ZoSan, snow fight– gagakuma

"What the hell, Cook?!" Zoro cried, reaching back and desperately attempting to remove the snow from down his shirt where Sanji had playfully dumped it.

Sanji couldn't contain his laughter, but he was silenced quickly when the marimo tackled him into a snow mound. The snow pressing around them might have been cold, but Zoro's lips were hot.

ZoSan: Usopp accidentaly runs into Zoro and Sanji during their kinky sex – bipalium

"Hey Sanji, can I borrow those pep….ers…"

Sanji's face bloomed five different shades of red as Usopp rounded the corner and spied Sanji in the dress that Zoro was currently exploring under.

"Is that Usopp?" Zoro asked from beneath the fabric, his voice coming from somewhere near the general vicinity of Sanji's crotch. "Tell him to go away, we're busy."

can I ask for a 3 line? too late? please? pretty please? with zoro sprinkles on top? sanji sprinkles on top? SanZo - Zoro is a pet?– captainshablul

"No, no, I said: sit!" Sanji cried helplessly as he watched the stupid dog leave the room with a look of boredom.

Sanji had gotten this stupid animal three weeks ago, he'd taken pity on the poor guy at the pound because of all those hideous scars, but he was proving to be stubborn and impossible to train, and he'd already peed on Sanji's cookbooks.

Sanji sighed, watching the shitty dog curl up on the couch (a place Sanji had expressly forbidden him to go) to take yet another nap, and thought, this is dog is a shitty asshole…but he's pretty cute.

Zoro (~22 years)/Sanji(~8) Zoro moves into a countryside house. A small and very energetic ghost lives there as well. - candy-of-doom

Zoro set the last of his boxes down on the floor of what would be his living room; as soon as he did something about the maze of boxes in it. He was surveying the mess and forming a plan when a loud crash interrupted his thoughts.

"Whoa," A small voice spoke. "You've got green hair!" The small blonde boy emerged from what had once been a neatly stacked pile of boxes, now a tipped over mess.

"My name is Sanji!" The boy smiled. "It's been a long time since the last people moved out. Hey, hey, green guy! Wanna play with me?"

Zoro stared in disbelief as the little boy began to dig through the boxes he'd knocked over, it seemed his peaceful countryside life wouldn't be so peaceful after all.

Prompt! ZoSan, Zoro wears a tiara! – sunshinesthroughtheclouds

"What kind of shitty island is this anyway?" Zoro grumbled irritably.

He'd never been more humiliated in his entire life; he'd been stripped of his usual attire and forced into dresses and swimsuits and forced to parade around in front of a crowd of spectators, and the worst part was when they'd placed the dainty and fragile looking bejeweled tiara on his head.

"It's not so bad," Sanji laughed, tapping the tiara lightly. "I think you won some type of award," He hummed thoughtfully before flashing Zoro a smile that melted the swordsman's insides every time he saw it. "I guess that means you deserve a prize, eh, Ma-ri-mo?"

do you take prompts? if so how about a military one. Zoro has to leave for deployment for like a year in a war zone and Sanji cant bring himself to say ill miss you, but he really wants to...or something like that! - dionna1224

They stood in the airport together, watching the crowd of travelers work their way slowly through the security line; Zoro would be joining them soon, deployed to a far off country for the next year, and there was no guarantee he would return…at least not alive.

"You should go, Marimo, you'll miss your flight," Sanji jerked his head towards the line, carefully keeping his voice and his face neutral; he couldn't bring himself to say goodbye to his best friend and the man he loved.

"Yeah," Zoro nodded once, picking up his duffel bag and adjusting his uniform. "I'll see you later, Shit-cook," he smirked, planting his lips against the blond's cheek before he walked off to join the crowd.

Zoro could taste the salt of the cook's tears against his lips as he pushed through security and made his way to the gate.