Chapter 14:
Saying Goodbe is a Bitch
Percy walked up to a bakery store a few blocks down from his mother's apartment. He was hungry but he needed a distraction from the yearning that was beginning to consume him. He went through the motions of ordering his favorite type of pastry from this shop.
The barista at the cashier smiled at him handing him his coffee with his number on it before handing it to the dazed son of Poseidon. He took his drink in one hand and grabbed the pastry with the other not really noticing the flirtatious look the other guy was giving him. Percy's mind was totally somewhere else.
He sat in the far back corner in a booth trying to contemplate what the next steps were. His mind was reeling trying to figure out a place that could make him feel less anxious and claustrophobic. Nothing came to mind except finding Nico. For some reason, Nico was a comforting thought. Percy wanted nothing more than to go out and look for the son of Hades.
Percy's mind would come a blank every time he would try to think of what happened when he walked into that cave in Tartarus. All he knew that he could feel a darkness that won't let up unless he is close to Nico. It was driving him insane. Sometimes he would feel like himself other times he felt at total calmness without any emotions. It was confusing and tiring for the demigod but he knew that somehow it would get better.
All his life he has been through hell. He literally went there when he was twelve! No matter what he did though nothing seemed to let up. He would save the world, twice, yet all the people he cares about die left and right. He would fend off the titans, giants and monsters constantly to only be rewarded by a bad hand. Percy even said no to godhood because he could not imagine living an eternity without his, or what thought was, the love of his life Annabeth.
Percy was tired of it all. He was tired of thinking about all the wasted time and energy that went into loving the daughter of Athena. He was tired of seeing all the still cold bodies of his friends laying in the wake of battle. He was tired of hearing the screams of horror that would haunt him his every waking moment.
Did he not deserve peace? Did he not deserve the quiet? He believed he did. And he felt in his heart that if he completed the task ahead of him he might actually find it. Something was calling for him and he was going to find out what. But first he must complete a few errands before going on that quest just yet.
Percy flipped a coin and decided he would need to IM someone from camp let them know he was alive and safe. He felt that if he did not it would cause the entire population of demigods to chase after him to save him from nothing. So, he decided to go with the least likely option, Jason.
The son of Jupiter was sitting by the fountain in New Rome trying hard to dissuade the growing crowd. It seems like his disappearing act left quite a few people unsettled. Percy called out to the blonde hoping to get his attention.
"Jason!" Percy called out hoping the demigod could hear him. As if on queue the Roman turned to look into the fountain to see Percy staring up at him. He looked startled but bent down to hear Percy better.
"Percy," Jason looked relieved. Percy had not really expected that since they were not very close.
"I am just messaging you to let you know I am safe. Do not send anyone to come find me! I have something I have to do," Percy yelled over the loud voices emitting from the crowd that was surrounding Jason.
"Wait, you do not have to do this alone Percy! I am your friend let me help you," Jason tried to convince Percy on something the blond knew was futile but he tried anyway.
"There is nothing you can do, Jason. Plus, the demigods need a leader and if I am not there you have to hold the ropes for me Jason," Percy shot back giving the Roman a small smile before cutting the connection.
Percy was once again alone. He felt a little relief and fear. Relief, for he was no longer bound by the ties he has with the other demigods. He knew they were safe now and can live out their lives. Fear that he felt relief for abandoning his friends. But there was no going back now.
Percy stood at the edge of an empty sea port. All the boats have either not come in yet or have already departed for the day. It did not matter to Percy since he wanted to be alone for the time being. He stared at the ocean cursing at it because it only brought him pain. Whatever was happening to him it was taking everything from him including his control over his own powers. It was devastating at first but now he slowly understood that the pain was necessary. A teaching tool to know when to use his powers. This was one of those moments. He needed to dive into the ocean long enough to grab something from its depths. It was something that has been sitting there for some time now and wanted to be reclaimed by its master. Well a new one since its old one died long ago.
He Stripped to borderline nude wearing only his boxer-briefs. If anyone had seen him would have looked at him oddly due to the cold weather and not having any layers on. Maybe the pain from the cold will shield him from the pain of his skin touching water. With one final breath Percy Jackson jumped into the cold water.
He let out a brief scream as he submerged into the water. His vision went hazy from the amount of pain he was in but forced himself to push it to the back of his mind. Narrowing his thoughts to the ancient item that lay in the depths of the water. It was going to be hard to find since it was small and the ocean was vast but as the Son of Poseidon finding things in mist water was his forte. With that thought in mind he willed his body to sink.
A/N: So here is another chapter for you. This time its from Percy's point of view. Please read and Review and tell me what you like do not like and hope to see happen! They encourage me to write! :) I want to put out there once again that I know that most Christians are NOT like the ones I have depicted as Nico's foster family but they will let up and their kids are not that bad either. Nico will definitely start to warm up to them.