AN: Welcome to another chapter of "Code Embryo" and must say it's been a while. Sorry for the very late update. In the last chapter which was quite a while back, Tsubaki had gained the power of Izayoi before they headed on the trip to the Inn. While on their way to the Inn Ragna and the others were dragged into the ruined world but this time Tsubaki was also dragged with them. This time the monsters were not what dragged them there, it was a man in white armor 'The White Knight'. If they want to make it out of this alive they have no choice but to fight back. In this chapter another Hero will also join them without further ado let's begin.
Text=Characters Thoughts
Chapter 5: On Thin Ice
"This guy means trouble" Kagura said as he clenched his fist. The amazing yet intimidating aura leaking from whoever was standing in front of him was enough proof to know that fighting him would prove to be suicidal. "Guys we need to get out of here now" he said as he looks back at the others.
"For once I gotta say I agree with you" Terumi says as a sweat drop appears on his face. But something about this figure seemed familiar, he couldn't put his hand on it but he had seen this figure before.
"I don't think running is an option!" Ragna yells while pointing to the figure who introduced himself as Hakumen. Hakumen was already charging at them and he didn't seem to have any hesitation. He raised his sword and tried to strike Ragna but Ragna calls out to Noel. "Come to me Kusanagi!" Suddenly the sword appears in Ragna's hand and he parries Hakumen's attack.
"Hmph, I see you have skills" Hakumen said while slowly managing to push Ragna back. As if sensing danger Ragna jumped back at the exact time. "But it's not good enough, Empty Sky Form: Summers Advance!" the slash wave was massive, so massive that Mu disengaged her blade form to fly her master out of harms way. The others looked at the figure in fear but for some reason they felt thrill. This must be what it felt like to face someone stronger and more powerful than they were. "Hm, quick thinking as always. Seems Murakumos never fail to surprise and impress" said Hakumen as he went came out of his attack stance. Tsubaki on the other hand was in shock, she knew Ragna was a fighter but she would never imagine him fighting someone like this. But she was not just going to just stand there while her friends fought.
"Izayoi!" yelled Tsubaki and her school uniform was replaced with yellow clothes. In one arm she held a shield which had an eyes on the other she held a small crimson sword. She also had a hat which also had eyes. "I will not let you harm my friends!" She then charged at Hakumen who went back into his battle stance but although none of the others noticed, Hakumen was hesitant. "Requiem Maledictis!" eight blades formed around Tsubaki and they were all fired straight towards Hakume. Hakumen managed to parry five of the eight blades but after noticing that he couldn't stop the other three he dashed forward.
"Demonic Leg". Hakumen dashed forward straight toward Tsubaki and although he hesitated a little he was going to hit her. When his blade almost touched her it was suddenly parried by Kagura who decided to take the offensive. Kagura then pushes Hakumen away and
"Didn't your parents teach you not to hit girls. If not let me teach you a lesson" Kagura raised his sword which became surrounded in black energy and while he descended the blade he yelled, "The Dragon Lord's Striking Fang!". His attack made contact and made Hakumen go head first into the floor as a pillar of energy ascended to the sky. Kagura then moved back with a smirk plastered all over his face. "How about that for lesson one!"
"Don't get cocky yet!" suddenly Hakumen was gone from the spot where he had fallen and he was in front of Kagura. "Lotus!" Hakumen's leg was immersed in energy which looked like paint and in a blink of an eye he had kicked Kagura back so far that he hit the broken down bus in full force.
"Kagura!" yelled Terumi as he ran to his friend's side. "Oi, are you alive?"
"Screw you" said Kagura with a forced smirk. "It takes more than that to take me down. Now help me up" he extended his hand to Terumi who smirked and then held his friend's hand pulling him back to his feet.
"You are one crazy bastard" said Terumi after seeing that Kagura was struggling to keep standing. His expression then changed to one of scorn after looking at the man dawned in armor. He didn't seem to have even a scratch after receiving a blow from one of Kagura's most powerful move. "Dammit what is this guy made up of? Steel? Iron? Titanium painted white?" he couldn't help himself but smirk at his own joke and Kagura couldn't help but join in. "But seriously thought. I didn't think we would meet him a day and a half after the damn rabbit warned us about him. How the hell did he know where to find us?"
"I don't know and I don't think I want to know. But all I know is that If we don't manage to beat him or at least get away from him, we are freaking dead" said Ragna as Mu slowly descended down next to the other two. "Hey Tsubaki how are you doing alright?" he asked the girl who joined in next to the group. She had her face turned towards where Hakumen still stood, she was wondering why he was just standing there and not making a move yet. She was suddenly snapped out of her trance when she heard someone call to her. "Hey Tsubaki are you ok?" asked Ragna with a concerned look.
"I am fine, I am just quite shocked...after all this is my first time in battle and my first time using the Izayoi" she said as she faced her friend. They smiled in understanding and as always instead of smiling Terumi smirked. Sometimes the others wondered if he could only smirk or he only chose to do so. But these thoughts were always put to rest since when he was with Trinity he always smiled and the others picked at him for it.
"You must be careful...the Izayoi is a dangerous weapon" said Mu as she stared at Tsubaki.
"I know...but if it means I can help my friends I am willing to take the risk" she then let out a sigh. "So this is what you guys do when you all run off?" she asked as she looked at the others who just smiled with a nervous look plastered all over his face.
"Ahahaha...we can give each other explanations later" said Ragna as he nervously scratched the back on his head. "But I am starting to wonder...why is he not attacking?" Ragna asked as his gaze shifted to where Hakumen stood. He was not very surprised that the feeling he got from the figure was still as strong as when their fight started, but he had to admit something deep inside him was afraid and terrified of fighting him. He then felt someone's hand intertwine with his and when he looked he realized it was Mu holding his hand. He gently squeezed her hand in understanding and smiled at her.
"I think he's not attacking because were talking to each other" said Kagura as he managed to steady himself. "One thing I am starting to understand about this guy it's that he fights like a knight would", a serious look formed on Kagura's face and his eyes narrowed at the figure. "Meaning he wouldn't attack a person who was not willing to fight".
"Does that mean if we don't want to fight he will not hurt us?" Tsubaki asked.
"Probably but..." Kagura's grip tightened around his sword. "I am not a sorry guys I am not willing to run away from this fight. He made this personal when he attacked my friends and a nice girl such as Tsubaki". He felt a put on each of his shoulder and when he looked Ragna was on one side and Terumi was on the other.
"We're with you Kagura and were not running away from this bastard either" said Ragna he held Mu's blade form in his hand. "Buster Mode!" once again the blade slid down revealing the ridden cannon. A trigger reappeared at the hilt of the sword and Ragna pointed the gunblade towards Hakumen.
"So are you all ready to fight again?" Hakumen asked in his always high and mighty voice. He then got in his fighting stance again and he was ready to fight. Suddenly three large circles appeared around him and then all three suddenly tightened up restricting his movements. "WHAT!?" Hakumen asked in an angry yet surprised voice.
"Sorry Haku, but we can't have you breaking these guys just yet after all they have a job to do" said the voice as it resounded throughout the area. "Tager! Begin transport!" suddenly as the rings began to spin they were suddenly broken by Hakumen's blade.
"I will not let you bring me back unless I've seen the successor of the Black Beast totally and completely dead" Hakumen yelled as his aura intensified. Ragna took a step back in fear, whatever was inside of him it was getting more scared as the man in front of him kept showing his true colors. "I will not let the incident that happened so many years ago repeat itself!" The feminine voice that was resounding throughout the area let out a sigh.
"Hey you brats!"
"Us?" asked Kagura as he pointed to himself.
"No my mother!" said the voice in a mocking tone. "Look I know you are all exhausted and probably want to run away as far away from here as possible. I wish I can help you get rid of him but to do so I will need your help".
"You do know he's standing right in front of us right?" said Terumi.
"He can't hear us at the moment" the voice said as it calmed down. "Look I will need you guys to hold him in place for one minute, one minute is all I need for the teleportation to work"
"You know that is easier said than done right?" said Terumi. The others had to agree, it was almost impossible to make the man stay down when attacked. Therefore it meant it would be impossible to keep him place when he was not hurt at all.
"I have an idea" said Ragna. The others gathered around him and Hakumen just stood there wondering why they had just spent almost five to six minutes talking to themselves.
After five more minutes he got back in his fighting position as he saw them split apart and each of them go to a separate area of the field. The blonde hair boy which was his target got on top of the vehicle, the red haired girl was on the left side on him, the green hair one in front of him, and the one with the giant sword was behind him. He was surrounded and he understood that. He couldn't go up for he would be shot down, he couldn't got any direction beside right which by the was a cliff and boy they made it clear that they wanted him to jump off of it. "Hmph I will show you brats what I can do!" He raised his sword and his aura intensified. "Empty Sky Form: Summer's Advance" as he descend his sword towards the enemy in front of him the shock wave headed straight to Terumi who smirked and and yelled. "Now guys!"
"About damn time!" yelled Ragna. "Here we go Mu, Stein Gunner!" the drones reappeared again all around Hakumen. "Totsuka Blade!" the shot bounced from drone to drone leaving Hakumen to wonder where the shot would come from. But in his distraction he let his guard down.
"This is not the time to look around!" Tsubaki jumped in the air and descended down slamming into Hakumen with her shield. "Confutatis Maledictis!" a sort of barrier restricted Hakumen's movement and he was unable to move. He then felt a burst of energy released by Tsubaki as he was launched straight towards the black haired teen.
"My turn now! Eat this Supreme Dragon's Inferno!" Kagura swung his sword forward in reverse grip to flick forward spires shaped like dark spear-heads of energy along the ground. This threw Hakumen into the air where he was welcomed by the shot fired by Ragna. Considering how the shot was fired from above him he had only one direction to head to, and that was down. Once he hit the floor he felt someone pick him up.
"Serpent's Cursed Sting" two snakes was holding Hakumen up and no matter what he tried he couldn't move. "Anytime now would be really appreciated!" yelled Terumi.
"Beginning teleportation!" the voice said. The three rings appeared around Hakumen who was being restricted by Terumi. Suddenly In a blink of an eyes he was gone leaving Ragna and his friends to stand alone.
"Did that do it?" asked Kagura as he fell to his knees. He was exhausted and he took quite a beating.
"Yeah he's gone" said Terumi as he fell on his back. "Damn that rabbit...she should of told us he could create a closed space too"
"Well his closed space is different" came the earlier voice. "His space stops time at that specific area unlike the other spaces where time still flows".
"You're quite the scholar" Kagura said with a grin. "You must be one sexy beauty"
"Ah shut up you pervert"
"So what now? We can't just chase the bus they will ask how we got outside" said Ragna who held a sleeping Mu in his hand, the others looked at him with questionable looks. "She used too much power" said Ragna simply.
"Didn't you morons hear me? Time is freaking frozen where you stand!" said the voice again.
"Meaning?" added in Tsubaki.
"Meaning get back to your stupid seats after I healed your wounds! and everything will go back to normal!" the others all responded with with a "oooh!" and the voice growled in exasperation. "Alright now, you all get together and I will heal your stupid wounds", the group of friends did as instructed and the were covered with rings like those who covered Hakumen and In a blink of an eye all their wounds were mysteriously healed. "Now haul your asses back to the bus and go back to your seats. After that I will unfreeze time".
"Damn you're an annoying bitch" said Terumi as he sighed.
"What did you say you fucking asshole!?" asked the voice.
"Oh nothing." said Terumi as he whistled in innocence. "Come on guys let's go" Terumi walked towards the rusted bus and the others followed suit. Terumi went back to his seat, and Tsubaki went back to hers. Kagura who was now back in full form strolled back to his seat with a smile on his face. Ragna on the other hand was putting the sleeping Mu back in her seat, after doing so he headed back to his own seat.
"So are you all ready?"
"Yes we are" after saying that a bright flash of light appeared forcing them to cover their eyes and when they opened them again they were back on the noise bus. Everything seemed to be the same and no one seemed to notice that they were gone.
Ragna turned his head to face his sister who was now sleeping. He had to admit no matter how many time he was transported to what they were calling the 'ruined world' he would never cease to be amazed on how it's laws of time and space defied that of the world. He looked at his other friends who were back to their proper seat. Kagura was knocked out as expected, Terumi was well...being Terumi, and Tsubaki looked as if she wanted answers to her many questions which she seeked to be answered. This made Ragna sigh because well...he was is the same boat as her. He had more question than he had answers at this moment and the only people who could answer them were either dead or didn't want to. With that thought in mind he put his head towards the window of the bus and he lost consciousness.
"Damn you grimalkin...I was close!" yelled the now binded Hakumen. He seemed to be trapped in what looked like magic circles and in front of him stood a pink haired women with cat ears.
"Sorry Hakumen...I couldn't let you do that. Not yet...he's the destroyer and the only one who can save this world when push comes to shove." the woman spoke as she looked down.
"Kokonoe, do you place such trust in such a man?" Hakumen asked the woman.
"I don't but Lambda does" kokonoe responded. "She has never been wrong so far so I do not see a reason why she would be wrong this time"
"She is a Murakumo, one of his blades. Her opinion is bias and you know that, why won't you understand that he will bring ruin to this world..." his sentence was suddenly cut off.
"HAKUMEN! Please...You are a hero and my mom understood that. But you are a hero of old. THe black beast is asleep and there is no proof that Ragna will become the next Black Beast." Kokonoe then started to walk away. halfway to the door she stopped and briefly look back. "Please think about the previous offer I made earlier". Kokonoe then left the room and left Hakumen alone to his thoughts.
"The Black Beast is a danger to the world...but I must not be quick to jump to conclusion. If I kill an innocent person I will not forgive myself, maybe I must stand back and see where this will go. If he becomes a danger I will eliminate him if not, I will let him live his life" with those thoughts Hakumen let himself be lost in sleep.
"Alright brats were here" said Relius with a smile. Everyone looked outside at the very large in which stood before the bus. They were amazed, it was a very large in and in the front of the Inn there was a sign which in large letters had the words "Fresh Snow Inn" written on in. "Alright ladies, gentleman and Kagura..."
"Hey teach, why is my name always said by itself?" asked Kagura as he yawned.
"Because Your perversions make you a special case" with that said everyone in the bus broke in laughter. Kagura just sighed in defeat and followed behind Terumi who was laughing himself to death. Behind him was Tsubaki, Ragna, Saya and Jin. When they made it off the bus they were even more surprised to find that the place looked bigger up close than in the bus. "Alright now, all of you get ready and at eight thirty I expect you all to meet me in the dinner hall to talk of what we will be doing tomorrow until then enjoy the hot spring to your hearts content" everyone cheered in happiness where Kagura smirked. Realizing this Terumi, Jin and Ragna had a bad feeling on what may happen later on. "With that said all of you head to your quarters" everyone followed their teacher's instruction and each headed to their rooms. Each room held up to six people so Jin, Ragna, Terumi, Kagura shared a room . Tsubaki, Saya, Noel, Makoto, and Trinity shared a room as well.
later on...
"Why the hell did we agree to this..." asked Ragna as he followed closely behind Terumi. The ground was covered in snow and Ragna was glad he had strong boots on because the snow was very deep. "C'mon's seven pm were gonna be late so can't we just go back?" asked Ragna.
"Yeah c'mon man, it's freezing man" added in Terumi. "And how come you're not cold?" Terumi asked as he looked at Jin.
"Guess I am immune to the cold" Jin responded with a smile. "But I must say...isn't this trip less than appropriate not to add in dangerous?" asked Jin as he sighed.
"Oh c'mon you cowards! Paradise awaits us!" Yelled Kagura in excitement. "Just imagine those beautiful girls wearing their birthday suits! It's paradise in 3-D!" his statement made the other facepalm as Kagura returned to walking. The others had a bad feeling that this was not going to end well, but they were brothers in arm and bro code stated you never left a bro behind. A few minutes later they were high enough to be able to see all the hot spring...yes including Kagura's target the girl's hot spring, "Men this is the paradise that we all dream of! Now all pull out your weapons!" each and every one of them sighed at Kagura's antic but they were here so they might as well enjoy the view. They all pulled out their binoculars and started looking.
"...Must say...can't deny that I am kind of enjoying looking at this..." said Terumi as he cleaned the blood from his nose. Jin, Ragna, and Kagura all nodded at once. Jin was then pulled away from his curiosity when he heard a voice call out to him.
"Jin...I am here...Come to me" the voice said. "Awaken me...I am yours...come here". The voice kept getting louder and louder inside his head and Jin was wondering what was going on and where the voice was coming from.
"Hey you hear that?" asked Jin.
"Hear what?" asked Kagura as he kept looking through the binocular. While looking through the binocular he saw Makoto smirk and the other girls do the same thing. "Hey it just me or are the girls looking this way with a smile plastered over their faces...?" asked Kagura as he began to sweat bullets.
"Oh...crud..." said Ragna as he looked behind them. "Hey guys...look behind us!?" the other followed Ragna's instruction and when they looked behind them they saw something that could spell doom to them.
"Is it just me...or are those giant snowballs?" asked Jin as he looked at the giant snowballs which were now rolling down the hill. "Hate to be the one saying this...but...RUN!"
"On it!" the others started running down the hill in full speed.
"THIS FREAKING SUCKS" yelled Terumi as he started running down ahead. "I had a bad feeling about this, why didn't I just stay in the room!?"
"We feel you bud...but right now run!" yelled Ragna. But unfortunately they weren't faster than the snow and they got dragged into an anime type of moment. Each snow ball which had grown in size by absorbing the snow on the hill hit each one of them and rolled them all down the hill. They kept rolling for what seemed forever and they came to a stop when they hit something wet, which if they had to guess they would say it was water.
"Is everyone ok?" asked Terumi as he got out of the water.
"Yeah...I just don't know how long it will last thought" Kagura said as he pointed to the group of angry girls who stood in front of them. Their aura screamed absolute murder and right now Kagura was praying that they gave them a quick death.
"Well, well well. We expected to catch Kagura...but seemed we caught more than expected" said Saya as her eyes looked completely emotionless. If Ragna and Jin had to guess, they would say that right now she was capable of even murdering them. "I didn't think you three would also stoop so low as to peak".
"Jin...nii-sama..." Tsubaki said as her face was completely red.
"Alright girls, let's teach these guys a lesson!" Yelled Makoto. What followed after that was something so grew some that no man deserved to live through it. I am sorry to say that it was so horrible that words cannot describe it.
Later on at 8:00 PM...
"My body hurts...everywhere..." said Kagura as he rolled on the floor.
"I rather fight that masked bastard than live through that again..." said Ragna as he joined him. "I feel like Saya broke my arm..."
"I think we should think this through next time" said Jin as he came out of the bathroom. "I sure will because I do not want to live through that again" Jin laid down on his bed and his thought shifted back to the voice from earlier.
"Were not going to hear the end from it from Relius" said Terumi as he sighed. "And speaking of which, shouldn't we be getting to the dining hall right about now?" asked Terumi as he pointed at the clock which now said 8:10.
"Yeah Guess you're right. Come one let's go." When they made it to the hall it was full of people eating and drinking. There were exactly four seats which they all guessed was for them. When they approached the seat there were four hats with the word pervert written on them.
" ME!" Yelled Terumi.
"Sorry, but apparently not boys" said Relius as he sat down next to his son. "I heard what happened from the girls so I figured you all needed some disciplining" he said with a smirked plastered all over his face.
"I hate to say this...but didn't the beat down we received enough to pay for our crimes?" asked Terumi.
"Yes...But I didn't think it was enough" responded Relius. "Now please put those on so we can start this meeting". After a moment of thought the boys decided to do as they were told. They all put their hat back on with a displeased smile plastered all over their face.
"You all" Carl began.
"Look..." said Relius with smile.
"Ridiculous" finished the boys in unison.
"I was going to say stupid that ridiculous also works" said Relius.
"WHAT THE HELL KIND OF TEACHER ARE YOU?!" they all yelled in unison.
"I thought you all said I was 'The God Of All Teachers'?"
"WE TAKE THAT BACK!" yelled the boys.
"Yeah, Yeah now let's begin the meeting." Relius stood up and he gently hit his glass of wine with a fork. This act managed to get all the students to look at him and he cleared his throat before he began to speak. "I like to welcome you all to our first field trip of the year" Relius began and everyone roared in and cheered. "I know you are all excited and you should be because this is a relaxing trip thanking you all for your hard work. Tomorrow you can all go skiing down the mountain but today just take your time to look around. That is all now you can go back to your food" he said and then he sat down. Everyone was in high spirits...well except maybe Ragna and the others. Suddenly Tsubaki walks by and leaves a folded note on the table and walks away. After the party was over everyone headed to their room.
Later on that night...
"Sup Tsubaki" said Ragna as he and the others went to where she had told them to meet her.
"Hello Ragna" she said as she sighed. "By the way...those hats make you all look stupid..." she said while letting a chuckle escape her.
"Yeah tell us something we don't know" Terumi said as he took the hat off. "I guess you want to talk about what happened earlier today. You wouldn't tell us to meet you here at eleven o'clock at night. " he said as a yawn escaped him.
"Yes. I wanted to talk to you about what happened earlier today"
"Yeah us too" said Kagura as he approached her. "Where exactly did you get that weapon?"
"Oh the Izayoi?" the others nodded in response. "It was a gift from my father" the others looked at her surprised. "Turns out my family knew about the 'ruined world' as you call it and the monsters which laid inside it. I also learned about the white knight...I didn't think he would be that much of a..."
"Jerk?" Ragna finished the sentence for her and she nodded.
"In the book he seemed like an awesome hero, someone who fought for good and defended the weak" she said, her voice filled with sadness.
"Tales of the Boundary huh?" Terumi asked with a decent smile. Tsubaki chuckled and nodded.
"What shocked me most was not that thought. I was more surprised about Noel" she said as she smiled at the girl. "I didn't think you could turn into a sword"
"Indeed I can" said girl responded. "I am a Murakumo, a blade built to research the boundary"
"I see..."
"So what now?" asked Kagura. "I would say it would be better to for you to leave the student council and join the Disciplinary committee so it would be easier for us to do missions together but that choice is up to you" Kagura said as he sighed.
"I think I will join...I mean protecting everyone is an important job so I am willing to do anything to keep our friends safe" she said, her voice filled with confidence.
"Then welcome to the team" said Terumi.
"Master..." Noel called out and everyone turned to face her. She then pointed outside the Inn and the others stared in shock.
"Ah c'mon we're in a freaking Inn let us enjoy ourselves at least!" yelled Ragna. The reason for their reaction was as you would guess it. They were back in the ruined world, seems even in a mountain in the middle of nowhere there were always monsters creeping.
"Hey Ragna look!" yelled Kagura. Ragna looked to where he was pointing and nearly fainted.
"Is that Jin-niisama?" asked Tsubaki in shock.
"Shit we have to follow him" as soon as Terumi finished the sentence they were hot on Jin's tail.
A few minutes earlier...
"Is he asleep?" whispered Terumi.
"yeah, out like a light!" said Kagura. "Alright then, let's go before he wakes up" Kagura then stood up and the other two followed suit. After they left the room a sigh could be heard in the empty room.
"Those idiots...what the heck could they be doing every time they sneak off at night" said Jin who finally stopped faking that he was asleep. "Well might as well see what they are up to" he stood up and walked to the door but as soon as he touched it his head began to hurt, really, really hurt.
"Jin come to me...I need you...come here...JIN!" the voice from earlier cried. It sounded like it was in pain and desperate.
"W-what are you...who are you?" yelled Jin as he held his head. Suddenly a picture came to his head and what he saw was a blade encased in ice.
"My name is Yukianesa...I am yours..." Jin froze. Everything in his body froze and before he realized it he was walking again. It was like his whole body was in autopilot and he couldn't control it or tell it what to do. Before he noticed it he was walking outside towards the woods and someone was calling out to him. But instead of looking he kept walking and walking and walking. When he finally regained control of his body he was standing in front of a giant ice pedestal which had a sword embedded inside on it. "Free master. Awaken me and take the power that is yours...Ice is your blood, Ice is your soul and Ice is your blade. Awaken me and defend the world". Jin's heartbeat skyrocket and before he could stop himself he was touching the hilt of the sword. "Draw me out and defend what is precious to you" and with that said Jin had pulled the frozen blade from Ice. For a brief moment his eyes flashed blue and then back to normal. "No go...go to your friends...they are all in great peril."
Back with the others...
"S-shit...doesn't this thing die?" asked Ragna as he stood back up to his feet. "Out the way you damn brother is in there and I need to get to him!" In front of him stood a giant ice creature. It was very large and If one would describe it they would say it looked like a giant lizard made out of Ice with the taste for human flesh.
"Try harder you damned humans...such filth as yourselves cannot defeat me!" as he said that he sword his tail at Ragna who simply blocked it.
"Take this! Black Dragon's Sky-Rending Blade!" Kagura descended his blade and shattered the opponent to millions of snowflakes but his efforts were for nothing. Like the many times before the monster simply put itself together again as if it was nothing. " matter how many times we kill it, it simply puts itself together again" Kagura said in an exhausted voice. They had been fighting this thing for what seemed like ages and it still wouldn't die.
"Master" called out Mu. "It's composition is made of ice and snow, meaning to defeat it all ice and snow have to be gone from this mountain."
"Hate to tell ya Mu, but we can't do that. We would either need a really giant heat wave or a giant flamethrower and sadly we have neither" said Terumi as he got back on his feet. Suddenly a voice yelled "Ice Fang" and soon after a slash wave made completely of ice came from the cave the monster was guarding. It suddenly hit the monster and it started to bleed.
"Wha!?" the others said in shock,
"How about neither" said Jin as he emerged from the cave. "So this is what you usually do when you're gone brother?" asked Jin with a smile.
"Jin?!" the others asked in unison.
"We can talk later" his gaze then shifted back to the beast. "Right after I send this thing to the other side."
"WHY YOU DAMNED HUMANS!" the monster charged at Jin who simply sheathed his sword. Suddenly as the beast was about to strike a magic like circle appeared in front of Jin.
"Judgment: Snowstorm" Suddenly Jin was behind the monster who was now encased in ice. Jin moved back and forth slashing the ice multiple times and after the last slash he dug his blade into the ground. "You all may want to move back for this" the others followed his instructions and moved back. "Arctic...Dungeon!" the monsters was encased in even thicker ice and the temperature around that certain area dropped really low. Jin the removed his sword and started walking away towards the other. Mid way there he took one last look at the monster and said, "Be frozen there for all eternity." The space then returned to normal as snow slowly started to fall again
"Dude that was awesome" said Terumi with a smirk. "We came here to save your ass and you ended up saving ours".
"Good job Jin-niisama" Tsubaki said as she blushed.
"Brother" Jin said as he smiled at Ragna.
"You did good little bro" Ragna said. "I know you have a lot of questions to ask" Jin nodded at his statement and Ragna sighed. "Come on and let's head back to the Inn and we can talk. It's freezing out here and I wouldn't like to stay out here longer than I would want to" the others chuckled at his statement. Ragna then started walking and the others followed suit. But unbeknownst to them, they were being watched by something or someone. But whatever it was uttered. "Ragna!" In complete ecstasy and then it was gone.
AN: Well that's the end of this chapter and hope you all enjoyed it. Once again I would really like to apologize for the late update. I really appreciate the support and I would like to write more for you guys to read. But sometimes you are too busy and because of that I apologize. Next time on 'Code Embryo' the others will explain everything to Jin and another person will make it's appearance on the story for the first time. Rachel will also give them their first mission which they will either hate or love but to find out you have to read the next chapter. Well thank you for reading and see you next time.