A/N: I do not own OUAT. Though It would be rather cool.

Warning: Swearing.

Wake up.

Get dressed

Grab a coffee

Go to work.

It was a normal day for Emma. She was dressed in her usual red leather jacket and black skinny jeans. Her hair naturally curled, its length running down her back. She picked up her phone, placing it into her back pocket. Ever since Neverland, she has been lonely. Henry, regretting leaving his adoptive mother, moved back in with Regina. They spent their days catching up, and Emma kept her respectable distance. Knowing that she did take Henry away from Regina in the first place, it was her turn to have him back. Of course they visited each other mostly every day; Emma would run into Henry on the streets. On Thursday and Sunday nights they will go out the Granny's for dinner. Emma always put on the brightest smiles when seeing her son and the Mayor every week. She had to, even if sometimes it was forced. Emma couldn't help it... She was lonely.

Snow and Charming left her to have a baby, moving to another house across town. Leaving the apartment to Emma, leaving her alone.

After a while she just accepted it.

"Everyone leaves eventually.." Emma whispered to herself, as she walked out of the apartment. Locking the door behind her.

The warm spring air hit her face, making the decision to walk to the station today.

Maybe today will be a good day.

Emma was wrong. This day could not be any worse. It was completely and utterly boring. Emma leaned back in her office chair, aiming at the dart board.

The sound of heals clicking against tile, made Emma straighten her posture.

"Miss Swan, I highly doubt that is working." Regina glared at Emma, hands set on her own hips. She made her way towards the Blonde, leaning against the metal desk.

Emma smiled politely at the Mayor, her eyes ranking down the Queen's form. A blush hot on her cheeks as she glance back at the Mayor, seeing a noticeable smirk on her lips.

"..I was just taking a break Madam Mayor.." The title rolling off her tongue, sounding sweet to Regina's ears. Regina pushed away the feeling that made her heart flutter, glaring at the blonde once again.

"Get back to work." Regina growled, storming out of the office. Emma's smile dropped, the sinking feeling settling in her stomach.

"Way to go Swan" Emma whispered angrily at herself.

Emma, around 3pm, got a call from Archie. The therapist went off explaining how his dog was missing.. for the third time this week, and it was only Thursday.

"CALM THE F—calm down Archie." Emma huffed into the phone, as she listened to Archie crying into the phone.


Nothing, no response from the crying therapist.

"FINE! I will go find your dog!"

The crying stopped.

"Oh thank you Sheriff Swan." Then he hung up.

Emma sat their stunned, confusion over ridding her senses.

"fucking dog … and his therapist!" She muttered to herself as she left the station.

The roads were empty, as were the streets. Neither a car nor a person in sight. Emma was crouched, sneaking a look into the backyards of the citizens of Storybrooke. She was covered head and toe in dirt and various plants, that she tripped on occasionally. A smudge of dirt was across her face, on her nose. Which was in her line of sight.

"I am seriously going to kill this fucking dog when I find him!" Emma growled, clenching her fists tightly together.

She clawed her way out of the bushes, returning to the side walk. Continuing her search to the next house.

The sound of heels clicking on the pavement drew her out of her rage. Turning to spot The Mayor once again, glaring at her.

"Miss Swan!" Regina growled, closing in on Emma. Her mocha brown eyes burning holes into Emerald.

"What!" Emma was done, if the Regina was here just to yell at her.. she had better things to do.

The tone of the blonde caught the Mayor off guard, her glare faltering slightly. She took in Emma's appearance, eyes catching sight of the angry red marks on her chest, arms and face. Regina reached out and grabbed the Blondes arms, running her fingertips over the angry red scratches, noticing some were bleeding.

Emma stiffened in the Mayors hold, glancing down at herself for the first time. Rose thorns stuck out of the Blondes arms and clothing, along with various amounts of twigs. Which caused the scratches all over her.

She glanced up at the Mayor, taking in her expressions. Regina's head was down cast, her eyes still trained on the scratches. She quietly ran her fingertips over and over again on the marks. Concern was very evident on her features.

"Emma.. What happened." Regina whispered. The Sheriff was taken aback from Regina's tone, and the title she was called. Sure, they have become closer over the past months since Neverland.. but Regina still refused to call her Emma. It was always Miss Swan, or Sheriff Swan.

It made the blondes heart figuratively jumps right out of her chest and into the Mayors hands… willingly.

"I was finding Pongo.." Emma gritted out, pushing the feelings down.

Regina backed away from the Blonde, realizing how close they were together. She fixed her posture, returning a glare at Emma.

"Well Miss Swan You did not show up for Dinner.. Henry was greatly disappointed." and so was I Regina admitted to herself.

Shit it was Thursday.. Emma scowled at herself

Emma finally looked up at the sky, taking in her surroundings. The sun was setting, casting a glow upon the houses around her. She had not realized how late it gotten…

"Fuck I am sorry Regina. I did not even realize it!" Emma pouted, her Emerald eyes glancing up at Regina.

The Mayor visibly softens, seeing the blonde's eyes. The sight warmed her heart.

Stupid heart. Regina thought, as her heart picks up its pace as she stared into Emma's eyes.

The Mayor fixed her features and posture, sending the Blonde a glare.

"If you see that this happens again, Miss Swan. I will be canceling our Dinners.. I do not want you disappointing Henry again." The Mayor snarled, as she stormed off.

"Nice going Swan… Again." Emma whispered sadly.

She was left once again, lonely… looking for a dog.

Emma Swan was wondering aimlessly around town, the night sky descended upon her. She went to the docks, sitting on the bench. Their bench. Her feet ached from the hours of walking, as did the small scratches on her body.

Creaks from the footsteps behind her caught her attention.

She quickly turned, hoping to see Regina.. and maybe apologize.

There was a small bark.


Archie and Pongo stood in front of the bench, with guilty faces.

"You found him?" Emma whispered, scared that if she talked louder she would skip normal and just scream. She glared at the dog, who whined pathetically.

"Uhm.. Yeah. Listen Emma, I may have found him hours ago.."

"WHAT!" Emma screeched, throwing calm out the window. Actually over the deck and into the waters below.

"… I am sorry, I forgot to inform you." Archie kept his gaze down, not brave enough to look the enraged Sheriffs eyes.

"YOU. FORGOT. TO. FUCKING. INFORM. ME!" Her voice echoing into the night, which caused some house lights in the far distance to pop on.

" I am sorry… I was just so happy that he came back." Archie stated. Emma didn't hear a word, she walked away. Her angry stomps, creaking the deck.

The walk back to her apartment was quiet. Angry tears rushed down her face, wiping them with the back of her dirt covered hand. She felt used, she felt Angry. For hours she was alond, searching for that dog. She missed dinner with her son, for fuck's sakes!

She was not angry.

She was pissed.

The street lamps above her casted a glow that lead her home, she just hope she could make it home in time to watch Grey's Anatomy. Pulling her phone out of the back of her pocket, she checked the time.

7:59 pm.

She still had time, she breathed a breath of relief. She slowed down her angry jogging, taking a deep breath. The sound of crickets chirping met her ears, making her smile. Though, the sound of rustling of bushes was not as pleasant.

"Who is there." Emma turned towards the small bush, pushing some of the branches out of the way.


What the fuck?

A small kitten sat staring up at her, its green eyes catching hers. Emma took in its appearance; it was all black except for an orange spot that covered its right eye and ear. It crawled out of the opening in the bush, crawling onto Emma's leg.

"Uhm.." Emma stared down at the kitten, bringing her hand down slowly to pet the its head softly.


Emma glanced around, seeing no one who could possibly lose it. She lifted the furry kitten into her lap, watching as it purred. Pushing itself against Emma's arms and hands. It caught sight of the small marks on her arm, glancing curiously up at her.

Stepping over to the closest mark on her arm, the kitten licked.

The rough tongue of the kitten, cleaning the dried blood off Emma's arm. Continuing on to the next.

"Are you a vampire cat?" Emma exclaimed, watching the Kitten closely. As it finished cleaning all the ones it could reach, it settled back into Emma's lap.

Purring instantly.

Emma rolled her eyes at the creature, but her heart warmed softly at the caring creature.

"I guess you can come home with me.." She picked up the kitten fully, placing it softly in her arms.

Emma looked around, seeing no other kittens.

It was left alone… just like her.

Should I continue?

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