Hello, fellow fanfic authors. It's been quite some time since my last Zelda fic. And with Valentine's Day around the corner and the new game A Link Between Worlds, I could not pass this up. It's basically a HildaxRavio and LinkxZelda Valentine's Day themed story. Also, beware of spoilers for those who have not played the game. I hope you enjoy it. Please read, review, and enjoy.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Operation: Sweetheart Switcheroo

This was quite the amusing twist of fate. Hilda and Zelda have been friends for several months now. It had all started since the whole Lorule scenario. After Zelda and Link helped save Lorule from the treacherous Yuga and, in the ultimate act of compassion, wished for the restroration of Lorule's Triforce. Hilda couldn't help but want to see them again. So she and Ravio used their Triforce to grant them the power to travel freely between Lorule and Hyrule. From then on, the four of them became the best of friends. Looking at Hilda and Zelda, one might mistake them for sisters at a glance. And indeed they acted like sisters. Zelda was the younger sister, bubbly and energetic. Hilda was the older sister, stoic and brooding.

Of course if someone asked about Hilda, Zelda had to tell them she was from a neighboring kingdom. It would be quite hard to explain about parallel universes, after all. But despite being princesses, the two could get into some... amusing adventures, especially when Ravio and Link were involved. This is one such example.

It all started on the eve of Valentine's Day. All of Hyrule was abuzz about finding the perfect valentine for someone. Even Princess Zelda got caught up in the craze. Every Valentine's Day, she would host a lavish ball at her castle. But this was the first Valentine's Day that she would be celebrating with her Lorulean counterpart, Hilda. She and Hilda were in her room drinking tea, their usual pasttime. She couldn't help but notice that Hilda seemed more somber than usual. At first she attributed it to residual guilt about her role in the Lorule debacle, but now she wasn't so sure. Caring person she was, she couldn't just let that go unnoticed without attempting to help. "Hilda? Is something the matter?" She asked.

Hilda turned to face her blond-haired doppelganger, but remained silent for a few moments as a blush spread across his face. "It's about Ravio." she finally spoke.

"What about him?" Zelda asked.

"Valentine's Day is tomorrow." Hilda began. "And I have yet to find a gift for him. You see, I've grown... quite fond of him, but due to the crisis back home, there wasn't much time for pleasantries such as holidays. And after everything that's happened, I feel as though I need to give him something." Zelda couldn't help but be amused. She always knew that depsite Hilda's cold and distant exterior, she truly cared for her people. But to hear her actually have a crush on someone was quite amusing. "Believe it or not, I have a similar dilemma." she said.

Hilda looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "I have a slight crush on Link." She said. "But my duties prevent me from really spending time with him. So, like you, I'm at a loss for what to give him on Valentine's Day."

"It seems we are more similar than I thought." Hilda chuckled. "Perhaps the matter can be best solved together. Do you have any ideas?" Zelda rested her hand on her chin as she tried to think. Then her face suddenly lit up as she hit her fist into her open palm. "I've got it!" She giggled as she ran to her closet, pulled out two bottles of strange purple liquid, and handed one of them to Hilda. Hilda took the bottle and looked at it with confusion. "What is this?" she asked.

"Just drink it." Zelda commanded. Hilda did as she was told and drank the beverage. "Nothing happened." she said. Unbeknownst to her, however, her hair and eye color had changed into the spitting image of Zelda's own. "Hmm. I guess it's better to show you." Zelda then drank her potion, and slowly, her hair turned purple and her eyes became red, just like Hilda's. The Lorulean princess stared at her with mouth agape. "W-What sorcery is this?!" she sputtered out.

"It's a potion Irene gave me." Zelda replied. "It allows anyone who drinks it to be diguised as someone else. Take a look." She handed Hilda a mirror and let her see that the potion had changed her hair and eye color. The image caused Hilda to give a short scream. "What is the meaning of this?!" she asked. "It's simple." Zelda replied. "We'll diguise ourselves as each other spend time with Link and Ravio. I'll go with Ravio and you'll go with Link. This way, we'll be able to find out the perfect gift for them."

Hilda merely stared at her Hyrulean counterpart. "And you're certain this will work?" she asked. This plan sounded pretty farfetched to her, like something Ravio would do. But of course, considering the hair-brained scheme she used to attempt to save Lorule, she was in no position to judge. "Of course!" Zelda replied with her usual aplomb. "Now, we have to be careful. The potion will wear off if we get in water. Now let's do something about our hairstyles."

"Okay." Hilda replied.

Link and Ravio were at Link's house practicing sword fighting. They had been practicing for several hours now when they decided to take a break. Ravio was extremely glad to have met Link. When he first left for Hyrule, he was worried he wouldn't be able to find someone to stop Hilda and Yuga, but Link quickly proved he was up to the task. It was thanks to his courage and compassion that Lorule was restored. It was quite refreshing to see his beloved princess smile once more. From then on the two became best friends. If Hilda and Zelda were twin sisters, then Link and Ravio were quite the twin brothers. They did practically everything together.

"So, Link. Valentine's Day's tomorrow." Ravio began. "Got any plans?"

"The blacksmith's given me the day off." Link replied. "But other than that, not really."

"Oh. Well, I could use your help with something." Ravio said.

"Sure. What is it?" Link asked.

"Well... what's the best valentine to give to someone?" Ravio asked hesitantly. That caused Link to stare at him with a bewildered expression. "Well, I'd just stick with chocolates and flowers." he said. "What's this about?" Ravio sighed a bit, realizing he'd been caught. "It's about Hilda." He replied. "I've been meaning to give her something for Valentine's Day, but I'm at a loss for what to give her. Due to everything back home, there wasn't much time to think about holiday celebrations."

Link sat and thought on this a while. "Well, why don't you just ask her what she'd like?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm a coward at heart." Ravio replied with a slight blush as he nervously rubbed his arm. "Particularly in matters of the heart. I haven't the spine to ask her upfront."

"Hmm." Link said. "Well, I dunno how much help I could be. I've been thinking about what to give Zelda, but I dont know what to give her. I was never one for the dating scene." Ravio fell silent and thought on this until his face lit up with a smile. "Perhaps we can help each other." he said. He went back into his house, which had been converted to be both a house for Link and a shop for Ravio's items, and grabbed two purple potions. He handed one over to Link. "Drink this." he said. Link took the potion and readily drank it. "I don't feel anything." he said, unaware that his hair had turned purple and his eyes were now green.

"Hmm. Maybe I should show you." Ravio then drank his potion and his hair turned blond and eyes turned blue, in the spitting image of Link himself. Link did a double take and his eyes widened. "How did you do that?!" he asked. "It's a potion I concocted." Ravio replied. "It allows whoever drinks it to be disguised as anyone." He then handed Link a mirror to show that he had been changed into the spitting image of Ravio. "What in Din's name did you do to me?!" he asked again.

"Relax, Link. This isn't posion." Ravio assured him. "It's a little plan I thought up. Using the potion, we'll masquarade as each other. I'll spend time with Zelda while you spend time with Hilda. Together, we may find the perfect Valentine for our princesses."

"Don't you think this is a bit much?" Link asked. "I feel a little dishonest."

"Oh, it's just for a little while." Ravio assured. "What do you say? Will you help?" Link sat and thought about this for awhile before saying with a smile, "Well, If it's to help a friend, then okay."

"Great!" Ravio exclaimed. "Now just one thing you should know. The potion will wear off if you touch water, so try to avoid that. Now, let's try to emulate each other's personalities."

"Okay." Link replied as he and Ravio put their plan in action. Valentine's Day would surely be interesting.

Well, that's the first chapter. Both pairs of characters have identical plans. This is going to be one hilarious adventure!