The other racers pulled up towards the finish line

"Hi guys" said Honey

"Hey Honey, that was a neat trick you pulled on taffyta back there" said Vanellope

"What was that you shot at her?" asked Candlehead

Honey whistled and her bees flew out of her kart

"BEES!" shouted Gloyd

all the racers ran behind a giant cupcake

"Wait please, it's ok" said Honey

The racers peeked out

"They're friendly" said Honey

The racers walked back up to Honey

"Meet my omega bees, they live at my honey farm, say hello guys" said Honey

The bees waved at the racers

"They won't sting us right?" asked Vanellope

"Not unless you try to hurt me or anything" said Honey

The racers allowed the bees to land and nuzzle against them

"They are kinda cute" said Rancis

"Hehehe, they tickle" said Candlehead

Taffyta stumbled towards the finish line covered in Taffy


The bees formed a wall around Honey and glared angrily at Taffyta. Taffyta nervously backed away

"Nice bees, nice good little bees" said Taffyta scared

"Sorry about that Taffyta, but after what you did to me and how you tormented me, i just sorta released them on you" said Honey

"Sorry, i can't help it, it's in my programming to be mean" said Taffyta "I'm just not used to losing"

Honey grabbed a jar from her kart and a plastic spoon

"Try some of this, it's very comforting" said Honey as she got a spoonful of her special spread

"Now why would i want to eat-

Honey forced the spoon in her mouth

"Say, this isn't that bad what is it?" asked Taffyta

"It's my special spread, it's something i make and sell" said Honey

"This is amazing" said Taffyta

"Hey give me some of that" said Candlehead

"Me too" said Adorabeezle

"Relax everyone, there's plenty for everyone back at my farm" said Honey

"Then what're we standing her for? Let's get some of this spread" said Gloyd

'And that concludes our story, Honey won her race, made some friends, and is now welcome around all the racers. Well that's all for now, see ya real soon'

The End

Finally this story's done, Vicky i hope you like this, you're the reason i actually continued to make this, please review everyone