My god. I. . . I don't know what to say. This came on so suddenly, and this is the first moment that I have time to write this. I didn't know Grace of Flames personally, but I've read her writing, and this came as such a shock to me that something like this would happen. So. . . I didn't know her very well, but I still wish to put out my own one-shot for her.

Aiya stepped onto the pedestal, the cloak she usually wore tinted a darker black, and her head bent low.

"I-" her shaky voice trembled. "I didn't know Kiara very well. And I-I am sure that she didn't know me. She did great things, and I know that all of her close friends are in mourning right now. I was shocked by what happened. It often seems that the way we live, we are in our own secure little world where nothing can hurt us, but that's not true."

The short eleven year-old, stopped for a moment, to wipe away a tear.

"So it-It often comes as a major surprise when something like this happens. It-It's just unbelievable that something like this would happen. We question our own lives, if there's something we could have done to help, or to just- just ease the pain, and nothing, nothing about our lives feels right."

Aiya took another moment to breath, as tears streamed down her face. "But the only thing that we can do right now, is hope that Kiara is in a better place. That she has found meaning and hope. And we must- we must know that-" The eleven year-old girl gasped, tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

"We must believe that she is happy where ever she is and that is what truly matters. A life is measured not in years, but in happiness."

With that, the raven-haired girl walked off the pedestal, not even bothering to hide the tears and her red eyes.

I know that it's not much, and I know that it in no way amounts to the grief or the sadness that this event has brought, but I just wanted to contribute this.

Continued from Malluchan; don't break the chain.