Chapter .3.

The Alley

The shots ring out. But they scratch Tony's arm and Linnaea takes a hit to the chest but her vest saved her life. The shooter was lying dead on the ground. Gibbs was on the ground too.

"You hit Agent Vincent?" Tony asks checking to make sure the shooter was dead

"Vest caught it boss", Linnaea replies groaning removing the bullet

"Get Ducky to look at your chest don't need any internal damage go unseen", Tony orders

"Yes boss", Linnaea says

"You hit?" Tony asks Gibbs turning from his probie to his suddenly alive ex-boss

"In the shoulder", Gibbs grunts

"Well we have to get back to the school. Linnaea call someone to pick up that body. And start a crime scene", Tony orders

"Yes boss", Linnaea replies

"You Mr Gibbs with me", Tony orders helping Gibbs up

"The school", Gibbs says

"I know. Something explored. Lets get back there. After you are patched up you have a lot of questions to answer and you better have good answers!" Tony growls

"I can't give them DiNozzo", Gibbs says

"You will. I have a gut feeling this is all connected. So your under NCIS protective custody. Get used to it", Tony growls as they approach the school which was on fire

Fire engines were putting out the flames. Tony saw McGee, Ducky and Palmer helping out who was injured.

"McGee! Report!" Tony barks

"Tony! Your alright. We didn't know where your were. Is that…", McGee starts as he sees Gibbs

"Jethro", Ducky whispers

"Can you see to him Ducky?" Tony asks

"Of course Anthony. Do you want me to look at your cut too?" Ducky asks

"No I need sidrep. McGee where are Bishop and Ziva?" Tony asks leaving Gibbs with Ducky

"They were in the building. Fire crews are still putting out the fires and bomb dogs are searching for anymore bombs before we can go in", McGee replies

"Jenny is in there!" Gibbs growls

"Of course she is alive too. This is one great day", Tony snarls, "Get him to the hospital"

"I am not leaving without Jenny", Gibbs states

"Well you are not in charge. GET. OUT. OFF. HERE", Tony growls angrily at Gibbs

Tony was angry at Gibbs for making them all believe he and Jenny where dead. All the pain they had been through had been for nothing. They had been living a good life out here. Tony was also worried Ziva had gone into the building with Ellie. And they haven't been seen since. Tony's temper wasn't going to lessen till he knew his wife and Agent were ok and alive. Oh and he got answers out of Gibbs and Jenny…

Ziva groans as she comes too. She felt all achy that is when she remembers she was in an explosion. Ziva groans as she gets up and looks for Ellie and Jenny. Jenny was groaning. Ellie was just starting to coming around.

"Ellie are you alright?" Ziva asks her Probie

"I think so. Concussion", Ellie says holding her head

"Jenny are you alright?" Ziva asks

"I think my leg is broken", Jenny says gasping

"Hopefully it is the only thing you broke. Now we need to get out off here. There could be a second bomb and I don't what to be around if it goes off", Ziva says, "Jenny let me look at your leg"

Ziva feels Jenny's leg quickly and she could feel that it was broken.

"It is definably broken. I can't tell if it is broken in more than one place. We need to get out of here", Ziva says, "Ellie can you help me with Jenny?"

"Of course", Ellie says

"On three. One. Two. Three", Ziva says as they lift Jenny up

Jenny gasps in pain in her leg.

"Come on Jenny we need to get out of here", Ziva says as they start to move forward

"I need to get out of here", Jenny states

"Your only getting out in an ambulance with a protective detail", Ziva says firmly

"No. Jethro and I are in danger", Jenny says

"I gathered that with the bomb. And you being held at gun point. You made us all believe you were dead. I take it Gibbs is alive too?" Ziva asks

"He is alive. Zi…", Jenny starts

"Save it Jenny. You don't know the pain you and Gibbs have caused all of us. Especially Tony and Abby. I can tell you have been in trouble. But you could have trusted us. Tony is going to be pissed at both off you", Ziva states

"What about you?" Jenny asks

"I am mad yes. But I know this is not the time to say anything. Look there are the ambulances", Ziva says as they come out of the smoke




Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)