Alright guys, hi! So, before any of you kill me, I'd like to say I'm sorry! (Please don't kill me! Even though I deserve it. (/.\) )

I'm so sorry, I don't really have a reason why I didn't update. I guess it was because I was busy with school, cheer, finals, my boyfriend, my friends. Just life in general I guess. :( But that's no excuse and I hope all of you guys forgive me, because I truly am sorry. :/

So onto the story!

Disclaimer: I (sadly) do not own Austin & Ally, nor anything you may recognize.

WARNING: This chapter is VERY short, but like I said, I'm VERY busy. :/

I hope you enjoy, if not, sorry for wasting your time. :(

I do recall now the smell of the rain

Fresh on the pavement

I ran off the plane

That July 9th

The beat of your heart

It jumps through your shirt

I can still feel your arms


He almost turned around and ran back into her arms he just couldn't take it. Almost, but he had to do this for himself, his heart, and most importantly for her. If not he knew she'd never be truly happy, so he'd never be happy...


She sits on the plane now, looking out the window as rain pours down during the cold October night, the plane landing steadily in her new home. As she watches the droplets fall out of the sky she recalls a memory much like this one, but that time she was going to be seeing him soon. Now she has no idea where he is, which causes regret to ooze off her. That feeling is quickly washed away though as she reminisces over that time.

Ally's sitting in her seat well, she's practically bouncing out of her seat, but you can't blame her she's about to see Austin, and it's been a month

since the last time they've kissed!

Austin has been on tour now for four months, and though it's been fun and all; it is his first tour and he doesn't exactly know how to go sooooo long without seeing Ally. Hell he doesn't know if he'll ever be comfortable without seeing Ally for a day!

It was raining earlier but it stopped now.

She landed in New Orleans, Louisiana. It was very humid there and especially during this time of year, summer. The humidity was sticking to her like white on rice. She could only imagine what it was doing to her hair.

As she ran off the plane Ally caught the sent of the rain on the pavement. It brought back the memory of how her and Austin became and with that in mind, she threw herself into the awaiting arms of her boyfriend.

"Austin." she whispered against his ear as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She was about 5 inches from the ground and let out a surprised squeal as he lifted her higher and spun her around.

"ALLY!" He smiled brightly up at the girl he loved. "God, I've missed you soooo much!"

"Austin! Put me down!" She giggled. "I've missed you more." She teased as he put her gently on the ground and brought her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Austin chuckled lightly, "Is that so?" He raised an amused eyebrow, with challenge gleaming in his eyes.

Ally looked up at him with a teasing smile, "Mmmhmmm."

Austin leant down until his lips met hers in a searing kiss. Pulling back so he could speak against her lips he breathed, "Impossible." He kissed her again, tightening his grip on her waist Ally felt the beat of his heart as it jumped through his shirt.

Pulling back Ally giggled, "I can get your heart beat beat-beat-beatin' like, I can get your heart beat beatin' like that. You know you got my heart beat beat-beat-beatin' like, Hey-ay ay-ay Hey-ay-ay. " She sang quietly.

Smiling down at her Austin took her hand, intertwining her fingers with his and they walked to the parking lot where his car was parked. He told her how his tour was going and how much he'd missed her. Talking about how he had come up with a couple lyrics and he thought they could work on songs later.

That July ninth, Austin took Ally around New Orleans. They toured the city together, Austin kept trying to scare her with all these ghost stories. But Ally being Ally, wouldn't have it.

Fighting back tears Ally quickly grabs her luggage and hails a taxi. She promises herself she'll forget it, forget everything, forget him. But that will never happen.




- Love Always3,
