Author's Note: Okay so this isn't my first fanfiction but it is my first Walking Dead one. This is a Shane/OC fic with Shane not being as nuts as he is in the series. There will be quite a few flashbacks, at least at first, so you guys can see how Shane's and the OC's relationship developed. Anywho what about that season 4 mid-season finale!? I can't wait for the rest of the season! I actually live just a few miles from the town of Senoia, GA that they used as Woodbury and I got to see them filming the scene where the Governor breaks down the barricade to his own town and sets it on fire! If you ever go watch them film you better drink some coffee because I was there for around 10 hours! It was awesome! The only cast member I saw was David Morrisey, but he was in a van so we (myself and the other spectators/fans) didn't get to meet him L. Also if you've never seen David in anything else I suggest the Doctor Who Christmas special: The Next Doctor. He's fantastic in it! Alright enough rambling I hope you guys enjoy this first chapter!

Disclaimer for entire fic: I do not own The Walking Dead, just my OC.


Colbie Caillat When the Darkness Comes-The Mortal Instruments City of Bones soundtrack

Chapter One: Surprise at the CDC

Elizabeth Grimes was interning at the CDC under Dr. Jenner's wife when everything went to shit. Because of all the AP classes she took in high school and because she scored 5's on the exams she shad skipped past quite a few classes in college.

Elizabeth was just about to change into her pajamas when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Jenner opened the door. "Um we have some guests."

"What do you mean guests? How did they get in?" She asked, alarmed.

"I let them in. They're okay. I need you to help me carry some food from the kitchen. They said they haven't eaten in days."

"Sure I'll be there in a minute."

Jenner nodded and closed the door.

A few minutes later she carried out a tray of food, weighed down with a big bowl of instant mashed potatoes, canned carrots, and canned green beans.

She kept her eyes cast down, watching her step as she heard laughter. She smiled but at the same time was saddened. She was glad that joy could still be found in a world like this but she hadn't laughed in what felt like forever. Morning to night she worked alongside Dr. Jenner since everything went down.

She rounded the corner and neared the table, still keeping her eyes down.

"Elizabeth?" She looked up. She knew that voice, how many times had that voice annoyed her when she was trying to study or begged her to take him to the arcade or to get ice cream.

She almost dropped the tray of food when she saw him.

"Carl? She said placing the tray on the table and seeing who else was there.

"Mom! Dad!" She yelled when she spotted them.

She knelt down as Carl ran to her. He threw his arms around her and she pulled him to her. She felt their combined tears soak into her shirt as she held him tightly. Rick and Lori weren't far behind. She stood up with Carl still in her arms and sobbed even harder as they wrapped their arms around her.

The room was silent and some tears ran down a few cheeks, Carol's, Andrea's, Jackie's, Dale's and even Glen's.

"Oh come on Glen, don't be such a pussy," Daryl said.

Glen just wiped his eyes and glared at Daryl.

"I thought…." Elizabeth tried to speak.

"I know sweetie I know," Lori said, smoothing her daughter's hair.

"I tried to call. I tried to call the home phone and your cell phones and work phones and Shane's…" She stopped at Shane's name.

Was he there too? Was he okay?

"Don't I get a hug?" Shane said walking towards her.

She knelt down, placing Carl on his feet and her parents reluctantly let her go.

She ran to Shane, jumping into his arms much like Carl had hers. She continued to sob as he held her against him and he placed kisses in her hair.

Despite how long, she assumed, it had been since he had had a shower he still smelled very much like Shane, like cinnamon and earth, just a lot more sweat and dirt.