A/N: Here it is the last part! And I'll be honest, I completely forgot to say the PREVIOUS chapter was actually supposed to be the end and then saw you guys wanted more... so here. :) The end of our New York City Raura adventure. Your response was so great, I loved it, it means so much as a writer. Thank you, I love you all. It's short, but I hope this doesn't disappoint your expectations. Thank you my lovely readers. 3 Take care!
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Cheers to the year, and everything it's brought you. Good or bad. You made it to another one.
III. 11:59
4 Months Later
"Come on, come on!" The brunette cried, tugging the long arm of a tall blond behind her in the staircase. Finally they burst through the doorway, and stepped out onto the roof where a gentle but exciting breeze greeted them along with the strong lights from the other buildings. The ruckus from below wasn't as loud, but still very prominent as it was a special evening: New Year's Eve.
"Oh good, we still have time." Laura exhaled loudly with a grin, pushing her hair out of her face with her gloved hand. Behind her, Ross was bent over with his hands on his knees, panting like he ran a marathon.
Laura blinked at the lack of comment from her boyfriend, turning to him and discovered his position. "...Are you okay?"
Taking a few more pants, Ross held up one finger. "How," pant, "are you not," pant, "out of breath," cough, "right now." He lifted his head for his brown innocent eyes to meet hers under his golden fringe. He wore a beanie over it, paired with his jacket and cozy attire for the weather.
Laura bit back a smile. "It was only a few flights of stairs."
"A few?!" Ross shot her an incredulous look. "That was like 5!"
Rolling her eyes, she reached for his hand again. "Come on, we'll miss it." She said softly with a smile, snapping him out of it. He smiled, nodding. They walked to the edge of the room, leaning over enough to peer over the colorful crowd at times square.
It was chilly, like any winter night in New York. It was loud but a good kind of loud; It was that special feeling in the air. A new year... where you can put everything in the past of this year and start fresh. But there were a few points of this year she didn't want to just forget. Like the man next to her.
Like she said before, even though she lived in New York, she stopped watching the ball drop in time square because it was always too crowded. But Ross convinced her, especially with the perfect idea to watch from a rooftop.
She squeezed his hand, making him turn his head to her and gave a smile that always made her smile back.
"Glad we ditched that New Years party?"
Laura groaned exasperatedly, earning a grin from Ross. "Oh yees, definitely. This is much better." She grinned earnest, looking out at the view.
"And, I get to spend the last few minutes with you alone and not a bunch of teens and high relatives." The blond pointed. She laughed lightly, lowering her eyes to the ground again, for a different reason.
"So what was one of your favorite memories of this year?" She asked shyly. She really wanted it to be the time they finally saw each other again for Christmas. But he was still a rockstar; It could've been when his album got sold out or when he traveled to all these different cities in the US...
"The night I met you."
Laura lifted her head at him, her lips shaped in a small 'o'. "...Really?"
He was always honest and genuine. "Yes." He replied softly, smiling down at her. "The night I met my New York stranger."
The corner of her lips lifted into a touched smile. 4 months ago, Ross Lynch ran into her on an autumn evening. To say she fell in love that night is something she'll never admit. At least not out loud.
They kissed and stayed in touch, as promised. Constantly texting each other and skyped each other. She was thrilled to hear he was coming back to New York to spend Christmas break with her.
Pink-cheeked, Laura looked at their hands with a small smile. "You did give me quite a scare." She murmured, lifting her eyes to him coyly.
"Sorry." He murmured back.
She chuckled quietly and leaned her head against his shoulder. "I had such a great year after I met you. It was so... routine and dull before it, I don't know how I let it get that way. Or myself." She closed her eyes briefly, feeling his kiss against her hair and him squeeze her hand. "It was like you put a spark back in my life. So thank you."
Ross smiled to himself, closing his eyes and remembered her smile and laugh when they had that night full of adventure and possibilities. The way her eyes sparked with interest and amusement, or when she was laying in the grass by the statue of liberty below him, staring up at him, giving him the hope that she wanted him as he did for her. He knew he wanted excitement that night, but falling in love was the last thing he expected. Especially with a beautiful stranger who loved music and puns. "No, thank you."
A roar from below caused both of their eyes to snap open, searching for the reason of. Numbers flashed on the time square screen.
Laura turned to him with a bright grin. "It's starting." She whipped her head back excitedly at the busy center, and couples quickly pairing together.
They shouted below.
Laura joined.
Ross joined with her.
They shouted together with the crowd, as loud as they could, their voices mixing. Of course they could only hear themselves clearly, being the only two up there.
The anticipation was growing like a wave.
Almost there, Laura's stomach did flips. The New Year was just about there.
And to spend it with someone so special to her.
She couldn't be happier.
Ross and Laura turned to each other with bright grins and pounding hearts.
The ball dropped, but they didn't witness it except for the screams below. Because they were pulled together, his arms wound tightly around her waist, and her's around his neck with their lips on each other. There were still cheering below and around them as they parted slowly, Laura's eyes still closed for another second before she opened them to meet his sparkling ones. A grin spread on her pink lips as they did on his. She pulled him closer again until the tips of their noses touched and clouded breaths mingled, keeping their eyes locked. "Happy New Year." She whispered. With another grin from him, he brushed his lips onto hers again, tugging themselves into each other.
Ross's lips pulled away from her mouth to plant kisses along her jaw and her hands went to the back of his hair, almost pulling off his beanie. She stopped him before he could reach her neck. "Want to go back to my apartment?" She said rather breathlessly.
"You know we have to take those stairs down again."
Ross pulled back to look at her with wide horrified eyes and Laura laughed out loud. She grabbed his face and kissed him again, her smile never leaving.
And that's how they started their New Year together.