Chapter One

The hopeful, warm spring breeze made it's way through the prison's few windows- through one which Sasha sighed in delight. It was a frigid winter and finally things started to heat up. Unfortunately the cold kept some of the zombies away and since it was fleeting, they'd have to deal with a whole hoard in the future. She shut her eyes for a moment to feel the wind's seduction on her eyelids when there was a light tapping on the bars behind her- as if they were knocking before entering.

Sasha turned around to see Daryl walk towards her and sit on her bed, kicking off his dirty boots and leaving dirt on the floor. "You didn't even wait until I said come in." Sasha folded her arms. "Are you always a shrew?" Daryl teased. Sasha rolled her eyes and sat by him. "We need to get more supplies." He mentioned, laying on his back. Her brown eyes darted to the bit of abs exposed by his shirt that lifted and she quickly looked away. "We should go," she said, getting up and grabbing his hands- pulling him up with all her might. He slowly lifted himself on his own. She was way smaller than he was. "Alright, but you know the drill: stay by me and-" Daryl was cut off by Sasha already leaving.

Daryl quickly followed behind the girl. It wasn't hard to find her, thanks to her huge afro puff she kept in a ponytail. He took out the keys to the SUV, unlocked it and got in the drivers seat. She stood outside the car, arms folded again. "Could you get in the car, woman?" Daryl groaned. "I want to drive." Sasha hissed. Daryl shut the door and started up the car. She realized he didn't really fall for her hissy fits so she got in the car, putting his crossbow from her seat onto the dashboard. She put her gun on the dash too. "You can drive when we come back." Daryl waited for the prison gates to open so they could drive through. Rick gave him the nod and they made their way towards the roads.

"Could you smile for once?" Daryl asked, periodically looking over at her. Little did he know, she was looking at him too. "I am smiling." Sasha lied. "It don't sound like it." Daryl tried to focus on the road. "Why do you care?" Sasha yawned, looking out the window. "We're friends, aine it?" Daryl pulled up into a seemingly abandoned neighborhood. "Maybe," Sasha grabbed her gun as Daryl parked. He decided not to respond to that and instead grabbed his crossbow and exited the vehicle. They grabbed some bags and headed to the first house.

"What if a walker's inside? Or a whole bunch?" Sasha was nervous. "We kill them." Daryl said, opening the door. He walked in, aiming his bow. "Shut the door," He ordered. She nodded, shutting the door and locking it. "I'll go check the other rooms. In the mean time, grab some food items." Daryl said, disappearing. Sasha mocked him quietly and opened the pantries, grabbing some canned beans, olives, tomatoes and chilli. "It's clear. I'll check the bathrooms for first aid." She heard Daryl say. She sighed in reassurance. "I'll put this stuff in the car." She responded, putting the full bag on her back. She had to have about 30 cans and a pack of water. She opened the door and closed it when she exited, hustling to the SUV.

As she unloaded her bag she felt something hard and pointy against the back of her head. "If you're playing around, Daryl, I'm gonna kick your ass." She turned around and saw it was not Daryl, but a strange man, eying her items. She looked down the barrel of the gun and froze up. "If you want the stuff, just take them, okay?" Sasha tried to reason. The man grinned and she noticed he had horrible teeth. "Walk forward." He pushed the gun into her forehead. She hissed in discomfort but walked in front of the man slowly, hands behind her head. "I should make a run for it... where's the walkers when you need them?" she thought.

Sasha walked passed the house she was in and into a different one where 4 other creepy men stood around. "She's cute for a black girl. Where'd you find this one?" One asked, walking up to her and touching her hair. Sasha hated that shit. "She was leaving a house with some cans. I think she came alone." The initial creeper said. It was silent for a moment, all eyes on her. God, never so badly she wanted Daryl to be here. She didn't like being saved but she was hoping they didn't hurt her too badly.

Before she could even finish her thought she was shoved on the carpet and the men began to unzip their pants...