Hiya...um..sorry it's been a while...but here ya go! Reviews, favorites and follows are always appreciated! Only own my OC! Enjoy!

Ruby's P.O.V.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. I breathed in the salty air and let myself sway with the ship. Roque walked past me into the cabin of the ship and nodded slightly at me as he did.

I was about to walk in after him when the boys shot out of the cabin. Jens grabbed me by the arm and sprinted down onto the deck.

We burst into Clay's hotel room with our guns raised at Aisha. Finally, I get to kill this bitch.

"It's Fadil's daughter!" we all exclaimed, not taking our eyes off her.

Jensen ran in a couple seconds later. "She's Fadil's daughter. She's-oh shit!" he yelped, raising his hands up as she aimed one gun at us and one at Clay.

"She's got a gun. It's pointed at my dick, Clay, it's pointed at my dick." Jensen whimpered.

Pooch rolled his eyes. "Would you rather it was pointed at your face?"

"I know it makes no sense, but yes." Jens answered at the same time that I said, "Yes."

Jens made an indignant squawking noise at me and Aisha raised her gun to Jensen's face instead.

"Better?" Pooch asked.

Jens sighed with his hands still raised. "Not really."

"Where's your gun, Jensen?" Pooch snapped. I rolled my eyes at the idiocy of the situation.

"In the van?" it was almost a question.

"What the hell is it doin there?" Pooch growled angrily.

Jensen whimpered his answer in defeat. "Not much."

"Would you two shut up?!" Roque snarled lowly.

Jens turned to face him. "Well what if it was pointed at your dick-" he was cut off by Aisha firing at his shoulder and at the mirror ceiling. As soon as she dove for the bathroom I started shooting. I grinned in content, hearing her yell of pain as one of my bullets hit.

I would've continued shooting if I hadn't heard Jensen's groan of pain from the floor. I dropped to the ground next to him and checked the wound.

"She shot me..." he groaned. "In my arm!"

Pooch shook his head, "You're gonna live, you're gonna live."

Cougs began tying off Jensen's arm, causing him to cry out. "Cougar be gentle!" I rolled my eyes, shaking my head.

"Why am I dating you again?" he stuck his tongue out at me and I grinned at him.

I sat on the pharmacy counter next to Jens, holding his hand tightly as Cougs took the bullet out of his arm. I mostly ignored what the boys were talking about and chose to focus on Jens instead.

"Rubes." he mumbled around the baby toy he was biting down on.

My eyes drifted from his shoulder to his face. "Hm?"

He winced as the wound was sewed shut and spat out the plastic toy. I wrinkled my lip at the spit that was smeared down his chin from it.

He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at me. I rolled my eyes and used his shirt to rub it off.

"How bad is it?"

I made a disgusted face. "Pretty fuckin gross, man."

He deadpanned and I started laughing. For some reason, we both decided to join Clay and Roque on their idiotic mission that was sure to get us killed. I didn't get payed enough for this shit.

"Who you gonna go with?" Jens whispered to me in the back of the van as we got nearer to the shipyard place...thing...

I smiled and poked him in the chest. "You, obviously." he grinned and kissed me.

A retching noise came from the front of the van. "Can y'all stop? I'm about to toss my dinner all over the upholstery." Pooch groaned. I rolled my eyes and shoved Jensen away from me.

We had arrived. Wonderful. We were going to our probable deaths. This is totally how I wanted to die. It's not like I wanted to get married, have kids, grandchildren, die of old age. Nah. Why would I want that?

"You ready?" Jens asked, taking my hand. I grumbled an answer that may have sounded similar to yes. "Great." he smiled and pulled me from the van.

We were running like hell and climbing things. "If I survive this, I'm gonna lay in bed for a year and eat all the junk food I want."

Jensen looked down from the weird pole we were climbing. "You can do whatever you want, baby."

"Stop being sweet." I growled, hoisting myself up and leaping onto the roof of a building.

Jens opened a window that led into the building. He strapped us both into the rope and sighed, shaking his head at the dark abyss beneath him. "Go Petunias." and he leapt down.

As I was about to jump, something that felt similar to a gun was placed against my head. "Get up real slow, sweetheart." I carefully lifted myself from my crouch and turned to face a very large, muscular man.

"Well, hey there...friend..."

We were forced to our knees before some incompetent, hired soldiers. "Ya know, she's pretty hot. Maybe we should keep her around." one of them smirked, lifting my chin up.

I tugged my head away from him and growled lowly as Jens yelled at them to leave me alone. "Aw, what's the matter. She your girlfriend?" another taunted. "Well guess what, Romeo. You can't do shit."

As if they needed to prove it, one of them smacked me. I wouldn't lie, it fuckin hurt. I refused to react. I didn't move, didn't cry out, didn't flinch. I stared straight ahead until I heard another soldier start talking to Pooch.

Before we knew it, Pooch was shot in both his legs. "Pooch!" I screamed as he fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

"You know, I like that hat." the same man sneered at Cougar, reaching forward to take his beloved hat. Cougs leaned out of the way, but stopped as the man put a gun to his head. "I really don't care if there's a hole in it."

The anger on Cougs face faded into a small smirk as he saw something in the distance. I looked out and saw someone. Aw hell no. I refuse to be saved by her.

Too late. She fired. I growled and slammed my forehead into the head of the asshole soldier that smacked me. He went down instantly and I looked over to see if Pooch needed help.

"Can you stand?" Jens...you poor, naive child.

Pooch cocked his head to the side. "I've just been shot in both of my legs. What kinda dumbass question is that? Really?"

Jensen tried to defend himself as he helped Pooch get up. "Oh, so we're Mr. Grumpy Pants now? You know you're not the only one who's been shot today!"

We sprinted until we reached a safe point...or so I thought. Aisha had her gun raised at Clay. "Did you kill him?"

"Yes." nice one Clay. And nice face Aisha, you continue to have that internal struggle of yours. I jumped slightly as she shot near us, but killed an enemy gunman.

Clay walked over to Pooch. "Can you stand?"

Pooch lifted his hands up. "This is stupid question day isn't it? It's stupid question day and no one decided to tell me."

"C'mon legless Pooch. I gotcha." Jensen grinned, pulling him up. We all piled in to the beat up van and rolled into the middle of the battle ground like the idiots that we are.

Clay gave each of us our personal missions. I was sent with Jensen and Pooch. Of course. "Alright, legless Pooch, Ruby and I are on it."

"Call me legless Pooch one more time and you're gonna be headless Jensen." Pooch threatened.

"What? I think it's a cool name. Makes you sound like a pirate." I grinned and shook my head.

"Yo mama's a pirate." Pooch shot back lamely as Jens and I ran off in separate directions. I growled and shot at anyone near me, holding my stomach as I ran. How many days ago was I shot? Two? Yeah, probably.

I groaned as a bullet clipped my shoulder and sent me stumbling back a few steps. I fired back in the general direction of the bullets angrily and hoped something would hit. The spray of fire continued so I dove behind a crate and tugged a grenade from my belt, tearing the ring out and tossing it.

The explosion was deafening and I'm sure I got shrapnel stuck in me somewhere, but at least the guns stopped.

I groaned and lay on my back, I felt a wetness on my thigh and I whimpered, feeling the pain that I knew was a bullet. I tried to fight my dizziness, but I could feel myself losing blood from my shoulder and my leg, and I'm pretty sure I'd managed to rip my stitches.

I grimaced and pressed a shaky hand against my thigh to try and keep the blood from pouring out. I don't think it was working.

I was snapped out of my haze by Clay's voice. "Is everyone okay?" it was in my earpiece.

"No!" Jensen. Oh god, what happened to him? "We can't find Ruby!" oh...

I coughed weakly. "I'm here." I practically whimpered. "I'm laying here pitifully..."
"Here, doesn't really help." Pooch's voice crackled.

I looked up from my position. "Well...there's a canary yellow stretch hummer in front of me..."