Chapter 1: Never Drinking Again

Authors note: This is GrimmIchi so there will be sexyness... eventually... so I hope that it's not terrible because I've never wrote anything like this before but I've read PLENTY of boyxboy ;) well... anyway! Yeah, so the story...

*Ichigo's pov*

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned, rolled over, and promptly yanked the fucking alarm clock out of the wall and threw it. It hit the wall with a thud. Ah, silence. Wait? Was I forgetting something? Mm... nah. I sighed and buried myself deeper in the sheets, breathing in the lemon scented fabric softener and gently drifted back to sleep...


I threw the blankets of me and jumped out of bed which caused me to get my feet tangled in them and I fell, face planting the ground. " Ow.." fuck my life.
I finally managed to untangle the blankets death grip on me and went to take a quick shower. Stripping off my cloths, I sighed as the hot water fell down my back and legs. To bad it did nothing for my pounding headache. I. was. never. ever. drinking. again. Why the hell did I accept Rangiku's stupid drinking game? Oh yeah, that's right...


"Come on! Your such a pussy, Ichigo! You need to learn not to be such a tight ass and have fun for once." Rangiku shouted over the music. The music was to loud and there was drunk people everywhere. The only lights were from the flashing red and blue strobe lights. The room smelled like sweat, booze, and puke. Yep, it was a college party. I was in college now and that meant party's. Lots of party's. Oh, but not that I wanted to go them. Oh no. Renji forced me to go, saying it would be fun then ditched me when we got here to find Rukia. Idiot.

" I have plenty of fun!" I scowled. Ok, maybe that was a lie. It's not like I don't like to do fun stuff sometimes but I guess I'm more of a solitary person.

"Yeah, sure you do," she said, rolling her eyes.

"I do!"

"I don't believe you."

"I do lots of fun stuff all the time!"

"Oh yeah? Name TWO fun things you've done this week!"

"Two.. well I.." I trailed off. Damn, she was right. I'm so boring.

"Yeah that's what I thought. Now come one! Do shots with me!" she smiled knowing that she had won this time.

"Well... maybe just one.."

(End FlashBack)

Yeah.. lets just say it had been more than one shot. Six? Ten maybe? Point is I was so drunk that I don't even remember getting home. Oh well, at least I'm still alive. That's got to count for something, right? I turned the shower of and walked to my room. Naked. Yeah I said naked. Since I was in college now I had moved out and got an apartment so basically I could do whatever I wanted. Which included being able to walk around in the nude and not run into my sister and causing psychological damage to them. Ah, and maybe the best yet. I was free to lay in bed in the morning without Goat chin attacking me. Geez, that old man is crazy.

I pulled on a tight, black shirt and pale blue jeans and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water and a few aspirin. I looked over at the clock and realized I was going to be at least 45 minutes late. Urahara was going to kill me. Iv worked for him since high school at his candy shop. Yeah iv got the job that most little kids dreamed of having. Honestly I think Urahara opened the shop just so he could eat candy all day. Not that im complaining. I mean come on. Who wouldn't want to work at a place were your surrounded by candy all day? No one could turn down that job.

I put on my shoes and jacket one and grabbing my keys on the way out. It took me about 5 minutes to drive there and I parked in front of the store. The sign read Urahara Candy's and was painted bubblegum pink, bright yellow, and white. It was hard not to miss it considering it was the bright thing in probably the whole city, and that's coming from me with my bright ass orange hair. I walked in and thought maybe I was lucky and Urahara didn't notice I had come in. I tried to be sneaky but it didn't work to well...

"ICHIGO! YOUR LATE!" Urahara exclaimed, suddenly appearing behind me.

"AHH! Jesus Urahara! Are you trying to give me a heart attack!?"

" Aw Ichigo, of course not. If you died I would have to hire a new person," he chucked behind his green and white fan, hiding the amused grin I new was there.

"Gee, thanks. I'm touched you care so much for my well-being," I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Any time! Now get to work. Your late enough as it is!"

"Yeah, yeah I'm going. I would have started earlier if you weren't trying to kill me.." I muttered the last part.

"What was that Ichigo?"

"Oh nothing.. nothing at all."I sighed. It was going to be a long day. After work I had so much homework to do. Yeah, today was just going to be like every other day...

Yay first chapter done! And its only.. 2am! Well I'm glad there no school tomorrow or would it be today? Ah well, I love snow days. It gets me out of Gym and Russian class ^_^ heh. See u next time...