As I look through some data, we struggled to keep clam within Whamon. T.K was warned by Patamon "You're squeezing me to hard." T.K. complained straight after Patamon to Matt "You're squeezing me too hard."

Sorry," Matt sweated in fear "I guess we're all a little too scared."

"I hate THIS!" Tai punched his hand hard in frustration. "We're stuck in here, and we can't fight!"

Running across some data, I decide to voice out my concern to the others "According to the audio sensors, there are three more... behind us."

"What is it Whamon?" Sora asked out in concern.

"It's the enemy!"

As screams echo around me, I struggle to stay focused.

"Oooh, they're gaining on us!"

"That's it... I'm tired of running! Come on Whamon. Let's go up to the surface and fight!"

"Right!" Matt exclaimed right after Tai.


"Let me try one more thing. Hopefully... it will work."

"What do you mean hopefully it will work?" Palmon asked.

Mimi exclaims in fear "That's what everyone says right before it's going to fail! What if it doesn't work? What's plan 'B'?"

"I still think we should turn and fight... I hope you know what you're doing Whamon..."

My eyes look at the camera, watching Whamon descend into the black depths below. Soon the Divermons surround us, trapping us as we continue to plummet into the darkness below.

"OH, NO..." Joe panics as the Divermon inch closer. "They'll catch us."

As one of the Divermon manage to stab into Whamon's thick skin, Mimi and Palmon scream together. I watch the Divermon latched onto Whamon suddenly fly off. A smile spreads across my face as I realise what Whamon's doing "Prodigious, they can't take the water pressure. That was Whamon's plan all along."

We break out in laughter as Gomamon comments "Whamon is built to handle pressure, unlike some of us."

Joe looks Gomamon with a bemused face as he responds dryly "Well, forgive me for not being a whale."

I sigh in relief when the Divermon stop following us completely, retreating back to the surface.

Tai smiled widely "Boy," Tai kneeled next to Kari "that was close."

Gatomon smiled as she looked up at Whamon's inside "I didn't know you had this kind of hidden attack."

"This is great..." Kari looked up at her brother, still panicking. "But what are we going to do now?"

"Yeah," Sora chimed in "we can't stay at the bottom of the ocean forever."

The pitch black darkness on the screen makes it impossible to see outside.

An idea forms in my mind as I exclaim loudly "I've got it! Kari, come over here for a moment." I gesture to Kari as she slowly walks up to me. When she's within ear's length, I whispered a plan that's sure to work.

Kari step further away, standing away from us as she brought the whistle up closer to her mouth "Ready?"

"You can do it!" I smile at Kari, watching her blow hard into her whistle. When I see the screen light up, the sound tunes Whamon's senses into his surroundings. I turn to look back at Kari with a smile "Yeah, we did it Kari. Thanks for the help!"


"The whistle was sort of like sonar. We sort of use reverberations of the sound to find a tunnel, and there's one up a head that should lead us to land."

Tai and the others let loose sounds of awes around me, impressed of my vast knowledge on virtually anything. I glaze my eyes across the screen, thoughts wandering towards Dante.

'What is he doing right now...?'

Tai chimed in; distracting me from my thoughts "Isn't that great Whamon?"


"I said isn't that great?"

"Sorry, I can't hear you someone was whistling in my ear. But there's a tunnel up ahead. It should lead us to land."

Meanwhile - Chaos's P.O.V

I held out my hands for Puppetmon as he passed a ball to me. I caught it with one hand, throwing it high into the air with the same hand. As he threw another, I caught that ball with the other hand throwing that too into the air.

I had managed to keep juggling three balls into the air, before mercifully dropping them all when the fourth had come into play. I repeated the steps, this time only sticking to three.

Puppetmon laughed like child as I keep throwing the balls into the air. My lips rolled into a smile, as my thoughts drifted to how fun it was to make others laugh. But soon, that shift left port as I was left with my usual demeanour, and how the situation felt pointless, but my hands wouldn't stop for some reason, as if someone else was controlling them at a moment.

"Hmm... who knew, that the body I'm possessing could juggle?"

"Come on. Do another one!"

My eyes shot a glare at Puppetmon. But I'm met with unblinking eyes, followed by a fourth ball being thrown at me. I catch the ball, throwing it into the air. To my surprise, I was able to keep all four going, until suddenly, Piedmon ruined my grove.


I freak out from being caught off guard, "Gah!" momentarily forgetting about the balls still up in the air. One by one they fell onto my head with a 'thump'.


"What... what were you doing?"

"Juggling..." Puppetmon answered for me. I shot him a glare to which Piedmon replied with a cunning smile "Want to try swords instead?"

"How about I juggle you instead, Piedmon...!" I responded dryly as I picked up the balls again.

"Oooh, I never thought Chaos could make jokes?"

"Eat me!"

"I'm on a no Human diet..."

As I rolled my eyes at Piedmon, I threw a ball into the air, starting to get back in my grove "So, I take it you're not here to make fun of me?"

"Why, of course not... It seems MetalSeadramon is having a little problem, dealing with these kids."

I let out a small grunt of acknowledgement towards Piedmon.

"You lack of reaction puzzles me."

"Says the seven foot tall clown..."

"Oh, another joke... I must be lucky."

"Well, I'm bored. And I've wanted to be a clown. And, to answer your statement from earlier, it doesn't surprise me that you can't deal with eight kids. The fact that they are Digidestined is what makes them harder to deal with. Either that or they're really damn lucky..."

"Well, their 'luck', is about to run out!"

Izzy's P.O.V

Time flies by as we continue on our path. Slowly by slowly, fairy lights light the way around us. The girls look in awe as we continue along the way without stopping. "Awe pretty!"

Soon I see the entrance of the cave which makes me smile "Ah-huh!"

"A tunnel...?" Matt asked in confusion.


"We're saved! I've got to get changed." Mimi stood up as I looked at her in disbelief 'Where exactly is she going to get changed, and with what clothes for that matter?'

The room starts to shake, rumbling loudly as we once again start to panic.

"Not again!"

"How can those fish heads be back?"

"They're not! Be careful everyone. It's MetalSeadramon!"

The rumbling gets stronger as Whamon goes through the tunnel.


We break through the tunnels, managing to surface the water safely. As we climb out of Whamon, we are greeted by the sun light's rays.

Tai looked over everyone in concern "Is everyone ok?"

Looking around, I noticed the surroundings were much different. Everything around us is new "Where are we?"

"The suns so bright..."

"Smell that fresh air!"

"I feel like I've been under water for so long, that I might never take a bath again."

With a smile, I look at Matt "I rather you take a bath. I don't want to smell something fishy for the rest of my life."

The group chuckled as Matt soon followed along.

Our sense of safety was crushed when we heard MetalSeadramon speak as he surfaced the water "You mind telling me WHAT'S SO FUNNY?"

MetalSeadramon hovered over us, filled with anger from having been slipped through his fingers, well... fins so many times. This time, there was no escaping him, and he will make sure of that.

"How did you manage to fit through those tunnels?"

"It was only a matter of time before you came up for air. AND NOW YOU'RE GOING DOWN WITH THE SHIP!"

Whamon started to swim around in circles as he warned us "Everyone, hold on."

He built up speed, dragging the Divermon that had been surrounding us into a whirlpool. While the Divermons and MetalSeadramon were distracted, Agumon turned to his partner "Should I?"

Tai nodded at Agumon as a smile slowly spread across his face "Sure, go for it!" he then turn to look at the rest of us "While Agumon gets their attention, lets cross over to the shore, and prepare ourselves for battle!"

"Aye, aye..." Matt said with a frown.

"Gomamon and I will bring up the rear."

Sora turned to glare at Joe "Joe, don't be a coward!"

As we Got reach to make a run for it, Tai held out his Digivice to Agumon "Agumon, go for it!"

"Here I go!"

WarGreymon charged MetalSeadramon, attacking him restlessly as some of our partners Digivolved as well to help carry us over.

Birdramon helped carry Sora, Ikkakumon was carrying Joe, Garurumon was taking care of Matt, T.K and Patamon, and Kabuterimon was holding Kari, Gatomon, Tai and I.

As we were leaving, Tai yelled out to Whamon "Whamon, thanks for everything. But you can leave the rest to us."

"Whaaat?! No tip?"

Matt whines "Hurry, and just get out of here! You're an easy target. You're just too big!"

"Are you calling me fat?" Whamon leaves with a groan "I'm just big boned..."

When Whamon leaves, the Divermons turn to attack us next, specifically, Ikkakumon.

MetalSeadramon turned around to blast the area with his 'River of Power' attack. During the time MetalSeadramon was attacking the surrounding area, WarGreymon takes a chance. He flies towards MetalSeadramon with the intent to wipe him out.

MetalSeadramon grins, grabbing WarGreymon and plunging into the depths below.

"WarGreymon...!" Tai looks in fear at the waters, unable to see WarGreymon's silhouette anywhere. I grit my teeth as I try to scan the waters as well "He's in trouble. WarGreymon's in a huge disadvantage underwater."

As Water pools in a small area, MetalSeadramon surfaces, while still clutching WarGreymon in his mouth.

Kari screams out WarGreymon's name.

Tai closes his eyes "I can't watch..."

MetalSeadramon grins, speaking with his mouth full "I'm tired of playing around with you WarGreymon. SAY GOODBYE!"

Much to our surprise, Whamon comes out of the water, smacking into MetalSeadramon's side. MetalSeadramon coughs out WarGreymon in surprise.

We smile in glee, only to have it falter seconds later. MetalSeadramon uses his 'River of Power', shooting directly though Whamon's thick hide. Tai yells at the top of his voice, hoping that Whamon is ok.

WarGreymon and MetalSeadramon continue to clash together. In one ultimate attack, WarGreymon spins like a tornado, destroying MetalSeadramon from the inside out.

As MetalSeadramon hits the water hard, WarGreymon smirks "So much for your impenetrable Chrondigizoit alloy. It looks to me like it got a little rusty."

Kabuterimon buts in "Next time you try to rule the waters, do everybody a favour and table a bubble bath instead..."

I shake my head slowly as smile creeps along my face 'One down, three to go... four including Dante.'

Tai cheers in triumphant "We won!"

Soon, the smiles are lost on our faces once again. Looking at Whamon is a painful reminder of the losses from this win. With nothing left to worry about, he head towards Whamon to see if it's possible to save him.