A/N: Ugh! So who out there still watches TVD? These last two episodes had me in tears…:( When Stefan died….I was so close to being done with the series after the finale. Stefan has lived nothing but a miserable life; his ho of a girlfriend cheating on him and shacking up with his BROTHER, not mention how many times he went off the rails. He lost his best friend, the love of his life, his humanity and then…his life. When he died I couldn't even react. It seemed so unreal! What pissed me off was that Damon and Caroline were the only ones to have a damn reaction! Elena just like "Oh my god." and thats it. And she had the nerve to make out with Damon when his BROTHER was dead…who does that? And then when Stefan came back, she didn't even care. Damon this, Damon that. I really was saddened to see Damon stay on the other side, but at least Bonnie didn't die alone. What really gets me is the pain and torture Bonnie goes through just for her friends benefit…And what does she get in return? Not even a thank you. All these seasons of TVD, everyone just goes to Bonnie, hoping she'll help them and she always gets hurt the most. Now Bonnie is gone and no one even shed a tear. I swear Black people on this show have a really short lifespan… But anyway…sorry for the rant and the long wait! And did anybody hope Lexi would come back :(
Damon Salvatore was a man who lived without regret. Why should he feel the constant nagging of his other self, better known as his humanity? It was a weakness the icy eyed vampire could not afford to have.
Yet…as he stared at the unconscious blonde haired beauty before him, that nagging feeling was back and stronger than ever. He had done nothing but hurt Caroline Forbes and he intended to do so much more at this moment.
Damon growled and pinched the bridge of his nose. He swore he was turning into his little brother with each passing day.
He had the blonde chained up the exact way he was not moments before. Her stiff body lie on the cool metal table and Damon was careful she was tied up good. He had to admit, she was quite the site in her lacy undergarments and porcelain skin. Her once golden hair was snowy now and a tad bit longer. Vampirism had done Caroline well.
He stepped around her, standing behind her head and waited patiently for his little barbie to wake up.
… … … … … … … …
Bonnie was never sure what she felt exactly when touching a vampire. The first time she touched Stefan, her mind was invaded with gruesome scenes of younger woman, heads torn off, their bodies completely drained of blood. She senses…well…death. It was a cold feeling and Bonnie remembered Stefan giving her a knowing look. Obviously, he wasn't a ripper anymore, but Bonnie still had to question Caroline. When her fingers had brushed Caroline's skin, she felt the same eery coolness of death, yet saw something completely different.
Elena's pretty face had infiltrated Bonnie's mind but it wasn't the Elena the Bennett witch knew. This version of Elena had rich chocolate curls and a sinister cherry glossed smile. Her eyes were slightly bigger than Elena's, framed with heavy yet attractive kohl and thick lashes. Elena never donned a lot of makeup and certainly didn't curl her hair.
To put is nicely…Elena was pretty bland. The Elena Bonnie saw was far from boring and she seemed…inhuman.
Bonnie paused in the middle of her thoughts to see she had several missed calls on her phone.
Sighing, the caramel beauty rolled over in her luscious bed to retrieve her phone.
Stefan Salvatore. Great. It wasn't like Bonnie didn't like Stefan, but she tried as hard as she possible could to stay out of vampire business.
She reluctantly pressed a few buttons and was calling the younger Salvatore back. Whatever is what the green eyed vampire had to tell her, it must have been important; seventeen missed calls and five voicemails.
Bonnie pulled her lower lip with her pearly teeth in anticipation.
"Bonnie!" Stefan nearly shouted into the phone. The witch had to move it just slightly away from her ear.
"Stefan," she replied calmly.
"Have you heard from Damon?" he asked anxiously, quick to the point on the whereabouts of his big brother. Bonnie found it sweet how Stefan cared so deeply for his brother. Of all the times he threatened to kill Damon, there was one thing he could never change. They were brothers bonded for eternity.
"No I haven't heard from him."
Stefan made a small noise that sounded like sighing.
"It's just…he hasn't been home for two days now. I'm worried something happened." Bonnie rolled her moss colored eyes.
"Probably sucking the life out of some innocent teenage girl," she muttered sarcastically. She could not care less where the eldest Salvatore was.
She could tell by the silence that Stefan was frowning.
"Look I haven't heard from him. I'm sure he'll show up. Even is he doesn't, he'd be doing this town a favor." Bonnie didn't wait for Stefan's response before hanging up.
… … … … … … … …
The pain in Caroline's neck was the first thing she woke up to. The bones were slowly starting to snap back into place causing her to wince.
Son of a bitch had broken her neck.
"Damon," she growled. It was then she noticed her clothing-or lack of- and she fact that she was chained to the same table she had tortured Damon on.
"Yes blondie?" the Salvatore said in a sing-song voice. Caroline's eyes shot up too see him looming over her, a smirk on his handsome face.
Her blue orbs clouded and the red veins made their entrance.
"Release me," she demanded in an eerily calm voice. He raised his eyebrows and let out a deep laugh.
Caroline fought to ignore how sexy that laugh was. Asshole or not, Damon was hot stuff.
"I don't think so Care bear. There's so much I have planned for you. Starting with…" He hooked his index finger through the strap of her panties, causing her to hiss.
Damon frowned at the reaction.
"Play nice," he warned. With his free hand, he roughly pinched her hardening nipple through the fabric of the lacy bra.
She made a sound that was a mixture of pleasure and loathing. Good. She would learn to except his touch soon enough.
Pleased with her response, he pinched the other one, equally as hard.
"Fuck you!" she pat, venom in her voice. Caroline hated herself for feeling warmth in that special spot between her legs.
"I will fuck you, soon enough Caroline," he promised. Damon's lips curved and he wiggled his eyebrows, something he'd do when flirting with Elena.
Don't cry, don't cry. Caroline was strong, she'd get through this. He could do whatever he wanted to her, but she would not let him win.
Damon was slightly surprised she didn't respond to his threat. Gone was the talkative cheerleader, and in her place a vampire with self control.
This would be fun.
… … … … …
Caroline watched intently as Damon walked around the table, standing near her small feet.
He caressed them gently and she bit her lip to keep from screaming at his touch.
How could she have been so stupid, giving him her blood? She had the upper hand on him, yet she hesitated. Humanity…a vampire's greatest weakness.
"I should have killed you when I had the chance," she whispered.
"Hmm." Damon slowly, tantalizingly started to unbutton his pants.
"But you couldn't…you're weak Caroline. Becoming a vampire only amplifies that. Speaking of which…how did you turn?"
Caroline laughed and threw her head back, ignoring his harsh insult.
"Wouldn't you like to know?"
Damon shrugged. He honestly didn't care too much about that right now. He'd question her transition later.
In a blur, his pants were on the ground, and his cock sprang up joyfully. Caroline's eyes widened at his girth and she quickly adverted her eyes.
"Don't be shy," Damon nearly purred.
"Fuck you!" she spat out again, anger and rage lacing her words.
The Salvatore sighed.
"Seems I have to teach you a lesson."
Before Caroline could respond, he had raced over and snapped her neck again.
A/N: Rushed and too short, I know. Please leave a review, let me know what you think! Also, Queen of Selina will most likely remain a one-shot….for now. I have no idea where I want to go with the story. A Bucky/Selina fan-fic may be on it's way as well…and Thor/Ororo one as well! I've updated my bio with all the pairings I like so they just might be made in fics. Anyways, till next chapter! :)