Done for this prompt at the ASoIaF kink meme: AU Jon, Lyanna, Robert. R+L=J
Robert finds out about Jon and rides to Winterfell to confront Ned and get rid of the last of the dragonspawn that he can get his hands on.
But when he gets there he sees a little toddling lad who looks nothing like his father and is the image of mother.
Robert can't kill him - not with his lost loves eyes staring up him from behind Ned's leg.
Bonus points for Varys, Jamie or Barristan Selmy plotting to save Jon from Robert
Betaed by the great L_Cloudy.
"You can't kill the babe!" Jaime yelled, his green eyes desperate; and Robert growled. He knew that the Kingslayer had probably got to know Rhaegar when he had served Aerys, but he hadn't expected that Jaime couldn't see the sense in having all the dragonspawn killed. And though he couldn't get to Rhaegar's younger siblings, at least he could damn well get to his son.
"Your Grace, I have to agree with Ser Jaime on this subject," Selmy began, as Jaime sent the older man an affronted look. "What's the harm in the boy growing up as a bastard with Ned Stark? Even if he is true-born, the Baratheons rule Westeros now. Not the Targaryens."
"Agreed," Varys said. "Let the boy live and gain his and his family's loyalty. And if he does rise up to try to seize the throne, he should be as easy to crush as Rhaegar was that day on the Trident; and you can paint him as a greedy little boy who couldn't accept the gracious gift that you offer him."
Varys' is wrong though, Robert thought. Rhaegar hadn't been easy to kill. Their fight had been truly up to the gods that day and if luck had been on Rhaegar's side instead of Robert's, then it would be the other man sitting on the Iron Throne now. Robert hardly ever sat on the damn thing, it was too uncomfortable, but now he needed to. He needed to reassure himself that the throne that he had paid for in blood and sweat of fine men from all over Westeros was truly his.
Not some dragonwhelp's, who had killed his mother when coming into the world. Lyanna could have been his queen now instead of Cersei if she had been able to get her hands on some moon tea after the surely brutal rape that brought the boy into the world. Rhaegar must have denied her that though, Rhaegar killed her through his son and Robert knew that Lyanna would want the thing that murdered her gone from the world. He didn't realize that he had said the last part of his thoughts until Jaime broke them, almost screaming, "She wouldn't!"
Robert turned around, furious. "How dare you presume to know what she felt? How dare you presume to know what she wanted? I was her betrothed! Not you. She was supposed to be my wife, not your sister!"
Jaime's face became cold. "You say you knew her, but how many times did you meet her? Once I believe. At Harrenhal, correct? Are you saying she told you what she wanted you to do if she was ever raped and had a child? Or can you not comprehend the fact that possibly Lyanna Stark might have loved her child? That Ned Stark might have never told you for this very reason? God's be good, I'll never like Stark, but I can't think of a time when I thought you would be a better king that he would be!"
Jaime didn't even see the punch that sent sprawling onto the floor. Robert looked at the man on the ground coldly. "Jaime Lannister, from this moment on, you are no longer apart of the Kingsguard. You will be reinstated as heir for Casterly Rock because I need your father to help me kill this boy, but if you ever come back I will have you seized and sent to the Wall.
"Leave now. Cersei will find someone to send you your things."
The Kingslayer picked himself off the ground, glaring at Robert with a fierceness he had never seen on anybody before. Without a word, he left the throne room.
Selmy and Varys had watched the exchange with silence, though their faces told Robert all he needed to know. Selmy was surprised by Jaime's vigor to protect the boy and respected him a bit more for it, and respected Robert a lot less. He didn't care. The Kingsguard was there to protect, not to judge. As long as Selmy kept silent, Robert didn't care what his thoughts were.
Varys just managed to perfect his look on appearing both interested and bored at the same time.
He turned. Jon was standing at the doors of the throne room. His eyes were filled with disappointment, as they always seemed to be filled lately. "Care to explain what I just heard? You aren't truly talking about killing a child, are you?"
"It's not a child. It's dragonspawn" Robert said. Why couldn't anyone see that? he thought as he waved Selmy and Varys out of the room.
"Jon Targaryen is a child." Robert flinched at the full name. "He may be Rhaegar's son, but he is also Lyanna's."
"Rhaegar raped Lyanna. Are you telling me that she would want him to live?"
"If Lyanna truly didn't want her child, you don't think she would have figured some way to get rid of him before he was born, even without moon tea? And what if she wasn't raped?"
Robert flinched. He heard the whispers and the rumors of the court. That Lyanna had run off with Rhaegar Tagraryen because she didn't want to marry him. He refused to listen. His Lyanna wouldn't have done it.
"She was, Jon. She wouldn't have run away from our marriage," he responded vehemently. "She wouldn't have."
Jon sighed. "Let the child live, Robert. Stannis' wife just announced her pregnancy. If it's a girl, marry her to the boy and let him disappear on Dragonstone if he's true-born. Send him to the Wall when he's old enough if he's a bastard. Either way, let him live."
"And what if I don't?"
"Then I will leave my place as Hand and taking Lysa back to the Eyrie. I'll stay neutral in this war for as long as I can and hopefully you and Ned will remember that you two use to be closer than you were to your own brothers. But I will not let an innocent child be killed no matter what his father might have done to his mother." Robert could tell the hidden meaning in his words.
I'll stay out of this fight unless Ned is losing and then I'll join his side.
Robert wanted Jon to take back his words, same as he knew Jon wanted to have an apology and a promise to not hurt Jon Targaryen. Still Robert knew that neither of them would get what they want. He closed his eyes as Jon turned around and walked out of the room. He didn't want to see him leave.