Annoy Xemnas!

Let's start with Mansex cuz why not?

Ask how many zebras were killed to make his coat during the final bossfight

Mourn the lost zebras

Call PETA on him

Say his coat is ugly

Put it in the laundry with a red shirt

Invite the Akatsuki over for dinner

Serve shark fin soup for Kisame and tell him it was Xemnas's idea

Get the Akatsuki and Organization XIII to unite as one awesome crossover!

Ask who's going to be in charge and watch the two leaders kill each other

Tell him Darth Vader wants his lightsabers back

Bum bum bum bum ba ba bum ba ba bum! (Or however the beat to the Star Wars theme song goes)

When he turns into that dragon thing, shout FUS ROH DA! and sing the Skyrim theme song until you feel epic

Tell the Dragonborn

Refer to him as Spyro from now on

Replace the Organization XIII members with Skylanders

Hope he doesn't send Saix after you for that

Run, run away!

Run to the Pridelands and hide behind a herd of enraged zebras

Rip out someone's still beating heart and give it to him as an apology gift