AN: I'm terrible I know. Between frustration over the HUGE lemon in this chapter combined with sick babies, sick babysitter, sick author, sick beta and sick beta's computer crashing, the delay was really unavoidable. But I got this out as soon as I was able to (With MUCHO thanks going to RealJena for her awesome beta job) and hopefully the 10k+ word count will make up for it, at least a little. Enjoy.

"Bloody hell, Mi… this looks like a hotel! All of this is Gavin's?"

I stare in awe at the property in front of me, positive that the coordinates on the deed were wrong. "Blaise…" I mumble, "… I think it's bigger than the Manor."

"Oh, it is," Narcissa cheerfully confirms. "Lucius was rather irritated by that fact. We only came here once after we married – when Brielle died and the property passed onto him. My husband didn't particularly like the hot, humid weather. He was rather grumpy and uncomfortable the whole time."

My hand gets tugged impatiently and I look down to meet my son's curious turquoise eyes. I heft him onto my hip so he can get a better look; without being asked, Blaise lifts Gavin higher to sit on his shoulders, giving him the best view of all of us.

After the holidays, everyone residing in the Manor was feeling some cabin fever due to the cold, wind, and snow. I took two weeks off from the hospital and made the executive decision to explore Gavin's inheritance. Leaving Narcissa at the Manor wasn't even considered, especially since Penelope had taken over some of the caretaking duties for my mother along with watching Gavin. Blaise was more than happy to accompany us when I extended the invitation and a week and a half later, our international portkey was ready. A few minutes after our five hands were touching the empty wine bottle, we landed in the circular sandstone drive facing one of the largest houses I've ever seen.

The pale peach colored mansion dominates the property, bright with emerald colored grass and lush gardens with vivid, exotic blooms. Trying to shake off my astonishment, I tug on Blaise's and Narcissa's hands to get them to follow me up the marble steps.

The interior is no less overwhelming. Halls and corridors seem to jut off in all directions; I just know I'm going to get lost at least once while we're here. Looming arrogantly above the foyer is the portrait of a young woman with a dark complexion, indigo eyes, and strawberry-blond spiral curls that contrast sharply with her other features. She is by no means classically or conventionally beautiful, but there is something about her that is enchanting and captivating regardless. Her haughty expression doesn't change as she looks over Narcissa, Gavin, and me, but when those dark eyes glide over Blaise, she smiles beguilingly. "Well hello, Handsome. Who might you be?" she says with a thick French accent.

Apparently my grandmother was a bit of a flirt.

We all introduce ourselves to Brielle San Pitye (as the portrait was painted three years before she became a Malfoy) and explain our relations to her; she gives off an air of supreme indifference unless Blaise speaks. Finally I get her to give us directions to the family wing so we can unpack and relax.

Penny and Gavin share a suite so they can stay close like they do at home – two separate bedrooms with a shared sitting room that Gavin uses to play and a gorgeous en suite. Across the hall from them, Narcissa chooses a very feminine set of rooms done in pale blues, greens, and violets. When I walk through it with her, it seems comfortable, calm, and relaxing – exactly what she needs.

We look in some of the other doors and Blaise acts as though he intends to drop off his bags in the masculine counterpart to Narcissa's rooms. I silently shake my head and take him by the hand to lean him to the ornate oak double doors at the end of the hall. With a smirk and a quick kiss, he sighs, "Thank Merlin!"

I can't help but giggle; it turns into a gasp as we enter the master suite. The only room I've seen that compares in size is the Great Hall. I can see the gray sand of the beach from the wall of Western-facing windows and I can't think of many things more relaxing than curling up on the attached balcony with a book or just watching the sunset to the soundtrack of crashing waves.

I turn to the right and gulp at the opulence of the master bath; the Prefect's Bathroom looks like a highway rest-stop in comparison. The counters and tile are an iridescent gray-blue marble and flickers of reflected light dance on the walls. The tub is sunken into the floor with at least fifty charmed faucets lining one side. A separate shower stall, surely large enough for both World Cup Quidditch teams and their mascots, has more showerheads than I can count with a glance and glass doors etched with an abstract, floral design.

Not able to imagine what awaits me in the main chamber, I slowly turn back to the left. I've experienced several different levels of luxury: bare-bones comfort of The Burrow, affluent indulgences of both the Potters and the Grangers, the sometimes-lavish splendor of Sirius' home and the aristocratic grandeur of Malfoy Manor; nothing could have prepared me for the sheer extravagance before me.

Plush, charcoal gray carpeting cushions my feet. The pale bluish-silver silk adorning the walls is embossed with faint, tropical vines. A glossy oak desk rests in one of the corners near a window, with divots in the wood for inkwells and a built-in case already filled with rare, high-quality quills. But the most excessively hedonistic piece of furniture I've ever seen dominates the massive room – the bed.

Out of curiosity, I ask Blaise to lay on the colossal mattress so I can attempt to gauge the size. His six-foot-four frame looks absurdly small in the center of the imposing bed. Easily ten feet wide and twelve feet long, I might not sleep in the same spot the entire fortnight we're on vacation. Blaise murmurs that he can't wait to test that theory and I feel my cheeks flame in a blush.

I know I've been seen as a prude. Before Blaise, I didn't date. Draco and I hid our relationship and after my inebriated one-off with Theo, any free time I had was spent studying and taking care of Gavin. Once I returned to England, the only adults I spent time with were Penelope, Sirius, and Anita, with occasional meals with Harry, Ron, Ginny, and whoever they would be dating at the time. Meeting Blaise and his cousin on my ward when I did was a happy coincidence, but one I am exceedingly grateful for.

I'm pleasantly surprised by how patient the infamous ladies' man has been with me over the eight months we've been together. He accepts that Gavin comes first followed very closely by caring for my mother. He handled the revelation of my biological family with aplomb and mere curiosity. He doesn't tease when I get lost in research or testing for work and is an understanding sounding board when I need to vent my frustrations.

In addition, his hands can both comfort me and set me aflame. His kisses make me melt and his mind is seductive. Blaise has no problem challenging me or standing up to me when I need it. When this trip was planned and he agreed to accompany my family to this tropical paradise, I decided it was time to get past my apprehension and take our relationship to the next level.

Still overwhelmed by the magnificence of the suite, we unpack before reuniting with the family. I meet with the house elves to let them know our schedules and needs. Narcissa wants to relax on the shady garden patio with a book and an iced tea; Blaise and I decide to head to the beach while Gavin and Penny nap.

I change into my bright blue bikini as Blaise digs out some black board shorts that I bought for him when I dragged him to the mall – I may be a pureblood, but I was raised as a Muggle and know just how fun non-magical shopping can be. Once we're changed, we walk the sandy path to the shore. When we break out of the shade created by the tree canopy, I can't help but close my eyes and savor the warmth of the Caribbean sun on my face.

Taking my hand, Blaise leads me to where the breaking waves just wash over our feet. The sand is soft and the water is warmer than I'm used to. With a soft smile and the realization that the area is virtually uninhabited, he wraps an arm around my shoulders and we walk down the beach.

The silence lets my mind wander. Since Draco left, he's faithfully owled our mother every week. She shares his letters with me happily. He's spent the past four months traveling, like he's wanted to for so long. From Scandinavia to the Orient, the Tropics to South America, he doesn't seem to stay in one place for very long. Narcissa and I are hoping that he'll be comfortable coming home soon. We both miss him terribly.

Blaise and I turn to head back to the house when he notices my cheeks and shoulders turning pink. My fair skin isn't used to such strong sun and I make a mental note to remember the sun-protection balm that I packed especially for this reason. Entering the house from the back, we're able to avoid my grandmother's flirtatious portrait. In the hall, we meet a still-sleepy Gavin and Penny. After checking on Narcissa, we decide that after the day of travel, we'll get an early dinner and spend the rest of the afternoon and evening relaxing and exploring the house. I summon one of the elves to lead us to the smallest dining room available while we decide what to eat.

The elf who responds to our call, a little thing named Kanbiz, suggests meekly that we enjoy the seafood dishes they specialize in. Always interested in something new, we all agree. The new tastes and flavors are certainly different, but spicier than Gavin and I are used to. He and I stick to the milder rice, crab, and prawns while Blaise, Penny, and Narcissa rave over the Creole seasonings.

Once we're sufficiently stuffed, Narcissa suggests we stroll through the gardens, enjoying the warm twilight and the exotic scents from the unusual blooms. Blaise swings Gavin up onto his shoulders and follow her lead.

It's like entering another world. English gardens are filled with muted violets and pinks, with an occasional red or yellow to brighten the landscape. These tropical blooms don't understand the term "muted". Violent purples, psychedelic oranges, electrifying blues and vivid crimsons shock the eyes while the heady scent makes me lightheaded. Proper English lavender and rose bushes wouldn't know what to think of these showy flowers with their spiky petals. We follow the well-maintained paths until they circle back to the shaded patio where my mother spent her afternoon.

Kanbiz meets us and tells us that he will show us whatever we want. Narcissa and Penny both want to find the library (as do I, but that goes without saying). Once there, Penny finds some books for Gavin and herself, while my mother finds a selection or two. The small elf shows us to the music room, the breakfast nook near the kitchen, and surprisingly, a large outside playground for someone Gavin's age.

When I ask why it looks it such pristine condition, the elf's squeaky voice responds (with a very thick accent), "Master Draco ordered it. He arranged for it near Christmas, he did. Said he wanted somewhere safe for his nephew to play. Said he deserved to have some fun where drowning wasn't a constant danger. Sweet man, Master Draco."

I can't help but get choked-up over Draco thinking of my son. Blaise squeezes my hand in understanding after he puts Gavin down to explore the equipment. He only agrees to come back inside after multiple promises that he'll be able to return tomorrow.

We all decline the offers to see the ballrooms, the guest suites, drawing rooms, parlors, tea rooms, spas, greenhouses, and other, more obscure rooms that I can't remember. After the filling meal and the already-lengthy tour we've taken, all five of us are ready to retire. Kanbiz bows politely before disapparating and we make our way back to the family wing.

Penny goes to her room while I bathe Gavin and get him ready for bed, dressing him in his favorite dragon pajamas. I read him some child-friendly tales from Beedle the Bard until his dark turquoise eyes get heavy and finally drift closed. I press a soft kiss to his forehead and tuck his blankets securely around him, adding a cushioning charm to the floor in case he tosses and turns in the strange bed.

I bid Penny a good night and pop my head into the single suite, asking Narcissa if she needs anything before I head to my room. She shakes her head with a smile and kisses my cheek. I can't help but wonder what growing up with her would have been like, but thoughts like those can only go down bad roads. I shake my head to rid them and head to the massive double doors of the master suite.

The shower is running when I enter the master suite. I bite my lip and stare out of the windows at the moon reflecting on the ocean. The last man I was with intimately was Theo and it was… less than perfect. More than three and a half years of celibacy isn't something I've spent a lot of time worrying about; I have enough on my plate with my son, mother, and job. It would be a lie to say I never felt the stirrings of desire, especially when I was in my second trimester and my admittedly good-looking male suitemates had no problem walking around in just their boxers. I never would have pursued anything, especially since one of them was involved with the man two floors down, but it was very nice to just look. Until Blaise and I became serious, sex just wasn't something I was preoccupied with. After it was clear that he was staying exclusive to me and waiting until I was ready for more, it was occupying more of my thoughts.

I hang up the sundress I wore as a cover-up and untie the bikini I never changed out of when we returned from the beach. Summoning my Gryffindor courage, I quickly use my wand to perform a contraceptive charm, turn to the left, and enter the en suite naked as the day I was born. Through the glass door, only slightly foggy from steam, I watch the water sluice down Blaise's golden brown skin. He's muscular but not bulky, just clearly defined. His shoulders are wide, chest is broad, and his torso tapers down to narrow hips. Long legs that go up and up until they come together at an arse that is… mmm... mouthwatering. With his back to me, I quietly slide open the door to join him under the water. "Could you pass me the soap, please? I'm all sticky from the salt air."

When he jumps, I can't help but giggle. He turns around slowly with a stunned look on his face. We've kissed and touched, but this is the first time I've seen all of him and he's seen all of me. With the way his eyes roll up and down my body, it's like he's trying to fixate the image in his memory as though he'll never see it again.

That's not something he has to worry about if I have my way.

Still silent, he hands me the bottle of body wash that he brought in with him. It has a fresh, briny scent like the ocean that makes him smell absolutely intoxicating. I squeeze a little into his hands and turn around, twisting my hair and clipping it to my head. "Can you get my back for me?" I ask coyly. For such a huge step in our relationship, I don't see why it should be a solemn and serious event when one of my favorite things about "us" is how we can have fun with each other. It can be playful and teasing at the same time as passionate and romantic…

I start to reconsider until his face lights up with a smile. "Bella, you are stunning. Seeing you like this made my brain stop for a moment. I will help you get to whatever hard to reach spots you want me to." He rubs his palms together and smooths the lather over my back, lightly massaging my neck, shoulder blades, and lower spine as he goes. I close my eyes and revel in the feel of his strong hands touching me… relaxing me… turning me on more than I already am.

Slowly, tentatively, his hands circle lower to rest on my hip bones and gently pull me back against him. I feel a significant part of his anatomy hardening against my back. Tenderly, he tilts my chin so I'm looking up at him over my shoulder. His bright green eyes lock on my dark ones intensely before ducking down to kiss me. We've had quick smooches, kisses in greeting or farewell, romantic brushes of our lips, and even passionate making out with tongues and teeth and fingers grasping for skin under clothes. This kiss is different from all of them. Still cupping my jaw, his other arm slides around my abdomen and clasps me against him. I link my fingers with his and reach behind me with my other hand to tangle my digits through his wet raven curls. Feeling rather than hearing the growl from his throat when I lightly tug, I grin against his mouth and press my back against his front even harder.

His teeth nip and tug at my lower lip and I slide our joined hands up my stomach and chest until his palm rests on my breast. Blaise groans into my mouth and massages the soft flesh with my encouragement. Soon my whimpers are too much and he turns me so we're face to face. With one large hand at the small of my back and the other thrust into my hair, he pulls me to him tightly and returns his lips to mine. I can do nothing but grasp at his slick shoulders and dripping hair, trying to keep my knees from giving out from under me.

Cupping my bum, he lifts my smaller frame to close the height difference. Seconds later, I feel the cold tile against my back and I feel the tingle of my skin erupting in goosebumps. Blaise chuckles and adjusts one of the many showerheads so that warm water runs down the marble wall behind me, but not coming down over me.

Bright, spring green eyes darken to the forest green of pines as he holds me close. "Do you want me, cara? I've wanted you like this for so long… I don't know if I can let you go if you let me have you."

Those words make me shiver, feeling more desirable than I have in a long time. I wrap my arms tighter around his neck and meet his eyes. "I want you, Blaise. Show me what it's like to be yours."

His chest rumbles with a lusty groan as he claims my lips again in a heated kiss. The vibration against my breasts tickles and I can't help but giggle into his mouth, making him chuckle as well. Using the wall and one strong arm to support my weight, he gropes behind us blindly for the handle to turn off the water. With a satisfied murmur, the showerheads drip to a stop. Not bothering to grab a towel or put me back on my feet, he shifts me until he's carrying me bridal-style across the suite, where he lays me tenderly on the bed, looking down at me.

Blaise lifts my left foot and kisses the tip of each of my toes while kneading the sole. "You're so soft, cara. Soft and silky and just… perfect."

In the moonlight from the wall of windows, his skin glows, looking like the most luscious combination of chocolate and caramel ever. Watching his dark hands smoothing over my pale skin as he slowly rubs his way up my legs might be one of the most sensual things I can remember seeing. Ever. His fingertips skim lightly over my thighs and hips, grazing my stomach and the sides of my breasts. By the time he reaches my collar bone and neck, he's hovering over me with his superior height. He dips down and nips at my ear and pulse point on my neck before tenderly kissing my forehead… my eyelids… my nose and cheekbones… before brushing my lips with his. "I can't stop touching you, Love. Do you like the way my hands feel on you?" he asks, just a bit louder than a whisper.

His touch, his looks, the heat in his eyes, the feel of his breath against my skin… all of it makes me wonder why we – no, I - waited so long. I lightly scrape my nails up his back and smile when his eyes roll back a little. "About as much as you like how I touch you," I answer his question and get one of his bright smiles in return.

With a satisfactory answer, he resumes with using his mouth to caress me, kissing, nipping, sucking on my neck, my clavicle, my shoulders. He works his way down until he's hovering over the valley between my breasts. With a long, slow swipe of his tongue, he licks me from sternum to the hollow in my throat before lifting his head to place another passionate, lusty kiss to my mouth. "How do you taste so heavenly, Mi? Your skin tastes like…" he sucks lightly on one nipple, making me gasp, "…honey and…" he licks over the other one, making me shiver, "… vanilla and…" he kisses my mouth again roughly, "… something too exquisite to name."

He doesn't linger in any one spot for very long. Lightly callused thumbs strum over my sensitive nipples as he softly nibbles on my earlobes and the tender spot of my neck where it meets my shoulder. It feels like every nerve ending has become a live wire, wanting him to make contact and send the pleasurable shocks through my body. "Please, Blaise," I whimper, rubbing my thighs together for some kind of friction, wanting to relieve some of the ache that his touch has brought.

With a wicked grin, he y works his way down my torso from his current spot where he was leaving little love bites around my left nipple, making sure they would be covered by my bikini. His thumbs massage over my hip bones, gipping them gently when I squirm, ticklish at his tongue dipping into my navel. "I want to taste you everywhere, amante. I just know this sweet little quim is going to be even more luscious than the rest of you." His words fire me up, but no one's done that since Draco and I can't help but tense up. "Relax, bella. We don't have to… but I want to. I want to do nothing but give you pleasure tonight. This evening is all for you, Hermione. I can't remember the last woman I've wanted as much as I want you."

Wow. I meet his earnest eyes and can't help but be convinced by the desire, passion, and lust reflected back at me from the deep green. Still slightly anxious, I give in and nod. He gifts me with another dazzling smile and drops to his knees before me. My legs dangle off the edge of the bed and he wetly kisses his way up my calves, nipping lightly behind my knees, giving me fresh goosebumps. His hands precede his mouth and grip my hips again as his lips peck their ways over my thighs. Locking his eyes back on mine, his talented tongue swipes through my folds.

I can't stop the shaky moan that erupts from my chest. It's been entirely too long since I felt something so simple feel that good. Encouraged by my response, Blaise repeats the action over and over, teasing me to the brink over and over. I'm sure that I'm going to explode before he lets me fall over the edge like I so want to. Sparkling jade eyes can see the pleading on my face and he decides to be merciful. His tongue pushes into me with Slytherin-like dexterity as his fingers circle and slip over my bundle of nerves, bringing me closer and closer until blinding fireworks of silver and gold erupt behind my eyelids. The muscles in my thighs quake with the released tension… but Blaise doesn't stop. Seamlessly his tongue and fingers switch places and my orgasm keeps cresting. I feel my back arch off the bed and hear babbling nonsense somewhere far in the background of my consciousness. Never have I felt anything so powerfully pleasurable and only when I'm having trouble breathing does he calm his actions and let me come down.

Blurrily, I see him rise to his feet between my legs and I wipe a hand over my sweaty face. "That was…" I sigh breathlessly, "… I don't even have words…" I trail off.

With a smug grin, he looks down on me. "If I've rendered the know-it-all speechless, that I've succeeded in one of my goals… but I'm nowhere near done with you yet, cara. I've dreamt of the things I want to do to you, and with you, for too long."

His erection stands proud and ready between his muscular thighs. My mouth simultaneously goes dry and salivates at the sight. His entire body is like a work of art, and I look forward to whatever carnal activities that he has planned for the rest of the night… but all I want right now is his arms around me and his lips on mine. "Kiss me, Blaise," I whisper.

He gives me what I want and I savor the warmth of his skin against me, the hardness of his arousal pressing into my belly, the softness of his lips as he kisses his way up my body to my mouth. Wanting to feel more, I curl a leg around his hips and pull him closer. "Circe, streghetta mia, what are you doing to me? I normally have more control than this," he growls against my neck before nipping my pulse point. "You're ruining me, you know? I can't imagine feeling about anyone else the way that I feel for you." Using his fantastic upper body strength, he slips his arms under mine and pushes us both fully onto the gargantuan bed.

For endless moments, we simply revel in our closeness, kissing, touching, tenderly teasing with intimate caresses before it gets to be too much. His bright malachite eyes sweep over my bared form and I feel so small and delicate underneath him. "I'm ready for this, Blaise," I tell him. "Make love to me. Please…" I pant, not wanting to wait any longer.

After giving me a deep kiss, he shifts back to his knees with the most seductive smirk I've ever seen. He strokes himself a few times, making my whole body tense in anticipation. Taking my hands in his large ones, he hovers over me, pinning my arms over my head. "Sei il mia angela, Hermione," he breathes into my ear as he slowly pushes into me. My breath stutters with the fullness… the utter closeness and completeness I feel once his hips are flush with mine.

He doesn't move, just stares deeply into my eyes. "Merlin, Blaise…" I gasp, feeling muscles that haven't been used in so long stretching to clench around him snugly.

Gently he withdraws and pushes back in; his eyes roll back and his eyelids blink rapidly. "Fuck, sei perfetta…" he murmurs and his fingers tighten around mine.

I've always found his tendency to slip into Italian when he's overwhelmed endearing, but I don't want to have to mentally translate his comments when I just want to give myself over to what I'm feeling. "More… please… I want to feel you…" I can't help but whimper. "No more talking."

His jaw tenses and his eyes darken to almost black. "I don't want this to be over too quickly," he confesses. "You feel so good…"

I arch up to kiss him and it deepens his penetration, making us both groan at the sensation. "We have all night, tesoro," I whisper against his lips. "This is just the first act."

Lust and determination take over his beautiful face. After pulling out until just his tip rests inside me, his eyes blaze into mine. "I love you, Hermione," he says softly before his hips thrust hard and strong.

My breath is taken away by both the depth of his revelation and the physical intensity of his actions. A small part of my brain thinks it isn't fair for him to say what he did when I am in no condition to rationally respond, but I push that thought to the side. My nails dig into the back of his hands when his impressive length hits spots inside of me that haven't been stimulated in years. I feel the ball of crackling tension in my stomach compressing tighter, just waiting for from the little push to detonate it into an explosion of pleasure. "More… fuck Blaise… faster, please…"

He takes a moment to lift my thighs so my legs wrap around his trim waist. "Your wish is my command, principessa," he groans and flexes his hips in earnest.

"So… close… please," I wail, feeling my body preparing itself to crash. Switching to hold both my hands in one of his, he uses his free hand to strum my little pearl and ducks his head to suck on one of my nipples. The multitude of sensations does what he intends and I feel my walls pulsing and tightening around him. Ecstasy floods my limbs and I scream, unprepared for the sudden bliss. I feel Blaise swell inside me and dimly hear him bellow my name as he reaches his peak a few moments later.

After a few more lazy thrusts, he collapses to my side breathlessly and pulls me onto my side so my head rests on his shoulder. "You are amazing, Mi," he sighs, looking up at the ceiling. "I've never felt anything so…" he trails off.

I have to ask. "Was it a heat-of-the-moment thing?" I ask, hoping he knows what I'm referring to.

He shakes his head and turns to look at me. "It's something I've felt for… awhile. I can't pinpoint when, but I've been crazy about you from almost the beginning. Being with you like this," he says, "it felt… right to finally say it. You and Gavin… Narcissa too… I can't imagine my life anymore without you."

My throat tightens and I struggle to keep my eyes from flooding from his sincerity. "I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you too, Blaise." I reach up to stroke his cheeks and press a sweet kiss to his neck.

"Give me a few more minutes and I'll show you again how much I do," he drawls with a devilish smirk.

We end up using every inch of that monstrous mattress that night. He takes me sweetly, drawing out the pleasure for us both. I ride him with his strong hands gripping my hips so tightly that I'm sure I'll have bruises. He enters me from behind, covering my small body with his large one. Only when the streaks of orange and pink of the sunrise reflect off the ocean water into the large windows do we allow ourselves to collapse in sheer exhaustion. Before I give myself over to sleep, I slip on a blue satin nighty, summon Kanbiz, and ask him to let my family know that Blaise and I are having a lie-in. He nods before popping away and I snuggle into Blaise's side, smiling sleepily when his arms wrap around me and hold me tightly. I'm physically drained, emotionally satisfied, sexually sated, and finally… relieved that I'm able to feel all this with someone other than Draco.


It's jarring to return to England after sun and relaxation for two weeks. The late February chill makes me long for the tropical warmth of Martinique. Weeks and months pass, with the only change is that Blaise might as well live at the Manor. On Gavin's third birthday in April, after his party was over and we managed to get him to bed despite overindulging on cake and ice cream, Blaise leads me to the garden. He kneels down and shows me an art-deco style ring with one of the most brilliant diamonds I've ever seen up close. "My padre left this to me in his will. It was his mother's engagement ring and my mother didn't think it was big enough. His parents were married happily for a little over eighty years and still looked at each other like newlyweds. I've already told you that I can't imagine my life without you and Gavin. Will you bless my life by giving me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I gasp and wipe the tears away on my cheeks that spilled over as soon as he presented the ring. During our years at Hogwarts, I wasn't ignorant of his reputation and "extracurricular activities". It's actually because of that that I nod. When I make my throat work, I confirm by saying "yes". When a (former) Casanova like Blaise willingly gets down on one knee to make a lifelong commitment to one woman without any pressure or ultimatums, I'm sure that he's ready to take the step. We celebrate our newly engaged status on a conjured blanket among the flowers, letting our bodies warm each other in the cool spring evening air. As we snuggle afterward, we discuss what kind of wedding we want. With Narcissa's health still unpredictable and the strenuous nature of my job, we decide to have a low-key ceremony at the Ministry with only immediate family and close friends in attendance.

Neither of us have to say that an important person to both of us with be absent. I know about the falling-out Blaise and Draco had over me, but I also know that Blaise misses one of the true mates he had from the age of eleven. I hope that time can mend their split, letting them become friends again despite everything. I hope that the relationship between he and I can be repaired as well. He and I both know that we can't be what we were, but I hope that time will let us at least regain the friendship we had before becoming romantically involved.

When they wake the next morning, we let my mother and son know of our engagement. Narcissa immediately gets fluttery with thoughts of parties and a wedding gala. As much as I don't want to burst her happy bubble, I tell her of the plans we've already agreed on. She still insists on accompanying me to London, saying every bride should have a special dress for her wedding day and that picking one out is not something she's willing to miss out on. After some quick scheduling, Blaise offers to take Gavin for some miniature dress robes while Narcissa and I try to find an appropriate dress.

I don't find anything in the boutiques of Diagon Alley and its offshoots, so I convince my mother to take our hunt into Muggle London. Despite her apprehension, she decides to see it as an adventure and agrees. In the third shop we visit, I find it. It's a pale cream with delicate gold embroidery and off-the-shoulder with sheer cap sleeves. The tea-length skirt hits right between my ankles and knees and the fitted bodice compliments my petite frame. Finding a dress simple enough for my tastes and elegant enough for Narcissa's wasn't easy, but nowhere near as difficult as I feared. Feat accomplished, we find a deserted alley and apparate back to the Manor to rest before dinner.

Three weeks later, Blaise and I say our vows at the Ministry before Narcissa, Sirius, Anita, and Penelope. My friend/nanny manages to keep Gavin and Regulus from being too disruptive. Harry, Cho, Ginny, Dean, Ron, and Lavender join us for our celebratory dinner after the ceremony. For Blaise, his former housemate Daphne Higgs (nee Greengrass) and her husband Terrence appear along with Theo and Alexei as well as Daphne's sister Astoria and her beau. We receive their congratulations before they mingle with our other guests, house rivalries (mostly) forgotten. I can't help but notice how Theo's eyes follow my son around the room with curiosity and interest as Gavin plays with his friend.

During a lull between courses, Blaise pulls me into a quiet corner. "Gavin is Theo's, isn't he?"

Not bothering to hesitate, I nod. "He doesn't want to acknowledge him. It's best for Gavin. Theo's worried that his dad would try to take custody since it's known now that I'm a Malfoy and Gavin's a pureblood. It's not likely that it would happen, but neither of us want to put Gavin through the stress of a custody trial. Why? What gave it away?"

Blaise's smile is sweet and nonjudgmental. "His eyes. I knew from the first time I saw him close-up that I'd seen that I'd seen that turquoise before. Theo's eyes are the same color and even though they're faint, he's also where Gavin gets his freckles from. Now that I know, he really is a perfect mix of Malfoy and Nott."

I wrap my arms around his chest and stretch up on my toes to give him a quick kiss. "Thank you for understanding." We're interrupted by servers starting to bring in entrees. "We should probably rejoin our guests."

Narcissa surprises us by gifting Blaise and I with a two-week honeymoon to Japan. She says the architecture of Tokyo combined with the mystery of the Far Eastern Wizarding districts is an experience that every witch and wizard should have. I kiss her cheek gratefully after both she and Penny assure Blaise and me that they have no problem watching after Gavin in our absence.

A week later, after clearing the schedule with my floor supervisor at St. Mungo's, Blaise and I take our international portkey to Tokyo. We spend our days exploring the iconic buildings and hidden Wizarding shops; our nights are spent in sweaty, passionate, physical exertion. Every evening I fall asleep with my husband's strong arms around me and I can't imagine being happier. While in Japan, Blaise gives me a surprise gift. He had Theo sign away parental rights and had adoption papers prepared to have himself named as Gavin's father. When I sink to my knees in gratitude, Blaise jokes that he wishes this was a gift he could give again and again... before his eyes roll back and he loses the ability to speak.

Gavin runs to greet us when we return home. He jumps up to give us big hugs and babbles about what he did while we were gone before we've even dropped our bags or taken off our jackets. The most noticeable change is the tiny terrier following the boy. "This is Charlie. Unca Dray brought him for me. He said every boy should have a pet. He said that he got an owl when he went to Hogwarts, but always wanted something to play with when he was little."

Uncle Dray? Blaise and I look at Narcissa when she comes into the room. "He visited while you were gone. He was here for ten days." Her smile is tense. "I didn't realize how much I missed him until he was gone again." Penny takes Gavin and his puppy out into the yard to play so I can talk to my mother uninterrupted. "It's not fair that I'm constantly missing one of my children. I didn't even know you until you were an adult and now that I have you, Draco is gone."

The smile falls off her face entirely and gives way to tears. "Why am I so condemned to feel this emptiness? I did my best to be a good mother… I was a faithful wife, a dutiful daughter, and Merlin knows I lived for my child, even though I wasn't well. I would have done the same for you if I had known…" She trails off before looking up with fire in her blue eyes. "Oh, I could just kill Lucius all over again for doing this! To all of us!"

Even though she seems lucid, I worry that she's going to lose control of her emotions. Blaise places a floo-call to Theo as her primary healer and moments later, he's stepping through the floo. He gently leads her back to her room and gives her a calming draught that he developed while we were at Wenlock – more herbal ingredients with no addictive components and the same end result. He helps her regain control over her magic and convinces her to take a soothing bath before dinner. Once she agrees and he leaves her rooms, he pulls Blaise and I off to the side.

"She'll be okay for a while, but Draco had to call me twice while he was here. It was mainly the same thing – bitterness about what Lucius cheated her out of and the spells he used on her. Her magic is very volatile and the calming draughts are not a long-term solution. I hate to be the one to say this, but if her episodes become more frequent, there may not be an option other than institutionalization."

When I open my mouth to furiously object, Blaise grabs my hand. "Love, this is his specialty. Listen to what he has to say."

With a nod of thanks, Theo goes on to make a list of some small things that we can do, but eventually Narcissa is going to need round-the-clock care by someone who can head off her loss of control before her magic goes haywire. At my request, he also gives me a list of some retired healers and medi-witches/wizards that may be willing to take on private in-home care; I can't bear the thought of her locked up in a ward at St. Mungo's.

I give him a grim smile in thanks and sink to the sofa, overwhelmed, while Blaise escorts Theo back to the floo. When he returns, I sink into his willing embrace. "Not what I was expecting for a homecoming. I feel so bad for her. What the bloody hell was Lucius thinking to do this to his wife?"

Blaise holds me tighter. "He was thinking that as a pureblood husband, he needed to do everything in his power to provide his wife with the lifestyle she was accustomed to and have enough to leave a substantial legacy for his heirs." At my look of incredulity, he hastens to explain. "When he married Narcissa, there were certain oaths he had to make. If he were to lose his family fortune because of his father's will – which no one knew was tampered with until too late – he could have been in danger of having the marriage nullified for breach of contract or some other penalty that was even more unpleasant. For a man that prided himself on his intelligence, I have to say that he was really rather stupid when it came to Narcissa. Despite his reprehensible actions, I do honestly believe that he thought he was doing what was best for her… and himself."

Cradling my bowed head in my hands, I take several deep breaths. I hate seeing my mother fall apart and realize that my birth was partially responsible for her husband contributing to her decline. Finally I wipe my cheeks and pull myself together, pasting a bright grin in place. "Let's go visit with Gavin and hear about Charlie. A three-year old isn't able to fully care for a puppy, so I should check with Penny about the actual breed and find some books on training."

My husband sees through my attempts at nonchalance and gives me a hug before we head out to the garden. "You don't have to carry everything alone, Mi. You have me now. You know that Sirius and Anita are there for you. The Potters and Weasleys too. And Draco. As bitter as he might be about… well, everything, this is his family too and he's not going to leave you to flounder."

His words give me a measure of comfort and, holding hands, we head to the open garden doors to see my son rolling in the grass giggling, being pounced on my the curly-furred puppy. I watch, feeling my face relax into a genuine smile. I can tell that little moments like these are what I will need to get through the dark spots.


"Come on, Hermione. You can do this," Blaise says in a cheery voice and I really want to punch him.

"Since you're so bloody cavalier over there, you take over," I growl panting between pushes and contractions. Neither of us planned on a baby so soon, but I recognized the symptoms about a month into the new year and remembered my Christmas gifts of lingerie may have caused my usually careful husband to forget precautions, which brings us to this late September day.

"You know I would if I could, Love. Just a few more pushes and Gavin will have his little sister. Although why he wants to name her Charlie too is still a mystery."

Our son, now that the adoption had been finalized, was strangely obsessed with the name. I manage a strangled chuckle when another contraction starts and I have to push through the pain again. The medi-witch watches our interaction in silent bemusement but keeps her focus on my labor's progress. Finally, twenty minutes later, Aquila Evaine Zabini comes into the world squalling, very unlike her uber-calm father. Once she's clean, the medi-witch hands the bundled newborn to Blaise, who holds her out to me. I look at her in silent wonder.

Unlike Gavin, who had pale blonde peach fuzz at birth, Aquila has a head covered in ebony curls and her newborn-blue eyes already have a ring of spring green around the iris. Her caramel skin is smooth, her fingers are long and dainty, her lips a dark pink Cupid's bow. "Blaise, she's perfect," I whisper, not wanting to startle the baby by speaking too loudly.

He nods, too emotional to speak and presses a kiss to our foreheads before getting Narcissa and Gavin from the hall where they wait anxiously. Our son, only four now, doesn't find the infant very entertaining as she doesn't share his interest in puppies, dragons, or race cars. My mother, however, has an unexpected reaction.

"Your sister looked a little like her," she says dazedly. "Lighter skin, naturally, but the same dark hair. She would have had Lucius' gray eyes though. I would have named her Lyra… you would have been Caelia Sagitta…" Carefully, she lifts the newborn from my arms and cradles her tenderly. "I only got to hold you once, right after you were born. Lucius paced the halls instead of holding my hand like your husband did for you. I wonder if he would have acted differently if he had seen you enter the world."

Rather than be pleased that Narcissa is regaining memories that seemingly were erased, it causes me concern. Those memories should have been fully erased almost twenty-five years ago. I look at Blaise apprehensively and he nods, agreeing to call Theo when he gets a moment. Spontaneously returning memories could cause her magic to flare and with a new baby in the house, it could be especially dangerous. However, the haziness clears from her eyes and she excitedly chats about the plans she has as a grandmother to a little girl. I have to grin because I'm thinking if I had grown up as her daughter, I may well have been too exhausted by the age of eleven to attend Hogwarts. Neither Blaise nor I can find the heart to quell her enthusiasm, but we exchange uneasy glances over our newborn's head. My mother's volatility is a serious worry.

While Aquila nurses, Blaise floo-calls Theo and tells him about the returning memories. Like we thought, my fellow healer is more than concerned. One of his trainees, an Eleanor Branstone, is willing to live-in part time to keep an eye on Narcissa. After meeting the cheerful former Hufflepuff, we agree and I ask my house-elf Marley to set up the suite across from my mother's rooms for the girl. Theo, Blaise, Penny, Ellie (as she wishes to be called), and I work out a schedule so that Narcissa is never left totally unattended. It's not too difficult, but gets trickier when I return to the hospital after my maternity leave.

After running myself ragged for two months straight (and a frustrating outbreak of vanishing sickness) and missing my babies, I decide to take an open-ended leave of absence. I assure my floor supervisor and the corporate heads that I plan on continuing my work with vaccines and immunities at home, using the hospital's lab when necessary, but I need to be able to do it at my convenience. They grumble and groan, but don't have any other choices but to accept my terms or lose my talents entirely. We set an amount they will provide for supplies and what I will be paid for finished potions and draughts. I pack up the few personal items I keep in my little cubicle and apparate home, anxious to return to my family.

Blaise couldn't be happier that I'll be home to tend to our children while still employing Penny so I can work. Unwilling to give up his leisure time to find a job that he doesn't need, he offers to help transform the unused dungeon into a personal lab, making the hospital's crowded and overpopulated laboratory obsolete. When the work is done, I have a potions' workshop that Snape would give his wand hand for. Blaise and I christen one of the marble tabletops before I sterilize the room and make a list of ingredients I want to always have on hand in my pantry.


Two and a half years later, I sign for a delivery from Canada. Seeing they are the berries I want to experiment with for a rheumatism tonic, I label the vial and make room for the jar next to the powdered and pebbled black moonstone I keep on-hand for the Draught of Peace that keeps Narcissa balanced and rational. Standing straight, I lean back and try to stretch my back, straining from extra weight at my middle, swollen at seven months gone. Gavin, at almost seven years old, is a precocious child with an abundance of curiosity. I have to keep my lab and potion stores magically locked to keep his inquisitive mind from experimenting with dangerous ingredients. Aquila is just as intelligent as Gavin was at her age, but is more interested in the charmed dolls that Narcissa gives her and takes scraps of fabric to Penny to have her charm the material into designs of her own creation.

After checking the cauldrons and their contents, I see I have about three hours before I need to move onto next steps or remove the brews from the flames. I cast my locking charm as I exit my lab and make my way up the stairs. Meeting my mother on the main floor, I give her a quick hug. "I'm heading to lie down. Do you need anything?"

She gives me a weak smile and rubs her hand over my bump. "No, dear. I know you must be worn out. I remember how exhausting the last three months are. You're lucky, though. You seemed to like kicking my lungs. I couldn't take a deep breath without you knocking it right back out. Draco and your sister seemed to concentrate on my bladder."

It was nonchalant comments like this that continued to concern everyone. Unlike my last pregnancy, more and more of her lost memories return with each stage of this one. While they don't seem to initially affect her, she almost always needs a calming draught or soothing tea later in the day to ease her mind. It's hard for her to determine which are real memories and what are the falsehoods that Lucius charmed her to believe.

I give her a kiss on the cheek when she declines my offer to share a cuppa with her. Once in my suite, I set a timer to wake me in two hours and rest my head, falling asleep quicker than I thought I could. But it's not a buzzing that wakes me; my husband frantically shaking me does the job.

"Mi, Narcissa's really sick. Ellie's at Mungo's and Theo is on vacation. Come quick!"

I try to rub the sleep from my eyes and try to force my brain out of nap-induced lethargy. Blaise half-drags me down the hall to my mother's suite, where I can already hear retching. Without formality, I charge into the room and feel her head. "Narcissa, what's happening? What's wrong?"

Between her heaving, I manage to make out a few things that she says. "Added moonstone to tea… balance and peace… always worked before… tasted wrong…"

I run down to my lab and find the door unlocked and open. The powdered moonseed I ordered sits on the counter and I gasp. In this unaltered form, it's toxic and likely fatal. Moving as fast as my front-heavy body will let me, I scream for Blaise to get Narcissa to the floo. With my authorization, the three of us are able to floo directly to the third floor and I grab the first healer I see. Blaise settles my mother into a cubicle and I take her vitals as I tell Healer Vaisey what has happened. We don't have time to waste waiting for a trainee or a diagnosis when I already know what's wrong.

While the healer and his colleagues scan through journals and books to find an antidote, Narcissa starts convulsing, her sapphire eyes rolling back in her head. I call for Blaise while I try to hold her, keeping her from falling off the cot. "Owl Draco. As far as I know, the moonseed doesn't have an antidote. If she's having convulsions, it's not going to be long. He needs to get her as soon as he can."

Seeing the urgency in my eyes, he nods and grabs some parchment from the healer. I'm sure the note is a barely legible scribble, but with a wave of his wand, the parchment is cleared of ink splatters and the words are made clear. He apparates to the post office in Diagon Alley to post the letter and back again. The only one of us who many know how far away Draco is is unable to tell us… anything.

Blaise paces behind me as I hold my mother's unconscious hand, hoping that Draco isn't somewhere like New Zealand or Cape Horn or somewhere equally far and remote. I silently berate myself, feeling I should have added stronger locks and wards to my lab or realize that Narcissa would take it upon herself to pinch from my stores. Blaise kneads my shoulders when I bow my head to rest in on the cot next to my mother's leg. As the adrenaline leaves my body, I grow drowsy again and let myself nap while my husband keeps a lookout for my brother.

Heavy footsteps wake me a little more than an hour later. With barely a glance at me, Draco grabs Narcissa's hand from my slack grip and smooths her golden hair away from her forehead. "Mum? I'm here. Please… wake up for me." Not getting a response after several tries, he summons a chair from across the room and takes a seat next to me.

"You got here sooner than I expected, Draco. Where were you?" I have to ask. It's been more than four years since I've seen him.

He still doesn't look at me. "Spain and Portugal… France and the Mediterranean coast… The owl reached me in St. Tropez. I apparated straight here. What the bloody hell happened? You were supposed to watch her!"

Nothing he could say could have hurt more. "I tried, Drake! She grabbed the wrong bottle from my potions pantry. I hadn't noticed her taking pinches of different ingredients to add to her tea whenever she wanted. Today she grabbed moonseed instead of the moonstone that she wanted after using magic to get past my locks. Maybe I wasn't as cautious as I should have been, but it was an accident."

His eyes finally turn from Narcissa's unmoving form to my face then down to my midsection. "I take it you're happy being married to the Manwhore of Hogwarts?"

"Uncalled for, Draco," I say before Blaise can blow up. "You haven't been around. You have no right to pass judgment on my marriage or the man my husband is now. He's a wonderful husband and an amazing father. You'd know that if you were around more."

"Mother wrote me that you had a little girl a couple of years ago. She looks just like Blaise with lighter skin… Mum sent a picture. Gavin's looking more and more like Theo with blond hair. Maybe that one," he gestures toward my bump, "will look like you."

Blaise's bright green eyes narrow at his disdainful attitude toward our children, but I shake my head at him. Draco has a lot to deal with, our past being one of the most minor ones, especially after all this time. It's a certainty at this point that Narcissa's time on this plane of existence is almost gone. That loss is going to hit him harder than any he's had to experience yet.

Healer Vaisey returns and silently waves his wand over my – our – mother for an update. "Mr. Malfoy, Mrs. Zabini… I hate to say that if Mrs. Malfoy hasn't regained consciousness by now, there isn't anything left that we can do. The poison has affected her organs. The only thing we can do is make her comfortable until…"

Hearing the confirmation, I turn my face into my husband's chest, unable to stop my tears. Draco's left fingers clasp around my hand while his right hand still holds Narcissa's. My only hope for her remaining time is that she is pain-free while her liver and kidneys shut down and that she is floating in oblivion… back to remembering the happiness in her life before her husband's misdeeds came to light and old memories started resurfacing.


Narcissa passes on two days later. Blaise brings the kids by to say goodbye to their Nana, though Aquila doesn't truly understand. Neither Draco nor I leave the whole time, hoping against hope for some kind of miracle that never comes. Both of us are holding her hand when her heart stops beating.

I take Draco back to the Manor; I don't want him to attempt apparating in his grief. Marley had already prepared his old suite in anticipation of his arrival. Without a word, he heads up the stairs. I tell the children what has happened, which Gavin takes harder than I expected. He had grown rather close with Narcissa over the past several years and losing her is hard on my little man. With Blaise's help, I arrange for Narcissa's burial. I don't see Draco again until the service.

After the entombment and reading of her will (which was little more than splitting her Black heirlooms between my brother and myself), Draco asks me for a private word. I wave Blaise away to take the kids back to the Manor while Draco and I talk in the now-empty office.

"I owe you an apology, Hermione. My only excuse for saying the things I said to you at St. Mungo's is grief and exhaustion. I'm glad that you're happy with Blaise and your daughter is beautiful."

I can't help but smile. "Of course she is… she looks just like Blaise. But really Drake, you don't need to apologize. I understand. If our places had been reversed, I can see myself acting just as poorly. But if it's needed, you're forgiven."

He bows his head in acceptance and gratitude. "It seems as though the Zabini family is quite at home in the Manor…" he trails off uncertainly.

The Manor is his… to pass on to his son or daughter. "I haven't touched my vault beyond the interest for incidentals and gifts. I have more than enough to find another house. Nothing as grand as the Manor, of course, but that's too large for even a family of five. All I need beyond the basics is room for a lab so I can continue my brewing from home. I really need to find a Muggleborn or half-blood trainee to learn the process. You purebloods just don't understand immunizations and antibiotics."

He looks at me as though I'm speaking Greek before shaking it off. "You don't need to leave, Mia. Let's go home… I need to show you… something."

Confused, I follow him in apparating into the foyer of the Manor. Next to Blaise is a woman I've never seen before. Her honey brown hair curls in tamed ringlets past her shoulder blades and cinnamon colored eyes lock onto Draco in concern. Her skin, just a bit lighter than Aquila's, glows with health in the afternoon sun coming in through the windows. When she turns in profile to hug my brother, I can see the distinctive swelling at her own midsection and my breath catches involuntarily.

With his arm around her waist, he meets my dark eyes with his silvery ones. "This is Arella Tavares. She's from Sagres in Portugal. Her family runs some very successful Wizarding luxury hotels and we met while she was setting up the newest one in Monaco. We've been together for about a year and a half now." Draco looks at her with an adoration I used to see when he looked at me and I feel… comforted that he has someone to take care of him now that our Mother is no longer able to.

I hold out my hand with a bright smile. "Arella… it's so nice to meet you, even under the unfortunate circumstances." I shift my eyes to her midsection and back. "When are you due?"

Her hand smooths over her stomach and grins. "July. It seems so far away. And yours?"

I mimic her gesture. "May." Blaise steps to my side and I formally introduce my husband, and mention my napping son and daughter. "I'm so happy for you. Are you moving here or…?" I trail off with a questioning tone.

Draco fields the question. "I've taken over some duties for Senhor Tavares, brokering accounts and networking to bring in more business." With an affectionate look at Arella, he continues, "Her mum was a Muggle-born and her father is a half-blood. I'm able to use my 'snooty' pureblood connections to bring in wealthier clients to lesser known vacation spots. We're going to keep working until Scorpius is born and decide where to settle then. If you want to live elsewhere, that's certainly your prerogative, but don't feel rushed on my account."

Feeling a huge weight off my shoulders, I thank him with a hug.

And for the first time, the hug feels truly like I'm holding my sibling, not an old friend… not a former lover… but my brother.

*cara – dear

*bella – beautiful

*amante - lover

*streghetta mia – my little witch

*Sei il mia angela – You are my angel

*sei perfetta – you're perfect

*tesoro – sweetheart

*principessa – princess

*Aquila – constellation "The Eagle", most visible in September

*Evaine – Aunt of Sir Lancelot

*Caelia – The Faerie Queen (Arthurian)

*Sagitta – constellation "The Arrow", most visible in September (Hermione's birth month. Also, Draco is most visible in July, which gave me the idea, since that's when he was supposed to be born in my little world)

*Arella – Hebrew for messenger

*Hermione – Greek for messenger

AN: And there it is. Yes, Draco has a "type". I truly hope that this was an enjoyable adventure because heaven knows I LOVED writing it. And even though there's a little "C" next to it doesn't mean I don't love any and all reviews (positive or otherwise), no matter the time frame. And a huge thanks to everyone who has read this. If no one reads it, my brain drivel has no point other than occupying my fingers and netbook.