Chapter One- Foster Fucking Care.

being fifteen sucked. Especially when you are a son of Hades. No luck in the world ever comes from being related to such the god of the Underworld. It was true because that could only be the explanation that Nico di Angelo was standing at the door with the social services right outside.

"Yes?" Nico pressed.

"I am Ms. Marvin and I am from Social Services," the women introduced.

"And?" Nico continued to press.

"Well I got a note from one of your neighbors that he hasn't seen any type of adult figure actually living in the house with you," the women continued.

"So?" Nico replied.

"Well Mr. di Angelo you are under age and living by yourself! It is something that our government will not allow," she said.

"My dad lets me stay here by myself lady. I can take care of myself," Nico said as he began to close his door.

"I don't think so young man," the women said placing herself in a position so that Nico can't close the door.

"Listen lady I am not throwing parties and living the high life, if you get my drift, so please leave me alone," Nico growled, "I go to school during the school year and summer camp during summer. Only time I am truly alone is when I come home."

"I checked with your school they said you haven't attended class since you were enrolled," the women scorned, "so please make my life easy and come with me so we can place you in good care."

"How do you even know my name?" Nico growled suspiciously.

"Your name is on the lease which I was surprised that they allow you to lease this place at this age," the lady growled.

"Humph all they care about is you paying rent and I do so they leave me alone like how I want you to," Nico began to get angry.

"I will sedate you if I have too," the lady threatened.

"What right do you have to do so?" Nico yelled.

"I can if I think it is in the interest of the person I am trying to help which in this case is you," the lady answered as a matter of fact.

"Look I live alone because being around me puts lives at stake," Nico said.

"What do you have a bounty on your head?" The lady asked.

"In a way you can say that," Nico answered.

"We can help you with that," the lady blinks innocently. This lady was not backing down was she?

"Fine I will come but will you let me grab my leather jacket at least?" Nico asked.

"...fine," she answered but it didn't take long for her to notice that Nico wasn't coming back and by the time she got to his room he was jumping out of the window.

"He has left the building!" She yelled into a microphone making sure the police officers downstairs prepared to capture him.


Very unlucky to be a son of Hades especially if your name is Nico di Angelo. He was now strapped to a chair in a room wondering who has the right to detain him in such a manner? He thinks social services should not treat their cases like criminals.

"Truth is Mr. di Angelo we have been following you for months," the lady at the door spoke to him as she entered the room.

"Still doesn't give you the right to detain me," Nico growled.

"Well if we think your a threat to yourself and 'to others' then yeah we do have the right," the social services replied.

"Will you uh, tell me what you plan on doing to me?" Nico asked with fake innocence.

"Mr. di Angelo we want to place you in a foster home that might potentially adopt you as their own," the lady answered.

"Place me in a family who don't give two shits about me," Nico summed up.

"Language Mr. di Angelo and please let them help you if they are willing to give you a home and pay for your school," the lady begged.

"You still won't let me leave until I say yes am I correct?" Nico mumbled.

"You pretty much got the point," the lady said smiling.


Nico was just standing there on the porch of the small house that seemed lively in the inside as the yells and shouts of the occupants could be heard from inside. He was standing there reluctant to enter because he could somehow tell that this family was very religious Christians, from the large cross sign hanging from the windows. The door swung open to find a plum lady with a wide smile. She had her very own large cross strapped around her neck.

"Mrs. Hoffman this is Nico di Angelo," the social service lady introduced Nico.

"Hello Nico I am the caretaker the parents will be home any minute would like to have you dressed for dinner before they arrive," her bright eyes twinkled in excitement forcing Nico into a hug. If she noticed the coldness of his skin she probably decided to either ignore it or ask about it later because she just kept hugging him harder until her hugged her back.

"Uh hi," Nico said looking to the ground.

"Well I bet the parents would want you to get a hair cut but that would be for tomorrow but for now to your dress clothes," Ms. Hoffman said grabbing Nico and assuring him into the house and up the stairs to his room.

"So your their third foster child to come along but they didn't really work out," Ms. Hoffman said handing Nico nice clothes, "they already have four children of their own so you won't feel left out. They are very religious people and don't really take to...this kind of get up so you might have to uh...change your style. But that is for later."

"This temporary so I am not changing my wardrobe just because they don't like it," Nico said throwing the clothes to the side, "and I am not a doll to sit and play dress up every time they want to have dinner if they don't like it I can eat out and only come back to sleep."

"Why all by yourself? We don't want you to feel left out now do we," Ms. Hoffman replied warily handing him the thrown clothes.

"You can tell the family to go screw themselves for all I care," Nico growled before searching for a bathroom.


Nico was stilled dressed in his clothes by the time the parents called the children for dinner. The first time he laid eyes on them he could tell why the other three kids fled but then again Nico faced down monsters at a daily basis allowing to face some old people. All the kids stared at Nico as he sat down stripping his leather jacket to show his skull shirt for them all to gape at.

"I see you are not dressed for dinner," the lady spoke with an arrogant tone as if she found herself to be much better then him. She was skinny with a long neck and blonde hair that looked forcefully dyed to keep her looking somewhat young.

"There is not reason to 'dress for dinner' when you are going to take them off later anyways," Nico shrugged.

"This is our house and our rules young man and you will do well to obey them for your stay here," the man said firmly as if he was talking to a coworker and not a child. He was tall and balding with a thick neck and dark hair.

"Humph you are welcome to kick me out," Nico answered, "I have lived on the streets long enough and survived."

"We will do no such thing," the lady said sternly, "God has gifted you with a home so you must be grateful and present yourself well."

"God has done nothing for me," Nico said shrugging.

"You ungrateful-"

"Mary!" The husband glared at his wife warning her about her language.

"I am not Christian," Nico finally said and began to eat.

"Well for your stay here you shall practice the religion like we do," the husband said as he too began to eat.


The first day of school was torture for Nico. He sat at the back wearing the suffocating uniform listening to the old man talk about God. As bored as he was he had to pretend he was interested because he learned a long time ago that the more you look like your listening the more the teachers leave you alone.

"Nico," a voice spoke softly at him.

"Hey Nico," the voice spoke a little louder knocking him out of his daze.

"Yeah?" Nico answered Leo through an ear piece Leo designed for long distance communications.

"Chiron says that there is something that would interest you here at camp," Leo spoke through the head piece.

"It better not be a trick for you to get me to use one of your trinkets to see how the shadows react to it," Nico growled lowly.

"Mr. di Angelo is there anything bothering you?" The teacher spoke drawing Nico's attention.

"No sir," Nico answered innocently, "I was just getting upset over the brutality of the situation."

"Oh, well it happened a long time ago," the teacher tried to sooth.

"But it applies to today's world don't you think? I mean there are many parts of the world that still lives in such a society even if it is a little more advance," Nico said sadly.

"Listen just come, please, it is about Percy and I think it effects you too," Leo spoke hurriedly before cutting Nico off.

Damn it all to Hades.