AN: I know I should be working on my challenge series, but while I was working on the next in the list, I got this in my head, and I couldn't get it out, so enjoy. There will be 55 total things, but maybe not chapters.


Her Hearts:

River Song had heart. She cared about so much, and yet, it could all boil down to so little. Her hearts.

So often, River didn't go with her head, but her hearts. She would steal, kill, vandalize, destroy, topple regimes... anything, if she felt in her hearts that it was right. She moonlighted as a hired 'mercenary', who rarely accepted any sort of payment, as the jobs she usually did were to get back stolen treasures or life-support systems, or locate a lost cure, or save some poor race from extinction. And yet, she was also capable of extreme loathing and hatred with those hearts of hers. You didn't harm innocent people. You didn't hurt her friends. You never touched her family. And, most importantly, you never touched a hair on his head. Not if you wanted to live. Sometimes it would seem that the sheer rage and fury held in those hearts eclipsed the compassion and kindness.

He knew better. He knew that for as great as it was, as many as it was held against and directed at, that darkness was only the smallest part of her hearts. That was his River.

She cared about too much, and all the ruin, the pain, the horror that they encountered in their lives hurt her so badly. With such open, loving hearts, River was so vulnerable and easy to hurt. Though she easily hid it from everyone else, she could never hide it from him. He was far too attuned to her, and knew her and her hearts far too well. Though she could seem utterly heartless to some, he knew the truth.

And then there was the simple fact of River's hearts. Hearts. Two of them.

He had thought he would never hear the sound of a double heart beat ever again, save his own. He used to sit in silence and listen to the pulse hammering away in his ear as a sort of comfort. And then, he heard hers. He had picked her up from where she was sprawled across the couch in the library, one night early on in their acquaintance. He had just found out who she was, had just been to Demon's Run, though it was well before Berlin and Mels. He had scooped her up and found himself cradling her close to his chest as he searched for a room, before he went utterly still in shock. At first, he'd thought he was imagining it, but then he stood there in utter silence, listening, feeling. He felt his own pulse, thundering away as shock filled him... and he felt the slow, gentle, deliberate beat of River's hearts, thrumming in her chest.

And then he was elated, feeling and hearing that familiar double rhythm in one he held so dearly.

And now there was many a time would he would just lie still and listen to her hearts pounding away under her skin, feeling them call to him.

Yes, he loved those hearts, and all they were capable of.

AN: Hope you don't hate it. I love you all! And as always: Talk to me, critique me, ask me questions, I shall always reply, when I can. -RebelUp. -your friendly neighborhood renegade.