One Positive

In the world of Vestroia, freedom fighters are fighting to save the Bakugan from the Vexos' clutches. The group of people trying to save Vestroia go by the names of Dan Kuso, Mira Clay, Ace Grit, Shun Kazami, Marucho Marukura, and Baron Leltoy. Mira, the leader of the group, doesn't know how long they can last against the powerful Vexos. She doesn't think there's a positive to any of this, but Dan is about to change her mind.

It was nighttime and Mira was standing outside on a balcony all by herself. She was just staring at the dark sky, wondering how long they can last. It was very cold outside, but Mira didn't even notice because she was so deep in thought.

"Will all of this fighting...go to waste...? We're not nearly as powerful as the Vexos," Mira spoke in her mind, while still staring at the moon.

She then heard somebody walking up to her, and turned around to see who it was. To her surprise, it was Dan.

"Dan? Why aren't you asleep?"

"I should be asking you the same question," Dan replied.

Mira didn't respond back, though. All she did was turn around and look at the sky again. Dan was baffled by this, and decided to come beside Mira.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Dan asked.

"No," Mira said bluntly.

"Then why are you acting so weird?"

Mira sighed, as she didn't even glance at Dan. "How long can we last, Dan? We've been beaten many times, and we're just not as strong as the Vexos. Even Drago can't do it all by himself."

"Don't get yourself down on that. They may win the battles, but we'll win the war." Dan tried to cheer Mira up, but it wasn't working. "Besides, there is one positive to all of this."

Mira looked at Dan with a somewhat sad expression. "Oh yeah? What's that?"

"I get to be with you..."

Mira's sad expression turned into a surprised expression. Dan realized what he had said, and turned around quickly to hide his blushing. "I...I...I'm sorry..." Dan was walking away until Mira put her hand on his shoulder.

"Do...Do you really mean that?" Mira asked. Dan didn't say a word. Well, at least until this happened. "I've always felt the same way..."

At that moment, Dan turned around to see Mira's beautiful blue sapphire eyes. The same thing happened with Mira, as she looked into Dan's red eyes. They stayed like that for a long time, before a familiar voice interrupted...

"Just freaking kiss already!"

Dan and Mira turned around to see Drago. Dan was rather embarrassed by this.

"You've been spying on us this whole time?! Why I yotta!"

"Whoops! Gotta go!" Drago quickly bounced away as fast as he could in his ball form.

Once Drago was gone, Dan and Mira looked at each other one last time, before embracing in a passionate kiss.

The End

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