Here's the final chapter! Thanks to all who read and reviewed.

Well, tonight was the big night. All of Hyrule had gathered for the annual Valentine's Day Ball. It was a truly extravagant event. The ballroom was decorated with stained-glass windows and pink and ribbons everywhere. There was exquiste food all around and beautiful music in the air. Everyone came in their best dress clothes. Even Link and Ravio came dressed in respective purple and green tuxedos, courtesy of Zelda and Hilda who thought that it would do as a impromtu Valentine's Day present.

"Boys, You look quite lovely in that." Zelda complimented as she and Hilda walked towards them.

"Thanks." Ravio replied.

"I gotta say though. I've never really wore a tuxedo before." Link said. "It feels weird."

"You'll get used to it." Hilda chuckled. "So, shall we eat?"

"Let's." Zelda replied as the four of them went to the table and ate. The four of them talked a bit and just had plenty of laughs. It was quite a funny time. Especially when Ravio had to excuse himself after going into a sneezing fit after accidently biting into a cinnamon bun (Ravio was highly allergic to cinnamon). But afterwards it was time for the dance. "May I have this dance, Princess Hilda?" Ravio asked with a bow. "Enchante." Hilda replied. "But there's no need for you to address me by title."

"True, but formality dictates that I must." Ravio said. "But before that, I have something for you. Now close your eyes." Hilda did as instructed and Ravio silently placed a ruby necklace around her neck. "Okay, open them." Hilda opened her eyes and happily gasped when she saw the necklace. "Ravio, it's beautiful!" she said. "Indeed." Ravio replied. "But it pales in comparison to the one wearing it. That and it goes quite well with your eyes." Hilda blushed a little as Ravio took her hand and escorted her to the dance floor.

"Not to pry or anything, but did you bring me something?" Zelda asked. "Just out of curiosity."

"I did. I just don't have it with me." Link said. "But we can worry about that later. For now, may I have this dance, milady?"

"I'd be delighted." Zelda giggled as the two of them shared a dance. After the dance, everyone was treated to a lovely singing duet by Hilda and Zelda. It was a truly beautiful night and the ball lasted for several hours. Sadly though, like all good things, it came to an end. Link and Ravio stayed behind to help the guards clean up. Afterwards, Hilda went to a nearby balcony to stargaze. Ravio came up behind her. "I had a good time." He said. "Indeed. It was a truly marvelous time." Hilda replied. "Though I regret not being able to find you a proper Valentine's Day gift."

"To be quite honest, Hilda. I don't really need a gift." Ravio replied. "I already have it."

"What do you mean?" Hilda asked.

"When the whole thing with Lorule happened, I watched as you desperately tried to find a solution for the problem." Ravio began. "As the years went by and the situation deteriorated, I feared that your mental state would deteriorate along with it. It grieved me to go behind your back to stop you and Yuga, but now I'm glad I did. Because if I didn't I would've never met Link and our home wouldn't have been restored. Every day since then, I've been blessed with the greatest gift of all: You. Just seeing you finally, truly happy, To see a smile again adorn your beautiful features is the only gift I need."

He gently placed a hand on Hilda's cheek, giving a warm smile. Hilda answered the smile with one of her own before the two leaned in for a passionate kiss.

Meanwhile, Link led a blindfolded Zelda to her room. Link had told her earlier that her Valentine's Day gift was in her room. When they finally got to her room, Link opened the door and led her inside. "Okay, you can remove the blindfold." Link said. Zelda did as she was instructed and let out a squeal of joy at what she saw. On her bed was the same four-foot stuffed teddy bear she saw at the toy store eariler. It was the centerpiece of a group of her other stuffed animals surrounding it. "This is wonderful!" Zelda said. "How did you know?!"

"Well, you told me yourself earlier. Remember?" Link asked. Zelda pasued for a bit to think before blushing. "Oh, right." she giggled as she sat on the bed. Link sat next to her. "This was truly an enchanting night." Zelda said. "You're right about that." Link replied. "Can't wait till next year. And Zelda, next time you wanna give me a Valentine's Day gift, you could just ask."

"I could, but with my duties and all, It's hard to spend time with you." Zelda replied. "That, and it was fun to try to be Hilda for a while."

"And I'll admit, it was fun to try to be Ravio for a day." Link chuckled. "But in all honesty, I'd much rather be myself. And if I may be so bold, Zelda..." Link leaned in to kiss her. "...You're more beautiful when you're being yourself." Zelda was stunned by the kiss and blushing even more now. But she eventually gave a smile. "And you're more handsome when you're being yourself." Zelda replied as she pulled Link down onto the bed for a kiss. The two then spent the next few hours wrapped in each other's arms and affections.

Hours later, Zelda was in her bed snuggled next to her new stuffed animal, lovingly gazing at the group painting of herself, Link, Hilda, and Ravio. It was a little something she had her artist put together to commemorate meeting her new friends and a reminder of all the zany adventures they've shared over the months. "It was a Valentine's Day to remember." she said affectionately.

The End!

Well, so ends my tale. Hope you've enjoyed reading it as I've enjoyed writing it! Till next time!