A/N: Hey everyone!

This is my new story based on Madara because I think he's a totally hot badass.

I have started this fic on a complete whim, when I was actually supposed to be writing another chapter to my 'Sanctuary' fic. (Sorry guys .')

None the less, I hope that you all enjoy this one too!

Let me know if you think I should continue =D

Please review and message! I love hearing from you!

Madara's vision blurred as it adjusted to the dim lighting of the tiny room. He blinked a few times, and wondered why the room was spinning.

And where the hell was he?!

His upper body was covered in white bandages and a strong herb-like stench emanated throughout the room making him nauseous. He couldn't move his arms or legs and he had a splitting headache. What happened? He tried to get up, body crying out pain as he did so.

"Please, don't move. Your wounds will reopen if you do." Came a soft voice.

Madara willed himself to get up - even though it hurt like hell.

"Where am I?" He croaked, throat dry.

"You're in my home, just outside of Fuma. I found you collapsed near the green lake. You've been asleep for three days and four nights." Replied a soft musical voice, definitely female. "Care to share?"

His eyes stung as he rubbed them, eyelids heavy with sleep. A slim figure slowly materialised in front of him, holding some sort of tray. "I… was starting to have my doubts that you would wake up." She placed the tray on his lap and sat on the chair beside the bed.

"What you want from me?"

Nothing!" She said, taken back. "I'm simply doing my civil duty and helping out someone in need. And you sir, should be grateful to be alive."

He scoffed. Yeah, right.

Sensing that was the only form of apology she was going to get from the rude young man, the young woman poured him a warm cup of broth she bought with her. "Here, drink this. It will make you feel better."

"You drink it first."

Again, his lack of trust stunned her. "I assure you it's not poisoned or drugged." She said, taking a small sip. "If I wanted to kill you, don't you think I would've done it by now?"

"Hn." Touche...

Satisfied, Madara took the bowl and took a large gulp. It was good. Some sort of soup with diced vegetables and herbs, even better than the ones made at the Uchiha compound. Then, his stomach grumbled, awoken from its slumber by the delicious taste of the liquid triggering a surge in his appetite. He quickly finished the bowl and asked for another. And another. And another.

Watching in amusement as he gulped down the simple food, she asked. "Who are you? And what happened to you?"

Madara stopped eating, registering her question.

The battle had gone completely wrong.

Cornered from all sides, the Uchiha army had been ambushed and betrayed. It was meant to be a battle between the Uchiha and Fuma clans - an easy win for the Uchiha. But it wasn't that simple, the Fuma clan had requested the help of another clan, one who was meant to be an ally but in turn betrayed them.

Long story short, their aim was to have Madara's head on a spike.

Too bad for them, it would seem.

Unfortunately, the only option was to retreat. The enemy numbers were too large and their rations had been exhausted. And while it was not in Madara's nature to give in or admit defeat, the lives of his men were far too valuable to lose on a futile battle such as this one. Madara instructed his regimen to retreat while he stayed behind with a few of his strongest soldiers to hold off the enemy army as they escaped. Then, he allowed his remaining soldiers to escape, one by one, as he let the enemy chase after him. Contrary to other clan leaders, Madara's motto had always been one where 'the captain always dies with the ship'. He was the real target, not them, and he had the highest chance of survival even on his own. After all, he possessed the legendary mangekyou sharingan.

Soaring through the tall tree branches at a speed that could be considered flying, he led the enemy away from the retreating Uchiha army. After a few carefully selected jutsus later, the enemy found themselves trapped in an endless genjutsu, making them believe that they were chasing him and not a standard-issue shadow clone.


Did they have any idea who they were up against?

Traveling at great speed, he ignored his body's protest to rest and weeping wounds. The faster he left the Fuma lands and into the Uchiha territory, the better. It would only be a matter of time before the soldiers would come searching for him once the genjutsu wore out.

Just then in the distance, he spied a lake.

Parched with thirst, his mouth watered at the sight of the crystal liquid reflecting the late-sun's rays.

Lowering himself at the lake's edge, he cupped some water in his hands to bring to his dry lips.

And then everything went blank.

"There was a battle that took place not too far from here." He said carefully, "I was up against a tough warrior from the opposing clan."

'And then multiply it by 2000,' he thought bitterly.

She averted her gaze. "I'm sorry."

She appeared to believe him. Good.

"Don't be."

Then, she straightened up and smiled cheerfully. "Well, my name is Aria."


"It's nice to meet you Haru. Please, try and get some rest."

A/N: Thanks for reading!

Please review and/or message if you think I should continue =)

I don't know how many Madara fans are out there, but I hope you liked it!