Disclaimer: I really, really wish I owned Inuyasha, but I don't.

Author's Notes: Thanks to Kahlan Amn, who figured out what Inuyasha's father's @%$# name was!!! It's Inutaisho!!!

CHAPTER 4 (Finally!)

"Father?" yelped Inuyasha and Kagome, staring at Calypso, which, according to Sesshoumaru, was actually Inutaisho.

Just when you thought the time hopping was strange, lady fate pulls an absolute doozy on you.

Lord Inutaisho looked at his youngest son through Calypso's eyes. They were filled with grief, love, and so many other intense feelings. Inuyasha tried to hide his own emotions with his usual sarcastic scowl, but was unable to. He looked shocked and upset from seeing a member of his family who had truly cared him. All in all, it was a very touching (if somewhat dysfunctional) family moment.

Or would have been, had Sesshomaru not chosen this moment to try and kill their father.

"You bastard!" yelled Inuyasha before pulling out Tetsusaiga.

The once flimsy sword transformed into the colossal deadly fang, but Sesshoumaru had already landed a punch on Inutaisho's face. The dead demon's borrowed body flew into the air, before he dug one of the girl's hands into the ground, bringing him to a stop. The old Lord placed a hand on Calypso's jaw to assure himself that the teeth were still there and the jaw not dislocated. Ack, pain, one of life's many joys. Sesshoumaru claws glowed even brighter as Inuyasha swung at him. Inutaisho saw this, and instead of joining the fray, he sat back down in a position that made Calypso's inner thighs scream.

Speaking of Calypso…

"HELLO? Aren't you going to stop them?!" screeched the hysterical girl.

"No. They need to resolve this on their own. They won't kill each other." replied Inutaisho.

"Are you kidding?! They aren't going to 'resolve' this! Resolving involves words, and tears, and hugs, and counselors! What you're sons are doing is called homicide!" yelled Calypso.

"Feh." was all Inutaisho said back.

"Is that even a word? Unless your goal in life-er-unlife is to kill your kids, I suggest you tell them to cut it out!" hissed Calypso

"Why do you even care? Sesshoumaru tried to kill you." said Inutaisho.

"Er, duh! I know that. However, if Inuyasha doesn't win, then Sesshoumaru is going to kill me, you, Inuyasha, and Kagome!" reasoned Calypso.

"Yes, he might."

"… That's it! I'm taking over again! No way am I letting a God-Only-Knows how old suicidal demon control my body!" said Calypso.

"You can't."

"What do you mean, I can't?" hissed Calypso.

"We share a body now-"

"WHAT? Whoa! Whadda mean 'share'?! I'm not a freakin' care-bear!"

"-and we take turns being in control of the body-" undaunted by her outburst, he continued.

"Turns? TURNS? This isn't a game! And quit talking about MY body like it's ours!"

"-until we complete my purpose for being here."

"-AND you need to get off your high . . . Purpose? What purpose? How long is this going to take?"

"Until both my sons are no longer fighting each other."

Calypso glanced over at the two dog demons.

"You're joking."

"And after I have some grandkids."


"Did you get that last part?" teased Inutaisho.

"It'll be the future again by the time that happens!"

"No it won't, but we've got a lot of time anyway. Let us begin making preparations." insisted the jovial Inutaisho.

"Why not? My life has no meaning, but to serve the whims of a dead demon." muttered Calypso in the most acidic voice she could muster.

"That's a good way to look at it."

"Shut up."

Lady BDF: All you have to do is click it, write something and, vola! You're done. So just click the stupid review button.