A/N:This story starts when Emily comes to work in the BAU.

And follows as the episodes go.

I hope you like it.

Season 02 Episode 09 = The Last Word

"Agent Prentiss not to be rude, but my team and I are leaving for a case and I do not have time for this." Agent Hotchner really did know how make someone feel dismissed huh.

"As I was saying Agent Hotchner…"

"As I already told you Agent Prentiss, you were clearly misinformed. There was no approval for you to get transferred into my team, and there is definitely not a place for you here". He interrupted me, while getting his bag and case files without even looking at my face. "Behavior analysis is not for every agent." The lines on his face told me exactly what he thought of the subject. "Now if you would please excuse me."

Ok, who's idea had it been to wear a skirt? Stupid, stupid, stupid. It's in your file that you were at desk job, you don't need to look like an outcast before you even start, not that you are going to start, because he doesn't want you here.

As if clothes would have changed anything, not one little thing, after all they must be discussing how much of a weird and imposing person I was, and how I was never going to join their team. And also who gets into a meeting and tells a Unit Chief to hurry? Was the woman blind? Or did the whole office get a memo that I was insignificant?

Come on, here I am, In Quantico Virginia, FBI headquarters, in the Unit Chief's office, and still all I could think about was how things could have gone so wrong in a 10 minutes meeting. If it had taken that long.

The meeting started fine, he was nice, welcoming, and responsive. Acted like the perfect gentleman, remembered me, asked about my parents, told me something to make me feel welcome and I responded back.

I thought it was going well, I mean, bosses tend to make sure new people feel welcomed right? And that is when things went south, how was I supposed to know that he didn't have the paperwork? That he had never hear of my transfer and that he didn't like new people on the team. Because there is no other way, even I couldn't get that bad of a reaction just because of who I am.

Yes, I am an ambassador's daughter, and yes, I had rich parents, and again I did know some people had treated me badly based on the misconception that I am a brat, dumb, selfish person. But for the Unit Chief of the Behavioral Analysis Unit to do something as low as that to someone. That has done nothing wrong on a five minutes meeting was an irritating conclusion to get to.

I, of course, had wrongly asked him where to put my stuff, because really what do you do when you have your office packed in a box and its supposed to be your first day? You talk to you boss, get a desk, introduce yourself to your new colleagues and maybe they will tell you about the job, the boss, the awkward one in the office and the trick with the coffee machine.

But as soon as the words "I was supposed to start here today" came out of my mouth, the lines on his face showed the dissatisfaction, and it wasn't about to change regardless of what I could have said. He denied, reading the papers he had to see if I actually had them, to see if they were real (as if I would do something like that). And then treated it like a done subject that he had to accommodate on his day. Finished. Over. Kaput.

Oh right, he did get out of the office and started talking to another agent, one that looked even less friendly and they were talking about me! Like I wasn't right there! As if I was the weirdest and worst thing since. Since…Argh. Couldn't he at least wait until I wasn't around to discuss me?

Well, Emily Prentiss, all that is going to have to go back into the box. Right now you need to find out a way to talk to SSA Aaron Hochtner as I looked out the window of his office and saw all the other agents working.

Ok, tall dark guy in the blue dress shirt. Definitely not going to talk to him, he looks like a player, if not in the office screwing with other agents, then maybe in his private life? Well he looks like he is treating the blond geeky girl nice at least. So maybe he is sweet? But he looks sweet just with geeky, blond girl. So, maybe try to talk to someone else.

Oh, there is another one that went to the meeting. He sure is geeky too, maybe I am in the right team after all. Not that I was going to tell them that aspect of my personality anytime soon.

Right, geeky, skinny guy with the big glasses. He seems shy, and that might be a good thing, after all geeky shy guy would be nice to my right? I put the box with my things back on the couch and left the office and made my way closer to the stairs. Just in time for him to look up, frown, grab his bag and bail. Well, that went well.

Fine, only one left, the blond cheerleader that interrupted the meeting. And that was a no. I wanted the job, but I still had my pride. And the woman hear part of my dismissal from the office. So maybe I should go back and try to talk to tall dark guy? He was a safer bet.

And too late. He and blond thing were leaving with their bags, out the door, as every one. God that sucks. What am I going to do? I want this job, and I am not going to stop trying just because the boss is a prejudiced jack ass that doesn't listen. So maybe I should just try and talk to anyone, maybe they knew the team, or were friends, or could give a message or something. Right about now even a email that I could contact with anyone was a miracle. How I hate being the new kid around.

As I approached the very festively dressed blond woman, and prayed that this was one at least would give me five minutes of her day. She was the only one with different attire then everyone else, she did not speak to anyone since she came close to the coffee machine and she was calm, and did not seem the type to just flip out on me.

"Excuse me. Do you, by any chance, know when I can expect to hear from SSA Hotchner?" Yes, that was a good enough statement, I did not say that he wanted to hear from me, and by the looks in his office he probably would like to never hear from me again.

"Hey sweet cheeks." The woman turned to me with a smile on her face and a gentle expression. Good, at least one person did not get that memo.

"Hotch and the team are leaving for a case, so it all depends on the level of freak they will have to track down. "Come, lets go to my lair. Too much light is not that good for me." The woman started walking away and it took me a minute to realize I was supposed to follow.

"I'm Penelope by the way, Penelope Garcia" The blond offered with a smile.

"Emily Prentiss. A pleasure to meet you."

A/N: That is it for today. I'm working on the next chapters and this will be a long story.

I wanted to thank DrMauraIsles who kindly excepted to be my beta.