Elsa fell asleep with a smile on her face.

The next day, Elsa hopped out of bed and quickly made her way back to her bedroom. To her surprise, she saw Jack's clothes scattered on her floor. He strips in his sleep, interesting. She picked up his sweater and decided to tease Jack by putting it on. She quickly stepped inside her bathroom, changed into shorts and a tank top, and pulled the sweater over her head. When she finished dressing, she heard Jack stirring in his sleep.

"It's too damn bright," she overheard him mumble. She sat down on her chair that faced opposite of her bed and picked up a book. She almost jumped when she sat Jack sit up suddenly; she tried her best not to stare at his toned body as he looked around in confusion.

"This isn't my room."

"No, it's mine. It's about time you woke up sleeping beauty."

"Elsa! What am I doing here!?"

He doesn't remember anything from last night; I can have a little fun with this. "You mean you don't remember?" Jack wrinkled his eyebrows trying to remember; when he realized that he was naked, Elsa almost burst out laughing as she watched him cover himself up with her blanket.

I should really mess with his head. Elsa moved over to her bed and sat on the foot of her bed. She twirled her hair, gently bit the bottom of her lip, and batted her eyes. Ugh what am I doing? What if he thinks I'm being awkward?

"Y-you look good in my sweater."

Elsa could feel herself grinning, pleased with the reaction she was getting from him, "Excuse me for just one second." She left to change out of his sweater in the bathroom and laughed. Oh this is priceless! When she stepped out, Jack was still mentally trying to piece everything together.

She threw his sweater back at him, "I think this belongs to you."

"Thanks," he mumbled. He's embarrassed to look at me, how cute.

"I'm going to get something to eat, want anything?" he shook his head. "Jack?"


"Last night was fun," she winked at him and his face instantly turned red. She grinned as she left a very confused Jack in her room, serves him right.


When Elsa finished telling him what happened, Jack breathed out a sigh of relief, "So we didn't kiss? Oh thank goodness!"

"You were trying to kiss me all night and now you're actually relieved that you didn't? You're sending me mixed signals here Jack."

"N-no! I mean it's not that I don't want to kiss you I'm just glad we didn't. No wait that came out completely wrong, I actually really want to kiss you. Wait no I wasn't supposed to say that—"

Elsa got up and pressed one finger against his lips, "You talk too much."

Jack widened his eyes in surprise and nodded his head; Elsa laughed and walked over to sit at her desk. "Hey Elsa, I'm really sorry about how I was acting last night."

"That's quite all right Jack; you can make it up to me another time."

"What do you want?"

Elsa thought for a moment; she gave him a wink that made him blush, "Oh I don't know, just make it special."

A Few Days Later

It was New Year's Eve when Jack found a slightly tipsy Elsa dancing in the ball room. He laughed as he watched Elsa stumble while trying to twirl. He quickly moved to her side and caught her before she fell down.

"Jack!" She gave him a big hug which caught him off guard. Jack was about to ask her why she was suddenly so affectionate when he noticed an empty glass on top of the piano nearby.

"Look like someone's had something to drink!"

Elsa giggled, "Yep, I had two maybe three—"



"Huh I guess you were right, you really can't handle that much alcohol," Jack joked.

"Do you want some? The head chef just got some more bottles yesterday!"

"No, no, I learned my lesson. Besides, I'm kind of enjoying tipsy Elsa right now."

Elsa gave him a pout, "you're not fun."

"Excuse me your highness do I need remind you that I am the guardian of fun?"

"Well Mr. Guardian of fun, come dance with me!" She grabbed his hands and began to sway around the dance floor. He took a few clumsy steps backwards, careful not to step on Elsa's feet. Jack couldn't help but smile at the happy look on her face; Elsa rested her head against his shoulders as they continued to slowly dance. Jack wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head on top of hers, neither one of them said a word. The silence was broken by the sound of Anna's voice counting down to midnight in a nearby room. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six…

"Five," she said looking up at him.

"Four," he looked back down at her.

"Three," she leaned in closer.

"Two," he tucked a strand of hair behind her ears.

"One," Elsa placed her hands on both sides of Jack's face and pulled him closer. The clock struck midnight and fireworks were exploding outside in the night sky, but none of them were as bright or as beautiful as the one in Jack's head the moment they kissed. Victory cheers erupted in his head, after all these months, they finally kissed. Elsa felt him smiling, and when they broke apart she found herself smiling too.

"Special enough for you Jack?"


"So that was how we had our first kiss."

Elsa grew red in the face. That next morning, Elsa woke up with a headache; the events of last night were playing in her head the minute she woke up. Jack had entered her room looking like the happiest person in the world and kissed her on the forehead. Her blush only deepened when she asked him if they really kissed the night before or if it was a dream.

"You mean you don't remember?" he pretended to look hurt as she hit him in the arm with a pillow. "Glad to know you dream of me too, snowflake."

"Of course I remember! I'm not like a certain someone," she stuck her tongue out at him. "And don't call me snowflake!"

"Hey at least I was able to control myself," he teased.

"Shut up," she mumbled as she buried her face into Jack's chest. "I can't believe I kissed you first. Was that all that happened last night?"

Jack laughed and gave her a hug, "Yep that's all that happened."

This wasn't exactly true. After midnight, Jack carried Elsa in his arms back to her bedroom. Jack tucked her into bed; as he was about to leave, he felt Elsa grab his arm. He turned around and smiled down at her, stroking her cheek lightly.

"Time to go to sleep, snowflake."

"I love it when you call me snowflake."

"Really now? I'm going to hold this against you, you know that right?"

Elsa smiled at him and yawned sleepily, "Jack?"

"Yes snowflake?"

"Mmm I really lov…" she drifted off to sleep before she completed her sentence.

Jack smiled at the memory and kissed the top of Elsa's head as she snuggled into his arms, deciding to keep this piece of information to himself.

He wanted to be the one to say "I love you" first.